I Just Wanted To Live but I Somehow Became Better Than the Protagonist chapter 2

I Just Wanted To Live but I Somehow Became Better Than the Protagonist 2


Just trying to live well but surpassing the protagonist – 01 I’m not the protagonist

“This scoundrel has dragged it out for a year, finally deigning to update.” In the middle of the night, Ye Yong, who was browsing the novel APP, saw a new chapter notification for a novel called “Emperor Among Emperors” and felt both excited and annoyed.

“Emperor Among Emperors” is a massive online work with over ten million characters! Ye Yong had been following it for a long time, from junior high annoyance to college annoyance, and just at the grand finale, one year! A whole year! The dog of an author just wouldn’t update the last chapter! Especially when the protagonist was facing the most important decision!

Annoyed, Ye Yong hurriedly joined a readers’ group, ranting with other readers at the author.

The author stayed silent, leaving Ye Yong and the readers ranting to themselves. Gradually, the readers’ group turned into a drivers’ group, with drivers battling it out on Mount Akina every day, their driving skills superb, and Ye Yong became an honored passenger. Every day he would shout in the group chat: “The car is coming.”

Now that the novel has been updated, it should be the last chapter, if nothing unexpected happens. Honestly, Ye Yong still finds it hard to let go. It’s like watching a child he’s seen grow up, finally setting off on a journey far from home, and as a father, his heart is full of reluctance, yet he can only go buy oranges to see him off.

Of course, if something unexpected happens, this update might not be the last chapter, but rather an explanation for the year-long hiatus. Like the author going on a trip to Dongguan and only recently returning. As for where he stayed during this year, whether it included meals and accommodation, that remains unknown.

Anyway, Ye Yong would refresh the APP every night before sleep to see if there was an update notification, and now, at last, his wish has been fulfilled.

“Please don’t let it be an explanation for the hiatus,” Ye Yong clicked into “Emperor Among Emperors.”

He hadn’t even started reading yet, because he was too excited and didn’t hold on tight, the phone slipped and smacked him in the face.

Ye Yong’s vision suddenly darkened, stars bursting before his eyes, as he clutched his face and groaned in pain.

“Young, young master, what’s wrong with you…” At that moment, a soft, delicate voice tinged with nervous stammering reached Ye Yong’s ears.

What’s going on?

Ye Yong had just graduated, hadn’t started job hunting yet, and rented a room to live on his own, so there shouldn’t be anyone in his room. Even if it were a neighbor, their voice couldn’t possibly be so clear and close.

Opening his eyes, Ye Yong saw blue curtains, and the lighting around was good, not at all like night time.

Following the voice, he saw a slender girl standing there, her neck slightly retracted, hands clasped in front of her chest like a startled rabbit.

The girl’s eyes were large, moist and shimmering with light, seemingly very afraid. And the source of her fear seemed to be Ye Yong’s side?

Ye Yong sat up from the bed, astonished by the girl’s appearance, but even more so by the objects surrounding him.

It resembled the bedroom of a wealthy family from a historical drama, yet more luxurious than anything seen on television.

Unknown materials, but the peach wood furniture looked expensive, colorful porcelain vases, bookshelves crammed with ancient books…

If it wasn’t a hallucination caused by staying up late, then it must be time travel.

Speaking of time travel, an avid novel reader like him wouldn’t be unfamiliar, but Ye Yong never imagined he’d be so lucky to experience it himself.

Isn’t it usually getting hit by a truck or accidentally struck by lightning? How come when it’s his turn, a smack from a cellphone leads to time travel?

Too weak? So weak that a hit from a cellphone could do him in?

Ye Yong wouldn’t say he loved sports, but he did keep up with exercise in college, so his physical condition should be decent…

Never mind.

Unlike those novel protagonists who pine for home after traveling through time, Ye Yong was filled with curiosity about this new world. Of course, he missed home, but what could he do after already having traveled?

And as someone who loved reading novels, who wouldn’t yearn for time travel? With such fortune falling into his lap, Ye Yong felt he was truly the protagonist.

Look at this wealthy family’s environment, look at this beautiful maid; it’s very likely the start of a ‘young master with hidden talents’ trope.

Ye Yong took a deep breath, feeling good in body, seemingly with endless strength, not like he was poisoned, nor weak in any way.


How strange.

Ye Yong propped his chin, pondering how the owner of this body had died, for no matter how he looked, this body didn’t seem like his own.

Fingers slender, skin pale as jade, if not a woman, then like a cultivator from novels, purified of all impurities.

The young girl beside him trembled, too scared to speak again, her body shaking incessantly.

“What is your name?” Ye Yong wasn’t afraid of being suspected for uncharacteristic behavior, he was curious about everything around him.

“The servant’s name is Xiao Xue,” the girl answered timidly. She didn’t doubt Ye Yong’s identity, as she had just been arranged to serve the young master this morning. Who knew that the young master would suddenly shout, and when she pushed the door open, she saw the young master writhing on the bed, covering his face, not knowing if he had practiced some evil cultivation.

Remembering the servant killed by the young master yesterday, the girl feared that she too would be killed for misspeaking, so she kept her words as simple as possible.

“Xiao Xue? I’m asking for your full name.”

“To answer the young master, the servant’s full name is Wu Xue.” The girl named Wu Xue shuddered again, fearing she would be killed for not stating her full name immediately.

As for why she always thought about being killed, it was because the young master, who appeared handsome and powerful, had a terrible temper. Although she didn’t know what had happened, anyway, the servant yesterday was killed by the young master over a trivial matter.

“Wu Xue?” Ye Yong’s eyes widened, and his volume increased involuntarily: “You say your name is Wu Xue!?”

“Yes, yes!” Wu Xue was nearly scared to tears.

Mother, father, your daughter is unfilial, I will go first.

“Do you know of a woman named Qin Shi Meng?”

“Of course, she is the young master’s fiancée,” Wu Xue answered with a sob.

“Damn it!” Ye Yong was also close to crying. Why? Because he knew where he had transgressed.

Wu Xue, Qin Shi Meng, both are the heroines of “The Emperor Within the Emperor”. Aren’t heroines good? Of course, they’re beautiful beyond words, and their talents are unmatched.

Don’t be fooled by Wu Xue’s apparent weakness; in the future, she is a valkyrie! Qin Shi Meng is even a female immortal emperor, helping the protagonist clear many troubles, such a terrifying existence!

The problem is, Ye Yong is not the protagonist.

The reason is simple, because Wu Xue is currently weak, has not awakened her talent, and is a maid. And Qin Shi Meng is still his own fiancée.


Who is Ye Yong? Well, of course, it’s Ye Yong.

In “The Emperor Within the New Emperor,” ‘Ye Yong’ is a highly talented but very petty antagonist. Because the male lead had some interactions with the female lead, he began to send assassins after the male lead, not realizing he was merely delivering experience points. The problem was, ‘Ye Yong’ kept sending guys slightly stronger than the male lead, and by the time the male lead grew in power, ‘Ye Yong’ found he couldn’t beat him at all.

Defeated by the male lead in the sect competition, he became determined that this boy must not be spared. One wouldn’t die if they didn’t seek death, but after messing up, it was game over, and he even dragged his entire family down with him.

Although the villain sharing his name was foolish and got killed by the male lead, at that time, Ye Yong, as a reader, would have definitely felt it was a good riddance.

But now, having crossed over to become ‘Ye Yong’ in the novel, not being the protagonist was one thing, but to become fodder for the protagonist? That’s something no one could accept!

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