I Got the Worst Skill in the Academy chapter 43

43 - Erin Distor(1)

43 – Erin Distor(1)

“Lady first. There is a saying.

I’ll go first, so please watch over me”

As Erin walked away, she pulled the center part of her sword.

The entrance opened with a clanking sound and began to emit soft light.

Then, concentrating mental power on the fingers of his left hand, he created a card that glowed white.

As soon as I put it in the visor, the voice of a person called Sebastian burst out.



A subspace opened and a huge straight cannon was caught in my hand.

[Erin Distor uses Horn Launcher!]

She aims at the queen ant

Kwak Kwah Kwah Kwah!!!

It poured overwhelming firepower to the extent that the cave left.


The queen hurriedly avoids with a scream.

However, the speed and accuracy of the approaching shells were beyond imagination, and with the sound of the explosion, the queen’s body cracked, and ooze could be seen flowing through the cracks.

[Queen Ant’s shield is fused!]

[All damage received is amplified!]

‘It’s a real scam… Doesn’t that mean that each of those shells you’re shooting now is a skill?’

It was truly astounding firepower.

Even summoning something else and not equipping it at the same time, so it’s actually not a power.


Did you decide that it couldn’t be like this?

The queen lunged forward.

Soon, purple energy gathered from the magic stick he was holding.


I fired a straight line laser at Erinn.

[Queen Ant is the Queen’s Reward!! use]

I tried to move my body to the approaching attack.

“Yoo Siu-kun, that’s all there. Please keep an eye on this lady as a gentleman.”

When Erin finished speaking, a new card was created in the air and inserted into the launcher she was holding in her hand.


[Erin Distor uses Horn Reflector]

Four full-body shields formed and circled around her body.

As the approaching heat rays hit the shield

Gia Aang! It bounced off the street with a sound, and I could see it scrawling the wall next to it.

Bang bang!

Erin eagerly fired the launcher without missing the chance, and the queen ant’s desperate screams exploded in all directions.

Push Yi Profit.

I saw white smoke coming out of the launcher and going into cooldown.


He turned around and looked at the smiling woman, and stood up with a whistle instead of an exclamation.


I sprinted forward with a crackling sound and spread both hands toward the guy whose upper part was about to be crushed by Erin’s attack.

[Initiates deterioration copy]

[Copy the crowbar (D-) and crowbar (D-)]

[Received an evil attribute attack]

[Stigma buff is in effect]

‘This alone is not enough.’

[Blood Curse Berserker (C+) is activated]

[Blood Weapon and Furnishment become available]

[You do not feel any pain during the duration!]

[Strength and agility levels increase significantly]

[Insanity invades the brain! I lose control of my body and mind!]

[The mental and physical effects of Probability (B) on the face are active]

Blood gushed out all over the body.

It was compressed into both arms without spilling a single piece.

I forcibly drove the tool in my hand, ignoring the sound of the explosion as it glowed red.

Then, like the cry of a wild beast, a ferocious explosion erupted, holding on to it.


The queen’s torso was beaten indiscriminately.


The queen went mad and rotated the magic wand in her hand.


The purple-colored magic wand turned into a huge hammer and struck down as it was.

raised the senses of the whole body.

Reacting swiftly, he instinctively grasped the movement of the approaching blunt weapon.

Kagagak! Rotating the hammer held in his right hand, he hit the tip of the hammer with a strong blow, sending the trajectory to the side.

I heard the sound of the hammer breaking, but I didn’t care and poured my blood into the remaining crowbar.

As drops of blood embroider flower petals,

The belly stretched and compressed to a size larger than the body and began to throb like a drill that could pierce anything.

Quadduk! Ignoring the vibration and pain I felt in my hand, I applied enough force to the point that the muscles in my left hand burst.

[Muscle strength is moved to 55 by function <conversion>]

Feeling a formidable force, he thrust it into the queen’s torso.


The queen tossed away with a deafening noise.

“Yoo Shi-woo!”

Let’s turn to the voice from behind

Boom bung!

A greatsword, shining silver, spun in the air and stuck in front of my eyes.


[Erin Distor uses a Silver Explosive Sword]

Erin held up the light-emitting launcher high as if no further words were needed.

Thumbs up to her

chin! He grabbed the greatsword with both hands and sprinted forward.

Exploding shells passed by.

explosion of shells. scream of the queen. Purple magic!

Soon, the magical energy coalesced into a dark indigo color, creating a whirlwind of formidable power.

[Queen Ant uses Arcane Storm!]

[Queen Ant is on the verge of death!

The power of all attack skills is amplified!]

[This is a full blow. Avoid!]

Koo Goo Goo!

I poured the remaining blood into the greatsword.

The executioner’s greatsword swayed and fused with the silver greatsword, unleashing indescribable terrifying power.

[Use Blood Punishment!]

[Inflicts a summary execution debuff on the enemy!]

[Temporarily increases the damage the enemy receives!]

Kagagakak! The blade of the sword that collided with the storm shook.

There was an intense shock as if it was bouncing up, and purple magic overflowed as if it were violating the body.

I don’t care.

Rather, it takes one more step forward.

The body, boiling with madness, ran out of control as if it did not know that it was pain.

Infusing power into both hands holding the greatsword


Tuk Degur.

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Just like that, along with the storm, the queen’s neck was severed.




Looking at the ant’s neck lying on the floor, Erin let out a short exclamation.

‘… Siwoo Yoo’

I knew it was strong.

Is it just being the top 1?

Of course, when I first announced it, I wondered if the professors had made a mistake.

‘Because I thought it couldn’t be because a man was number one’

not only yourself

The people of the Dstore family

Even that cool-headed mother

I thought Erin was lying.

Would he have told him to constantly monitor him and reveal the secret of deceiving the professors?

But now I know.

no i have to know

Didn’t you show it with your own two eyes?

‘mother. Siwoo Yoo… ‘

He is a brighter person than I thought.

‘He’s also an unusual person’

Even though he has that much power, he has an unmatched kind personality

The heart that believes without causing any coercion or prestige.

They use their strength in the right place and have the ability to make perfect decisions.

‘Surely, if there is a main character in this world, it would be that kind of person… father’

She recalled for a moment the memories of her father, who had long since passed away.

His figure shows a more reliable back with overflowing energy.

Naturally, the image of his father, whom he respected and loved, overlapped.

‘I have to report to my mother that it’s true, or rather that the rumor is underestimated’

she thought again.

Yoo Si Woo.

His appearance will cause a huge ripple in the world in the future.

And as D-Store’s daughter and heir, what should she do?

She decided to give it a serious try.


I raised my head at the voice I heard.

A boy looked at him as if he was worried.

“Poo put”

Erin laughed involuntarily.

His naturally perplexed look.

But I couldn’t stop laughing.

Isn’t it obvious?

He was covered in wounds and blood all over his body.

The left hand was bent with the bone exposed.

The skin on the right hand was also completely peeled off, showing the muscles intact.

It was natural for anyone to see that he was more seriously injured than himself, who had protected himself in a safe suit without any major damage.

But even so, he cared more about others than his own safety.

Literally a kind person…

Erin Dystore is perplexed, not knowing what to do.

I looked at him and thought quietly.

It’s been a while since I thought I’d be sincere.

No matter what you do, the thing you want appears in front of you.

‘I’m sorry. Miss Yuhana’

Stealing other people’s things is not my hobby.

You can’t help it, can you?

‘Because people’s minds don’t work as they please.’




‘What’s wrong with the kid?’

I felt an absurd feeling when I saw Erin laughing while holding her belly button in front of me.

Have you ever had a head injury? No, as far as I remember, I’ve never been hit anywhere.

Eventually, Erin waved her hand.

“Oh sorry. Siwoo Yoo.

More at noblemtl com

Just because I had a funny idea for a moment.”

“uh… Oh, that’s right.”

Erin, who looked at me in bewilderment,

“Then there must be a reward after victory, right?”

He took my hand and walked towards the queen’s corpse.




“Choi Tae-gun. Lost a bet again? how about it?

Try adding something new.”

“Ah, that’s it! That’s Okay! I lost!”

Choi Tae-gun hugged his forehead

I glared at Seong Ga-yeon, who was giggling next to me.

Soon, his gaze was fixed on Yoo Si-woo on the screen.

‘Do it all and eat it. Damn you son of a bitch!’

Of course, there was nothing like his cursed voice that Yu Si-woo could hear.

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  1. Wikka says:

    Zolda in Swan color

  2. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Erin is my favourite character now.

  3. evoL says:

    It’s Kamen Rider Ryuki😅😅

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