I’m Just an Ordinary Academy Student chapter 7

7 - You, the Recipient of the Order of Merit

7 – You, the Recipient of the Order of Merit

A week had passed since Karl entered the academy.

During this time, no one from the 22nd class approached him….


Reflecting on his past life, it could be said that academy-themed novels were almost like reality.

A world similar to college. Close friendships with same-sex peers. Opposite-sex friends exuding a youthful vibe.

And even peculiar settings perfect for sipping soda in between.

There’s a reason for the entertainment and popularity.

Maybe I applied for readmission because of that.

‘Yeah. I didn’t expect this…’

I forgot. The protagonists of academy novels were all regular students.

Not like me, attending with juniors who have spent three years in the military!

“We’ll start the lecture. We covered up to page 25 yesterday, right?”

“Professor! The weather is so nice. What do you think about it?”

“Yes. The weather is truly nice. How about having a pop quiz in this mood?”


“Just kidding. Hehe.”

Nice atmosphere. I like this atmosphere. Huh? Academy is indeed best like this.

But I have to sit in the corner and just scribble with a pen like this.

While the 22nd class friends chat and joke around, I can’t do that… sigh.

It’s not like I don’t understand. From the perspective of the 22nd class juniors, I must be uncomfortable.

Being a senior with a three-year age gap in the same first year is bound to feel awkward.

Even more so since I, a noble, committed the madness of enlisting as a common soldier.

…Damn. Thinking like this, I might not come again.


Unintentionally, a sigh escaped me. But it seems they heard it somehow.

“Oh! I’m sorry!”

“Huh? Uh, well….”

A junior pushed back his chair and accidentally bumped into my desk.

So, did he mistake my sigh for irritation and immediately offer an apology?

No, junior. I’m not angry. And despite the difference in enrollment years, we’re in the same grade, right?

Please, I beg you, don’t be overly polite… Just treat me casually, that’s all I ask…!

“Oh, everyone. Let me inform you in advance; the upcoming midterm will be replaced by a group project.”

“Ohhh! Professor!”

“Why are you all like that? Isn’t a group project better than studying for an exam? It’s not the beginning of the year, and by now, you all know each other to some extent, right? If you don’t like it, we can switch back to an exam.”

“No, that’s not necessary!”

“Come to think of it, a group project seems like a good idea!”

Damn it. No, I don’t think that’s the case. I don’t agree!

Professor! Please! Don’t do that. Let us take the exam, please! An exam! An exaaaam!!



In that moment, it happened. The professor, upon locking eyes with me, winked as if to say, “How about it?”

Perhaps, in his own way, he meant to give me, a returning student, the chance to get along with the students from the 22nd batch….

Ah! Still! Let’s at least hear the opinions of the parties involved! Won’t you consider my opinion?!

I feel so uncomfortable I could die! I’ll manage to get along, so please don’t do this!

Who would want to be in a group with someone three years their junior?!

Please, please, please, dear God! Is there anyone willing to speak up against this group project?

Despite fervent prayers and pleas, it seemed that even if there were past lives, there was no higher being. In the end, the first midterm after returning to school was replaced by a group project. Dammit.

“Well then, I’ll give you some time to form your groups now.”

Upon the professor’s words, students from the 22nd batch excitedly began to laugh and chat.

For them, using class time for group formation was probably a good thing.

But not for me. No, it’s not… Professor, I don’t even know their names….

Right now, I’m struggling to remember the names and faces of my peers…

If I had known it would be like this, I would have rather driven stakes in the military—crazy.

“Uh, senior… sir?”


“Well, our group still has some space. Would you like to join us?”

Oh. Oh! As expected, as expected! There is a god! Seriously! I knew it!

It’s not some guy reeking of masculinity; it’s a female student who approached first!

“If you don’t mind, I appreciate it. But is it okay? Won’t your friends feel uncomfortable?”

“No, not at all. In fact, everyone is curious about what kind of person the senior is. The two guys want to hear stories about military service.”

So, is this treating me like a slightly crazy person? If that’s the case, senior might feel a bit sad.

But whatever. It’s better than crying alone and having the professor forcefully drag me in.

Thinking positively, I was about to follow the junior to change seats.

Thud, thud, thud!—

From Noble mtl dot com

Despite the noisy classroom, the knocking sound is heard clearly.

Where have I heard that kind of thing a lot before? Where was it? Ah… Was it when I barged into the squad leader’s office?

“Huh? Everyone, be quiet for a moment. Who’s outside?”

“I came from the Imperial War Castle. I sincerely apologize for interrupting the lecture, but may I come in?”

“Huh? Oh, yes! Please come in!”

The classroom door opens, and suddenly a group of Imperial Army officers pours in.

After that, Senior Marcus was at a loss for words, sweating profusely.

More importantly, why are war castle officers coming to the academy? Could there be defectors here? No, if that’s the case, it wouldn’t be officers; it would be the palace guards.

Or is it a guide for voluntary Imperial Army enlistment? That’s strange; the war is over, isn’t it?

During my almost three years on the front lines, I never heard any complaints about a shortage of officers.

“Once again, I apologize, professor. It’s a matter of great importance.”

“No need to apologize. You are the honorable spear and shield defending the Empire, so of course, you have our understanding. However, why have you suddenly come to my lecture…”

“By any chance, is there a student named Karl Adelheit in this classroom?”

Huh? Who? Karl Adelheit? Who’s that? No matter how I think about it, I don’t know.

But I’ve already been discharged. I cut ties with the military forever after my discharge.

Why are they looking for me? Why on earth? Did I do something wrong after my discharge?

Desperately, I rotate my brain to recall the events before my discharge.

I’ve been involved in a few things, but that’s what other discharged soldiers did.

For example, swiping a few military supplies or doodling on the way home.

Or maybe just gossiping about the commanders and sharing some daring rumors?

It wasn’t really a big deal. Honestly, it’s a waste of time to bother with this.

“If you’re Cadet Karl Adelheit… is it true that you’re the student who returned from the 19th academic year?”

“Um, it seems so.”

“If it’s that student… there. Over there. Karl, right? It seems like a guest has arrived.”

At the professor’s indication, all the students turn to look at me.

Simultaneously, the officers standing in front also turn their gaze towards me.

“Sergeant Karl Adelheit?”

“…Yes. I’m Sergeant Karl Adelheit for now.”

Clack, clack, clack!—

Damn it, don’t march in here so crisply even inside the classroom.

Our fresh first-year students are easily scared! Don’t come close to me like that!

I thought I could get along with our first-year students a bit, but what is this?

What’s with the stern face? And what’s with the gun at your waist!? Are you here to scare the kids?

“Sergeant Karl Adelheit. Voluntarily enlisted as a soldier in April 219 of the Imperial Era. Active in the Luzence War for three years after voluntary enlistment. Promoted to sergeant, discharged in July 222 of the Imperial Era. Is that correct?”

“Yes, yes. That’s me. But why in the world are you doing this? I’ve already been discharged, so I’m no longer part of the army. There’s no reason for you to come looking for me.”

I haven’t done anything wrong, but it’s already frightening. Officers, and not just any officers, but higher-ranking ones.

When these kinds of people came during my soldier days, it usually didn’t end well.

They would criticize everything, call it a mess, even say I’m unfit and tear into my soul. And so on.

Suddenly, I feel like I’m getting PTSD. Please, I beg you, disappear quickly. Please…

Clack! Clack!—

Suddenly, a group of officers simultaneously salute me.

The sharpness of their salute makes it feel like they could cut through just by touching it.

“Sergeant Karl Adelheit. First and foremost, we express our respect for your dedication to the Empire. To forever commemorate the merits you earned for the Empire, it has been decided to confer upon you the Medal of Honor.”


Wait a minute. Confer what? And to whom are they conferring it?

“The award ceremony is scheduled to take place at the War Castle courthouse a week from now.”

A week from now? Wait a minute. A week from now is a weekday.

Do I not look like a student? Drop the lecture and go to war?

“Excuse me, just a moment.”


“Well, it might be a bit strange because it’s a weekday. I’m a student now.”

The thought of explaining the situation to the professor only occurred to him after saying those words.

It felt unfamiliar to speak and get out of a situation, having spent three years in a dog-like military life.

So, in the moment of trying to modify the statement to “Come to think of it, I might be able to speak and get out of it!”

“I understand. I will convey that you desire the medal ceremony for exemplary conduct within the academy.”

“Huh, what?”

“Once again, we appreciate your hard work and dedication. We will see you again on the day of the medal ceremony.”


No! Listen to what people say during the salute! Suddenly, an honor medal ceremony?

And in the midst of this damn body performing the salute together, what the hell!

The habits from military days haven’t been fixed yet. It seems there’s still a long way to go to shake off the military manners!

“I apologize for interrupting the class, professor. Thank you for your understanding. I will take my leave now.”

With the farewell and the officers rushing out.

The door closed, and the academy classroom returned to its ordinary state.




No one could open their mouths. Including me.

… What on earth is going on?

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  1. Zorrow says:

    MC on sarge mode!

  2. Extra Extra says:

    The military officers just drop a bomb in the classroom and leave. Leaving the MC to deal with the aftermath 🤣🤣🤣

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not work with dark mode