I Possessed the Villain in the Lily Novel chapter 3

3 - Sosa (3)

3 – Sosa (3)

“…… Lilia?”

After she spoke, she realized something was wrong. It was clear that everyone would be suspicious if someone they didn’t know knew their name.

I was quickly talking behind her before she realized that her own name had been called.

“It’s good that a prestigious flower witch steals people’s baths and sells them.”

All witches certified by the Witch Association have some kind of modifier, but in Lilia’s case, it was a flower witch.

As the youngest witch, she left many achievements that will leave her name forever. It was written in the original work that it was introduced quite frequently in newspapers and radios around the world.

Her Flower Witch is a word that symbolizes her and serves as an external title, so by saying this, I can implicitly convey that I have acquired her information from some other medium.

“Do you steal? Hey i…….”

“Lilia?! What’s the matter!”

Lilia tried to protest something (still covering her eyes with her palms), but her words were cut off by Innis.

She must have been running in a hurry, but her long, beautiful hair had leaves stuck to her in some places, and sweat was forming on her forehead. Innis looked around and our eyes met.

At that moment, Innis, who had been looking around like a meerkat, stopped moving. She cried out loud, her eyes slowly down and her ears red.


I don’t know if young people these days have an aversion to baths or what they are screaming about in a bath.

I was so annoyed that I squinted my eyes and covered my ears. Oops, she used up her hands covering her ears.

There was no sign of stopping the screaming.


“Kuhmm… Excuse me, I’m sorry.”

“Actually, I did a lot of excuses. I will claim compensation later.”

“Aren’t you saying it’s okay at times like this?”

“I didn’t know because I had never received etiquette training.”

A few seconds before the screams could be heard, Innis also covered his eyes with his hands. However, unlike Lilia, the fact that she glances at my body through the cracks in her hands tells me that she can’t suppress the curiosity of an adolescent girl.

No matter how much, I had no interest in exposing my nudity, so I hid most of my body under the river and sat in a posture of hugging my knees.

In other words, only his face was sticking out above the river. So, unfortunately, Innis was unable to satisfy her curiosity about the body of her opposite s*x.

“Ah, anyway, get dressed quickly!”

Innis barely covered her eyes with one of her palms and swung her hand towards me with the other.

But I don’t have any clothes. Unfortunately, I couldn’t fulfill her wish again.

“I have no clothes.”

“Don’t lie!”

“…… Innis, maybe she enjoys exposing her body on purpose.”

Innis retorted with her bright red face, and Lilia glared at me with strangely cold eyes.

I can roughly guess the reason for her cold gaze.

Lilia’s teacher, Akera, has only met trashy men all her life. Perhaps because of that experience, it is said that a lecture on how dangerous men are to his pupils was included in his education process.

The lecture left a deep impression on Lilia, who has had a bad impression of men since childhood because of her father who divorced her mother. She herself naturally developed a distorted perception of men in many ways.

In other words, Lilia has a setting of hatred for men.

As a lily, it would be a perfect setting, but in my current situation, it wasn’t very good.

Lilia isn’t as good as Innis, but she’s a pretty strong person. She’s no, she’s only lagging behind in firepower, but she’s at the top of the world when it comes to magic utilization and versatility. She’s even, she’s one of the few people with the same purpose as the Sage.

It’s obvious that the paths overlap a lot. If she is a good friend or not at all, it is difficult to be hostile.

However, no matter who sees it, the person who did the wrong is over there. The hostility is difficult, but the relationship with the creditor is not so bad. I thought that if you felt sorry for me, I might be able to rip off something, so at first I was deliberately grumbling.

“… All men are perverts.”

I had forgotten that that b*tch had no shame. Actually, there are not one or two episodes that happened because of that damn personality, but I didn’t consider this.

“Lilia, we did it wrong this time. Isn’t that attitude a little off?”

As I was thinking about how to deal with this situation, Innis suddenly sided with me.

“… What?”

“Even if it wasn’t our intention, it’s as if we stole it. You have to accept the sarcasm of not having clothes.”

I’m sorry Innis, but I’m not being sarcastic when I say I don’t have any clothes. It was absurd that the person who tried to tell me not to lie until just now did that like flipping his palm, but it’s still on my side.


– Bubbling.

I cheered inaudibly while making air bubbles in the river with my mouth.

“Man over there, sorry about earlier. It was unintentional, but I apologize for stealing the bath.”

He even bowed his head to me and apologized. Why is he like this all of a sudden Are there any acquaintances I don’t know about?

‘It’s okay~’

– Bubbling.

Once you apologized, I decided to forgive you with my broad consideration. When I was talking in the water, some water got into my lungs and I couldn’t speak well.

But Ennis straightened her posture and looked at Lillia as if she didn’t care at all.

Ah, this is a fight using an apology as an excuse.

This is what my bright brain has just concluded about this sh*t. To be precise, it was not a fight against me, but a fight against Lilia.

Inis’ apology was directed at me, but her eyes were not directed at me. She didn’t side with me or really feel sorry for me.

It was just a matter of arguing with her by grabbing her pod at Lillia’s words.

The reason Innis lowered his head was to make only Lilia a bad b*tch. Along with Innis’ apology, Lillia’s expression rapidly darkened.

Oh, I’m scared.

I can’t handle the atmosphere of this fight. Didn’t the two of them kiss the other day and flirt with each other while throwing fireballs at me? Why are you fighting all of a sudden?

“… You there, I’m sorry too.”

Lilia also apologized to me. It was hard to see that this was done for me, too, and it could be seen as simply responding to Innis’ dispute.

“Lilia, what are you doing?”

“What? You apologized for what you said.”

“There is such a thing as a way of speaking.”

Go somewhere else and fight.

It wasn’t enough that he disturbed other people’s baths, so after turning a man who was still into a pervert, they were fighting with each other against the background of the male nude and the river.

‘It’s going to get sick.’


What the hell is wrong? In the original work, the argument between the two does not occur after the last conflict, the killing of Experiment 86. This is because Innis is completely in love with Lilia.

Innis sees each and every action of Lilia with respect and love in her eyes. Even though Lilia is a bit burdensome, she doesn’t hate her love and respect, so she can’t create the atmosphere like this ice sheet.

A couple that was quite popular in the original work as well. Commonly known as Lily.

But the girls in front of me are something.

Ennis seems to be not sure what’s wrong with Lilia, so she grabs her by the tail and prolongs her quarrel, which could have ended quickly. Lilia seems to have completely given up on Innis’ attitude, and she doesn’t fight back with that damned personality. She just sighs deeply and follows her words.

“…… hahahaha yeah sorry I’m so sorry for stealing your bath.”

Of course, I’m not following it properly.


“Why Innis? Oh, did I offend you again?”

The relationship between the girls I knew was different. That affectionate and affectionate relationship is on the verge of ruin.

This is not the only strange thing. It’s so strange that they came around again after killing Subject 86.

There’s no way they’ll be taking care of the aftermath after exterminating the monsters in between, and Lilia’s personality is annoying because she’s the kind of person that hates her, so even if she was asked to do so, she would have refused in her own way.

The description of these two walking in the forest right after the defeat of Subject 86 could not be found in the original work.

The original was distorted.

The gap between the development I knew and the reality makes my head dizzy.

What was the problem? There may have been another variable somewhere I don’t know, but I only know of one.

My survival. The only fact is that Subject 86, who was supposed to die, survived.

Damn I thought you wouldn’t find out. Actually, survival was discovered a long time ago.

I am well aware of my current situation. Monster. A monster that deserves to be killed. Even if the damage has already been done, eradication will be unavoidable.

Fortunately, it seems that my true identity was not revealed to those girls. If they had been caught, it would have been me who was screaming earlier, not them. Judging by the fact that he still doesn’t care about me, it’s assumed that he hasn’t noticed my true identity yet.

“Aren’t you tired of living so emotionally all the time?”

“You always think you are rational, right?”

At the time my thoughts had progressed to a certain extent, it seemed that the argument over there had progressed quite a bit.

“Haa… …. Innis, are you still thinking about that monster?”

By the way, it’s quite difficult if they don’t get along.

Lilia’s journey is full of hardships. Among them, there are quite a few large-scale events, some of which are described as possibly leading to the end of the world.

Even if the writer’s head isn’t that good, there are times when the board is opened so wide that it seems impossible to solve. However, at that time, if Innis was there, most enemies could be crushed.

Innis, who is in charge of ‘The author’s idiot, is it a kid again?’ Uses overwhelming force to solve the case.

But if that almighty solver fights with Lilia, the kkandukji that would appear in such cases disappears. As I just said, some of the incidents that Lillia gets involved in lead to the end of the world.

In other words, if they don’t reconcile, they might even f*ck me.

“I told you, he’s not a human, he’s a monster!”

“Then what was that scream!!”

I don’t know what the two of them are fighting for, but I hope they reconcile quickly. You should get along well with your friends.

Ah, it’s getting cold. It’s because I’ve been sitting in the river for too long.

“You and I heard then—”


I think Innis was trying to say something, but my sneeze was so loud it was buried. Oh sorry I would have been sincere

“Oh, sorry. Go on.”

He asked me not to hold back and continue what I was talking about, waving my arms like when inviting someone to sit in a chair. Since I was still in the river, the sound of splashing and splashing hit my ears every time I jumped. It was cold.

“… Big. Sorry, I forgot. Don’t sit idly by, put on some clothes. Innis and I will turn around.”

“Because I have no clothes.”

“Stop that joke now. Not funny. Or are you a real pervert?”

“I wish that was a joke too.”

Lilia made eye contact with me as she tried not to look below me. His absurd eyes stung, but I didn’t avert my eyes because I was confident.



Come to think of it, the reason for the fight earlier came out, but I should have listened more closely. Concentrating on his thoughts, he blankly stared at the pebbles under the river from the middle. Even the contents of the fight spilled out in one ear.

Ah, the chill started to rise once again.


Lilia and Innis looked around the riverside looking for something.

“Really… Aren’t you?”

I think I looked for clothes. hahahaha, those guys didn’t even notice how serious they were in fighting.

“… ….”

“… ….”

Lilia and Innis looked into each other’s eyes and had a silent conversation. What is it, let me hear it.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, they nodded. Lillia turned her head towards me, and she said in a serious voice.

“You there, let’s go somewhere with us.”

She told me not to follow people she doesn’t know. She, of course, had never seen her in her mother’s life. That’s what she said

“…… Will you give me clothes when I go there?”

“I’ll give it to you now.”

“I will go right away. Where are you?”

I have enough clothes these days, but if they give them away for free, I should go. I’m a beggar, so I don’t even have money to buy clothes. Even naked, it is difficult to go to the village.

In a civilized society, I almost lived like a savage in the woods, chatting with friends, but I am very fortunate.

Anyway, this is how I solved the problem of food, clothing, and shelter.


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  1. Kang Joyeuse says:

    I think the author should have given a reason why he doesn’t have clothes, didn’t he say his fire magic is very strong?

  2. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Yeah, considering from the description he probably looks like a mindless mass of flesh that grows a lot of arms and randomly attacking them it would be really unfair to blame them trying to kill him. Rather, the fact that it is implied rather heavily that the only reason he survived was that Innis heard his call for help and hesitated to kill him at the last moment is another point to her favor.

    Also think about it this way, if Innis hadn’t burned off all that flesh he had, if he wanted to get a proper human form he would’ve need to cut off all that flesh pieces by pieces by himself just like what he did to carve that regeneration disabling curse, just him having much more that he had to cut. Which would undoubtedly be very agonizing.

  3. Apops says:

    To obsidian: the guy is also a mercenary mage who underwent so many trials and hurdles. He even managed to create his own original magic that inhibits regeneration. ssomeone like that wouldn’t care about someone who tried to hunt his monster form down for a job

  4. I wouldn’t blame him, but he is giving a beta and a pushover vibes… A very strong one at that…

  5. look at this dude having 0 understanding from what he just read. like gladiator said, he reincarnated as a monster and didn’t die due to innis hesitating on killing him after hearing him scream. he has no hate for them

  6. Nah how can u blame them? He reincarnated as the boss monster in the middle of the boss battle

  7. OnlyTruth says:

    Motherfucker should try to kill her if he is even little sane because she inflicted massive pain on him whether intentional or not

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