I’m Just an Ordinary Academy Student chapter 13

13 - Trainee 124, Criteria

13 – Trainee 124, Criteria

The elves are well aware of the interesting system of Imperial honor medals.

Eloise Roengran, the commander of the extermination unit, is also one of those elves.

She had a hobby of gathering information about recipients of honor medals.

Individuals who had accomplished quite remarkable feats. Exemplars of brave and strong men.

As I listened to their story, my heart raced, and excitement overflowed for no apparent reason.

I immediately felt the desire to meet them and exchange opinions about strength.

However, such individuals are mostly no longer part of this world.

It’s inevitable. If they can accomplish such tasks and still be alive, it’s a miracle.

But this time was different. A survivor received an honorary medal.

I was slightly intrigued, but it quickly faded when I realized it was just a friendly rescue.

“Is there nothing more than rescuing allies? Maybe some intrigue, like cutting off the ears of those Maepa bastards.”

This is no fun. Make it more thrilling for me. I need a strong man.

I’m no longer interested in my fellow males who grovel like women all the time.

A strong human man is the best. Always exciting. Always new! Aaah!

Honestly, I had some expectations because they said a medal recipient emerged.

A sharpshooter from the Imperial Army who secretly targeted the leader of the Ruzeins resistance.

Naturally, I thought he would come forward and proudly display his medal, but he didn’t.

“Could it be that the Ruzeins are considering sending assassins?”

If you think about it, this medal recipient isn’t much different.

Rescuing hundreds while treating themselves like idiots— isn’t that more shameful?

…Ah. I don’t know. I don’t care. I just hope that sharpshooter shows up soon!


Eloise’s ears perked up. The sound of something rushing quickly reached her.

Knowing what it was, she sighed. Shortly after, a cute squirrel entered.

The creature, which had been wandering around for a moment, quickly handed something it had been carrying behind its back.

– Commander of the Extermination Unit, Eloise Roengrang, receiving transmission –

Sigh. Here we go again. What annoyance is coming this time?

I need to finish my service soon. It’s not even working hours. What’s going on?

Muttering to herself, Eloise took the orders and opened her mouth.

“Yes. I’m here. Speak~”

Then, the focus disappeared from the squirrel’s eyes, and its mouth opened.

[ Movement of remaining Ruzeins has been detected. ]

“Oh my. Is that so? Where are they heading? The cliff? The burrow?”

[The Empire]

In an instant, Eloise’s expression subtly changes. Have these guys gone insane?

[Their objectives are expected to be one of three. Assassination of high-ranking imperial officials. Terrorism against noble families and their heirs. Finally, the assassination of this year’s recipient of the Medal of Honor.]


Did they all take drugs together or something? They’re all acting like lunatics.

“Maybe they’ve finally decided to form a suicide special forces?”

[I don’t know. That’s why we’re investigating. Leopard, receive the order. The destination is the Empire. The targets are those who seek to disrupt the peace between our elves and the Empire.]

“What’s the approach?”

[As always, reconnaissance and elimination. That’s all.]

As the voice fades, life returns to the eyes of the squirrel.

Then, just as it came, it swiftly darts away and soon disappears from sight.

“…Uh-huh. Uh-huh!”

Oh my. Unbelievable. An unexpected mission, and not in this tiresome forest but in the Empire!

Thank you, Mapa. Thank you, Lusence. I’ll get to taste some imperial water, thanks to you, right?!

All at once, as a token of gratitude. No, that’s a bit much. I’ll let you die a little less painfully.

With a seductive smile, Eloise immediately begins preparing for the mission.


‘Leaving home, boarding the train. The day to go to the training camp….’

Ugh. Damn. Just singing a verse makes me feel like a raw recruit.

I thought I had gained immunity after being discharged twice, but apparently not.

Ah, why am I singing a song all of a sudden? The current situation is just like that.

Clank, clank―

This is a world where swords, magic, and science coexist.

So, a chaotic scene unfolds on the battlefield with both magic and gunpowder.

On top of that, there are trains running on steam engines like this.

“The recruit training camp is 40 minutes away by train from the station. We’ve taken care of all the preparations here, so all Captain Karl Adelheit has to do is move with us.”

Did I really schedule the entire day off for this? I feel self-loathing and misery….

Originally, I would have slept in, exercised a bit, and wandered around the academy after waking up.

In my heart, I wanted to spit out the post-discharge bitterness of a Medal of Honor recipient.

Considering how much I suffered and served, I even thought of blaming them for sending me back to a military-scented place.

However… darn it. When I think about it, it’s my fault that those four protagonists are acting this way.

The Hydra guys kept asking, “How did you win over a confession?” and I’d blabber, “Yeah, when soldiers enlist, they instantly become slick! Hey, join the army, try it out!” I was spouting that nonsense.

And now, saying “Oh, I don’t know! Do whatever!” doesn’t sit right with me; my conscience is still functioning.

Despite weathering severe storms, the edges of the square in my heart that I thought had worn down are still sharp…

“Captain Karl, would you like some eggs? We also have sparkling water!”

“…Yes, please. One. Lieutenant Meggie.”

In the midst of it all, the eggs and sparkling water sold on the train do have their merits.

The only downside is that the sparkling water tastes a bit flat, like mediocre soda.

Well, such things should exist, too. Without this, it would’ve been a train terror.

“It’s an honor.”


From Noble mtl dot com

“To be on a mission with a recipient of the Medal of Honor, even a hero who saved hundreds!”

“Oh, yes. I see.”

But Captain, whether you know it’s a mission or an order, I’m not part of it.

Seems like everyone keeps forgetting, but I’ve been discharged. Darn it, discharged!

“Ladies and gentlemen, the next station is Nonsen. Nonsen Station.”

“Ah, looks like we’re arriving soon.”

Hurriedly stuffing the boiled egg into his mouth and downing the sparkling water in one go, Lieutenant Meggie.

Who would say it’s not Lieutenant Meggie? His mouth is really huge. There’s a lot going in there.

Or maybe he’s still a soldier and has a hearty appetite? Did I eat like that when I was on active duty?

As we exit the train, a group of officers unsurprisingly welcomes Lieutenant Meggie.

“Ranshtak! Are you Corporal Karl Adelheit? We’ve been waiting for you!”

Yeah, I thought as much. I’ve anticipated enough, so now it’s time to endure.

It’s absurd that people don’t recognize or ignore someone like a war hero from a novel.

War isn’t child’s play, and people usually get enthusiastic about those merits.

What I dislike, though, is that they only remember the glory.

Do they even know how many died or got hurt behind those medals?

At least I got this much. But for those who risked their lives, how will they live on?

“I heard the recruit training camp is in quite a difficult situation.”

“Well, yeah. That’s true. New recruits like Corporal Karl have come in this time…”

“As if it’s not as desperate as the moment I enlisted.”

The past me. Truly grateful. Huh? Why endure this shit-like talk.

…Oh, what? Unfair? Seriously, you didn’t think those bastards would do that?

Yeah. I admit. They’re the ones who took sick leave for a hiatus, so you have to understand.

Sitting in the carriage, I enjoyed the chatter of the officers from the training camp.

Mostly about the four protagonists, they seem to have gone through quite a bit.

“…Because of them, how are we supposed to replace the intensity of the training―”

―But what’s driving me crazy is that all four of them are subtly keeping up―”

“…It’s insane. The higher-ups are urging for their discharge, but they’re holding on―”

The somewhat positive news is that none of you have been demoted.

I thought you guys would at least cause a commotion in the training camp, but it doesn’t seem like it.

“Um, but really. Can you send those trainees back to their families?”

“It’s awkward if you ask me that way. I’m here because those guys… hehe. Because they’re looking for me, asking for my help.”


“I’ll do my best to persuade them. Whatever their intentions, in the end, I have a responsibility too.”

As the officers, who were initially gloomy, respond with the most positive answers they can give, sunlight pours in.

Everyone genuinely hopes the four of them leave the training camp soon.

Too bad. I thought enduring a bit longer wouldn’t be so bad.

Honestly, it’s not unfair that I’m the only one rolling around as a soldier.

“But here’s the thing. Corporal Karl Adelheit. The training camp commander asked me to inquire.”


“After persuading those four trainees. Would it be possible for you to give a brief lecture during the remaining trainees’ disciplinary training?”


“I’m begging you. It might not be easy for a recipient of the Medal of Honor to see it that way!”

Just sucking up completely. Oh? Sucking up.


“T-Thank you!”

“But. I have a condition too.”

“A condition? What is it?!”

It’s simple. There shouldn’t be anything difficult. Just those four, let me control them for a short while.

I’ve spent only three years in military life here. If I combine it with memories from my past life, it’s close to five years in total. I should show them a simple meal.


Trainee 124, Shüllefen. Trainee 125, Wilhelm. Trainee 126, Alexander. Trainee 127, Joachim.

The small unit of comrades received a sudden order to move from their instructor.

“Instructor? Where are we going?”

“Quiet. Look ahead. Don’t speak.”

It seemed like there was no intention to answer. So, all four of them just focused on keeping in step.

After several times of being scolded for their messy formation on the way, it became their utmost concern.

Finally, they arrived at an empty, deserted training ground.

“All trainees, wait here.”

The instructor who said this turned and vanished into the barracks.

Suddenly, everyone glanced around with a sense of confusion.

“Trainee 124, at attention.”

A voice they had heard somewhere before. For a moment, they all looked around in surprise.

But soon, Shüllefen reflexively raised his right hand and shouted.

“Trainee 124, at attention!”

Maintaining discipline in the training camp was basic etiquette, as per the instructors.

They were the four individuals who faithfully adhered to that, but there was one problem.

“Listen to those voices. Are you little ants? Get down.”

Among those who climbed onto the podium, there was one who had enlisted in the Imperial Army three years ago.

The fact that he had experienced a more daunting military life than now with his entire being!

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  1. Komaru s Komaru s says:

    I just hate how they keep changing his rank. He’s a Sargeant but they keep calling him Corporal or LT and even Captain. If they are in the Military at least call him by his given rank and if the Medal of Honor increased his rank, call him by that rank! With a Medal of Honor he’ll always be saluted first but at least call him by the correct rank.

    1. Puta madre says:

      Blame the mtl

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