I Give Up on Conquering the Heroines chapter 39

I Give Up on Conquering the Heroines 39

39 – Episode 39. Combat Power Test

I still sigh and open my eyes every time I wake up.

Rise your body, ready to endure the pain.

But every morning she feels and notices that her throat is not sore.

I am now free.

The fact that I was liberated from the devil.

The fact that we are no longer dying slowly.

“Are you ready for work, Mr. Mayor? Would you like me to prepare some warm tea for you?”

“No. It’s okay.”

Yesterday, I only slept for 3 hours and went back to work.

Despite this, my body feels light and energetic, as if I am flying.

From noble mtl dot com

It’s been a week since I quit taking poison.

My body, which was almost skeletal, was filled with life again and a lot of my complexion came back.

Every time I look in the mirror, I get surprised too.

I wonder if I was always this pretty.

“Mr. Mayor. Another pile of documents…”

“Leave it behind.”

I sit down at my desk and start work.

I took over the mayoral position left vacant by Lawrence’s death.

I was used to handling work from Lawrence on a regular basis, so I was used to it as if it were my own work.

As soon as Lawrence died, I took care of the situation and performed the duties of acting mayor without any problems, so the Seongguk government decided to recognize me as acting mayor until the next election.

Purge out all those who make noise within the family.

Those who were moderately capable took advantage of their relationship with Lawrence and made him slaves for life.

New employees were hired and the mansion was brought back to normal.

Sometimes I feel strange.

He takes over Lawrence’s position and performs the duties that Lawrence used to perform in the same position where Lawrence used to sit.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel any resistance.

But this is what he wants, so I can’t complain.

“Acting mayor.”

“What else?”

“So many letters have piled up again.”


Piles of letters pouring down on the desk.

As soon as I see it, a deep sigh escapes me.

The letters have been non-stop for the past week.

“This is from the Heinrich family. This is Richter…”

Families that I have never heard of in my life suddenly pop out.

The content is all there.

I heard the news from my husband. I’m sorry. I offer my sincere consolation.

It’s all like this.

There were some tactless people who subtly inserted marriage proposals along with words of comfort.

‘What is regret? I’m dying of happiness.’

It’s just absurd to me.

Nothing in my life made me happier than Lawrence’s death.

Everyone treats me like the poorest widow in the world.


Among the neat envelopes, I found a lone, rough-looking envelope.

A letter with no sender or return address.

I thought I knew who it belonged to, so I opened it up with my hands, forgetting to use the knife.

-Happy birthday, Cornelia.


I ended up laughing without realizing it.

Among the letters that are just a sea of tears, this is the only letter that touches my heart.

There is only one person who calls me by my name and talks to me in an easy manner.

This is Eugene.

Just looking at the stiff writing style reminds me of his face and makes me smile.

-I don’t know if the letter will arrive on time. It’s embarrassing to call it a gift, but…

“Ugh. It’s a day early.”

My 19th birthday is tomorrow.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I imagined Eugene going through a lot of trouble trying to determine the right arrival time.

The result is that it arrived a day early.

Yujin also has a somewhat immature side.

A simple note saying happy birthday.

It was a gift, and enclosed was a small magic stone.

The note says, ‘This is the first magic stone I acquired thanks to you.’

I’m not sure what that means.

The only help I’ve given him is a few checks.

“It doesn’t seem to be a high-grade stone. Is it a mid-level magic stone?”

It is a cheap magic stone.

A magic stone that looks like an ordinary stone that can be found anywhere.

But when I lifted it up and shined it under the lamp, it reflected an unknown magical light and captured my heart.

“hehehe. It’s my first gift.”

I need to keep this.

No, I have to carry it with me at all times.

For some reason, holding it makes me feel at ease.

‘Eugene. Is it okay…’

I smiled for a moment while holding the magic stone.

Whenever I think about him, the worries that inevitably follow slowly eat into my head.

I never asked, and Eugene never told me, but I was able to guess his occupation without difficulty.

Demon Hunter.

Apart from the Pope’s Inquisitor, he is a hunter who specializes in catching demons in exchange for bounties.

Demons are hard to find and hunting them is even more difficult, so some people say that the profession of a demon hunter is nothing more than an urban legend.

But now I have no choice but to believe.

Because I saw it with my own eyes.

Yujin spoke with his own mouth.

The real purpose of coming here is something else, and I just saved him as a bonus in the process of achieving that.

The purpose is clearly to save the devil who joined forces with Lawrence.

He appeared here like a comet, cut off Lawrence’s head within a day, and left immediately.

Probably to catch other demons.

I left to save people like me again.

I would say no.

There is nothing I can do other than to support and cheer on Eugene wholeheartedly.

“Mr. Mayor. The customer…”

“Take me to the living room. I’m busy right now.”

“That’s it…”



The door burst open and a familiar face appeared.

It was my father.

My father’s beard turned white in just a few months.

“I’m sorry. I’m late because I heard news from the northern continent.”

“Nice to meet you, Dad. It’s been a while. I’m a little busy right now, so would you like to go to the parlor?”

“This is an important story, Cornelia.”

“I’m busy.”

“Cornelia. You don’t have to suffer anymore. Leave the Briam family to me. I will take care of dismantling it without any trouble. You are free now.”



My teeth were ground.


You haven’t done anything for me so far, but you’re going to show me your pride only after it’s all over?


“Yes, Cornelia.”

“Don’t even think about putting a spoon on the table when the meal is ready.”

“What, what?”

“You had a vague idea of how I was being treated here, didn’t you? You didn’t do anything to keep an eye on Lawrence Brigham, and as soon as I kill him and take over the family, you want me to eat him raw? There’s no way. “It’s the family. It’s mine, and I’ll do everything as I want, whether it’s disbanded or not. Like my father said, I’m free now.”

Thanks to Eugene, my life was saved.

I got my life back thanks to Eugene.

And thanks to Eugene, this is a dream I can dream again.

I received so much grace that I felt anxious.

I’m afraid I won’t be able to repay it all during my lifetime.

At that moment.

I was overjoyed when Eugene asked me to lead the Briam family.

Eujin needs my help.

You can repay Eugene.

Thinking that he also wanted me as much as I longed for him, his anxiety disappeared and satisfaction filled its place.

It is the enemy’s family and the enemy’s position, but it doesn’t matter.

If only I could help Eugene with this.

I have no intention of handing over such a family to the cowardly Hildegard.

I have no intention of letting my father disband as he pleases.

This is the family of Eugene and I.

What if Eugene orders it to be disbanded?

Until then, this family will firmly maintain its position.

“Go out. Please wait in the living room and I will leave after work.”

“Cornelia, the story is not over yet…”

“Do I really have to be dragged out?”


Eujin is definitely strong and strong.

But there comes a time when even such a superhuman becomes tired and tired and wants to rest.

“Stop interrupting me.”

“I understand…”

He intends to become a haven for him.

I plan to provide a place where he can return and rest comfortably.

I cannot forgive anyone who tries to interfere with this plan.


[Eujin: 1.3%]

[Known to few people. The presence is small. Someone has very strong feelings.]

Your reputation has risen again.

Did Cornelia increase after finding out my real name?

She had no choice but to tell Cornelia this time to give her confidence, but maybe she won’t do this next time.

The more I share my real name, the more dangerous it is.

If I get caught by Jill, work will be very tiring from that day on.

‘Surely they won’t issue another warrant?’

The trauma comes to mind again and again.

Bittersweet memories of people making false accusations against me without any basis, issuing warrants, and chasing me down are spreading.

At that time, I thought it was crazy because checkpoints were set up everywhere and paladins were stopping every passerby and checking their faces.

However, there has been no such movement yet.

This is probably because no matter how powerful a saint is, she cannot accuse someone who does not exist.

Thanks to his thorough hiding of identity, the person named ‘Eugene’ never existed from the beginning.

‘For now, I let go for an hour.’

At least until the public warrant is issued, it can be said that Jill is not looking for me at all.

Until then, you can rest assured.

Let’s throw away all the unnecessary worries and turn to her side.

‘Here’s the problem…’

Mijeong turns her head away from me and comes into view.

When I try to stick her head out and make eye contact with her, Mijeong turns her head away from me again.

It has been like this ever since I left Cologne.

She’s not particularly mad or complaining, but she strangely ignores me.

Should I say it feels like a protest of some kind?

“Hey. If you’re dissatisfied with me, say it calmly.”

“······Nothing like that.”

It’s like this again.

In the past, she might have just ignored it and moved on.

But after learning that she still has feelings for this guy, even if only slightly, it seems.

She couldn’t hide her momentary outburst of emotion and her facial muscles twitched.

Her body flinched and trembled.

Her eyes also open wide.

“This is your last chance. Tell me now why you’re upset.”


“Three. Two. One…”



“Touch my forehead.”

Mi-jeong makes eye contact with me and slightly raises her tiptoes.

What kind of nonsense is this?

“······Like what you did to Cornelia.”

“You didn’t touch her forehead, you touched her bangs.”

“······Do that. Do it.”

A strange guy.

Mijeong looks up at me with expectant eyes.

I sighed and pulled Mijeong’s bangs to the side, revealing her white and pretty forehead.

Oh. Even with his forehead shaved, he looks cute.

“······Ugh. Ik.”

“You just go on like this.”


I fixed her bangs with a hairpin I bought at a general store in the morning.

Then, Mi-jeong twitches and stutters as if something is broken.

“······Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Strange sensation. Forehead. Cold.”

“You’ll get used to it. There’s a long way to go. Let’s go quickly.”


As soon as I take a step, Mijeong catches up next to me.

With the red hairpin revealing her forehead, she looks much more like a child.

From noble mtl dot com

However, she seems to still be awkward, so she keeps tapping her hairpin.

But seeing as they don’t remove it at all, it doesn’t seem like they are that uncomfortable.

She soon arrived at her goal.

This is a dungeon near Basel.

Have you not cleared all the dungeons near Basel that have decent rewards?

I cleared the Blackstar dungeon and all dungeons with good rewards.

What we need today is a dungeon that doesn’t necessarily have to have good rewards and has an ambiguous difficulty level.

“We’ve arrived. Are you hungry?”

“······Not really.”

“Still drink it.”


Although I’m not very hungry, I always feed myself blood just before attacking a dungeon.

When I lifted her arm, Mi-jeong clung to me and grabbed my arm and bitten it.

I don’t know if I only bite in one place, but my arms are always full of teeth marks because I bite here and there at random.

You said you weren’t hungry…





As soon as permission is given, Mijeong puts her mouth to the wound.

The way I drink it, it feels like I starved for three days.

“Eat a lot.”


“Because you will beat this dungeon alone.”



Mijeong opens her mouth from her wound and a question mark appears in her eyes.

“Good luck. I’ll just watch from afar today.”


Today, there will be a test of Mijung’s combat skills.

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  1. Batnam says:

    Okay bro, But why does her backstory is better than the 3 heroines tho🤣 Now im actually rooting for cornelia now lolol

    1. Shu Chou Shu Chou says:

      i like cornelia too haha

    2. I think Its hidden route or like that ?

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