I’m Just an Ordinary Academy Student chapter 12

12 - Special Mission! Send Those Guys Back Home!

12 – Special Mission! Send Those Guys Back Home!

Personnel Administration Director of War Castle, Baden Yorul. Characteristic: progressing baldness due to frequent overtime.

Current situation: As if the aftermath of the war wasn’t enough of a headache, four lunatics suddenly show up.

“Why on earth me…”

Shulifenn Rosberg, eldest son of Count Adriah.

Wilhelm Fritz, eldest son of Count Gramstand.

Alexander Edert, eldest son of the Brune Empire’s Duke.

Joachim Plecen, eldest son of the Tierdahl Empire’s Duke.

“Why suddenly list the names of well-off noble families?”

These four individuals appeared out of nowhere, announcing their sudden enlistment as soldiers.

Despite being told to endure, they stubbornly made their way into the recruit training camp.

A few years ago, the eldest son of Count Friedrich had done the same, enlisting as a soldier despite being of noble birth. However, there was a clear distinction between him and these four.

“Why in the world is our son there?”

“Send them back quickly. I might have to break one of that rascal’s arms.”

“My mother is anxiously searching for him. I’ll tell you that much. That scoundrel of mine…”

“If they don’t come back to the estate immediately, tell them they’re expelled.”

Yes, the news spread throughout the town after they had already enlisted. While Count Friedrich’s nephews enlisted quietly, becoming the talk of the town only after completing their training, these four became the subject of discussion from the moment they applied.

Furthermore, the wartime circumstances then and now were completely different. At that time, propaganda to boost the morale of the Imperial Army was desperately needed.

In the midst of it all, suddenly, nobles with blue blood enlisted as soldiers. This was it! They promoted it extensively, and ultimately, the results were a great success, leading to the conferment of honorary medals.

But now, there is no war. The army has already achieved victory and no longer needs to boost morale.

Why accept the troublesome younger relatives of the marquis and the imperial duke?

“All four of you are unfit for service. Discharge immediately.”

They tried to send them back. The commanding officers didn’t particularly care whether their families killed or saved them.

However, the four adamantly resisted, refusing to leave under any circumstances.

“We came here under the command of the sword, and we’ll leave following only the sword’s command!” This strange proclamation, heard from the person involved, Karl, left everyone stunned.

As a result, Colonel Baden’s few remaining strands of hair were valiantly sacrificed in the face of the challenging task of dealing with the two marquises and two imperial dukes.

The sons showed no signs of willingly leaving.

In the end, Colonel Baden decided to play his last card.

Sergeant Karl Adelheid. He had decided to call on the man who had received an honorary medal.

“I don’t know why those people mentioned him, but Karl, Sergeant! A recipient of the honorary medal! He saved our soldiers, so he’ll save me too, right? Please, please! Spare them!!”

And the next day, an honorary medal recipient appeared at the War Castle headquarters.


Well, this is messed up. Seriously messed up. Can’t even get a decent word out.

Where did the noble demeanor go? Seriously, if you were like me, they would have saluted you in the Ministry of Defense and said, “Sir, we’ve got a problem, and we were hoping you could help solve it. So, could you please come and take a look?” Can you just go with a laugh?

Even Jesus, Buddha, and all the other gods would be like, “Uh, this is a bit much.”

“We’ve arrived. Please disembark.”

Phew… In the end, I made it. To the fortress. The place that can be considered the headquarters of the Imperial Army.

I cut ties in my past life, and now I suddenly crave a cigarette I haven’t even lit here.

You know, the old-timers used to say after a simple meal, a cigarette is the truth…


For a moment, I thought it was the soldiers with the thunderous salute.

But, as usual, my expectations were pleasantly ignored.

“Captain Karl Adelheit. Welcome to the fortress!”

“Uh, th-thank you.”

A captain. And several officers of higher ranks behind him.

They were all in the midst of energetically saluting me.

Sure, I’m a noble, but they are nobles too. We’re in the same boat.

So, this isn’t just because I’m a noble.

The Order of Merit. Yes, they show that infinite respect only for that.

Believing in some heroic deeds, look at those sparkling eyes.

Meanwhile, I’m really just lucky to have saved some people.

“Ahem. Let’s go inside first. I feel uncomfortable doing this here.”

“Of course. I’ll guide you straight to the administrative office.”

Following the captain’s guidance, I entered the fortress office.

People in military uniforms were bustling around, and occasionally, I spotted some scolding.

Hmm. As expected, the military is the same everywhere, in any department.

“Here we are.”

As we entered, a man who had been sitting at the highest seat suddenly stood up.

Then, just like the people a while ago, he energetically saluted…

‘Good grief.’

It seems that the person known as the Personnel Administration Director is finally defeated in the battle against stress.

A forehead vast as the Pacific. A dazzling high forehead. Ah, is that the pitiful appearance of a defeated general…!

Suddenly, my father comes to mind. And my grandfather as well.

Both of them, despite their age, held onto their hair tightly.

Thinking like this, at least I don’t seem to have to worry about defeat.

“It’s an honor to meet you. Sergeant Karl Adelheit. I am Personnel Administration Director Baden Yorul.”

“Don’t be so formal. It’s overwhelming, Director Baden.”

“Where do you usually find a recipient of an honorary medal? If it were the Minister instead of me, he would salute first. Don’t you know that?”

With a hearty laugh, Director Baden gestures for me to take a seat.

In the meantime, Lieutenant Megi brings tea, and a captain prepares refreshments.

…Come to think of it, it’s quite amusing.

I’m just a sergeant, and right before discharge, at that. Technically, I’m a corporal.

Yet, here I am being treated politely by a captain, a lieutenant, and, above them, a war-seasoned director.

It was a clear indication of how thorough the Empire is in treating a recipient of an honorary medal.

Doesn’t it make your heart race and your ego swell in such situations?

Well, I thought I would feel that way at first, but it’s just overwhelming.

What should I say? It feels like I didn’t do anything to deserve such treatment.

At that moment, I didn’t wish for anything; I just wanted to save my comrades.

I acted with that single purpose, and being embraced like this makes me feel ashamed.

“Is academy life enjoyable?”

“Yes, Director. I find it enjoyable. It’s completely different from the military.”

“Hahaha. It must be. I graduated from the academy about 18 years ago? Or was it 19 years ago? I still vividly remember those days.”

“Oh, yes. That’s… right.”

Wait a minute. If that’s the case, that person must be in his 40s even if you generously add some years to his age.

From Noble mtl dot com

But still… sparkling like that? Director Baden! What kind of life have you lived…!

“Director Baden.”

It’s regrettable, but that’s your business. So, please get to the point quickly.

“The reason you wanted to meet me like this. Is it because of those four who want to enlist as soldiers? Schlipen, Wilhelm, Alexander, and Joachim. Is that correct?”

“You know well. I heard that you gave some advice to those four.”


“Surely, as an experienced individual, you must have filtered out only the positive aspects to share. There’s no need to mention the unfavorable parts, after all. The four of them misunderstood, and eventually, the situation turned out like this, didn’t it?”

I haven’t even said anything yet, but he’s already playing both the drum and the gong all by himself.

But then again, it made quite a bit of sense, so I nodded immediately.

“Yes, I understand. It’s quite awkward for me as well, not knowing that things would turn out like this.”

“As of now, the only person capable of persuading those four and sending them back is Lieutenant Karl Adelheit. As someone who has advised them and as a recipient of the Medal of Honor. The qualifications are sufficient.”

“If I may ask, the reason you wanted to see me…”

“Go to the basic training camp and take those four to the academy, please.”

One mountain after another. I came to the War Castle, and now they’re telling me to go to the basic training camp.

At this rate, I’m worried I might end up with a damn case of PTSD. I already had a dream yesterday about going back to being a trainee… This, hopefully, isn’t a premonition, right?


Heh. Hmmm—

A sweet humming sound. Smooth, white thighs stretching out on the desk.

The pointed ears of the woman bending over were much longer and sharper than those of an ordinary human.


“Huh? Oh, you’re here?”

With a sparkling smile, she gestured gently.

Then, as expected, a man with pointed ears approached the woman.


“Yes. I will inform you. According to the information from the Empire this time—”

Obvious and mundane things. So uninteresting.

At times like these, the answers from the indifferent Empire, the guys from Mafer who had no answers, were more interesting.

“…Oh, and. A new recipient of the Empire’s Medal of Honor has emerged.”

“Is that so?”

“In addition, he is a survivor, not a fallen warrior.”


The woman changed her posture, emitting a sigh of admiration.

Between what seemed to be clothes or pieces of fabric, the curves of her upper body were distinctly revealed.

It was something that could enchant the hearts of all men, but the man right now was thoroughly tense.

For a good reason, because this woman was a monster who cut down her own kind without hesitation.

“What kind of person is he? Naturally, he must be a man, right?”

“Yes, Karl Adelheit. Imperial Army Sergeant. Noteworthy for enlisting as a common soldier despite being a noble.”

“Is he insane?”

“And the medal citation is for the rescue of our allies.”

“Allies’ rescue. Is that it? Nothing more?”

“Yes, that’s the end of it.”

“Strange business. Even if those Ruzens guys are a pain, their handling of matters is not incompetent.”

Running his fingers through his hair, Eloise speaks again, her lips parting.

“Find out more. Honestly, does it make sense? Just saying they only rescued allies. Surely, he must have single-handedly shot down dozens of those Ruzens guys. Quickly.”

“Understood, Lady Eloise.”

“And what about the separate investigation I requested?”

In response to her question, the male elf lowers his head with a tense expression.

“Is it still ongoing?”

“In my view, it seems to have been a simple coincidence.”

“A coincidence? Ah, yes. It was a coincidence. Hmm? Just a coincidence. The leader of the Mafer faction, who was planning a full-scale assault against the Empire, coincidentally got shot, and thus, they happened to have internal strife. And purely by coincidence, the Empire emerged victorious? Wow! What a coincidence!”

“…I apologize.”

“Search. He’s definitely a sharpshooter affiliated with the Imperial Army. The war must be over now; it’s time to slowly reveal my specialty.”

Suddenly, the man blurts out without realizing it.

“If you find him, what do you intend to do?”

“What will I do? Well.”

Elf sympathizer, Hyzens. The clandestinely nurtured extermination unit.

Eloise, the commander of that unit, smiles with her tongue against her lips.

“He stole from my plate, so he deserves a bit of torment. After that… well. What should I do? Maybe try creating a half-elf with that guy?”


“Ahaha! Just kidding. Just kidding.”

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  1. Puta madre says:

    Bro truly ended the war

  2. “…” the elf is a bit Ho…(crossed out)delusional

  3. Lmao i like this kind of progression. Mc said he had good sharpshooting skills too

    1. Bronya's armpits licker says:

      3/10 shots landed, probably they died from mc stray bullets

      1. Bakakun says:

        MC on way to create Half elfs. Sure his shooting skills be top notch

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