I Want To Save the Academy Time-Limited Madman chapter 97

I Want To Save the Academy Time-Limited Madman 97

97 – How to fight and win against monsters (25) – You don’t have any kidneys.

Count Laure Tracy is a bat-like person with a dull but good sense. To put it simply, he was a small person who could not become a great person, a lucky person.

Since he was young, he had always been afraid of being noticed, so he always sought prestige by being on the side of the strong. In an aristocratic society, or indeed in any society, the weak were either trampled on or captured by the strong.

He thought he was a very smart person. He didn’t care much whether people criticized him as a treacherous traitor or criticized him as a petty person.

Because those are all just complaints from failures.

People’s nature does not change easily, so when there was a famine in the County of Laur, he went to a prestigious family in the south, and after becoming wealthy through business, he joined the imperial family to increase his power.

The Laur family gradually began to shake off its power.

Nevertheless, the count was not satisfied. Because he was a man with great ambition. Because of this, he pushed his son, Laurcont, hard from his childhood.

Because his son had to become a greater person than himself. Only then will the Laur family prosper even more!

Laur Cont was a criminal who resembled his father. Of course, he couldn’t catch up with a genius even if he pushed hard.

In the end, his son was expelled from school for using strange medicine and returned to the estate.

Because of that white-haired man in front of me right now.

“It’s almost time. Let’s go.”

“…Hmm. Has it already happened?”

Count Laure hated Dyers very much. It was the same after he saved her from Prince Howlan. Who in the world would look kindly on the guy who expelled his son from school? Well, I did pretend to be grateful at the time, but that was all just an act.

“Anyway, Young master. Is what you said back then really true? If you succeed in reaching the 13th floor, we will engrave our family’s emblem first on the list of those who helped you…!”

“How many times have I said this? All you have to do is keep your promises. Isn’t investing something you are better at than me?”

“That’s right, hahahaha! I’m sorry. I’m just a little anxious.”

A man who seemed like an enemy sent a letter to me.

The contents of the letter included the claim that the 13th floor could be conquered and the evidence related to it.

Count Laure was lost in thought for a moment. Is it right to invest in this man who contributed to his son’s expulsion?

That’s right. No matter how you look at it, this is money-making.

Whether he expelled his son from school or not, it was Laure, a noble and prestigious family, who distinguished between public life and private life.

Count Laure, who made his fortune through business, is fundamentally a ‘businessman’ and also an investor.

Do the investment that works. Don’t make investments that don’t work. He has lived his whole life by that principle, and still tries to keep it.

Isn’t it natural to invest in things that make money? A fool who doesn’t pick up money that falls on the street doesn’t have the qualifications to be a nobleman, let alone a human being.

From the top of the Verdilla Mountains, where numerous noble families and even foreign families were watching, Count Laure spoke confidently.

The basis of investment is to bring together speculators called investors.

“I recently had a meeting with Prince Dyers. The moment I heard his plan, Count Laure had no choice but to make a decision. This is the first time that the Laure family will support Prince Dyers’ challenge to conquer the 13th floor. That’s it!”

Count Laure was an extremely lucky man.


Dyers’ interview continued, starting with Count Laure’s investment declaration.

People from famous families, members of the royal family, and vassals of foreign families were mesmerized as he continued to speak.

At first, I thought it was nonsense, but the more I listened to it, the more I felt like it might be something.

Every time a major scholar from the ’13th Floor Research Group’ asked Dyers a question, he refuted it by answering point by point, and the public’s mind became even more confused.

“I thought it was a student’s right to dream. I never once gave up on conquering the 13th floor.”

Moreover, there is a strong perception that Count Laure is a small man, and he is a man with a good reputation when it comes to investments.

“…I find it fascinating to listen to.”

“That’s right. At least I should praise him for his will to conquer the 13th floor. I don’t think anyone in Beatus has the same passion as him.”

“No, if Young master is good enough to win a college degree, shouldn’t he become a college student? Why haven’t you gone to graduate school yet?”

“…I guess he didn’t want to go. I understand Prince Dyers.”

I thought this was a joke, but it isn’t.

The man in front of me is seriously trying to break the 13th floor. And it is said that he is currently looking for an investment destination.

Then, if what that man said is true at all. Wouldn’t it be worth investing the surplus funds that are already in the safe and will never be used? You might get slapped on the back by your wife or her husband at home… But just for fun. Yeah fun.

It can be said that one of the qualifications of nobility is to find fun and spend a lot of money.

“The interview is interesting because it feels like an adventure story. I will invest in Young master. Would 100,000 gold be enough?”

Among the nobles, there were secretly people who were crazy about this pleasure. If you invest just 100,000 gold, you can enjoy the 13th floor conquest content for free? This is clearly a profitable product.

It’s only 1 billion won.

“…A real investor has appeared!”

“Shh, Jenna, be quiet! But I’m also really surprised…!”

Jenna and Pur looked at their man in bewilderment. Today, his back looked bigger.

“I’d like to invest something, too. I don’t know if what I heard today is true, but it was interesting. Can I invest about 10,000 gold?”

“Hmm. Then, let me try too…”

Dyers smiled inwardly in satisfaction.

The interview, which was conducted in collaboration with the press department, went smoothly, and the listeners responded very well.

Now, if you just manipulate the Akashic Record community and bribe people, it will only take a moment for public opinion to change. Maybe there’s no need to manipulate it.

If you just work a little harder, you can get a permit.

Now is the time to reveal it.

“Wait a minute.”

“Yes, I knew you would come. Let’s sit down.”

“…Don’t try to overpower me by pretending to have predicted everything. I’m the one who came to interview you too.”

Now that the student council president is away on a business trip, Latina, who holds the most power in the student council, has arrived.

Sweat was beading on her crisp white blonde hair. This was unusual for her as she usually cared about her appearance.

“Huh, ha… It’s really so damn high here.”

She sat down, panting, as she packed all the documents.


The student council guarantees freedom of speech. Therefore, such a provocative interview by Dyers cannot be easily sanctioned.

If he arbitrarily overpowered Dyers and was hit by public opinion, it was obvious who the public opinion would attack.

Latina, who was prevented from suppressing by force, chose the standard method. All she has to do is go directly to the interview room and crush Dyers with her logic.

“Since His Highness Grand Duke Howlan conquered the 12th floor during his school days, many people have dreamed of challenging the 13th floor, but they have all failed.”

“If you fail, you will fail again. Did you come here just to say that?”

“Of course, I didn’t come here just to say that. I brought you information showing that you embezzled the student council budget several times to challenge the 13th floor. Everyone, look at this.”


The Latina unfolded the paper towards her people. In an instant, the public’s attention was focused.

“It was the other departments of the student council that suffered because of your absurd dream.”

Dyer’s brow furrowed.

Latina pushed him further. I don’t know about anyone else, but you shouldn’t give yourself any leeway when dealing with Dyers.

From Noble mtl dot com


“It’s a student’s right to dream? You speak well. Have you not thought about the fact that those foolish dreams can harm others?”


“Even if you succeeded, you still committed a crime, but you even failed. Are you trying to commit investment fraud this time? I knew you were only that level of a person, but I didn’t know you would show me the bottom of it.”

Public opinion is moving little by little again.

If Dyers was seen as a pioneer and challenger earlier, he now appears to be just a fraud. The audience was just as confused.

“…He was a fraud!”

“If that document is true… There’s no need to look any further. That person is just a fraudster.”

“Is this a challenge or something that even embezzles the budget? Even if you don’t look at it, it’s probably a scam this time too!”

Dyers quietly closed his eyes.

Public opinion reversed again after Latina’s speech. Even Pur and Jenna are stamping their feet, not knowing what to do.

What should we do to overcome this situation?

“It’s a little late. Dyers, you incompetent bastard.”

“Are you here?”

Latina comes from a collateral lineage of the prestigious ‘Sili’ family.

There are people in her family who can’t even see her face.

At the same time, there is someone in the student council who is constantly at odds.

“…Why are you here?”

A direct descendant of the prestigious ‘Sili’ family, an executive member of District 2, said to be the true second-in-command of the student council, and a probationary member of the 76th President Vivian, in other words, a classmate of Dyers.

Sili Kirshen has arrived.

“Suddenly the 2nd Executor broke in!”

“Are you on the side of Executor 1?”

“There are too many people. I don’t have time, so I’ll keep it simple.”

“Sili Kirshen! Go back to your seat and do your job right now!”

“The entire Student Council District 2 has decided to support Dyers’ conquest of the 13th floor. As for District 1, well, that’s none of my business.”


“And this guy isn’t cheating. He’s a criminal, but the fact that he stole the budget and continued to challenge the 13th floor doesn’t mean he has a lot of experience, right? I think it’s worth the investment.”

People began to stir again at the declaration of support from the second bailiff following Count Laure.

“It wasn’t a scam, after all.”

“I believed in Prince Dyers from the beginning.”

“Look at that confident tone. I thought he was either a criminal or a conman, but it turned out to be the former. Still, I’m glad he wasn’t a conman.”

Latina couldn’t help but be embarrassed by the public’s loss of the speed of light.

Even the reed fields of the autumn wind will have more incisions than those.

On the other hand, Dyers nodded and indirectly agreed with their words. That sight was truly disgusting.

At that time, Kirshen grabbed his head as he nodded.

Whisper in Dyers’ ear in a low voice so no one can hear.

“So, I guess you’ve regained all your strength? I felt bad because I was very weak at the time, but the Howlan bloodline is different.”

This was an unplanned statement.

Dyers, wondering what was going on, asked back.

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“I saw you destroy a control or something. I also saw you defeat a chimera, and you’re just as good as before.”

“I have never been weak.”

First of all, Dyers was bluffing. Then he saw Kirshen frowning at him.

“What bullsh*t. You don’t know how important kidneys are to wizards.”


“You don’t have any kidneys. Give them to him.”

Suddenly, I hear something nonsensical in my ear.

The person Kirshen pointed to was none other than Latina.

“What are you looking at?”

She was still looking at Dyers with fierce eyes.

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  1. Wow I see… Kirschen got mad at Latina because she knew Dyers gave his magic “kidney” to Latina. So he sacrificed for her sake and Latina was being ungrateful without knowing. I want Kirschen to appear more honestly

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