I Killed the Heroine in the Game chapter 22

I Killed the Heroine in the Game 22

04: I’m kinda f*cked up. I’ve been thinking and thinking about it. It was definitely f*cked up.

I faced the party of three main characters, and at the end of my thoughts, I asked what I was going to do, and instead of the main character’s party, I first floated a rhyme.

After a brief greeting, I headed for a nearby cafe as if I was being dragged half way.

I say it again. As soon as I said goodbye, I was taken to the cafe.

I don’t know why he’s doing this, but he was taken anyway.

I was very annoyed to see people ask to go to a cafe as if they were being taken by force, but I decided to let go of my anger when they said they would buy me coffee for free.

If children are rude, wouldn’t it be reasonable for an adult to forgive them?

If someone offers to buy you something for free, you can take them to a cafe.

Ah, isn’t it embarrassing to be eaten by kids? If I had cared about that, I wouldn’t be here.

I giggled inwardly, tasting the caramel macchiato or the macchiato and seeing the main character’s party in front of me.

Once the main character heard that I had run away from the hospital, he asked what had happened in a worried tone, but seemed to want to say something.

The delivery girl who newly introduced herself as Seo Yoon-seo looked at her awkwardly as if she had been attracted to the main character.

And the tree, which is currently the most inconvenient for me-

“This is so delicious!”

It’s been awhile since I’ve noticed the main character. The main character ordered tiramisu or mashu, and after taking a bite of it, her eyes were shining.

A tree that everyone who sees it likes and eats.

If you just look at trees, bad memories come to mind. I forced my thoughts out.

Yes, kids like cake. But I couldn’t eat cake because I felt sick to my stomach.

Even my younger brother can’t eat sweets…… You did a good job listening to the character’s lines even while you’re sleeping, Ji.


Looking at the tree, the face is slightly distorted by the terrible memories that come up spontaneously, but fortunately those children didn’t seem to notice.

First of all, I came because I had something to do, but if I see one of my friends and show dislike, nothing good will happen.

I deliberately stuck out my tongue and frowned as if I didn’t like the stale sweetness spreading in my mouth.

After making an excuse that this kind of sweetness is not my taste, I talked to the three of them.

“I did ask if I was following you because I had something to do. Actually, I have something to tell you guys.”


The main character makes a puzzled face at my words. He seemed a bit surprised when I told him I had something to do.

I wondered if it would have been impossible to tell the difference between men and women if it weren’t for the school uniforms, that they were really small, had long eyelashes, and had a feminine face. The important thing is not this.

I rolled my eyes and looked around. Although the red mask was not visible.

As if the humidity is too high and the sea breeze feels unpleasant, the uncomfortable feeling does not go away on the skin.

If you look at this sense alone, it was clear that the red mask was looking at this place from somewhere. Can’t the main character’s party in front of you feel this?

I lowered my voice to confirm and asked quietly.

“Before that, do you feel something? Roughly speaking, I think I felt it from the moment I entered the academy building over there.”

“Do you feel it?”

“I can feel it.”

“…… It seemed like he was watching something, but yo.”

At my question, the main character and tree rolled their eyes as if they felt something. Seo Yoon-seo tilted her head as if she didn’t know what she was talking about.

Apart from the sacred tree, did you notice this ominous sense that follows you like a protagonist who, as far as I know, has an excellent record at the academy?

Seo Yoon-seo – It seems that she has been admitted to the academy since the previous incident, but she doesn’t seem to notice anything because she has so little experience yet. She was

If she feels anything about the red mask, it’s easy to talk.

The reason I’m trying to get the red mask right now is to prove that I’m an A-level exorcist.

For that to happen, someone has to prove that I got the red mask.

If the main character and his colleagues are being chased by the red mask, wouldn’t it be so easy to become witnesses?

There, if you are near the main character and allies, you can attract the red mask.

With that kind of judgment, I came into contact with these three suspiciously pursuing people.

Of course, I really thought a lot before I opened my mouth to report it or not.

If it wasn’t for the sudden need for a witness, I wouldn’t have talked to these kids first.

Of course, you will never choose the option of hunting the main character and the red mask.

Thinking that to myself, I continued what I had prepared to say in this situation.

“Then it’s good. It’s the demon I’ve been chasing lately that’s after you. Do you know anything?”

“Uh- I don’t know. We haven’t been on a mission to exorcise evil spirits lately. We’re busy preparing for the retreat, so our freshmen are working hard on training.”

“In the first place, this body! Do you think you wouldn’t know if a mean evil spirit clung to my best friend?

“Ah. Yes.”

I had something to say after the main character’s answer, but when the tree speaks, my mouth shuts itself.

My bastard to eat! What the hell is wrong with my mind that makes me want to run away just hearing the voice?!

When I go back, I kick my little brother—- Oh, I can’t use my legs.

Once I saw my younger brother again, Agulchang forced himself into a smile with a promise to beat him, but his mouth wouldn’t open.

Since I couldn’t speak properly and only mumbled, the main character started to look at me and expressed his doubts.

“……So, what are you doing to drive away evil spirits?”

“It’s money. I had a request to deal with the evil spirits that have been roaming around the area lately. So it’s a check and check.”

“Is that so? Then you will die with a high probability. The level of that evil spirit is high. By human standards- A level. Of course, I don’t know if you have any other moves.”

The tree that was chewing on the cake said calmly.

The yellow and green odd eye was heading towards my face. There was no hostility or curse in that gaze.

The sun rises in the east. It seemed that he had said such facts calmly.

I didn’t feel offended by that comment. It was because of my younger brother that I showed a bad side in front of people I was seeing for the first time.

After becoming a human, he is in the middle of learning about being a human, so he doesn’t even know that what he says is an insult to others.

If someone points out that his words sound insulting to others, it is hard to get angry because the person to sincerely apologize comes to mind.

All I heard from her younger sister was that the woman in front of me, Su-Mok, didn’t know much yet, but she became human and how kind and good-hearted she was. How could she not know?

So, I also forgot my brother’s torture and became friendly with trees…. You don’t have to be friendly…. Pestilence. Looking at her face makes me want to vomit.

From noble mtl dot com

I tried to think of something else without looking at the trees as much as possible to hold back my vomiting.

The trees are great too. Most of the powers have been handed over or given up to the main character, and you notice the red mask that hides the powers while being no different from a human?

It seems that former divine spirits are different even if they are different.

Nokra didn’t notice even when he was near the bird ride. Is it the difference between a divine spirit who has just become a human and a divine spirit who has become accustomed to human society?

I’m curious, but I don’t really want to know the answer. I put the ice in the cup into my mouth.

“I thought it would be possible to reach it if I strengthened it with the forbidden material.”

“Ooh. Certainly, if you use a strong restraint, can you reach…? I don’t know. But! Me and my best friend Ayy! And if Yoonseo and I are together, we’ll definitely win!”

Yes, there is a main character, but I can’t defeat anything.

I nodded. When I obediently affirmed, the tree smiled contentedly.

Rather than that, it’s presumed to be a name now, but I heard something very strange to use as a name.

“Uh…That, I’ll go pick flowers for a while…”

“Su, Sumook”

As I suspected that my ears might be wrong, Seo Yoon-seo hurriedly left.

The main character covered his face and called out the name of the tree.

“I-I-I’m so sorry! My friend didn’t know enough and made a mistake! Wed-Thu! It’s rude to tell someone else to die!”

“Eh…?! Ha, but isn’t it true! This guy will die if he goes alone! Ah! I’m sorry! No malice!”

No, I’m not interested in that!

“Is your name really A?”

“Uh…. Yes! My name is A! The first letter of the alphabet is A!”

Even if you say it’s a foreigner, isn’t that a bit off-putting?

I wonder if the main character’s parents named their child ittagu to bully them.

How can people name people?

Oh no. When my sister names game characters, she names them that way, so she can’t win.

Ha, I sighed.


After learning that the main character’s name is the real A.

The main character learned from the tree that the evil spirit watching them was a dangerous evil spirit that was rated A.

“I don’t know who the requester is… But if the other person is a Class A evil spirit, they’ll understand even if they give up the request. It’s definitely an A class. The tree isn’t wrong. My friend is very. Uh, he has a special skiII. I can tell…?”

As if trying to hide the identity of the tree as a person who was a divine spirit, the protagonist stuttered.

Continuing to deal with Class A alone is an act of suicide. He was the main character who hurriedly picked up his phone saying that he had to inform the academy right away.

I nodded his head obediently without interrupting his actions.

What the main character said was what an exorcist would have to say.

If I hadn’t made up my mind to do this job, I would have reported to the police or the Exorcism Agency that a red mask had appeared through a cannon phone.

But now I’m determined to fight with that red mask.

There is no need to waste time arguing with a red mask outside there, right?

“Yes, I understand. Then—- I’ll go to the bathroom.”

After I said I was going to the bathroom like Seo Yoon-seo did. I left the cafe through the back door.

And the place I headed was a narrow alley behind the cafe building.

An alley with roads spreading in all directions, with buildings clustered together nearby.

The red mask seemed to announce that he was here.

As if trying to seduce those who sensed it, it was pouring out unpleasant spiritual power.

Until now, he kept his distance from the main character and chased after him.

Since you’ve been sitting in a cafe for a long time, I’m curious about what you’re doing.

Let me walk down a strangely dark alleyway.

As if responding to it, a heavy, ominous spiritual power begins to gnaw at the heart.

I don’t know why they came so close, but an opportunity was an opportunity.

As I entered the cafe, I pulled out the long sword I had put in and gave strength to my body.

And then, while keeping the tension in the body, I pushed my body into the alley that turned into a letter toward a place where I could feel a growing presence-



Seo Yoon-seo, who faced him as he passed. She was smoking her cigarette, squatting in the corner of her alley.

Seo Yoon-seo looked at me while drawing the facial expressions of minors caught smoking.

Somehow, I thought I had been going to the bathroom for a long time, and then I smoked.

No. What matters now isn’t that she’s smoking something that doesn’t even have her filter on it, it matters that she has this ominous sign coming right up.

“[Uh-raaa, ah. I’m not the kid you’ve been waiting for….]”

An unpleasant voice like scratching iron can be heard from beyond the darkness.

TD Dick! Electricity bursts from the old outdoor unit and electric signboard in the alley.

The surroundings are getting dark as if it was night in an instant. Pain runs through the body along with chills as if a blue blade had been touched.

“Huh…? What the hell.”

Seo Yoon Seo drops her cigarette and swallows her breath.

And then, in the blurry alleyway, a woman who looked strangely clear caught my eye.

Her long hair, tangled in her blood. She was a woman in an old trench coat with holes in it.

Her hands and feet were strangely long, and she was carrying rusty scissors.

What stands out the most about her bizarre appearance is, of course, the bright red mask dripping with blood.

“[It’s okay…… I have another chance later…… So, you guys. I have something to ask you—-] Me. Pretty?”

The appearance of the red mask.

Every cell in the body screams and freezes in fear.

I hurriedly shut Seo Yoon Seo’s mouth and told her not to answer while preparing for her fight by holding her long sword.

Her body trembles, but a force in her chin pushes out the tremors.

Let’s see. For now, since Seo Yoon-seo is next to her, she can’t use the restraint to reveal that she kiIIed Young-hyeong.

If I revealed this to Seo Yoon-seo, how could I know that things would get messed up later?

That’s why I opened my mouth to make a moderately different taboo.

“My skiII is combat technique. It’s a skiII that allows me to use a weapon I’ve never used before. It’s a skiII that allows me to use it fairly well. According to what I’ve seen so far, the longer I use the same weapon, the higher my proficiency is. My weakness is that you have to hold the weapon to activate it. Thing.”

Forbidden things that could put my life in danger or things that are my weaknesses are reinforced by intentionally revealing them.

As much as the shop and bankbook skiIIs, I have revealed this skiII that saved my life, so it must be strengthened enough.

Thought so, I gave strength to the hand that gave me the long sword.

As before, wait for the feeling of something swelling from the inside…… Energy… ….

Why can’t I feel anything?

The unique swelling sensation I felt before is nowhere to be found. It was a situation where I could not understand the English language.

My head came up with a very strange hypothesis.

I asked Seo Yoon-seo, who sat down next to me in surprise to confirm the truth.

“Don’t answer, just move your head and answer. Maybe it’s forbidden. Once you decide, can’t you change it?”

I just hoped it wasn’t because I made a mistake and couldn’t use the ban.

Seo Yoon-seo goes to the academy and knows more than me.

She raised one side of her eyebrows and shook her head vertically as if asking my question for something obvious.

Sure. It’s sipal

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  1. Forgotten one says:

    Bty who is seo-yoon-seo ??

  2. rob z rob z says:

    Frickin’ moron – I hate creating artifical drama because you make the MC stupid.

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