I Possessed the Villain in the Lily Novel chapter 26

26 - Falling Death (9)

26 – Falling Death (9)

Around 15 years old, just after Lillia became a witch.

She was just like the other witches she hates now. She is an immature girl who judges the world only by her magical skills and beauty.

“Lilia, you had a duel today, right?”

“It can’t be helped, Akera. That b*tch first raised a dispute about becoming a witch only with the thesis.”

Since the thesis was the most helpful in acquiring qualifications as the youngest witch, Lilia was swept away by various rumors in the early days of becoming a witch. Like she only became a witch in theory, or that actual magic sucks. These nonsense.

She went to the malicious apprentices and witches who spread such rumors and challenged them to duels. And as a result, succession.

It was being proven day by day that she was a perfect witch in both theory and practice.

“I don’t know how a witch can do it with just that kind of skill.”

Lilia had a kind of sense of being chosen. She sees herself as superior to others.

In a society of witches where magic and beauty decide everything, her presence stood out. She was a rare star with magical talent and beauty. It is the first star with excellent brightness compared to other stars that hide their light hidden in the darkness of the night.

Envy is an emotion that always exists above envy. Lilia has been envied as much as she is jealous.

The enormous ego unique to puberty grew steadily and confidently based on that praise. Unfortunately, it was a bit off the beaten path.

She, too, could not get out of the witches’ unique way of thinking.

“Lilia, haven’t you been fighting too much lately…?”

“Akera, don’t worry too much. I’ll take down idiots like that in no time.”

Akera’s worried voice meant that she was worried that her behavior would gradually turn into a bully, but she didn’t come close to Lilia.

“Because she will one day become a great witch who can use great magic like 【Sunset】!”

Lilia was an ordinary adolescent girl addicted to her taste. Akera laughed bitterly whenever that happened. The reason she didn’t bother to intervene was probably because she wanted to realize it herself.

At that time, Lilia was too young to understand the meaning of her bitter smile.

She thought that her magic and beauty were a blessing to all, that the glory of her teacher would be eternal, and she was sure that she would bloom a flower that surpassed that glory.

The future was as soft as a silk road, and happiness was as sweet as candy in a candy box, something she could have if she stretched out her hand just a little. She was used to being jealous, and it was natural to be envied.

Lilia’s adolescence was a colorful and warm pastel color.

Then, a line of dark color like acrylic paint passed through her life.

A rare disaster that happened to the Witch Association.

That was the deep, dark line.

The runaway was caused by a witch who secretly studied demons inside the association.

If it was an ordinary runaway, it would have been just an ordinary accident with minor property damage and loss of life.

However, the runaway was not normal.

A combination of taboos and taboos.

The runaway blood magic using the devil’s body as a medium was different from other runaway magics.

The difference between fireworks and bombs.

The difference between a flooded river and a tidal wave.

The difference between blink and ruin.

There was such a difference.

Within 30 minutes of the runaway, one-fifth of Kyle Devoutier was engulfed in flames.

The original purpose of the research that caused the runaway was presumed to be infinite power. True to its purpose, the demonic fragment spewed out hellfire flames every hour. An ominous green fire reduced the space of knowledge to ashes one by one.

There are two ways to stop the runaway magic,

Sniping and destroying the magic formula that causes runaway.

Inversely calculating the magic formula that causes runaway and canceling the magic directly,

The former was easy, but it also involved many risks. This is because the moment the magic formula is destroyed, the surplus magical power right before it becomes magic does not know what variables it will become. There was also a case where the magic power suddenly exploded. Due to such risks, the former could not be attempted.

Thus, in order to solve the runaway magic, it was necessary to directly approach the magic ceremony and cancel the magic.

A witch threw herself for it. She was Akera.

As the chief in charge of this city, she was responsible for stopping the fire now. But she thought so herself, though no one gave her the responsibility of risking her life.

Lilia had to reverse her decision. Her dear master had to let her go to limb.

But it was impossible.

The determined eyes were strong enough to block one person’s forced plea.

Akera handed the envelope to Lilia who was crying.

“Lilia, can you pass this on? It’s a letter to my friend.”

“This, this…”

“I know this is an unreasonable request, Lilia. I’m sorry.”

It was a letter that Akera always carried with her, in which she wrote down what she wanted to say to the sage.

She was a light piece of paper, but it felt as heavy to her as a corpse. The letter felt like a will.

“Remember today, Lillia. Magic can bring salvation and destruction at the same time.”

It must have actually been something similar. Right before entering that pit, though, Akera didn’t say goodbye.

“Nevertheless, love magic, Lilia. Let your magic bring salvation.”

She didn’t say that she would come back.

“I love you, Lilia.”

“Wait a minute, Master!”

Akera’s legacy to her Lilia was modest compared to the life she had built. The letter, the love kiss on Lilia’s forehead, and the navy blue robe.

Before Lilia could reach out and grab her. Akera ascended to the sky and threw herself into the fire.

How many minutes have passed?

The green fire that seemed to spread forever has faded. At the same time, something black like charcoal fell from a distance. It was self-evident that it was a person.

The worst disaster that came to the witches fell many talented stars to the ground like meteors.

The biggest star has also gone down.

The name of that planet is Akera, the president of the Witch Association and the author of a bestseller.

He was the person Lillia loved the most.

At that time, Akera’s not being able to hold her hand became a grudge.

At that time, the letter to the sage left by Akera became her lifelong goal.

At that time, her last love, Jun Akera, became Lilia’s memory and left her unforgettable scars.

Lilia sometimes has nightmares.

A dream in which a person reduced to charcoal falls in a pit of fire.

That was the dream I just had.

“I’ll turn…”

Lillia forced herself to swallow the unpleasantness of the nightmare, grabbing her broomstick and flying.

To get to where the alarm sounded, to never see a corpse like that again.


I didn’t know that witches are b*tches and can’t even control magic. How do you predict that Well, even in previous lives, there were quite a few scientists who gave priority to the spirit of experimentation, tried it once, and then fell behind.

By the way, I am ashamed to die. What is this now I told Fresia that I would return, and then became a corpse and was scattered on the floor.

It’s pathetic. I have to overcome the ordeal, but I have to be recognized that I am not a devil, but I made a disaster.

I put my broken flower-like neck back to normal and looked up at the sky. The room I was in must have been a tower in a secluded place, and there was a whirlpool in the distance. In the whirlpool, clouds, bricks, pieces of wood, flesh, and blood were changing places to create a mysterious mixed juice.

If left unattended, this floating castle will become part of a strange puzzle. Buildings will be filled with people’s piles of flesh, and countless wails will become the music of the theme park. It was pretty serious anyway.

It must be stopped before human casualties occur.

I grabbed my dizzy head and stood up. I forcibly stopped my staggering steps and paid attention to the huge whirlpool of displacement magic in front of my eyes.

Cannot be destroyed. I read it in a book before. However, my magical knowledge is not high enough to dispel magic.

What then? You have to hit it with your body.

If you run far away with that medium that causes a runaway magic, you will be buying time until the witches arrive. You will die countless times in the process.

I confirmed with my own eyes that the vampire’s heart beating once. The position of objects has been reversed.


After running into the whirlpool, I ran towards the sky. He kicked off the brick fragments floating in the sky due to the substitution magic and ran again.

My heart raced again. The leg was cut off. Arm was cut off But there is a foothold in front. It was my arm that replaced the cloud. I stepped on it and headed forward before gravity dropped me. It was only twice, but I got a rough idea. Since I had a knack, the speed increased.

The impurities that fill the sky, like bricks. Using pieces of wood or piles of flesh as a stepping stone, they ran and ran again. From a distance, it will look like flying in the sky. That’s why you don’t know everything unless you come close and see it.

I trampled and jumped like that. The body was fragmented, but it regenerated each time. It hurt, but I endured it. Pain is never something you get used to.

It was the last bit. It was right before reaching the heart.

The body was floating in the air. The heart that was close by fell far away. The body was replaced at the far end of the range of substitution magic. I don’t know what was replaced with. All I knew was that I had failed, and that I was going to be knocked into the ground again. Etc.


I muttered as I was once again blown by the wind of the fall that I felt when I first came here.

At that time, a witch with a broomstick swaying in the distance was caught in one corner of her field of vision.


The reason for Lillia’s nightmare begins with regret.

At that time, she only regretted not holding Akera’s hand. She only regrets that she didn’t do anything while Akera was prepared for her death.

Regret made Lillia come.

Ogi will never go through something like that again.

Lilia hates sacrifice. This stems from regret, the cause of nightmares.

It’s called a sacrifice, but in the end it’s just the most altruistic suicide.

Also, usually those suicides happen in a form that is forced by circumstances that are not what the person himself wanted. In a way, it is also a murder.

Lillia hates making sacrifices.

After Akera’s death, the Witches’ Association gave her a magnificent funeral and praised her achievements. As if it were a great thing. Like a very grateful thing.

For Lilia, it’s just the death of a loved one, so why is she praising it? What is ‘the great and beautiful death’?

Don’t attach rhetoric to sacrifice. Don’t package it beautifully.

Death is death. It is the greatest misery that human beings can face.

If you praise death, isn’t it like encouraging such a death?


Lilia gradually distanced herself from witch society after Akera’s death. There was also a reason why she had to travel all over the place for the sage’s trials. After all, the biggest reason was the death of Akera, who was treated by the witch society.

A long time has passed that can be called a distant time, but it is still like that.

Lilia chewed on the past as she flew on her broomstick. Her wind chills her hair. But she still remembers that time and makes her blood boil.


After Akera’s death,

Lillia has abandoned her magical supremacy.

I think that’s what Akera wants.

But she still loves magic.

This also seemed like what Akera wanted. Because she means ‘abandon supremacy’ and ‘dislike’.

She tracked Eva’s location as she headed towards the alarm. All of the clothes Lilia bought for her Eva are enchanted with that tracking magic. She has an agreement with Eva. Rather, she asked for it there. She said, ‘It’s definitely a seed, but shouldn’t you show that you’re controlling it?’ It was better this way than her leash.

The location where the alarm sounded and the location pointed by Lillia’s tracking magic were the same.


Lilia regrets that she did not hold the hand of those who challenged death.

Lilia doesn’t like that she has to put all sorts of rhetoric on sacrifice.

She hates seeing the dead bodies of those she spends time with.

But what about him?

Why did you sacrifice yourself in the battle against the devil? Do you think he’ll thank you then? I don’t appreciate it at all. Rather annoying. I even gave you a promise about the future, but why die? Why do you want to die Do you have no regrets about life while living as a test subject? What is so nice Are you Hogu?


Why did you go somewhere while I was sleeping? I’m afraid of where else to look, so I’m nervous. Don’t die? So what. I just hate it when someone I know turns into a corpse.

Why are you flirting with Innis? He’s the one I wanted first. I want to be that child’s best friend.

Why is the conversation interesting? Why do you feel comfortable when you are together? I like girls i know that My tendency is that I know best.

On the subject of men. About the man I hate so much.

“You’re really annoying!!!”

Why are your hands so soft?

Lilia grabbed Iva’s hand as it fell high in the sky and held it.

Lilia regretted not once holding the hand of the one who was about to die.

I was not prepared to stop it once.

Once I was reluctant to come in contact with that being.

I didn’t want to regret today.

Ogi has surpassed hatred.

The newly built ties have overcome the bad ties of the past.

The tightly connected hands proved him.

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  1. D F D F says:

    Go read edgy novel kid

  2. IwantemBed says:

    Then just don’t read, if you hate it so much just leave cuz I’m lovin’it and your spoiling the mood of other reader who like it too

  3. Papa says:

    it’s not touching and not sweet, it’s just boring

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