I Give Up on Conquering the Heroines chapter 36

I Give Up on Conquering the Heroines 36

36 – Episode 36. Cologne (6)

The final boss, Draken, has four minions.

Necromancer, Druid, Human, and Demon.

Belphegor is one of them, an arch-demon who claims to be Draken’s right-hand man…

-B. The great devil Belphegor will appear in this world –

“Mijung, step back.”


Why is that guy popping out here?

Without even giving him time to understand the situation, Lawrence’s corpse picks himself up and stands on his feet.

The face, distorted and covered in blood, makes a creaking sound.

Lawrence has already been dead for a long time.

The demonic energy inside him is spreading out and forcing his body to move.

-I heard someone was the one who was randomly destroying the dungeon…-

It is possession.

The body of the person who made a contract with Belphegor becomes Belphegor’s, and he can steal the body and possess it whenever he wants.

He never thought he would face Belphe Gor like this.

Gritting my teeth, I quickly guess the odds of victory.

-It was you-


Damn. Wrong.

You can’t beat that one.

It seems that the difference in state is already visible from the amount of magical energy that touches the body.

Even if I attack with all my might, I’m at a point where I’m not sure if I’ll beat Yerina or not.

There is no way you can defeat the Four Heavenly Kings.

The good news is that Belphegor’s specifications will be greatly reduced because he is using a human body rather than his original body.

The key is how much it has been reduced.

-Everyone in the dungeon screamed as they met their end, saying they were killed by a tall man and a child.-

“Ah. Yes.”

It looks like our Four Heavenly Kings are very angry.

You could destroy some dungeons.

That’s why you shouldn’t pitch so early.

‘No. ‘Did I wake him up?’

When I thought about it again, it wasn’t Belphegor who came to visit me.

I woke up Belphegor.

In the game story, Belphegor’s initial whereabouts are not revealed.

Even I, who visited all kinds of places over the past 12 episodes, never encountered Belphegor in the beginning.

But the reason is that it was hidden in the body of Lawrence, the respected mayor of Cologne…

It was like unintentionally poking out a beehive.

“Mijung, run away. Quickly go up and ask for help.”


There is no answer to this.

The moment we show our backs, we both die.

Someone must take the time to deal with Belphegor.

In the meantime, Mijeong must lead the reinforcements.

That has the highest win rate.

“······I can’t.”


But Mijeong just shook her head and froze.

It appears that he has become unable to move due to being weighed down by Belphegor’s gloomy demonic energy.

As expected from a monster background, you can’t go against high-level monsters.

This was scolded.

-Think of dying at the hands of the great evil Belphegor as an honor-

“Funny sound…”


With the sound of hitting the ground, a piece of rock flew out from where he was standing.

And then he disappeared.

Cleanly without leaving any afterimages.


I was clearly not taking my eyes off him.

A speed that I can’t keep up with even with my visual acuity enhanced by mana control?

The moment you recognize that, your body moves instinctively.


-What a nimble guy-

I lowered my posture as if I was going to collapse, and at the same time, an eerie energy ran down my spine.

The black blade made of demonic energy barely passes in front of the eyeball.

I don’t even know where it came from.

I jumped backwards and rolled across the dungeon floor.

I barely slowed down and stopped, making eye contact with Belphegor, who was slowly approaching me again.

······In fact, the face has become so ugly that you can’t even tell where the eyes are.

‘Damn. It’s as fast as Gaberg’s.’

In terms of agility, she was confident enough that she was not far behind Ye Lina.

As a guardian knight, she boosted her stats five times, and then added another boost to her stats through magic control.

Even so, I had no idea that I would be so far behind in terms of speed.

I don’t think it was that fast even when it encountered the main body in the previous episode.

That speed is impossible to deal with.

My hands are shaking and I feel helpless.

‘Huh? ‘It’s faster than the main body?’

Wait a minute.

Something is strange.

In the previous episode, I fought with Belphegor’s main body.

Belphegor was definitely fast at that time, but not to the point where I couldn’t even perceive his movements.

But Belphegor, weakened in human flesh, is this fast?

Even now that I have magical power control, I’m sure I’m much stronger and faster than the previous time?

The front and back do not match.

-You are slow to give up. If you surrender, you can rest in peace in my special hell…-

“You. That’s not your normal speed, is it?”


That is not the speed that Belphegor can normally achieve.

This means that there will be a limit in some way, whether it is a cooldown or a limit to the number of uses.

One thing is certain, it is not a technique powerful enough to finish me off at once.

-You’re saying something strange…-

“You bastard. Try again.”

I spit and take my stance again.

If he really has the speed to escape my sight in an instant, it makes no sense that he couldn’t have just decapitated me.

It’s normal for me to have already cut my head before I even realized it.

In other words, its overwhelming speed is an illusion.

Such a conclusion comes naturally.

“Why are you scared? Should I go first?”


Belphegor sighs deeply and emits magical energy again.

The inside of the dungeon is now filled with dark air, so much so that my throat stings every time I breathe.

That guy was the main culprit of air pollution.




Once again, it kicked the ground and disappeared from sight.

At the same time, my instincts are screaming.

Tumble down and back immediately.

But this time I don’t follow my instincts.

Instead, if you turn your head and look at the back where you can feel the dark magic…


Someone suddenly appeared behind me, swinging a magic sword.

Looking at the exact location of my shins.

If I had rolled and avoided it as my instincts told me to do, it was at the perfect angle and height for my whole body to become minced meat.

When I immediately roll forward and avoid it, it seems to be embarrassed and stops moving.

“Now I understand.”

Although the face is crushed, you can roughly see what its expression is.

How did you know and avoid it?

You might want to ask that.

“You. It wasn’t fast speed, but instantaneous movement?”

The guy’s body twitches and trembles.


A clear answer has finally emerged.

Belphegor wasn’t so fast that I couldn’t follow him with my eyes.

Pretending to run and kicking the floor are all fake.

In reality, he teleported and approached behind me.

Since it was truly teleporting and disappearing, it must have seemed like it was disappearing from my sight.

But I’m still alive even though I’ve used the incredible technique of teleportation twice?

It means that there is a serious flaw in the technology.

‘Shacky. ‘You’re using a familiar technique.’

By the time the accident reached this point.

I can’t help but laugh.

Because it seemed like a somewhat familiar technique.

“If it’s unrestricted teleportation, it’s normal for me to be behind in the blink of an eye. If not, that means there’s a limit to the ability. And that’s a pretty big limitation. For example, you can teleport to a target, but the target’s radius is 5 meters. “You can’t move within that distance.”


How did you know that?

It’s simple.

It’s because I’m a person who has memorized all the hidden items and characteristics of this game.

Random characteristic ‘Jump’.

This is a characteristic that allows instantaneous movement at a distance of 5 meters from a hostile target.

I never thought Belphegor would eat that in this episode.

-Ah, foolish guy. You made a mistake-

“Really? Then what if we fight right up close?”


The destruction of ‘Jump’ is easy.

Approach quickly, I will close the distance first.

If you approach within 5 meters, his teleportation will be blocked.

I am the only one here who is hostile to him, so there is no other way to escape using teleportation.

-You will regret it!-

“What is regret?”

At the moment when we rushed quickly and approached.

Belphegor only hesitates and strangely does not respond in any way.

I wondered if he had some plan.

But you realize it quickly.

I was simply too fast.

It was just too slow to react to my speed.

Once he realized that, he no longer needed to be careful.



The eerie sound of sword blades rushing and tearing skin resounds.

At the same time, limbs fall off Belphegor’s body and scatter in all directions.

Even as his limbs were cut off and he fell to the ground, Belphegor could do nothing but let out a weak scream.

This is at a level that is embarrassing to even call it a fight.

“Ha. It’s so easy.”

If I had not been scared from the beginning and attacked, I would have caught it easily.

Ah. If that were the case, I wouldn’t have noticed that Belphegor had a ‘jump’.

Anyway, it is a big harvest.

When you fight its main body later, at least you won’t be embarrassed if it suddenly disappears from sight.

-Yes, this guy…! Reveal your name, human!-

“If it were you, would you reveal it?”

The moment you tell me your name, you will be chased until the moment you die.

There is no way I can reveal it.


Just as I was about to plunge my sword into the heart of a man who had lost all his limbs and was struggling.

-I wasn’t going to do it this way!-

“Damn sickness, the 2nd phase is Eva…”


Black smoke pours out from its body and attacks me.

I had to hurriedly retreat due to the pain of my skin burning all over.

From noble mtl dot com

-May you know with glory. You are the first person who made me release even a little bit of my original power.

What filled the place of the missing limbs was a black, shimmering magic energy.

Belphegor’s whole body is now filled with dark magical energy.

The whole body became like a weapon.

“Ha. Even if you bring the main body, you can’t win, dude.”

I tried to show off, but I was slowly reaching my limit.

Is it because the mana control was operated at maximum output for too long?

I’m already about to close my eyes, and my whole body feels heavy.

It is a precursor symptom of magical exhaustion.

The remaining magic power is really only a small amount.

With just one strike, you must enter Phase 2 and kill Belphegor, whose entire body has been weaponized.

Can I do it?


He was making strange noises.

What does it matter whether you can do it or not?

I have to do it anyway.

Get into a stance to jump out and grab the sword.

A charge that neither assumes separation nor defense after the blow.

A basic stance that emphasizes speed more than anything else.

‘Dacian style swordsmanship. ‘Number 0 herbivorous.’

Everything is decided with just one blow.

Either I die or Belphegor dies.

Or both die.

And then the moment when he was about to jump off the ground.

-It was fun human-

“This is crazy.”


The demonic energy erupting from the cut surfaces of my limbs flies in, covering my vision.

If you get hit by that, your entire body will be cut to pieces and the ending will be bloody.

Must be avoided.

But after avoiding that, what happens next?

I would immediately collapse from magical exhaustion.

You can only move once.

Once you avoid it, there is no next time.

There is nothing we can do.

I have no choice but to risk my life and rush into that demonic energy.

If you don’t want to die, you have no choice but to jump into death.



At that time, along with Mijeong’s tearing scream, the demonic energy that had covered her vision disappeared.

Mijeong comes into view, swinging a wooden club at Belphegor.

It was Belphegor who retrieved the wave of magic energy that had reached me and immediately attempted a counterattack…

-Ugh! Huh! Wow!-

Mijung’s movements are dazzling.

He was usually slow and slurred in speech.

Mijeong evades each and every flying magic energy with quick movements, as if she is turning somersaults.

At the same time, the wooden club being swung was hitting Belphegor repeatedly in the face.

“Thanks, dude.”

Thanks to this, a gap was created.

I squeezed out the last of my magical power and rushed at him like lightning.

-Such nonsense…!-

With a single cut, he cut off Lawrence’s ugly head.

At the same time, the gurgling magic energy is instantly sucked into one point.

-I will find you and kill you! I will find you and kill you! I will find you and kill you! I will find you and kill you! I will find you and kill you! I will find you and kill you! I will find you and kill you! I will find you and kill you!-

Even just before the demonic spirit disappeared, he continued to talk non-stop.

When the magic energy finally gathered in one place.

The ugly voice that echoed throughout the dungeon also died down and quickly became quiet.

As if nothing had happened.

Only corpses with their limbs and heads cut off are rolling around.

In the place where the magic energy is concentrated, a stone that emits an evil light has fallen.

Is this really a magic stone?

“It’s over…”

It’s all over.

It was only then that he collapsed, unable to overcome the feeling of helplessness that enveloped his entire body.

I need to recover first.

[Reputation value increases.]

[There is no known name, so reputation points are accumulated.]

The system window that comes to mind at that time.

As expected, Belphegor didn’t find out my name.

Belphegor will not be able to move for a long time due to the recoil of the dead body now coming to his body.

I guess I can stop worrying about being chased by that guy for a moment.


Things turned out much better than expected.

There will be traces of Belphegor’s possession on Lorraine’s body.

So, if you go out with a dismembered body, the justification for murder will be easily secured.

Then Cornelia will be liberated, and I will also gain strong support.

I like my sister and my brother-in-law.

Everything worked out well.


“······Haa. Haaa. Haaa.”


Mijeong’s condition is somehow unusual.

Oh. Why is he like that?

Your eyes are shining brightly and you are yelling?

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  1. Wow, I am the first to see such an awkward way of revealing a character’s strength who has been weak until now. Everything happened so hastily and unclearly that it even turned out to be a bit comical.

    1. Ineur says:

      no, it’s just you, he has 12 years of experience, lvl 9 sword skills, protector ability proc, and drank 4 gourds in total of stat boosts giving him +40

      1. Every time I see such responses, I want to know if I’m writing in a runic language since no one understands me? The point is that the scene of the loli-vampire demonstrating her powers is so poorly executed that it would be better if it just happened “suddenly, on a autumn morning.”

        1. Dio says:

          Nah you are just an idiot.

        2. So it suprises you that she revealed her actual power when they were actually in danger?

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not work with dark mode