I Give Up on Conquering the Heroines chapter 60

I Give Up on Conquering the Heroines 60

Episode 60. Things like that

Take a sigh.

Mia began to explain.

“Julia Pettenburg. The elf called the Witch of Pettenburg was actually the goddess of the World Tree.”


It was a list of facts that were not at all surprising to Eugene.

I had almost memorized the settings of the main heroines, including Yulia.

However, since it was not something to show off, Eugene slightly fluttered the corners of her eyes and acted surprised.

“But due to an unfortunate incident, she was stripped of her title as a priestess and left Elven Gard.”

Mia said the name of the previous priestess without hesitation.

If she were any other priestess, it would have been disrespectful, but in the case of a witch, it was different.

She left Elvengarde because of bad things.

“Why did Julia come here?”

Mia was speechless for a moment and could not continue her words.


Not ‘Julia Pettenburg’ or ‘the elf’, just Julia.

Eugene was comfortable calling the Witch of Pettenburg by her first name.

Moreover, she ignores the context and situation and asks why the witch came in the first place.

No matter how I looked at it, the relationship between the witch and Eugene seemed unusual.

‘You must have heard my name from a witch.’

It was only then that Mia’s doubts were answered.

She was Mia. It was a name she almost forgot, and she wondered how Eugene knew.

It was clear that the witch had told her.

At the time she was given Mia’s name from the World Tree, the witch said she was with Mia at that time.

“A week ago, Julia Pettenburg secretly infiltrated Elvengarde. She was probably worried that she would be kicked out if her identity was discovered. Or maybe she was just embarrassed to be found out that she had returned to Elvengarde. Julia Pettenburg disappeared right away. “It came into the eyes of the World Tree and came to see me.”

“What was your purpose?”

“He asked me to teach him how to share an elf’s lifespan with others. So I answered that, as far as I know, I don’t have any.”

“Life span…”

Eugene closed her eyes tightly.

It’s a way to share an elf’s lifespan.

It was obvious without even asking who I was going to share it with.

It is me.

He is trying to give it to me.

A life I didn’t even ask for…

‘With this, it becomes clear beyond any doubt. Yulia has regained her memories and is chasing me…’

Julia was definitely smarter than the other main heroines.

From Noble mtl dot com

She deliberately conducted the search quietly without making any noise, to the point where she even hid the fact that she had regained her memories.

But that didn’t last long.

She caught the dulmi thanks to Mia.

‘I don’t think you need to worry too much.’

Eugene took a breath and calmed down.

It was an overreaction.

Just hearing her name Yulia made her PTSD go away.

Maybe things worked out according to her plan again.

I wonder if I was playing into Yulia’s palm again this time.

That feeling of anxiety came over me, but I was able to shake it off quickly.

Unlike the past 12 episodes, where she had to maintain a narrow personal relationship to avoid suspicion of infidelity.

Because I was not alone this time.

There are many helpers who can help.

Like a lost child, there is an early warning sign that will notify you of a crisis in advance.

So I didn’t think there was any need to worry too much.

“Over there…”

“I’m sorry. I made the mood too serious.”

“Oh, no.”

“I’m getting a little hungry. Is there food yet?”

“I’ll serve the food right away!”

Standing up and going to heat up the food, Mia felt a little uneasy.

I was so worried about the relationship between Eugene and her witch that I couldn’t concentrate on anything else.

A pioneer who created a leading free city.

He is an unrivaled genius when it comes to bringing in money.

And a ruthless ruler.

Eujin seemed to have strong feelings for that witch.

She didn’t know if it was a bad thing or a good thing.

‘But why am I curious about this…’

Eugene must have his own personal history.

Mia had no right to intervene there.

So, normally, this would have been ignored and ignored.

But Mia couldn’t stop looking behind her and watching for signs of Eugene.

She was always a lost child who was indifferent to others.

Her heart beats every time she sees Eugene’s face.

This was the first time that her face turned red and her body heated up.

So she was even more embarrassed.

Is it because Eugene is of a different race that is hard to find in Elvengarde?

That wasn’t it.

There were many times when other humans came to Elvengarde, but I didn’t feel this tickling feeling back then.

‘It’s all because of alcohol.’

It’s all because of the alcohol.

Mia decided to conclude that way.

She ended up like this because the first alcohol she ever drank was bitter.

‘Sniff. It won’t smell, right…?’

Do not heat the food.

Mia sneaked into the room and looked at the smell coming from my body.

I just suddenly got on my nerves.

‘Huh? This······.’

At that moment, I thought about changing her underwear, just in case.

It was only then that Mia began to view her situation objectively.


An invitation to come to the house of a woman who lives alone for a meal.

It was clear what kind of signal this must have seemed to Eugene.

‘Oh, what should I do?! ‘I didn’t mean to seduce you!’

I’m in big trouble.

Mia was alone in her room, stamping her feet in agony.

Eugene was like that and she must have accepted the invitation with that thought in mind.

Drinking and eating are just excuses and excuses.

She probably thinks it’s all a build-up for something to come later.

It was a situation that could easily have been misunderstood.

‘What should I do…?’

Suddenly, a prophecy that came down in the past came to mind.

-A human male will take the goddess of the World Tree.

I wonder if that prophecy was referring to today.

Perhaps taking a priestess did not mean forcibly violating her, but rather meant that the priestess gave up her body.

Such questions sprang up and filled Mia’s mind.

“It’s all warmed up. Enjoy it.”

“It smells good.”

“Is that so? It’s traditional elf food… I’ve never seen a human like this.”

“I got used to it because I had a lot of opportunities to eat it.”

She ended up being late because she had to change her underwear.

Mia put down her plates and glanced at Eugene’s expression.

Eujin’s attitude had not changed at all from before.

The only thing that has changed is Mia. She wondered when ‘it’ would start, and she couldn’t let go of her tension even for a moment.

‘They said that the human race has a very great desire for that…’

Unlike elves, humans have high reproductive capacity.

The average number of children produced by a male and female couple during a lifetime of only 100 years is 3.

There are quite a few cases where there are more than 6 or 7 people.

Considering the optimal time for pregnancy for a human woman, she actually gives birth about once every three years.

‘aaa… The humans were a very lewd race…’

Even though Mia felt her face getting hot, she tried to look as unfazed as possible.

Of course, it wasn’t very useful.

‘Of course, there are mistakes here too. But······.’

It was true that we gave room first.

It was also right to create a situation that could cause misunderstanding.

If it was a human race that was crazy about s*xual desire, it was highly likely that they would have accepted it in that sense.

‘I’m not ready yet…’

But Mia was not yet ready.

The only knowledge in that area is knowledge gained through the old-fashioned s*x education handed down from generation to generation among the elves.

It was a little better than the oral tradition that a stork would bring a baby to her if a man and a woman lay down holding her hand and slept.

‘Should I or shouldn’t I resist?’

The world tree’s prophecy is absolute.

However, there was no law that the human male spoken of in the prophecy was Eugene, and there was no law that the priestess of the World Tree was Mia.

Then what if Eugene asks for his body?

At that time, should I meekly accept it as prophesied, or should I reject it to protect my purity as a priestess?

Mia’s mind became complicated.

“Mia. I have a favor to ask.”

“Yes, four?!”

What is coming has come.

Please do me a favor.

I’m sure they will make such a request.

At that thought, Mia’s face turned red up to the tips of her ears.



Her body was so strained that she ended up hitting her knees on the table.

She f*cked herself pretty hard.

She gritted her teeth and tried to suppress her pain, but Mia ended up clutching her legs and falling to her side.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes! It’s okay! It’s okay, it’s okay…!”

“It’s bleeding. Put your leg here.”

Her Eugene is getting closer and closer.

The s*xual monster humans are coming.

Mia had not yet finished preparing her heart, and her heartbeat became so intense that it felt like it was going to explode.


“Why are you making such a fuss? Just stay still. I’ll put a potion on you.”

It was a small scratch on her knee.

If it had been Eugene’s own injury, she would have just ignored it.

But her white skin didn’t really suit an elf, so she couldn’t just wait and see.

Eugene poured little by little from the bottle of low-level potion he always carried with him, cleaning and treating her wounds at the same time.

Because it was a small wound, the potion only touched her for a moment and it healed quickly.

She didn’t even have to wear a bandage.

“That’s it now. Huh. Mia?”

Mia’s legs are shaking very much.

She wondered what was going on, and when Eugene raised her head, she found Mia crying, as if she was about to shed tears at any moment.

The eyes were like those of an animal caught by a wild beast.

Mia quietly whispered in a trembling voice.

“Honey, it’s my first time… Please don’t hurt me…”






There was silence for a moment.

Eugene tilted her head.

Mia’s eyes widened.

“Ah, what I was trying to ask you earlier was…”

“I wanted to ask the World Tree if possible to give me mainly prophecies about Julia Pettenburg.”


It was all a misunderstanding from beginning to end?

It was me who was lewd, not the human race?

Mia’s mind, which had been complicated just a moment ago, became as white as a sheet of paper.

She felt like she wanted to hide in a rat hole.

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  1. The prophesized World tree goddess is Julia not Mia ?

  2. Bocchan says:

    Lewd mia

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