I Give Up on Conquering the Heroines chapter 46

I Give Up on Conquering the Heroines 46

46 – Episode 46. Unexpected Companion (1)

Smashing the dungeon is not a matter of being pressed for time.

In the end, it is a story set 1000 years in the future when the final boss destroys the world.

I also feel like I want to just leisurely upgrade my specs and give up dungeons after 10 years.

‘It would have been possible if there weren’t heroines…’

The problem is with our three main heroines.

It is clear that Jill and Yerina have regained their memories, but Yulia doesn’t know yet…

For now, let’s just say it’s a trio.

Anyway, the problem is that these three people are now trying desperately to find me and catch me.

Let’s look at the quality first.

What was the situation like when I broke up with Jill, who seems to have inherited the memories from the first episode…

‘Answer me! ‘What did you do all night with that little bastard?’

‘If I tell you, will you believe me? ‘No.’

‘Because I want to believe it…! I’m not asking you to tell me because I want to believe it! Try saying it in a way that makes sense! Don’t say nonsense about sitting face to face with a b*tch and chatting all day!’



I thought I’d forgotten because it’s been 12 years.

As soon as I try to recall it, it unfolds as clearly as if I were watching a video.

‘I left that quality behind.’

I left it like that and left for Falana.

Even without reconciliation.

At the time, I thought I could come back later and suture it again when my head had cooled down.

But when I returned to the South, Jill had issued an arrest warrant for me.

When the siege was narrowed, she fled to Pettenburg and watched Julia’s ending.

In the first episode, I became a traitor who ran away without knowing all of the saint’s flaws and weaknesses.

So, an arrest warrant has also been issued.

When I was caught by Jill, who hates traitors the most in the world.

I will leave it to your imagination what will happen to me then.

‘Yerina is at least better…’

Yeri In my case, she was in the 12th episode.

I remember it clearly as it was the last episode.

The 12th episode was absolutely flawless.

From Yerina’s perspective, I would have been a diligent financial investor, businessman, and mercenary.

Without once discovering her affair, he seduced Yerina and made her promise to marry him.

Then isn’t it okay to meet Yeri?


If you keep harassing Yerina for the entire 12th episode, you won’t say anything like that.

Why would I pretend to have three jobs?

This is because Yerina tries to monitor all of my free time when I am not working.

No. She tries to keep her working hours within her own vision as much as possible.

So, once you are caught by Yerina, you can assume that her final boss strategy is over the water.

Because Yerina will never send me to a place where there is a risk of death.

I wouldn’t even allow her to work as a mercenary until I defeated Yeri Na.

‘Julia is… Mr. Ao. Head hurts.’

Yulia still doesn’t know whether her memories have returned.

She doesn’t know which episode’s memories will return, but…

No matter which episode comes, they all hit the mark.

Because things never ended well with Julia.

Ah. This is not to say that there has never been a 100% clear ending for Yulia.

Rather, more than half of the 12 episodes were Yulia endings.

The problem is that Julia’s attack rate increases very easily.

Really, no matter what you do, it goes up.

She goes up just by pretending to know.

It goes up just by saying hello.

Even if I ignore it and do my own thing, it goes up.

But the reason for the rise is not a pure reason.

He’s coming up with all sorts of tricks to be left alone by my side.

Imagine a happy(?) Future where it’s just the two of us, ignoring everything else, and raising the attack rate on our own.

So, if Yulia’s memories come back, she will not be able to give up her habit and will try to shake me by squeezing me…

I’m tired just thinking about it.

Yerina’s scars are at least visible to my eyes.

Julia quietly manipulates me from a place where my eyes cannot reach.

I thought I was acting according to my own will, but when I came to my senses, I realized that there were many cases where I had acted according to Julia’s will.

‘Wow. When you put it all together like this, they all look like crazy b*tches.’


If you only list the shortcomings, it all seems like a b*tch.

Still, they are good, charming, and pretty kids.

At one time, I loved all three of them to the point where I lost my heart for a moment.

However, it is just a big obstacle to my plan to catch the final boss now.

It’s not like there is any malicious intent or anything like that.

So, I have to catch the final boss before these three find me and try to boil me.

There is not much time.

Because all three of them have quite a lot of power in their respective positions.

They’re probably trying to find me using methods I couldn’t even imagine.

But what if you just beat the dungeon and challenge the final boss early?

Nine out of ten cases are terrible.

Because the specifications will be far from sufficient.

Even the game developers said that this was a ridiculous difficulty level.

It is said that even if you take care of all the characteristics of the item for all kinds of reasons, it is difficult.

It makes no sense to skip all of that and just go and catch the final boss.

‘There needs to be a good balance between speed and spec upgrade.’

So, to sum it up, you need to take care of everything and make the most of the time as quickly as possible.

In other words, you have to run speedruns.

You must achieve 1 success in the first round of the final boss challenge.

I think I have been quite diligent in conquering dungeons so far.

It is said that I lost some time in Cologne and Vasel.

I got a good tool called Cornelia and a breakwater to buy time called Alicia, so it was beneficial in the long run.

So, I think it’s time to use the time I’ve gained.

This means that it is time to upgrade specifications all in one place.

For that purpose, I am rushing to get on the wagon early in the morning again today…



Why do I see rabbit ears here?

Among the luggage boxes covered with tents.

The fur, which was clearly white in the moonlight, could be seen sticking out of a gap in the tent.

Then he flinched and was startled by what I said, and then went straight into the road.

“I saw it all, you guy.”


When I put my hand inside, something catches my hand and a scream comes out.

And then we just kept pulling it up, and sure enough, it was different.

Alicia, with tears in her eyes, comes up with both of her ears held in my hands.

From noble mtl dot com

I must have said goodbye to this cute rabbit in Basel.

Why am I stuck in this carriage?


“Well, that’s… I actually wanted to ride this carriage from the beginning? What on earth am I supposed to explain?”

“Ha. Looks like you want to be thrown outside.”

“aaah! Ah, okay! I’ll tell you!”

When I tried to drag it to the back of the carriage by its ears, a pleasant sound came out.

A noble lady like Alicia crams herself into a wagon with no seats and travels all night?

That’s nonsense.

Don’t you have to be sincere in your excuses?

“Actually, I feel bad about letting you go like this…”

“So what? You’re not going to be specific?”

“Ahh! Ears! Please stop holding my ears! Marie, I’m getting tired again…”



I was scolded.

You’re already tired.

“Hibb… Ugh… Twice… Twice…”

Knowledge has increased.

The ears of rabbit beastmen are probably erogenous zones.

Even if you are wearing a libido suppressor, if you press hard enough, you will climax.

No, it’s not the rabbit beast, but maybe it’s just Alicia…

“It would be a good idea to change out of your wet clothes.”

“How can I take my clothes off in front of you!”

“Why are you against me? I’m so tired of it.”

“Choi, you don’t have to follow the minimum manners! Please at least turn around!”

“Are you asking for manners from someone who treated you like a scoundrel from the first time you met?”


You’re rolling your eyes like you’re angry, but what can you do?

Could Alicia, who is famous for her strong pride, change her clothes right before my eyes?

No. I guarantee you, you will never do that.

I guess I’ll have to call the coachman, stop the carriage for a moment, and then get off.

Now it’s really time to hang out.

“This devil…”

But Alicia puts her hand inside her wet skirt.

Oh. This wasn’t what I expected.

Alicia glared fiercely at me, who was watching with her arms crossed, and raised her skirt to a dangerous position.

Then, the pink underwear gradually comes down between the legs.

The damp underwear is taken off and put aside.

“Really… I didn’t know it would be this bad…”

Then she takes her handkerchief and wipes her crotch, adjusting it so that I can’t see the inside.

Of course, even then, I wasn’t looking away at all.

Alicia glares at me with tears in her eyes.

Next, wear extra panties.

When the wet dress is taken off, the smooth body line of the rabbit beast shining in the moonlight is revealed.

The top underwear is pink and the bottom is white, so they are matching.


And then, with a patter.

When I put on the pink one-piece dress I took out of my bag, the change of clothes ended.

I feel as if I am watching a challenge to change clothes quickly.

“Can I borrow a new handkerchief? I think there’s still some stains on my hands.”

“No need… Thank you, I’ll borrow it…”

Alicia, who was trying to tell her story, suddenly becomes embarrassed and takes her handkerchief from me.

Then, she thoroughly wipes her hands that touched her wet clothes.

“Give it back.”

“Are you going to wash it and give it to me?!”

“Ask for it now.”


I won’t give you a single excuse to stick around.

It would be difficult if I chased after you, offering to give you back the handkerchief later.

I try to get what I can back on time.



A slightly warm handkerchief is placed in my hand.

With Alicia’s disdainful gaze.

“Now, explain. Why you are here.”


“Answer honestly and specifically. If you don’t like it, I’ll throw you out of the carriage.”

“Oh, I understand! You can tell me. I just thought I needed to know more about what kind of person you are. I still don’t understand why Yeri or unni dated you at all….”

“Really? You can’t understand everything that happens in the world. Now, if you get off the carriage…”

“Well, and! I think I can teach you magic!”


Her hand, which was trying to grab Alicia’s ear and give her strength, stops.

Alicia may seem easy-going because she is a poor person who gets bullied by her neighborhood gangsters without any debt.

However, Alicia is still an elite magician.

She is from the Tower of Magic, where only the best magic scholars gather.

If you can learn magic from Alicia, she is definitely worth it.

My judgment is that the compensation for accompanying me is sufficient.

“Okay. I learn magic from you. You stalk me and get my personal information. Is that the deal?”

“Even if you say it, it’s exactly like that… Well, that’s right. We reached an agreement.”

“Ah. But let’s not shake hands. You still stink.”



She casually extends her hand to shake, but then she smells something sour and steps back.

Then Alicia’s face suddenly becomes stained with shame.

“I’m going to sleep now. I stink, so don’t come closer to me.”

“I’m not going!”

“Mijung. I’ll ask you to keep an eye on him all night to see if he comes close to me.”



A tent rises from one of the crates, and Mijeong appears as she lifts the tent.

Since Mi-jeong doesn’t sleep, she will keep an eye on Alicia to make sure she doesn’t steal anything while I sleep.

“Over there!!!”

“It’s noisy. Let’s sleep.”

There is a long way to go.

I want to sleep quickly.

It looks like the noble lady is still in good spirits.

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  1. Mc stop the s*xual harrassment pls. Not cool

  2. Memomo says:

    tf am I reading

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