I Want To Save the Academy Time-Limited Madman chapter 24

I Want To Save the Academy Time-Limited Madman 24

24 – 4.5 Hell Instructor – Faberde (4) – Prepare for Farewell.

Time flies like an arrow.

We are afraid of that fact, yet compromise and live with hope.

There is meeting and parting in between.

There is separation and reunion.

There is also an eternal parting.

Dyers has changed over the course of six months.

Every day, I ran while listening to the boring nagging of my teacher, and I was always sick of eating chicken breast and vegetables like crazy.

It was painful to hold the sword every day, but he silently carried out the given task.

I didn’t forget to practice handling spirits either.

Whether it rained or snowed, I just did what I had to do.

Then his body, which hadn’t changed much for several months, began to change little by little.

To put it simply, I grew up.

Above all, the thing that changed the most was his body shape.

Faverde glanced at his pupil.

During those half a year, short and long, Dyers did not slack off even for a single day.

I did talk back a bit to the nagging, but that tidying up was within the permissible range for everyone.

“You mean grab that?”

This was the result of that sincerity.

A strong male body with almost no flab.

The facial features were revealed because all the flesh on the face had been lost.

The gloomy pupils are gone, and the big eyes full of vitality remain.

It was a face that her colleagues who had left would have trembled.

Eshil, in particular, must have rushed at it in a frenzy.

She didn’t really respond because she wasn’t interested in men herself.

If you have to question it, you feel like the waiter’s brother? Well, it didn’t look too bad.

Such a disciple raised his sword and took a stance.

It’s a bit inexperienced, but Far Verde’s mouth drew an arc at her rather sharp posture.

“Yes. It’s Dire Wolf. It might be a bit too much for you, so give up if you’re having a hard time.”

Dire Wolf, a third-tier monster, is strong. Although Dyers also became stronger through training, he was a monster whose victory could not be guaranteed.

Furthermore, that wolf became savage because it couldn’t find food.

It’s dangerous.

Dyers leaped right at the wolf.

It was the same that the wolf had no intention of backing down.

The wolf roared just before his sword touched the wolf’s eye.

That is the scary thing about Dire Wolf.

If you get caught in [Roar], It’s not easy to get out.

But she already knew the result and smiled.

Her pupil also had a smile on her lips.

“The pattern is the same.”

He bit his tongue just before the [Roar] Let out his blood.

Dyers, who had become unaffected by the roar, thrust out his sword.


A wolf lost his right eye due to an unexpected attack.

Dyers did not miss the gap between embarrassment and pain.

I dug right under the Dire Wolf and inserted the sword into his torso.

In that state, he raised his sword and threw the wolf into the air.

A monster twice the size of a normal wolf floated in the air.

The wolf could not adapt to this ridiculous situation.

Dyers regained his stance.

Last time it was an ugly, messy win, but it’s different now.

I’m going to completely defeat this guy here.

His eyes, which were always dark, shone brightly in the sunlight.

The Dire Wolf was still in the air.

No further preparation was necessary.

Sword in one hand, magic in the other.

During the great war against the demons, that method was favored by the magic swordsman Faberde.

Dyers’ slash split the wolf’s body.

At the same time, the temperature of the wind, which had been cold without a wolf fighting back, gradually rose.

At the same time, heat is concentrated in his hands.


With the sword strike, a terrifying chain of explosions occurred from Dyers’ arm.

The wolf couldn’t come to his senses at the situation that happened in just 3 seconds.

She realized that Dyers had far exceeded her expectations.

There are still many immature parts, but it is an unbelievable raw stone.

Faberde clapped inwardly without her pupil’s knowledge.

‘Hmm. If you are my disciple, this should be enough. No way.’

“Kreurreuk! Kkaeng! Gaegaeng!”

The dire wolf, called the king of wolves, fell out unsightly.

It was only natural that his heart was slashed by the sword strike and his whole body was burned by follow-up magic.

The wolf fell to the ground, shuddered, and then died.

“Are you done?”

This much achievement in only six months.

I was satisfied with the result, but I was uneasy.

It was a disciple who spoke calmly, trying hard to hide his elation, but it was evident that he was excited.

As a teacher, the growth of students is always a joy.

Obviously Faberde was happy too.

You have to be happy.

Dyers, who killed her wolf with her dignity, came running to her.

She reluctantly raised her hand and put his fist into hers.

How excited were you after catching just one wolf? Faberde did not like his pupil.

I’m dying of noise when hesitating to say something in front of my eyes. I can catch dragons too, but that’s a big deal.

Where are you pretending to be an adult?

“Stop, stop, be quiet.”

“On days like this, it’s not about criticizing, it’s about giving compliments, Faberde.”

“Hmph. Even so, it’s still a long way off.”

“…I’m a bit picky today. Is it because I put green peppers in the curry the other day? I didn’t do that on purpose…”

“……What do you look at people for?”

As Faberde reacted, Dyers ran away in a hurry.

It could not have been a truly disgraceful disciple.

Because there’s not much time left to do something like this. I don’t know if I’d rather feel cold.

She lifted her head with her swipe and looked up at the sky.

What the f*ck is so peaceful.

My mood got even worse with the unpleasantly clear sky.


It has been 7 months since I entered this world.

The master was ill.


“How can a person cough like that?”

It was the first time Faberde had collapsed.

Since she always showed only her strong side, she couldn’t tell whether it was acting or a real illness.

In the end, I had no choice but to skip training today.

No matter how important training is, it was only natural that it was not as important as people.

I never take it out because it’s annoying.

“Heh… Hech! Trainee A! Don’t stay here, go out and practice right now!”

From noble mtl dot com

Faverde, desperately refusing to be taken care of, got sick.

Originally, if you say you don’t like human psychology, it’s because you want to take care of it more.

When I didn’t go out despite her decree to celebrate, Faber De took off his loose top with a chisell.

Fine skin that is revealed in an instant.


“It’s hot. It’s hot, it’s driving me crazy.”

Looking at her casual behavior, she doesn’t seem to care about exposure.

I don’t really have that kind of personality. I’ve never seen her shy.

Still, it was not good to act like this in front of a man of a long time ago.

“…Was it the exposure instructor, not the hell instructor?”

Looking at my slightly flustered face, Faberde put on an expression like an animal looking for prey.

“Hmm. Are you ashamed?”

“I’m not ashamed.”

“You’re lying. Have you ever seen a woman’s body for the first time? Ugh…”

As if having fun, Faberde giggled, showing sharp teeth.

It wasn’t the usual dignified voice, but a small, weak laugh.

It’s definitely the first time I’ve seen an obscene scene with this body, but I was more embarrassed than embarrassed.

I covered her body with a blanket.

“I don’t like it… It’s hot.”

“You frown like a child. Does it hurt a lot?”

I put my hand on Faberde’s forehead.

The warm feeling is transmitted right away. This is almost at the level of a melting pot.

“You dare to touch someone else’s body…”

“Look at the forehead.”

“Take it away.”

She turned her face away as if she didn’t like anything so much.

Do you hate it so much when my hands touch your body? I’ll have to be careful in the future.

“Trainee A. Again, go and practice. You can’t skip even one day of training. I’ll get well soon anyway.”

“You’re needlessly stubborn. I’m going to rest today.”

“…Go quickly before you get angry. Go quickly. Go quickly.”


“I’m fine.”

She must have been very sick. She was sensitive today.

In the end, I left the room because I couldn’t win against Faberde’s order to celebrate.

Honestly, there was a point in what she said.

Since training is also a kind of habit, there are quite a few cases where it goes wrong the moment you skip even one day.

This applies not only to training, but also to other things. Whether it’s writing or sports.

In my mind, I want to finish my daily routine and come back.

“…But how is that?”

Ignoring a sick person was quite painful.

Both sick and non-sick.

I prepared a wet towel, seasoned it moderately, and boiled the porridge.

I knocked, but there was no answer, so I just opened it and went in, and saw Faberde sleeping peacefully.

Normally, when we train together, there are no demons, but seeing it like this, it was a different look.

Carefully put a towel on her head and allowed the hot porridge to cool little by little.

“…I told you to go. Why did you come back?”

Awake in the meantime, she said curtly. However, his behavior was a little calmer than before.

Why did you come back?

I covered the disheveled blanket and continued.

“There’s nothing more sad than being alone when you’re sick. At least I am.”

When I was young, the saddest thing was that no one noticed that I was sick.

I made a promise at that time.

If someone is sick, never leave them alone.

I shamelessly sat down on her empty seat next to the bed she was lying on.

Faberde stared at that day, then she closed her eyes and muttered quietly.

“Stupid bastard..”

“Then you are a fool’s teacher.”


The sunset light filtered through the window.

Although you know better than anyone that the sunset will disappear someday,

Knowing full well that someday the sunlight will leave him.

No matter how desperately he turned away from the sunset, the window could not block the sunset from seeping into him.

There was no way the spear that had been frozen for decades could not resist its warmth.

Because it was inevitable.

She felt the warm sunset seeping through the window.

The time for parting was approaching.

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  1. I hope Faberde goes to the original game too

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not work with dark mode