If You Raise Three Idols Well, They Will Confess Their Love chapter 16

16 - Oh, I guess that will work?

16 – Oh, I guess that will work?

Episode 16

[‘Fragment of the Future’ has been used!]

The scene seen in the fragments of the future is Winter, who seemed dazed, and could not finish recording properly.

The sight of him being bullied by Yoon Jeong-i under the pretext of that,

He took antidepressants and sleeping pills, looked at his smartphone, and fell asleep while crying.

I was saddened to see that he seemed to be suffering a lot.

In those scenes, it was difficult to see the attitude of Yunjeong and the other members toward winter as a colleague.

It looks like he is being bullied.

It’s a shame.

Considering the affection we have shared so far, I thought that I should pass on some practical tips for fawning over someone who is reluctant towards me.

But if I think about it objectively, it wasn’t a very important scene to me.

“So where did ‘no restrictions on financial gain’ go?”

This is because it is believed that there are no elements that can make money or useful information in that future scene.

Where did my lotto numbers go?

“What’s urgent right now is not Winter, who has decided on a job, but me, the unemployed bastard! Damn Taechang!”

It wasn’t that he couldn’t make financial gains from the future he saw.

But it was weak.

At any rate, since Alcest, which includes winter, seems to have been a success, does it mean that it will have a positive impact on SS’s stock price?

It was good information from a long-term investment perspective, but my ambitions were not small enough to be satisfied with such a stable investment.

“No, you idiot. Fragments of the Future This wasn’t written by Winter, right? I wrote it, right? Then you should give me information that I can use!”

I grimaced, knowing that I couldn’t communicate with the system.

It was because of the foolish expectation that something would fall, just like the regression candy I threw last time.

[Jong-Hoon Cheon did not pay the fair price for the transaction. Let’s take advantage of the winter of being ostracized and make a deal with someone else!]

[Reward- Jukebox on your finger]

Then the quest popped out like a lie.

“Aigo thank you! System, Loyal Loyalty!”

I immediately got down on my knees and gave thanks.

After bowing loudly three times, I calmly read the quest.

However, something was strange about it.

This is because although provocative words were used, they were vague and difficult to guess the meaning at a glance.

What kind of bullsh*t is it to steal winter and trade again?

How can we get rid of Winter, who has already signed a contract and made her debut… .

… uh? Come to think of it, winter is being bullied, right?

When that thought came to my mind, it seemed as if an electric current was flowing through every single neuron in my brain.

A vague sentence that popped into my head was quickly fleshed out and turned into a solid plan.

Under the pretext of bullying, the winter contract is broken.

It doesn’t matter if SS falls over under the pretext of a contract.

The contract I read said that the contract could be terminated through reasonable agreement for these reasons on the part of the company.

It doesn’t matter if you use the power of the SS to threaten.

All they have to do is counterattack by saying they will make this incident public.

If you succeed in getting rid of winter like that, the rest is simple.

There may be no one who wants winter more actively than Cheon Jong-hoon, but the fact that winter has very high quality value does not change.

If you recall the memories from the previous episode, finding a trading target is not a task.

I was sure.

This works.

The reward wasn’t a bad thing either.

Based on my experience using it in the previous episode, I remember that it gives you the talent to play any song no matter what instrument you pick.

Depending on how you use it, there will be a way to use it somehow, such as me playing as a pinch hitter when an unfortunate situation arises where a session man escapes.

The only remaining obstacle was my conscience.

My conscience questioned as I felt burdened by the current situation where I had to commit something that went against commercial ethics.

‘But can I steal what I’ve already traded and sell it again?

From noble mtl dot com

Couldn’t it be that he seems to hate Cheon Jong-hun?’

I answered.

f*ck you. The back of the head was hit first.

I got rid of the job site I was looking at blankly and started to materialize a detailed plan.

There were things I had to prepare to get things running smoothly.

And 3 days passed.

Dressed in a rented suit, I headed for the SS practice room.


“Is this okay?”

My older sister, wearing a rented suit with me and wearing gold-rimmed glasses and showing off her intelligence, asked me.

I don’t know what you’re asking if it’s okay.

Do you think your clothes don’t suit you?

“Oh, it’s okay. matches well. The clothes are flying! wing. “If I go on a blind date right away, I’m sure I’ll get requests for after-sales service.”

“Not that, you idiot! “Do you mind if I impersonate a lawyer?”

Ah, that’s what you were talking about.

“It’s okay, sister. “I’m going to do all the talking anyway.”

I wasn’t expecting a big role.

“My sister simply held out a business card and said, ‘I will record this conversation.’ All you have to do is say one word. “If we come to a consensus on dissolving the agreement, we will officially hire a lawyer.”

There was no need for legal advice regarding the contract.

I knew all the relevant knowledge I needed now, and just in case, I studied what would be different from 10 years from now.

Rather, the presence of such an expert had the potential to become a hindrance.

Because I plan to steal the winter away by mixing in a bit of illegality and bullsh*t.

So, it was enough for my sister to just set the mood.

“I don’t know why I’m doing this after taking time off.”

“Ah, so you’re going to ignore the fact that I’m being ostracized in the winter? “We’ve been eating together for the past week?”

My sister frowned, as if she had a headache when I was alive, and spoke while holding her eyebrows.

“Ugh, it’s my fault that I was born as this little sister.”

“Then am I blessed to be born as my sister’s younger brother?”

When I laughed and joked, my sister chuckled and roughly stroked my head.

After all, it was easy for my older sister.

We got off the parking lot and headed to Annex C, where Gyeolgi’s practice room was located.

Let’s pass through the front door and enter the inner lobby.

A guard was blocking the gate.

I shamelessly tried to get past the security guard and through the gate.

Then, of course, the security guard caught him.

“excuse me. It is a place where only company officials can enter. Do you have an appointment in advance?”

I hoped that the Confucian instincts I had developed over decades would help me politely answer the security guard’s gentle questions.

However, that wasn’t to be the case.

I am a guardian who is completely angry at the treatment of Winter.

Now I can’t see anything.

It’s all going to hit.

After completing self-hypnosis, I looked at the security guard with eyes burning with anger and said.

“As Gyeorae’s guardian, I came here to protect Gyeorae, who is said to be being bullied. And yet you’re stopping me now? Is this a unified policy with the higher-ups in action? If it were a personal decision, could you take responsibility? “I plan to report it to public opinion?”

When the word “responsibility” was mentioned, the security guard took a step back with a shocked expression.

It was the joys and sorrows of a salaried worker.

“Then, once we verify your identity… .”

The security guard’s request was a reasonable opinion, but if he waited too long and it reached Cheon Jong-hun’s ears, the situation could have gone awry.

I decided to deal with it quickly.

“Ha, do you think I don’t know how to waste time like that?”

“This is lawyer Seon Dal-rae. “I will record this conversation.”

It was a good assist from my sister.

The security guard, who saw the face of his older sister, who appeared to be a money-crazed lawyer, silently stepped to the side of the gate.

We rushed in to see if he would change his mind.

“So what are you going to do now?”

My sister asked, her face set to look like a cold-hearted lawyer.

It was very reassuring to see him do his best no matter what role he was given.

“It’s going to make Winter cry.”

“What kind of bullsh*t are you talking about again?”

It wasn’t bullsh*t.

“In fact, there is no real evidence that Winter has been harassed. “They are not the kind of kids who act complacently enough to be caught on CCTV.”

The bullying controversy doesn’t seem to have spread even in the future, when Mirae was still active, so they probably aren’t foolish enough to leave behind evidence.

“The debut group had no way to film because SS took away their cell phones. So there won’t be any evidence for Winter either.”

“Then how do you prove that you were bullied? If you say it right, they won’t be the ones to cause visible harm to the naked eye, right?”

“So, I have to make Winter cry. Because the victim’s tears become evidence!”

I kindly explained it to my sister, who looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“It’s not Winter who has to prove it. I have to prove that I didn’t bully the debut group of 4 and SS. Well, if you don’t want to prove it, you should experience how many reporters and reporters will rush to you just based on suspicion.”

“Is this guy really crazy?”

“Do you think it will work?”

“Oh, I guess that will work.”

Having shared our convictions, we headed to the winter practice room like a runaway locomotive.

I flung open the closed door and entered the practice room, where Lily and Coco were drinking water and resting.

I asked them

“Where is Winter now?”


Coco stupidly asked back, as if feeling the question, ‘Who is this person and why is he asking this question?’

However, Lily behind her stiffened her face and avoided eye contact, as if something had caught her.

I felt the scent of the big fish.

My older sister glanced at me as if she felt the same way.

After nodding slightly while looking at my sister, the interrogation began.

“Lily, are you hiding something right now?”

“… yes? Me? no! “I’m not hiding anything, right?”

“hahahaha, Lily, can you handle what you’re saying now?”

When I noticed, my older sister threatened Lily by reciting the civil law, special laws, and several articles and articles that I had taught her.

It was a list of meaningless words that would be considered bullsh*t to anyone who knew anything about the law, but it was enough to scare 14-year-old Lily, who was experiencing this for the first time.

“… Sigh, blah blah, it’s probably in the storage room where we store cleaning supplies. … “I have nothing to do with it.”

Lily finally burst into tears and confessed.

After confirming where the warehouse was, we quickly ran over.


“midwinter. are you kidding me now? “How did I tell you to move when you had to change the choreography to diamond?”

“… “He fell back and told me to move.”

“Yes, do you remember? But moving to the left means that it wants to collide with me, which has to turn to the right, right? Or maybe he just wanted to f*ck me.”

She wasn’t wrong.

Because it was true that Winter and Yunjeong clashed.

But it was also a wrong request from the beginning.

Due to the nature of the choreography that involves changing the movement line in an instant, Winter had to move sideways and settle down in order to stably perform the next choreography.

If she took a big step backwards to avoid Yunjeong, Gyeoreum couldn’t perform the next choreography properly.

The correct solution was for Yunjeong and Gyeoreum to practice crossing each other sideways together without bumping into each other.

However, Yun-jeong only requested that Gyeoreum avoid her on her own, and she showed no signs of cooperating.

However, Winter did not point out that.

She simply apologized.

“sorry. sister. “I won’t make a mistake next time.”

Yoon-jung poked her breasts with her fingers as if pushing them.

“next time? how?”

Every time Yunjeong stabbed Winter’s chest, Winter stumbled.

I felt like I was about to shed tears, but I managed to hold back the winter.

As if that appearance was annoying, Yunjeong raised her hand with full strength.

“What are you going to do next!”

“There is no next.”

At that time, a man appeared and grabbed Yunjeong’s wrist and stopped her.

Kyeol looked at the man holding him in his arms as he was about to fall down with one hand blocking Yunjeong.

It was a sunbeam.

Winter has been holding back tears since becoming the debut team.

Because just as the sun believed in her, she wanted to become a person worthy of that trust.

The sight of her crying all the time did not live up to Taeyang’s expectations.

“… “Teacher Taeyang.”

But the moment she saw Taeyang’s face, she couldn’t hold back her tears.

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  1. Bronya's armpits licker says:

    Its weird when mc nature just flipped like 180°, even if he feel betrayed his whole nature shouldn’t have changed this fast, now he is just real scummy when he don’t feel anything about the future fragment.

    1. Bob Marley Bob Marley says:

      Do you know about breaking point,

      do you have a fear of snakes? Would you like me to dump you in a well full of venomous snakes,

      I will feed you, take good care of your sanity and makes sure you survive so that you feel every bit of pain in each and every bite and venom sting, I will massage you and pamper you so that whenever I throw you in that well you will feel vividly the constriction whenever those snakes tightening around your throat

      I will do it for years on end and then I will release you in the middle of a zoo inside the snake enclosure let’s see if you don’t find away to maul the closest snake to you out of sheer terror or rage

    2. G says:

      I don’t think his nature did change that fast. He seems like a good guy trying to live selfishly. Like, he even was hesitating to pull Winter away from SS because it would break business etiquette. Also, he was going to try to use his free time to train winter in interpersonal relations to get her to make friends because he saw she would be sad. I think perhaps the worst we have seen of him is ignoring winter when he thought she was going to kill herself. That is pretty bad, but I think his character is a bit more complex than just being pure selfish or selfless.

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