I Pretended To Have Amnesia and the Hero’s Party Becomes Obsessed chapter 6

6 - 1. The Worst Reunion (6)

6 – 1. The Worst Reunion (6)

I wasn’t surprised to see Parsley. Rather, I had expected her to come.

The news of my memory loss had spread throughout the mercenary group, thanks to the talkative Fea. And once Clara, Amy, and the others found out the truth, they approached me immediately.

It made sense for Parsley to do the same.

The bond I had with Parsley was no less than that of Amy or Clara.

However, there was one thing that worried me.

“…So, you lost your memory?”

What kind of reaction would she show?

I saw Parsley open her mouth only ten minutes after we walked side by side. Her face still carried the hesitation that she couldn’t shake off.

“Yes, it’s strange how I only speak of childhood memories.”


Tempting and painful, it flickers in her eyes. Sensing that silence will follow, I cautiously unleashed my luck.

“So, is that all?”


“The reason you asked for a moment of time.”

Parsley’s body stiffened noticeably.


“In that case, may I go in first? I have something to take care of…”

And I hesitantly took a step back, as if about to leave.

The reaction came immediately.


Parsley grabs onto my collar with desperate eyes. Startled, I froze, causing her to release my collar in surprise.

And then, dry sobbing, a sigh, a mix of laughter.

“…I was your friend. At the martop.”

It was an honest answer to the point of being perplexing.

In contrast to Clara, who told lies that wouldn’t hold up, and Amy, who didn’t say a word about the past.

I stumbled over my words, overwhelmed with confusion.

“Oh, um… Sorry for not recognizing you.”

“I lost my memory, so it’s only natural that you couldn’t recognize me. Actually, I didn’t recognize you either.”

She didn’t recognize me…?

Parsley presses her large brimmed hat, hiding her face.

“…You’ve changed a lot.”

Of course, I have changed a lot from the time I spent with her at the martop. At least, our legs were still attached back then.

But in that moment, she definitely recognized me.

If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have run away as soon as she saw me.

Once again, it was another lie.

There was no disappointment. It only increased my doubts.

“…So, you called me out briefly to talk about that?”

I calmly responded, cutting off my doubts. Parsley avoided eye contact and retorted.

“Well, there’s that… If it’s a memory-related issue, I would be better than Clara.”

“What do you mean…”

Parsley swept off her hat.

“…If you don’t remember, come find me. I’ll help.”

“There’s no need to go that far…”

“No need to decline.”

Parsley interrupted me and covered her face with her hat again.

“…We’re friends.”

And not long after, Parsley turned around complaining of a sore leg.

Unlike when we arrived, we returned to our lodging without saying a word.

Because she couldn’t pour out any more words,

And because I couldn’t stop the wandering thoughts.


Parsley’s nights were always sleepless nights.

It was like that before I met her,

And even more so after we parted.

When lying in bed and closing my eyes, fragmented memories would surface inside my eyelids, and harsh voices would scratch my eardrums.

Unable to endure it, how many nights did I spend studying? Parsley couldn’t remember.

But today was different.

No, the days when he was by my side were always different.

[Well, good night]

The words he left before parting.

Parsley secretly smiled, recalling the sweet sensation those words left in her mind.

Even if they were thrown out as a matter of courtesy, it was fine.

Even the illusionary softness was enough comfort for her hunger.

Thinking that she would be able to sleep comfortably tonight, Parsley opened the door to her bedroom.

And she looked surprised.

“Amy…? Clara? What are you doing in my room?”

Her colleagues gathered in the small inn room.

Amy leaned against the wall, while Clara sat somewhat uncomfortably on a chair. Both had a terribly cold expression on their faces.

Amy looked at Parsley with cold eyes, still unable to escape her confusion.

“Parsley, I’ll ask you directly without beating around the bush.”

“Uh, well…”

“Did you also know Lem?”

Parsley’s eyes widened.

“How did you…!”

Then, Parsley’s body stiffened. Amazement mixed with suspicion appeared in her eyes.

“But you too…?”

Amy’s face hardened as she avoided eye contact. Clara responded with a chilly smile.

The position of being a disciple of the Matop Doctrine is not just a place one can attain based on their magical power alone. Parsley quickly grasped the current situation.

Both Clara and Amy also knew about him.

…And presumably, they held similar feelings.

The coolness similar to that of her comrades appeared on Parsley’s face, who had figured out the situation.

From Noble mtl dot com

The three women gathered in the small room, silently exchanging glances.

The air was filled with suspicion and doubt, the words chillingly circling the edge of their hearts.

The atmosphere was on the brink of something about to explode at any moment.

Finally, it was Clara who broke the tense atmosphere.


Clara suddenly clapped her hands, focusing their attention, and softly smiled as she opened her mouth.

“It seems that things have become more complicated. Shall we first organize the situation?”

And then, she sent a warm smile with a cold gaze towards Parsley.

“I’ll ask just to make sure, even though I have a rough idea. Do you love Lem, Parsley?”

Love, suddenly, Parsley’s expression crumbles at the unexpected and strange words.

“T-t-what, what is this sudden s-sound…!”

“That’s how it is.”

Clara declares with a beautiful smile.

“I love Lem.”

Parsley’s face contorts with bewilderment, and Amy, who has been observing the scene, also narrows her eyes.

“He was like that even when he was by my side, and his feelings haven’t changed even now.”

However, despite the cold gaze directed at her, Clara’s confession does not stop. On the contrary, she declares, facing that gaze head-on.

“Although, in the past, circumstances beyond our control drove us apart, this time I won’t let go, no matter what.”

And then, she looks towards Amy and puts on a twisted smile.

“Also, seeing you speak fondly of the person you promised to marry, it seems Sir Knight is not so different from me.”

Parsley’s eyes express complete bewilderment as they turn towards Amy. Amy responds by averting her gaze. It was a silent affirmation.

“So, Parsley, I’ll ask you once again.”

Clara asks with a smile, her voice shaking.

“Do you love Lem, Parsley?”

It was a clear provocation.

He is already a man I have set my heart on. And not only me, but you also dare to look down on others.

And Parsley could feel himself shrinking in front of that question. The memories of the past had created it.

She is a sinner.

A filthy harlot who gave false testimony.

If he hadn’t lost his memory, he wouldn’t have even allowed her to stand before him.

Even in the moment of facing him,

Even after swearing hundreds of times the night before,

Even after deciding to accept the hatred and disgust he would pour out,

Did she not see him broken and scared and run away?

Instead of confessing her own fault to him, she cowardly claimed to be his friend.

Can such a person say that she loves him?


“…Clara, when you first met Lem, you showed symptoms of hyperventilation.”

Parsley with an unshakeable expression speaks to Clara.

Then, Parsley also looks at Amy and asks.

“Amy, you ran away.”

Amy’s face becomes even darker. Parsley, confirming this, feels a weight lifted from his chest and opens his mouth.

“And I, I ran away with a pale face.”

Parsley puts his hand on his chest.

Perhaps they, and even himself, had uttered the words they least wanted to hear.

“It’s not a sign of being proud, is it? Isn’t that right?”

A dreadful silence descends.

Amy clenches her fist,

Clara chews on her lower lip.

And their gazes were focused downwards, as if it was only natural.

Only Parsley, boldly meeting their gaze, continued speaking.

“I don’t think I have the right to say that I love Lem. Especially now that he has lost his memory.”

Amy and Clara’s gazes slowly rise again. Intertwining with Parsley’s, they become tense.

“But I think I have the right to prevent those who have hurt my friend from coming back.”

Parsley glared at Amy and Clara.

“Don’t you dare touch my friend.”

In the end, it was empty words.


The forest tinted with the bluish light of dawn,

That mysterious atmosphere is shattered instantly by a single sneeze.


“…It’s cold out here, why don’t you get into the carriage?”

The nose-blower says to me in a sarcastic tone. Sitting on top of the carriage roof, I wipe my nose and raise my head.

“We know there are people aiming for us, how can the deputy chief be fast asleep?”

“The big boss and the little boss are doing the same thing.”

“What do you expect from those people?”


The nose-blower falls silent, as if unable to say anything. I look at the dense forest with deep sadness.

It has already been two days since we left Phanex.

As soon as we replenished our supplies and personnel, we resumed our journey, and luckily, nothing had happened yet.

…Whether it’s because we strengthened our defense or because the enemy is preparing for a big attack, I’m not sure.

“Oh, right. Corjan, how are the new recruits doing?”

I asked Corjan, who was tending to the carriage. With a yawn, he showed off the size of his nose and replied.

“Well, they’re doing better than expected. No troublemakers among them.”

“Any suspicious characters?”

“Do you see anyone who doesn’t look suspicious compared to those who eat swords for breakfast?”

“Any of them getting scared and trying to run away after hearing that the opponent is a command mage?”

“Well, there were some scared ones… but they seemed reassured when they found out we’re the Rose Rem Mercenary Corps.”

I raised an eyebrow at the unexpected answer.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, brother, isn’t it said that we’ve become quite famous now?”

“…Is that so?”

I scratched my cheek and asked, and Corjan smirked in response.

“Listening to what the recruits say, even the kids in this neighborhood know the name of our mercenary corps. The rumor about us has spread wide.”

The rumor has spread wide…

Well, it has been four years already.

The leader, Phaea, and I formed this mercenary corps.

During these four years, we received many requests, some of which could be called feats. It’s natural that we gained fame.

“So, don’t push yourself too hard.”

“Why are you suddenly saying that?”

Corjan trembled nervously at my irritated question.

“Practically, aren’t you the pillar of our mercenary corps, brother? Even this time, the recruits didn’t show any signs, so I was really worried about you. Well, more accurately, I was worried about my income.”

“What, as if it’s the first time… Am I doing this a couple of times?”

“That’s why, I’m telling you to be more careful. Otherwise, you might really get hurt… Ack!!”


I pulled his leg while looking at Corjan, who was clutching his head.

“You should really watch your mouth, talking like that. Hmm?”

“Lee… What’s the fuss about worrying? You don’t do this to the younger sister…”

“Am I the same as the youngest?”

As they exchanged such trivial conversation, suddenly, the carriage window opened, revealing a round, red face.

“Don’t you guys ever sleep?”

The bald priest, Clebans, appeared. I retorted with a scornful expression.

“Who allowed you to act like an elder brother?”

“Oh, give me a break… I just drank a lot yesterday…”

“When exactly do you not drink a lot?”

I felt a twinge in my temple, my hangover creeping in.

Clebans, one of the few priests in our mercenary group and the most exceptional among them.

An alcoholic, which was a problem.

-Glug, glug.

Sure enough, not long after getting up, he was already babbling nonsense. I stifled a rising sigh.

“Oh, and Deputy Chief.”

He, who had already emptied a bottle of wine, suddenly called out to me, raising a finger and asking.

“By any chance, that woman, the prospective saint, is she the Deputy Chief’s interest?”

For a moment, I almost threw the dagger I was holding. I suppressed my anger and retorted.

“What kind of absurd conclusion did your brain come up with?”

“No, they seemed affectionate towards each other.”

“What nonsense…”

Clebans interrupted me, covering his mouth with his sleeve.

“No, I mean, last time when the Deputy Chief wanted to die alone and went berserk.”

“What, again?”

“Back then, wasn’t it that woman who treated the Deputy Chief?”

The anger subsided at his words. It reminded me of the conversation I had with Faye before.

Certainly, she mentioned that Clara had treated me back then, right?

“Well, actually, I was trying to treat you, but then that woman suddenly came running, crying.”

I frowned at words I couldn’t just dismiss.


“Yeah, sobbing like crazy, saying you mustn’t die.”

I tried to picture that scene in my mind. However, it didn’t come easily.

Clara, sobbing, calling it therapy.

It feels like three completely unrelated words mashed together.

“So, that woman, the vice captain’s thing?”

A bald head shaking my hand crudely.

“Enough with the nonsense, get up and go check on the newcomers.”

I responded with disdain, concealing my contemptuous gaze. The bald head grumbled, but eventually turned towards where the new recruits were.

After confirming their presence, I resumed hanging on the roof. Then, suddenly, I felt a suspicious gaze and furrowed my brow.

“…Why are you looking at me like that again?”

A freckled face looking at me with suspicion. Eventually, he asked me.

“Was there really nothing between us in the past?”

“What kind of nonsense is that…”

“Sir, didn’t your memories from childhood disappear this time?”


The freckled face continued with an intrigued look.

“Well, do you really not know what happened between you and the holy maiden back in the old days? Perhaps, you and she were dating…”


It wasn’t me this time.

The distracted gazes of the freckled face and me both focused on one place.

There, already neatly dressed, stood Fea. A surprised sound escaped from the freckled face’s mouth.

“Young lady…?”


“Write a novel, huh? A novel?”

“Oh no! Wait, Miss, I really got a bone…! Ouch!!”


With the precision of catching a mouse, Fea beat the freckled face.

I was so bewildered that I couldn’t even think to intervene.

Of course, it was only for a brief moment.

Soon, I thought to myself, “Well, I guess the nerd has been showing off lately,” and enjoyed watching that scene.

Then, when I felt it was about time, I intervened.

“Cut it out, youngest.”

“Oh, yes.”

Feya put down the limp nerd. I felt a moment of satisfaction, then looked at Feya with a puzzled expression.

“But, what’s going on here? I told you to take a break.”

Feya was our mercenary squad’s only strategic weapon. She had probably told me to rest as much as possible in case of a possible ambush.


Feya’s expression darkened at my question. She hesitated, biting her lower lip, then spoke up.

“The hero party members called for you….”

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  1. Shu Chou Shu Chou says:

    hmmm i think the reason rose suggested to pretend he lose his memory is because she realized those girls are feeling guilty about something they did horrible to Rem before but for Rem, its nothing terrible.

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