I Picked Up the Abandoned Hero chapter 47

47 - 47. Last Auction

47 – 47. Last Auction

Unknown but familiar.

Alfred’s words lingered in Arsel’s mind.

I couldn’t figure out what the two contradictory words put together meant.

Unknown means something you have never seen or experienced, but being familiar means something you have already adapted to by seeing it often.

‘What the hell did he mean…’

Arsel walks down the street at night and heads to the auction house.

Is it because it is the last auction? It seems that there are many customers visiting the auction house today.

Among them, there were demons from a tribe Arcel had never seen before, and there were also demons with quite strong magical powers.

It would have been impossible to enter because of the barriers formed throughout the territory.

‘There’s still time until the auction, so it might be a good idea to take a look.’

Arsel was accustomed to climbing up the wall to a high place.

Thanks to the nightfall, this place is hard to see from below.

It’s a good place to check if there’s anyone suspicious.

However, no one stood out in particular when I looked at those who entered the auction house until the last minute.

Although she doesn’t have the eyes of an elf that sees through the invisible like Stella’s, the experience of a long journey allows her to see quite a bit.

“What are you doing here?”

“Ah, I was worried that there might be no dangerous people…”

And in a good place to keep an eye on people, there is always another eye watching.

Clearly, it wasn’t until a while ago, but there was Clen in front of her eyes.

“This is where the watchers look at the customers entering the auction house. If a soldier other than me finds out that you came here, you will be sent to prison, and in some cases, immediate action is possible. Please restrain yourself from now on.”

Clenn sighed.

It seems that the movements acting suspiciously have been caught and he has come to check it himself.

As she said, she looked up at the ceiling and saw something like a bat hanging upside down.

It doesn’t seem like they are simply monitoring with the naked eye.

“I’m sorry. It was somehow a good place to keep an eye on.”

“It must be our fault for not giving the customer trust. You can rest assured, though. It’s because it boasts maximum security. If you see something suspicious, you can find it immediately. You cannot escape my eyes.”

Arsel, who had been secretly moving, was caught in an instant.

Even if there are still thieves who stole the holy sword or other suspicious people here, Clen will be able to respond as soon as suspicious movements are detected.

Arsel, feeling awkward for no reason, went downstairs shyly.

Clen also came down and accompanied them to the auction house.

As he was about to enter the entrance as usual, soldiers suddenly blocked Arcel’s way.

“Why is that?”

The disguise is well maintained.

Besides, there is also Clen next to him, but he blocked himself, which did not make sense from Sunny Arcel’s point of view.

“Unregistered artifacts cannot be brought in. Submit it here and we will return it when we return.”


The reason was the ring Alfred left behind.

As it is an auction house with strict security, it seems that the handling of artifacts requires attention, and it seems that artifacts are located on the body through a separate magic detector.

“But this…”

It was left behind by Alfred to be used in an emergency.

Besides, he came to me once again and told me to never take it off my body.

If he hadn’t left such a word, he would have submitted without thinking, but after hearing the warnings already, Arcel felt uncomfortable taking the ring out.

“You don’t have to worry. I won’t allow that It’s not even an artifact with a special function in the first place.”

“Oh, lord! Sorry! But rules are rules…”

Inevitably, Clen stepped forward and tried to pass, but the soldiers refused to step aside, saying that they had to follow the rules.

Even if the soldiers were surprised by the sudden appearance of the lord, in the end it was said that the rules could not be broken.

“In that case, you can register right here. Is it done now?”

“Oh, yes! You may go in now!”

Then, with a satisfied smile, Clen pulled out the prepared permit in his hand.

The soldiers carefully examined the permit, saluted, and led them into the auction house.

It seems that Alfred had anticipated and prepared in advance from the time Alfred handed over the ring to Arcel.

“If it was normal, you would have passed just by looking at my face, but you guys followed the rules well. Think of this as a gift and keep it.”

“Thank you! Thank you!”

After that, Clen handed out shiny gold coins one by one to the soldiers who were inspecting them.

The soldiers were delighted and bowed their heads one after another.

Considering that their monthly salary is two gold coins, it is understandable that they are so happy.

“What are you staring at so intently?”

“No, should I just say it was unexpected…”

Arcel looked at Clen in silence.

Of course, to Clen, a single gold coin is a small amount.

She was able to pay the murderous taxes collected by the demon king, and the reason why her taxes were set murderously was thanks to her wealth.

Still, it’s not easy to be generous like that.

“If you have a whip, you must also give it a carrot. The guards just now each have a child, and today is essentially a day off to spend time with their families.”

However, there were cases where the holy sword was stolen, and because of Alfred’s words, even those who had no choice but to take a break to reinforce the guard had no choice but to mobilize.

“Nevertheless, according to my order, I prepare without muttering and diligently carry out my order even during this evening. Shouldn’t we be compensated for that? Hasn’t the hero been to many human cities?”

No matter how much power she possesses, it is impossible for her to manage this entire estate by herself.

In the end, no matter how brilliant a leader is, he needs followers to maintain a community.


Arcel bit his lip lightly.

Clen’s words were asking what makes the obvious so strange.

Arsel had never seen such a direct step forward among human nobles.

Of course, it wasn’t that it didn’t exist at all, but it was all just a show to look good in the warrior’s eyes.

I still remember what Stella was very disgusted with, seeing through the hypocrisy and lies.

But Clen didn’t have to look good to Arcel, and she took it for granted.

Because of this, things that Arcel did not want to remember were passing through his mind little by little.

My heart felt a bit stuffy, but I was used to holding it in.

This was something I had already adapted to from a long time ago.

“Besides, if their loyalty goes up with a single gold coin, it’s very cheap. And I will work even harder to receive rewards in the future. It’s pretty good, isn’t it?”

“It seems so. It would have been nice if the others did too.”

Arsel nodded bitterly.

Forcing the thoughts I shouldn’t have into my heart, I smile and follow Clen inside.

[Ladies and gentlemen gathered here today! The long awaited time has finally arrived! The end of the long-awaited auction is ready!]

Today’s auction house is more lively than ever.

As if it were a performance, the demons cheered at the words of the moderator.

Up until yesterday, the demons were seriously evaluating such things and engaging in bidding competitions, but now I couldn’t find anything like that at all.

Many people gathered here with their own money.

Everyone has been waiting for today for the final highlight of the auction.

[Today, many warriors’ keepsakes are prepared! A hero, a savior who holds people’s dreams and hopes. The destroyer who brought disaster and despair to us demons.]

Arsel was uncomfortable listening to the moderator, but did not show any particular reaction.

It’s because everything was true.

[There aren’t many things left of the hero. Now, only the specially selected and prepared premium products remain!]

Now the auction really begins.

[Then let’s start the auction! Please spend an enchanting time at the last auction of the day!]

As soon as the auction starts, various products are revealed.

I didn’t see much of Arsel’s stuff anymore.

In the first place, Arcel had never enjoyed luxury or had anything particularly great to put up for auction.

The only thing I spent money on was buying armor and weapons to protect myself, and most of those I don’t know where I found them were sold as of yesterday.

“Where did you get those things from?”

Arcel was surprised and asked Clen beside her.

Aside from his own things, he also had equipment used by the warriors before him, and even handwritten letters to his lover.

Aside from why it was put up for auction, I wondered where on earth they got those things.

“We demons have been dealing with various heroes for a long time. Among them, some demons directly dealt with the hero or followed the trail and put the captured items up for auction.”


From noble mtl dot com

Once I heard it, it could have been.

According to Alfred’s story, most of the warriors, except for a few, fell without even seeing the face of the Demon King.

Some of them went missing, and there were also quite a few who lost their lives after being defeated by the demons.

It wouldn’t make sense if the demons took the things the hero used.

“Usually, the older and in better condition, the higher the basic value, especially if it was directly used by a warrior or related to war, the price goes up even more. After all, the auction price is set by collectors, not me.”

“Is that so…”

Certainly, most of Arcel’s items at the auction were insignificant compared to those of the other warriors.

This was thanks to Arcel’s being alive and well, and most of the things he took were things he had picked up from his hometown that had already been burned down or somewhere else.

[Customer number 3 £40 million! Do you have any larger amounts! Oh oh! Guest number 46 is 45 million pounds!]

Is that why?

As the products were specially selected and prepared, the starting prices were also different from yesterday.

Considering that a single gold coin was worth about £1 million, the price of leather gloves that were worn out and could no longer be used just because they were barely used by a hero was too high.

As it was a gift from the royal family, it was quite valuable as a work of art, but if it was still too high, it would be too high.

“Are demons only rich?”

“Only rich demons came here. In the past, demons liked to collect luxury items, but like humans, there was no place to spend the accumulated wealth. Most of them have their eyes on the auctions that are being held on my estate.”

In addition, considering what kind of being a hero is to the demons, the keepsakes used by the hero were also to show off the power and prestige of the family.

There are many people who feel intimidated by a flashy appearance.

In the demon society, power and prestige were everything.

I didn’t spend that much money for nothing.

And before I knew it, the auction was coming to an end.

[Everyone, it’s finally the turn of the product you’ve been waiting for so long. A product that will decorate the highlight of the auction that everyone must have been curious about!]

The reason why Arcel decided to stay here is revealed.

A holy sword said to have been used by warriors in the past.

A weapon used by the chosen to bring peace to the world and to save the world from the demon lord.

The mark of the chosen one, and the conviction of the chosen one.

That is the holy sword.

[A weapon used by the 17th hero who subdued the enemy demon king who led the heyday of the demons in the past. The legendary sword that was used by the hero for the first time to defeat the demon lord!]

Arsel stared at the sword covered with cloth nervously.

It is a holy sword said to have been used by a hero other than himself.

Until now, I had never seen or heard of another holy sword, so I couldn’t help but wonder about Lee Sang, the same hero.

[The final product of the day is the legendary holy sword that the hero used to slash the demon king!]

The figure of the holy sword is revealed.

The demons are all in a state of ecstasy and admiration.

A blade made of an unknown metal that emits white light.

Handle decorated with bronze and platinum.

No one will be able to stop admiring the sculpture as if the goddess of beauty had visited it.

Although the sword was made to cut themselves, the beauty of the sword could not be denied.


“…That can’t be.”

Arselmann did not.

I couldn’t do that.

Because, the one who Used That holy sword.

“Why is that?”

Upon checking the holy sword, Arcel’s face hardened coldly, and soon he began to feel as cold as a field of ice.

“That can’t be, no! Ah, ugh…! Kuu…!”

“Calm down! Why are you doing this all of a sudden!”

Arcel suddenly grabbed his chest and began to exhale heavily.

He sat down on the floor, groaning bitterly, as if having difficulty breathing, and his body flinched.

At some point, Arcel’s body was wet with cold sweat.

“Kuu! That damn bastard… Why isn’t there at a time like this. Breathe slowly for now Calm down and tell me why. If you don’t tell me why, I can’t solve it.”

Embarrassed, Clen hurriedly helped Arcel.

As the explanation of the holy sword continued, Arcel, who had finally calmed down, quietly opened his mouth.

It seemed like a moment of panic.

This is because the nightmare-like memories weighed on my body.

“…That sword is not the holy sword of a hero.”

Still trembling hands.

There was fear in Arcel’s eyes.

“Isn’t that the sword the hero used? But why are you reacting like that? Just because it wasn’t the holy sword the hero used, there wouldn’t be any reason for you to do that-“

“That sword is the one that That guy Used. After all her teammates are down. The sword I drew for entertainment…”

“No way-“

Arsel had seen that sword before.

-As a reward for coming all the way here, I’ll show you something special. This is the sword used by a kid like you in the past. It was the sword pointed at me by a weak loser who died alone.

A voice of despair that I can hear even now.

It was more like a nightmare than an apocalypse to the world, something I never wanted to experience again.

The demon king pulled out that sword and trampled on Arcel in the past.

The pain and despair of that time still remain vividly.

Even if it was Arsel who stood last.

I was left with a nightmare I would never forget.

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  1. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    That sword was indeed the oast hero’s sword, but it is also the sword the demon king used, apparently (based on my understanding, at least)

  2. Reader_X says:

    What? I don’t understand what happening

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