I Give Up on Conquering the Heroines chapter 62

I Give Up on Conquering the Heroines 62

Episode 62. Dependency treatment

“I’ll just close my eyes. Let me know when you arrive.”

“Yes. Get some sleep.”

A short trip of about three days.

It was enough time to find out what kind of person Eugene was.

Because so many things happened in that short period of time…

So, even if you are asked what kind of person Eugene is, it is difficult to answer in one sentence.

If I had to summarize it in one sentence…

Vulgar, barbaric, rough-mouthed, and impulsive.

‘In many ways, he is a commoner.’

However, if you evaluate him as a mercenary, the story is different.

He is brave, has the strength to back it up, is determined, and has quite a bit of leadership.

First of all, out of all the people I’ve seen, she’s the second strongest after Yeri.

I am a man who competed with a spider monster that was so fast that it was difficult to follow its movements with my eyes.

Even if you face off against most sword masters, you will never be defeated.

‘And above all, mental strength…’

But the reason why I evaluate Eugene as strong is not because of such trivial force.

It is a mental strength that shows its true value in extreme situations.

Although he does not show it condescendingly, Eugene always takes on the most dangerous linemen.

He is not afraid of pain and takes risks.

I am even prepared to sacrifice myself for others.

It’s not just that.

I was even able to awaken the 5th level magic with just my determination to save Mijeong, whom I thought was a slave to be thrown away after a short period of use.

I can’t tell you how shocked I was to see a human who couldn’t even understand the basics of attribute magic suddenly learning 5th level magic.

That man can definitely learn even more magic.

When I met him later, I wouldn’t be surprised if he suddenly became a warlock.


If you look at it this way, it is somewhat understandable that my sister fell in love with it.

He is not a very shabby person.

Although he is completely lacking in personality, he is a person with clear strengths.

It’s so delicate and pretty that it looks like you’re making cocktails at a bar somewhere.

Because his strength and personality are completely macho…

‘Tsk. ‘It’s worth it for your sister to go crazy.’

Yerina has long admired strong people.

No. Would it be more correct to say that she despises weak people rather than admiring strong people?

It seemed like he didn’t even look at men who were weaker than him with the opposite s*x.

He is the person that my sister likes.

I’m a little bit…

Just a little. I was really just a little excited.

But as a dating partner, he is a complete failure.

They don’t even know how to be considerate of women.

Every woman I meet everywhere makes me smile.

More than anything else, the problem is that he lives in such a precarious way that he does not know when he will die.

Although he is this strong, he only goes around doing things that are so dangerous that I feel uneasy when I see him.

Like a person looking for a place to die.

I sigh.

“Oh. The bangs are around the eyes…”

Is it because I toss and turn my head while sleeping?

Eujin’s bangs are flowing down to his eyelids.

I was worried that I might stab myself in the eye, so I walked closer without realizing it.

‘I’m in love with how it looks…. ‘You bastard.’

Isn’t it a crime to go after women with a face like this?

I suddenly feel angry.

So much so that my face gets hot.


After walking around with this man for about three days, I became convinced.

No matter how her sister feels or how desperate she is, she cannot let her meet this man.

If I do that, it is obvious that I will soon become a widow.

Somehow, she prevents Eugene and her sister from getting together.

If necessary, I can take it from you…

‘Ah. What do we do. Is there no excuse to keep following me around…’


The moment she let out a rough breath while flipping Eugene’s bangs.

“······Eugene. Alicia, do something strange.”

“I caught this rabbit.”



The lid of the luggage box opens from the side and Mijeong jumps out.

Then suddenly I pretended and my wrist was grabbed by Eugene’s rough hands.

Oh. My hands are so big…

“I asked you to watch me while I was sleeping, just in case. Mijeong caught me. Did you come to steal something?”

“Hey?! Why are you treating people like petty thieves!”

You are truly a crazy bastard…

This is the problem. This side.

I lost my mind for a moment.

I thought this guy was attractive.

“Aha. I guess they came to steal the magic stone given to them by the elf elders.”

“No? What do you make of Evgenia’s wealth?”

“I’m just kidding. You should take a look at this magic stone. You never know. It might fit your body.”


Yujin suddenly opens his eyes, smiles naturally, and hands me the magic stone.

This enormous magic stone is taken carelessly as if it were a stone rolling around on the side of the road.

I am handed a magic stone as if I am possessed.

In the process, Eugene’s fingers brush against his palm.

Her body trembled.

From Noble mtl dot com

Ah. It seems a little wet…

“What do you think? Do you like it?”

“It’s amazing performance. It’s so comfortable that it can’t be compared to what I used before.”

To be honest, it is a magic stone that leaves you amazed.

But it is inevitable that the inspiration will not be that great.

Because I have already touched Eugene’s black magic stone.

Is it a magic stone created when that spider monster dies?

Even thinking about it now, it makes me gag and disgust me, but it is an excellent magic stone that is several times superior to the magic stones that Elvengarde created over 10 years.

“Really? Then…”

“But I don’t think it’s mine. I’m a bit picky. I’m sure there’s someone better suited for this magic stone than me. Thank you very much, but I’ll just accept your wishes.”

“Huh? Thank you? What do you mean?”

“Huh? You weren’t planning on giving it to me?”

“What? I was trying to sell it to you if you said you liked it. Why do I have such strange expectations…?”


My face is hot.

Fevered and embarrassed, I stopped screaming and covered Eugene’s mouth.

No, just looking at the atmosphere, it seemed like he was giving me a gift.

You smiled at me.

But that was actually the sweet business smile of a used magic stone dealer?

Don’t lie, you prostitute.

“Why are you playing with people’s hearts!”

“What are you saying? What a hostile situation. Calm down and take this.”

“Is this…?”


The piece of metal that Eugene threw spun around in the air and landed on my palm.

When I looked closely, it was a ring.

The ring that Eugene lent me the other day.

“In the end, you couldn’t find the magic tool that suits you. At least use that until you find it. Oh, this isn’t for sale, it’s a gift, so don’t be so picky about it.”

“I was wondering something… Thank you.”

I happened to give you a ring at this exact moment…

I can’t even get angry.

I calmed down my anger and expressed my gratitude to Eugene.

“······Ah. The couple with Eugene, the ring.”

Mijeong is sitting next to me with a devastated expression on her face.

Come to think of it, Mi-jeong was also wearing a ring that looked exactly the same.

I feel like we have become closer.

She put it on her index finger and showed it to Mijeong and laughed.

“Now it’s a couple ring for me?”

“······I hate you.”


Mijeong just puffed out her cheeks and disappeared into the luggage box.

Why, why?

Why was I hated?

“Ah huh?!”

I was embarrassed because I didn’t know the English language.

The carriage came to a sudden stop and was pushed forward.

As a result, her head hit Eugene’s chest.

“You don’t like the ring so much that you want to headbutt it?”


Eugene smirks again.

I really don’t like her.

But I just smelled like sweat, hahahaha.

I felt like things would get weird if I kept holding on for longer, so I quickly pulled away from her.

“It looks like we’ve reached the stop.”

“I will gratefully accept the ring! Let’s part ways now!”

“Okay. You go up to Palana. I have to go on my way now.”

We break up.

The tone of these words has never felt as bitter as it does today.

I immediately stand up and offer her hand, and Eugene smiles and stands up holding hers.

Her rough palms rub against each other and something feels good.

“I will find a safe house as soon as possible and send the address to Evgenia. From now on, I will check Yerina’s movements and send it to that address once a week. If something urgent happens, I will send it at any time.”

“You are thorough.”

“You have to be thorough. If you get caught by Rina, it usually won’t end up being a big deal. Oh, that’s right. And I forgot how much I paid for teaching her magic.”

“What is the name of the person who crafted that black magic stone?”

“Yes, that. I decided to teach you.”

“It’s okay. My conscience doesn’t allow it. In the end, my class was useless….”

“It may have been useless to me, but it wasn’t to Mijeong. Flame magic, electric magic, how many things did I learn? Thanks to you, I think I have a multi-purpose tool. I don’t bring a torch every time I go into a dark dungeon. “It will be very convenient.”

Mijeong comes closer to Eugene, raising a V sign from the side.

If someone who doesn’t know you hears this, they might think you’re really treating it as a multi-purpose tool.

You only say that, but you are so generous.

“The name is Teiya. He’s a young dwarven craftsman in Vassel. If you ask around, you’ll find him quickly.”

“Huh?! He’s really popular these days? I heard he’s been booked for a year…”

“Wow. I heard you’ve already accumulated a year’s worth? If you go later, hand this to Tay. Then you won’t have to wait and you’ll get a free pass.”

“Oh my god…”

I accepted the note handed to me by Eugene.

He couldn’t even imagine it anyway.

This person was also acquainted with such a big man?

He received an enormous gift and threw it away.

They say it’s compensation for teaching magic, but it doesn’t pay well.

No matter how you look at it, it’s not compensation for a class that taught basic magic and a few 2nd and 3rd level magic.

“Thank you so much…”

“What? Are you crying?”

“I’m not crying!”

“That’s it. It looks like it’s almost time for the train. Shouldn’t we go?”

“I have to go. I will go.”

Ah. It really feels like we are breaking up now.

Just as Eugene said, there isn’t much time left for the train.

We have to hurry.

I don’t lose my steps easily.

Eujin must have sensed my feelings as he parted his lips again.

“I thought about it carefully.”

“Yes, yes!”

“I think rabbit beastmen are cute when they are moderately crazy about their s*xual desires. So, you too should gradually wean yourself off your s*xual desire suppressors and live by your instincts…”

“This person… Till the end! I’m going now! Be safe!”

Crazy guy.

It’s nonsense until the end.

Thanks to you, I was able to turn around without any regrets.

As I take quick steps, my pounding heart rarely calms down.

Why am I like this?

I think I’m shaking the most recently.

“Whew… I barely got on.”

After breaking up with Eugene.

After running and walking, I was able to get on the train.

As soon as I sit down and wipe my sweat, the train slowly leaves the platform.

“It feels good to wear…”

When I lifted her hand, the ring on her index finger shined brightly.

I thought this was so brilliant at first that I intentionally added something to make it less shiny…

It’s still this pretty.

It is impossible to estimate how beautiful the original light will be.

“The ring finger is more comfortable.”

I tried it on each finger, and it fit best on my ring finger.

As expected, this is the most convenient.

It felt as if Eugene had grabbed her finger.



I held the ring between my fingers and took a deep breath.

Even though it’s already been a while since I started running, my heavy breathing doesn’t seem to subside.

Has your stamina declined these days?

“Ugh. Ehehehehe. Ehehehehe. Is this a free pass for a super popular craftsman in Basel…?”

I decided to turn my attention to something else.

I take out the note I received from Eugene and open it.

But when I opened it, the note was split into two and fell out.

One is an introduction written in Eugene’s handwriting that allows you to immediately place a request to a craftsman in Basel.

What is the other one?

She tilted her head and spread it out.

-I was especially determined to treat your dependence. Be grateful.

What kind of nonsense is this?

-I confiscated your s*xual desire suppressor while you were sleeping. How is it. You didn’t even know it was gone, right? Look. They say that a rabbit beast must be moderately obsessed with s*x to be cute and attractive. You were so unattractive that I got in trouble, but now I’m feeling better.

“What, what what?!!”

Startled, he undid her buttons and pulled out the rosary from inside her breasts.

As soon as she felt it fit in her hand, she let out a sigh of relief.

What? You’re welcome here.


I guess it was a low-quality joke meant to scare me…



That moment.

Suddenly, Rosario’s shape trembled and changed.

In no time, it has taken on the appearance of an ordinary tree branch.

I blinked, not knowing what to say.

This morning, I remembered the disguise magic that Eugene showed me.


Then I guess…

Have you not had any s*xual desire suppressors since this morning?


The moment I realized that.

The moment when I remembered the feeling of my body touching Eugene without a s*xual desire suppressor.

My lower body instantly became wet and my body convulsed.

“Eujin, you crazy bastard…!”

When I see you again, I won’t leave you alone.

This really is a b*tch…

Ah. Ah. Here we go again

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  1. Shu Chou Shu Chou says:

    Eugene really have some sadistic tendencies ahahah i remember he also wants to see rain because Mijeong are scared of water lol

  2. Extra Extra says:

    Lmao Alicia is so fun

  3. Cero says:

    Hahaha 🤣

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