I Entered a Gacha Game That Had Been Abandoned for 10 Years chapter 76

I Entered a Gacha Game That Had Been Abandoned for 10 Years 76

76 – 4th Layer (2)


Elena was not originally very interested in magnifying glasses.

From the beginning, both internally and externally, she was the type who desired fame more than gold.

Therefore, Elena honestly couldn’t feel why the magnifying glass was so intriguing. However, recently, all the stories she heard while wandering the territory were about the magnifying glass so she naturally became curious.

Luckily, she had a few trial glasses she had received from Kim Hyunwoo, so with pure curiosity, she decided to use the magnifying glass.

…That was the problem.

The first time Elena descended to use the magnifying glass, she drew ‘Alanka’s Sword’ from her first magnifying glass.

In other words, she had gained more than 200 and perhaps even 250 times her initial investment with just one draw.

Of course, Elena was very happy when she realized this.

Who in this world wouldn’t be happy to make money without much effort?

Moreover, she had lived in poverty for longer as a failed hero than she had been employed as a hero in the territory, so the joy that touched her was significant.

However, that did not cause Elena to become obsessed with the magnifying glass.

Her obsession with the magnifying glass was actually because of the mercenaries.

Specifically, because of the mercenaries who flocked around her, making a fuss as soon as Elena successfully drew Alanka’s sword with a single try.

Each of them was busy applauding in surprise at seeing Elena draw out Alanka’s sword in one attempt, and one of them even exclaimed that the spot where Elena drew it was a lucky one and started using a magnifying glass there.

Thus, having received admiration from the surroundings by merely using the magnifying glass, Elena decided to use the remaining magnifying glass once again.

And from there, Alanka’s sword was drawn once again…!!

At the sight of her drawing out two of Alanka’s swords consecutively in one go, the mercenaries clapped enthusiastically with a mixture of envy and cheers.

Regrettably, Elena had fallen into a marsh of illusion, owing to her natural fortune.

To the common illusion that everyone has, the thought that ‘maybe I’m the lucky one?’

Adding to that, the respect from the mercenaries who worshipped her simply from using the magnifying glass twice gradually restored her self-esteem, which was previously shattered due to being labeled a failed hero.

Of course, since joining the territory, her self-esteem had been on the rise, but despite this, she remained ignored by the mercenaries.

Therefore, Elena began to buy magnifying glasses in full swing. Of course, she failed.

Everyone has the same chance of drawing out a good item using a magnifying glass, this was an immutable truth that Elena couldn’t change.

And so, Elena gradually got hooked on the magnifying glass.

Getting a rough understanding of how Elena became dependent on the magnifying glass, Kim Hyunwoo made an unusual expression.

‘This is tricky.’

Strictly speaking, it’s not that tricky.

After all, even if she’s addicted to magnifying glasses, as long as she does her job well, Kim Hyunwoo has no particular reason to care about what she does.

However, Elena still needed to spend more time growing rather than focusing on the magnifying glass.

‘Can’t be helped.’

Kim Hyunwoo reluctantly decided to mend Elena’s broken mentality.

As numerous arteil users patched their broken heads with the aid of the government’s ‘Game Probability Disclosure Act’.

“Elena, do you happen to know the odds of getting a good item from a magnifying glass?”

“Huh? No… not really.”

“You said you drew Alanka’s sword, didn’t you?”


“The chance of drawing Alanka’s sword is 0.00042%.”

“… What?”

On mentioning the odds of drawing Alanka’s sword, Elena gave a dazed look as if she’d been hit hard on the head with a hammer.

Kim Hyun Woo didn’t stop there, he continued to speak.

How terrible the odds were for the ‘lowest grade magnifying glass’

How difficult it was to hit the jackpot using a magnifying glass.


“By the way, the chance of drawing a Zhong-an bow is 0.000004%. Even with a simple calculation, you need to draw a million times for it to be a 4% chance.”

He explained using one of the hardest items to draw from a magnifying glass.

“… Basically, investing money into a magnifying glass.”

“No offense, but it’s no different from pouring water into a bottomless jar.”

“… It certainly seems that way when you hear the odds.”

Since to anyone watching, it looked like the problem was cleanly addressed, Kim Hyun Woo nodded in relief and spoke.

“Anyway, it’s best to stop obsessing over the magnifying glass. There’s no real need for Elena to do it.”

“You’re right, Lord. It is best to do as you say.”

Upon hearing about the probability, Kim Hyunwoo observed Elena’s rapidly recoiling demeanor, along with the realisation that he certainly needed to hide the probability table.

“Then please depart for the 4th floor right away tomorrow.”


With that, he dismissed Elena.


Having successfully prevented his hero from the Kingdom of Larutania from falling into gambling, Kim Hyunwoo let out a sigh of relief.

‘Ah, it just occurred to me that I didn’t pass on that thing to Elena.’

As he recollected about the object he had forgotten to deliver, he shrugged his shoulders. Meanwhile, Kim Hyunwoo opened Elena’s information window for the first time in a while.

Reflecting on it, it had indeed been a pretty long time since he last checked Elena’s status.

And then.



Name: Elena

Title: X

Star: 2 stars ★★

Familiarity: Level 4


Strength: 45↑ Agility: 60↑

Intelligence: 23↑ Luck: 30↑

Magic: 25↑

※The hero feels a very strong trust in you.


“What’s this? She’s nearly at a 3-star level?”

Kim Hyun-Woo couldn’t help but marvel as he looked at Elena’s stats, despite himself.

Not too long ago, Elena was at a 1-star level, but now she had grown to nearly the level of a 3-star.

From Noble mtl dot com

Kim Hyun-Woo, surprised anew at her talent and perseverance, thought to himself…

‘But why does her Luck increase along with her?’

This puzzled expression crossed his face.

Even though he hadn’t recently experienced anything particularly dangerous with Elena, her Luck, which is typically difficult to raise above 20, had shot up to 30 nonetheless.

Feeling confused, Kim Hyun-Woo soon shrugged it off and closed down the information window.

Part of him felt torn between whether this increase in luck should be seen as a good or a bad thing, but in the end, as Elena’s powers increased, undoubtedly her Luck would become a beneficial factor.

“Hmm, she’s slowly reaching the 3-star level. I think I might need to give her a title.”

Hence, with this thought in mind, Kim Hyun-Woo started cooking up some strange nicknames as he began crafting a magnifying glass.


Norba Kingdom’s east side neighborhood, known as Blacksmith Street, had virtually swallowed up the entire eastern region due to its massive size, yet no one had any doubts about its scale.

Initially, it was because the Norba Kingdom itself had been able to grow due to its blacksmiths.

Hence, the territories belonging to the Norba Kingdom generally had a high quality of blacksmithing, and this characteristic was even stronger within the Kingdom itself.

And the Blacksmith Guild, which virtually oversaw all the blacksmiths, received the respect of all blacksmiths.

After all, in contrast to other guilds.

For example, the Adventurer Guild or the Commercial Guild relies on their professional skills, but the position of guild leader usually goes to the administration position that can manage the guild the best.

However, the Blacksmiths Guild, much like the Mercenaries Guild, prioritized mastery skills above management when choosing a blacksmith for the seat.

There were several reasons, but among them, the primary reason was due to the stubbornness of the blacksmiths.

They did not desire those of lesser skill than themselves to be placed in a higher position.

However, oppositely, if there was someone with greater skill than their own, they recognized them cleanly, which is why the best among them invariably sat in the position of guild leader, just like the Mercenaries Guild.

East street in the center of Norba Kingdom.

At first glance, it was a huge three-story building, distinct in size compared to other blacksmith buildings.

From the third floor of that place, where heavy but elaborately carved decorations hung, suggesting this building belonged to the Blacksmiths Guild…

“So, what about the Rartania territory?”

While working on assembling something, Komahn promptly answered the question from the Blacksmiths Guild leader, without need for further thought.

“It’s a remarkable place. There are plenty of people using the weapons we’ve crafted.”

Guild leader, with a satisfied smile at Komahn’s answer, turned his gaze back to his work and continued their conversation.

“Oh, is that so? Then, should we set up a branch there?”

“Not just should, I think we definitely need to.”

“Right, if it’s like that, of course we should create a branch.”

“Then… may I take charge of the blacksmith’s branch in Rartania?”

Komahn asked a bit formally.


“Hmm, regretfully, that might be a bit tough.”

“…Are you, by any chance, thinking of giving it to someone else?”

“Hey, no way~ It’s not fair to force other blacksmiths to a place where Koman has been.”

The guild master’s words.

At that, Koman looked a bit disgruntled and was about to retort,

“But, sadly, this time, I’m going.”


As Koman looked confused by the leader’s words, the guild master completely turned her body.

First thing you see is the passionate red hair that reaches down to her waist.

Then, her red eyes and playful smile.

Lastly, although she isn’t tall due to the dwarf’s characteristics, she still possesses the charming vitality of a woman, thanks to her unique proportion.

And then,

“Didn’t I say it? I’m going.”

The guild master- no,

“I heard that Maengwoo is back, I have to go keep my promise.”

She, who was able to create a signature although limited while being the best blacksmith in the guild; Renegade River said while laughing.

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  1. Sareza says:

    Another one?

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