I’m a Hero, but I Gave Up Saving the World chapter 66

66 - Tiffania's Apology, Forgiven or Ruined

66 – Tiffania’s Apology, Forgiven or Ruined

“Tiffania came just fine. I had something to ask you.”

“uh? Are you going to ask?”

I haven’t heard a positive response to the apology, but it’s not a red flag yet.

For some reason, Faust was smiling brightly, as if he wasn’t angry.

“I’m reading this right now, but I don’t quite understand. Even if I ask Alice, she doesn’t know. could you tell me?”

“yes? What is it? ancient documents? password? If you ask idiot Alice about that, there’s no way that idiot would know. If it is a letter written on parchment, I can decipher it using my power of communion with nature.”

It seemed that Faust’s anger was not as strong as he thought.

An atmosphere where you can reconcile gently.

“Oh yeah? Then could you read me from here to here? Can you read it?”

“Then of course! Leave it to me!”

As Faust handed over the document she was reading, Tiffania swelled with ambition to score points here.

Then, all of a sudden, the expression of Alice, who was smiling dejectedly from a distance, caught my eye.

And that wasn’t all. Looking closely, Faust’s eyes weren’t smiling at all, and the atmosphere around him was cold.

Above all, this document is not unfamiliar. I’m used to it somehow

“What are you doing, Tiffania? You should be able to read enough. Do you want me to read it out loud?”

“Three years ago, the warriors Dongsu Kwak and Faust were summoned to Aurelia—heck! This, this!!”

“Why is that, Tiffania? Read on.”

“Fa, Faust!!!”

This was the script for a play co-written by Tiffania and Alice.

A work focused on portraying Faust as a third-rate villain who is stupid, cowardly, sleazy, shady, timid, and disgusting.

Tiffania felt a chill run down her spine in fear.

“Read it.”

“Faust! I’m sorry Faust! It’s my fault! I was wrong, really I was wrong! I apologize for this! like this!”

Get down on the floor and ask for forgiveness.

Of course, the seeds were not eaten.

“No Tiffania. read it I especially liked this part. The scene where I beg for my life from Kwak Dong-soo. “Please help me, Kwak Dong-soo. It must be crazy that a buzzard like me dared to attack the hero. I was a madman who would take revenge on people who did nothing wrong」 This part.”

“… gulp.”

I was so nervous that hiccups came out.

That part was the scene that I thought was the climax while writing it together with Alice.

“Ah, I thought so. People who did nothing wrong… That expression is very funny. huh? It’s funny, Tiffania.”

“… Now, wrong.”

“I told you to read it twice. You stupid elf bitch.”

Faust grabbed the elf by the throat and squeezed it tight.

“Cheuk! Kaaak… ! Fa, Faust… ! please… ! It’s my fault… ! And I will apologize no matter how many times… !!”

“Tiffania… Tiffania. What are you apologizing for? From long ago, you were like a dog who clung to Kwak Dong-soo and waggled his tail. Even in this script, that honest inner feeling was revealed as it is. I don’t even want to apologize, but I’m asking what you’re apologizing for.”

“me… I!! It’s not that I liked Kwak Dong-soo! He believed that the elf could survive only when he looked good to the hero! Cuckoo! oh, but not anymore You, you know that you are the savior of the elves, so now… You, I want to stand by your side… Cool! I want to be forgiven by you.”

“A bastard who wants to be forgiven is short-tempered?”

Faust threw Tiffania to the ground like a cigarette butt.

A clear handprint was engraved on Tiffania’s neck.

“Coke! Coke! I’m sorry, Faust… sir. Mr. Faust. Boo, please forgive me please… ”

From the day her mother died, or even before her mother died, Tiffania always lamented the fate of elves who were ruled by humans.

What really annoyed me was the way humans thought it was natural to dominate the elves.

It was the attitude of the elves, who took it for granted to be dominated.

It was probably because it was so painful that she justified herself in that way, but from Tiffania’s point of view, it was nothing but terrible defeatism.

So she made up her mind when she was very young.

I will never kneel to a human.

I will never give in.

Tiffania, who had been like that, politely knelt down in front of Faust, and was lying on the ground with her hands together.

Even using a title I never thought I would use.

“master… please… Please forgive Tiffania. please… great master… I want to be your elf too.”

“Hmm~ The guy who said that he was a brat when he opened his mouth is now the owner. Don’t you have any pride?”

“… … … … .”

Tiffania’s hands trembled.

I didn’t have the confidence to manage my expression, so I lowered my head and never lifted it.

“Tiffania. Do you really consider me your master?”

“Yes Yes… Of course, sir.”

“I see. So, who wrote this script that portrayed me as a loser and an idiot? This must be the play you played this morning, right? No matter how much time has passed since then, there’s no way I’ve changed my mind. Hmmm~ Didn’t you write this? When I asked people, they said it was a play you and Alice prepared together?”

“… that, it… ”

Why did you do such a play?

As Faust said, it is too convincing to say that he changed his mind in less than half a day, like flipping his palm.

At least if it weren’t for that play. If only it wasn’t for this damn script.

“Tell me, Tiffania. Who wrote this?”

“That, it is… master! that is!!”

At that time, I saw Alice who was trembling from a place a step away.

During the time Tiffania was staying at the coordinates, Alice was lying down with injuries, perhaps from fighting alone in her own way, but her expression was formidable.

Seeing her friend’s face, Tiffania remembered the conversation she had at the hospital.

“That’s right, Tiffania. Let’s put on a play and make people laugh.”

—Alice was the one who came up with the idea of a play.

“I-I didn’t write it, Master. I just moved as I was told. Because of wicked people, we have no choice but to… no, that’s right! I couldn’t help it because of the slave’s imprint!!”

Tiffania said urgently with a half-distraught face.

“Who the hell did you do as you were told?”

“Bar, that’s Alice!”

The elf’s callous finger pointed at his fallen friend.

Alice laughed out loud when her best friend sold her out.

Although Alice was right to come up with the idea, most of the people who actually wrote the script were Tiffania.

It’s still good to see him holding a pen by example, saying he’s good at this, but he’s so shameless.

Alice burst into laughter as she was dumbfounded.

“Wow~ Tiffania you. wow… you really wow… ”

“what! So what! You’re right! Are you going to get away with it?! You asked to do a play and you wrote all the scripts! I said absolutely no!”

“wow… wow… wow really… wow… ”

Alice, who is not good at speaking, couldn’t give a proper objection and only exclaimed.

Tiffania began to recite the lines for Faust to listen to with her perfect acting skills.

“what! That’s right! I said I could never do a play like this because I’ve been secretly admiring Faust for a long time! There is no way you can’t do it by forcibly commanding the imprint! I have no choice! I was really forced to mobilize!”

“Wow… you really… really you… you are really… Wow… ”

Alice beat her chest like a gorilla in frustration, and Tiffania shook her head coldly.

Faust pretended to be in trouble and scratched his cheek.

“This is true. Whose words are true… ”

“What are you worrying about, Master! That female knight is the culprit behind everything. If you give me an order, I’ll kill that bitch right away as a sign of loyalty to my master, and I’ll complete my first mission! trust me… If you give… ”

Tiffania, who was struggling like a liquidator, shut her mouth when she saw a clown holding a scythe that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

this, please… .

“I will tell you who he is.”

Faust said to both Alice and Tiffania.

“O/X Pierrot is a scary spirit. If you lie, your neck will run away.”

When O/X Piero was summoned for the truth battle in the past, the female knight and elf were unconscious and did not directly face Pierrot.

However, he knew that fear very well because he had been told word by word to the party members.

“Is what Tiffania just said the truth? Answer both.”

“X! X!!!”

Alice answered at the speed of light. Pierrot didn’t even move.

“Now, it’s Tiffania’s turn. Elf who doesn’t lie? Hurry up and answer me.”

At Faust’s urging, Tiffania let her long hair hang down on the floor and broke out in a cold sweat as if she had been exercising vigorously in the summer before finally opening her mouth.

“Eh… S… is… ”

Pierrot made a blushing expression and disappeared without harming anyone.

Tiffania’s clumsy scam was quickly exposed, and now she had no numbers left.

I had no choice but to cling to Faus’s thighs in an ugly way.

“I’m sorry, Miss Faust!! I want to somehow become Faust-sama’s slave! So it was! Really! I have been admiring Faust since long ago!”

“I heard that elves never lie, but you lie very easily.”

Faust said only what he had to say, as if he could not hear any voices pleading.

“Please, Faust! I will do whatever you ask me to do! My, I have sinned to death! I honestly thought that Faust-nim was more handsome, manly, smart, and competent than Kwak Dong-soo since long ago! please!!”

“Misha delegated your disposition to me? You elves have an exile system? What is this anti-pilot? Anyway, I have the right to officially ban you from the elven world.”

“Just that please! Just please! The foundation of my life is collapsing! me… I’ve lived only for elves… Oh, I have been working hard to liberate the real elves… that… It’s a woman! If I’m not an elf, what am I?!”

“Well… Wouldn’t it be enough for bats to just stick here and there?”

“Do not be ridiculous!!!!!!”

Tiffania screamed for her throat to tear as tears flowed down her cheeks, and she soon regretted it.

“No, not that, Master! master! Great master please!!! If you forgive me just once, I will do my best as a dog, become your horse and cattle, and renew myself for your infinite glory! please!! I! I’ll beg you like this!!”

The elf frantically apologized while praying with his hands together like a child, but the reaction of those around him was cold.

Alice was laughing like she looked good, and Misha was holding her belly button.

Saint Beatrice smiled meanly as she looked down on the elf’s fate while clinging to a pole.

The only person here to cry for Tiffania was herself.

“I solemnly declare, Faust.”

“please!! please!! please!! please!! please!!! Jebaaal!!!!”

“I will expel Tiffania from the elven world.”

“aaa!!! do not be like this! Please do not do this! do not be like this!!!”

Tiffania tried to block Faust’s mouth with the palm of her hand, as if denying reality.

It wasn’t even a mouth to be blocked by that, and her struggle was so ugly that it made the viewer frown.

Finally, Faust gave the final verdict.

“Starting today, Tiffania is no longer an elf. It is forbidden to call oneself an elf or to allow other elves to recognize Tiffania as an elf. You will not receive the blessing of the World Tree.”

“No eh eh eh ew ew ew ew ew !!!!!!!”

Tiffania’s screams resonated throughout the city.

Now, the girl who dreamed of liberating the elves has no way to be saved—.

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  1. Blue Shadow says:

    Well she just childish person, and after living with human she got contaminated by human became selfish greedy bitch that enjoy attention. With her mom too she not listen thats make her mom got killed in the first place and she actually forget that

  2. Phantom says:

    I actual pity Tiffania.

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