I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga chapter 118

I Was Possessed By An Unknown Manga 118

As soon as I woke up, there was something like a Rubco cartoon, but luckily it passed.

“…Nothing really happened, right?”

“Well. I don’t know because the film is cut off.”

Even when I asked, Meiling said so, leaving a vague possibility.

I didn’t think he would give me a normal answer even if I asked more and more, so I decided to give up at this point.

Anyway, we had breakfast after we made our bedding.

Unlike last night’s big meal, the breakfast menu included small fish slices and pickled vegetables, white rice and mushroom miso soup.

This is a typical Japanese breakfast.

We sat facing each other on the terrace overlooking the scenery outside, and we ate silently.

It’s been a while since I woke up, so I didn’t have the strength to speak.

He shoved the rice and miso soup into his mouth, cleared the empty bowl, and asked Meiling.

“What are you going to do now?”

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Meiling then answered while drinking tea after meals.

“Check-out is at 12:00, so I want to go to the hot springs one more time.”

Certainly, it is a waste to come all the way here and take a hot spring bath only once.

I’m running out of money too, so I’ll have to go in one more time.

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Meanwhile, while having a leisurely cup of tea, she said while looking at the scenery of Mt. Fuji.

“It’s so beautiful here. It feels like time has stopped.”

I turned my head to listen to her.

Clearly, the misty lake seemed to represent the magnificence of nature.

Like the stars I saw in the bath last night, it’s a landscape you’ll never see in the city.

That is why this place is so popular as a tourist destination.

“Come back later.”

Then Meiling looked at me.

“Will you come with me then?”

“If you have a spare?”

“Fufu, it’s a promise.”

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Meiling smiled faintly as she said that, and stayed on the terrace until the car cooled down.


After soaking in the hot springs once, we packed our bags to return home.

In fact, the only thing we had to do was pack our bags and have a backpack.

As we headed to the counter with the clothes we wore yesterday, which had been thoroughly washed, the owner of the inn we had seen briefly last night and the female staff who looked after us all the time were standing next to each other.

The innkeeper looked at me and Meiling in turn, and asked with a smile.

“Did you enjoy last night?”

“Yeah, what.”

I handed the room key I was holding in my hand.

Then, the innkeeper scanned the barcode on the key and informed us about the room rate.

“A total of 53,200 yen including the beer you bought at the store yesterday.”

“…Here you go.”


It was good to eat and drink, but when it was time to pay, it was a price that I didn’t want to show my card.

It’s probably money I wouldn’t have spent if Meiling hadn’t told me to pay it back, but it’s still very expensive for a one-night stay.

The innkeeper who received the check card from me swipe the card once on the posgi and asked me to sign it.

As I left my autograph, the innkeeper smiled and handed me the card and receipt.

“Thank you for using it.”


Bye-bye, my pretty 50,000 yen.

Feeling overwhelmed, I raised my head slightly and put the card in my wallet and said.

“Now let’s go.”

Then Meiling bowed her head slightly to the innkeeper and the female staff, and quietly followed me.

Now I’m really going home.


I kept it a secret from my parents that the two of us went out together.

In fact, I was worried that Ms. Mi-ja might misunderstand that her son was having a promiscuous s*x life, but it was because there was no need to scrape it.

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Meiling and I had kissed before entering the house, so I decided that I had slept at a friend’s house and that she had met someone she knew.

Anyway, the day passed like that-

“Meiling! I’m here!”

On the fifth day after Meiling had been living in the house, the long-awaited credit card finally arrived.

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Meanwhile, Meiling, who was helping her parents with the shop and playing the role of a signboard lady, looked at the letter I had brought and had a strange expression on her face.

“Why is that? Your expression is not bright.”

Then, Meiling smiled bitterly as she received the letter from me.

“I’m glad, I’m glad, but if I get this, I don’t have any reason to be here anymore.”

ah… .

I only realized later.

As long as the card she lost was reissued, she no longer had to stay at my house.

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My parents, who were in the kitchen, looked out and said, “Maybe they heard my voice.”

“Good. Miss.”

“It’s good. I can go home now.”

“Uncle, Auntie…”

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Meiling looked at her parents with a sad expression on her face, then closed her mouth and bowed her back.

“Thank you so much for feeding me and putting me to sleep. I will never forget this grace even when I return to my home country.”

Then the mother trembled and waved her hands.

“Ah, at best, I only cooked rice, so don’t let it float like that.”

“No, if it wasn’t for the two of you, I might have starved to death on the street. When you think about it, it’s unfair. To me, the two of you are like benefactors.”

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Meiling, who said so while sprinting, raised her head and said to me.

“Kim Yoo-seong, I have received an indelible grace from you as well. …Thank you for all that time.”

After speaking in a hard tone, she finally said that with a soft smile and went up to the second floor to pack her luggage.

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My mother, who was watching the scene from the side, pushed me on the back and sent her directly to the airport and told me to come.

Still, because he was a family member for a few days.

After I said yes, I waited for her at the front door of the store on the first floor.

Then, after about 10 minutes, Meiling came out with the suitcase she was carrying on the first day.

Looking at it this way, it’s only been a few days, but it feels like we’ve been together for an incredibly long time.

We caught a taxi on the street and headed to Tokyo International Airport.

As the taxi started moving, Meiling looked at our neighborhood where he had been living for several days.

It’s like trying to remember something without missing anything.

After a while, a taxi arrived at Tokyo International Airport.

When she got out of the taxi with the suitcase in her place, Meiling said thank you.

“Oh, I have to pay back the money I borrowed from you.”

Then, as if he remembered it too late, he went straight to the bank at the airport.

After a few conversations with the staff at the bank teller, she pulled out her card and withdrew money.

Then, after issuing a plane ticket on the spot, he approached me and handed me an envelope of money.

“In addition to the 50,000 yen I borrowed from you, I have put in plenty of accommodation and food.”

Hearing those words, I glanced at the money inside the envelope.

There were 20 green bills inside.

“Isn’t that too much?”

Then Meiling shook her head.

“I want to give more, but I think it will be a burden, so I put it in moderation. It’s my heart, so please give it to me.”

“…I know.”

I couldn’t refuse to say this, so I put the envelope of money in my pocket.

“When is the flight to China?”

“I’ll be there in an hour.”

“So fast?”

“Looks like there was only one business class left at the time. I bought it with that.”

If you want to go through the departure procedure, you will have to go and stand in line from now on.

I was embarrassed to say goodbye to her much sooner than I thought, but I decided to act resolutely.

“It’s not like we’re parting forever anyway, so there’s no need to be too sad, right?”

Then Meiling smiled and nodded her head.

“I made sure to memorize your home address. Next time I come to Japan, I’ll be the first to find it.”

“Then I’m glad.”

Since time is all that’s left, I decided to be with her until the end.

Slowly, the line in front of them decreased, and it was Meiling’s turn.

After putting the carrier on the rails, she underwent a physical examination.

As I watched her from the side, I realized that it was time to finally part as she approached me with her luggage.

“Then, I’ll go soon.”

“Yes. I hope we can return safely.”

After saying that, I held out my right hand.

Then Meiling, who was staring at my extended hand, reached out her right hand and accepted the handshake.

After shaking up and down like that a couple of times, I tried to let go of my hand, but for some reason Meiling did not let go of my hand.

“Meiling? Why?”

Then, instead of answering my question, Meiling’s actions were completely different.

She suddenly pulled my arm towards her.

As a result of this, Meiling was taken by surprise and took a step forward.



It was an unexpected kiss.

The contact was very brief, but the impression was very strong.

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Meiling, who finally let go of his hand, said with a soft smile.

“Is this your first kiss?”

I answered in a bewildered voice.


“Because other things seem difficult, I’ll take this one.”

After she said that, she ran over the gate.

“Well then! See you next time!”

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  1. Bob Mantul says:


  2. Joseph JoeStar says:

    My boy got marked….

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