I’m Just an Ordinary Clown at the Academy chapter 85

I'm Just an Ordinary Clown at the Academy 85

85 – Midterm Exam 5

As Loki left the situation room, the professors tried to see him on the screens in the room, but his figure was nowhere to be seen on any of them.

“Huh? We can’t see Loki, can we?”

“He probably concealed his appearance with unique magic.”

“I see, I knew that, but it’s truly an amazing unique magic.”

The professors looked at the screen showing the student whose arm Loki had injured, the very screen Loki had been aiming for.

In order to catch the injured student, Loki had to show up there.

“If this continues, the exam will undoubtedly go awry. Is there no way to keep Loki from entering the situation room?”


Hearing the new professor’s words, the other professors let out a deep sigh.

The other professors knew as well. If things continued like this, the exam would go awry, or rather, it was already going awry.

The barrier was not a physical defense to prevent intrusion, but a barrier to conceal the outside appearance.

“Look at the floor over there.”

The professor pointed with his finger, and there lay the drink Loki had earlier and the location tracking charm.

“As long as that location tracking charm is there, that lunatic, I mean Loki, can roam around freely in this place.”

“Then let’s remove that charm…”

“”””That’s even worse.””””

From Noble mtl dot com

The rookie professor’s words were cut off as other professors spoke simultaneously.

The rookie professor, who had expressed his opinion, flinched when the other professors emphatically rejected his opinion.

“Unfortunately, as Loki said earlier, he has never once violated the rules. But if we remove that charm, we would be interfering with Loki’s test.”

“Well, but…”

“In the past, do you know why professors gather in one place to grade the written exams, unlike before?”

The middle-aged professor interrupted the rookie professor with an abrupt statement.

The rookie professor was momentarily taken aback, but he quickly responded.

“Isn’t it because a professor was paid to raise a student’s grade?”

“Half correct and half wrong. It is true that the professor received money from the student and manipulated the grade, but not to raise the grade; instead, the grade was lowered.”

“What? Why would a professor lower the grade… Surely not?”

“Yes, a student paid a professor to lower the grade of a student they didn’t like, and the professor agreed.”

The rookie professor realized why the professors had opposed his statement simultaneously earlier.

“Do you now understand what I said earlier? If we tamper with that charm, the ‘professor’ would be interfering with the test of the ‘student.'”

While the other professors were arguing, Elysia, who had been quietly watching the screen, spoke up.

“We’ve arrived.”

At Elysia’s words, the professors looked at the screen, but Rocky was nowhere to be seen.

Elysia silently pointed at the screen with her finger, but Rocky was still nowhere to be found there.

“Captain, what exactly is going on?”

“Tsk. Look at the grass there. It seems like someone stepped on it, pressing it down.”

It was only after enhancing their vision with mana that the professors could see the grass Elysia had mentioned.

They wanted to say, “Do you see that?” but they held their tongues.

The student who had caught the horse and injured his arm earlier had dispelled Rocky’s illusion and was resting under a tree, completely oblivious to his presence.

“Oh? Now his form is visible.”

“But it seems the student still hasn’t noticed.”

“Hiding one’s presence is evidence of exceptional skill.”

Rocky swiftly ran towards the resting student and swung his sword, causing the student to collapse without even reacting.

“[Taylor Biter Out].”

One of the professors announced the elimination through the microphone, and the voice spread throughout the entire forest.

“Even if his arm hadn’t been injured, it seems he wouldn’t have been able to react.”

“With that level of skill, he would have been at the top without resorting to such tactics.”

“But what is Rocky doing right now?”

Rocky knocked down the student and then seemed to search for something around him.

“There shouldn’t be anything around there.”

As Rocky, who had been scanning around, stopped. The professors felt as if he had locked eyes with them. It was because Rocky was staring straight in their direction.

“Surely they aren’t looking at us, right?”

“Sigh… It seems like they are.”

Loki, as if knowing exactly where the magical device transmitting the screen was, looked directly in our direction, raised both hands, and shook them vigorously.

He even jumped in place while doing so.

“… Should we wave back too?”

One professor said in a bewildered voice, but since all the other professors were equally bewildered, no one responded to that joke.

Loki stopped waving his hands and, taking out paper and a pen from the extradimensional space, started writing something.

“… What is he doing now?”

“He seems to be writing something on the paper.”

After a while, Loki stopped writing and held up the paper for the professors to see clearly.

[“Just playing a bit more. I’ll come in before dinner~.”]


The professors were speechless after reading what Loki had written.

What on earth is that crazy guy saying?

* * *

After that, Loki began to wander around the forest.

The professors couldn’t understand Loki’s actions.

More precisely, they didn’t want to understand.

Trying to understand only gave them a headache.

Unlike before, Loki ran through the forest without hiding his appearance with his unique magic.

In the middle, they encountered an artificial horse, but ignored it and kept running.

“What on earth are they doing?”

“I’m not sure. It doesn’t seem like they have a specific destination in mind.”

At first, the professors thought Loki was running towards somewhere.

But in a manner that seemed to mock such thoughts, Loki wandered around the entire forest.

“Huh? If they keep going like this, they’ll run into Sepia, won’t they?”

Upon hearing one professor’s remark, the other professors, who were looking elsewhere, turned their gaze towards the screen showing Loki.

Loki was currently running in a straight line, and there was Sepia standing there.

And a moment later, Loki and Sepia collided.

The professors watched Loki and Sepia with curious eyes.


One of them possessed an insane talent for spirits.

The other was just plain crazy.

When Sepia quickly summoned a spirit upon seeing Loki, while the professors watched with intrigued eyes.

Loki turned around and fled.


Both Sepia, who summoned the spirit, and the professors who were watching, were at a loss for words.

It took Loki less than two seconds from meeting Sepia to turning around and running away.

Afterwards, Loki continued roaming around the forest without fighting anyone, and eventually returned to the situation room.

* * *

Once Rocky returned after going out, he sat in the chair, looking at the screen as if he had no intention of going out again.

“It’s fortunate that none of the special class students have been knocked out yet. Isn’t that right, Professor Elysia?”

All the special class students were alive, maintaining their top positions without being eliminated.

“Sephia and Clara seem to have the most overwhelming scores.”

Sephia, who could locate the artificial mana and the students through spirits, and Clara, who continued casting spells without getting tired, were competing for the top two spots.

“Rocky, you’re probably not in a position to worry about the other kids right now.”

Unlike the other special class students who maintained their top positions, Rocky was in the lower ranks.

After capturing the first student with mana, Rocky hadn’t earned a single point.

“Professor, do you know the saying, ‘The cheetah is smiling’?”

Rocky said as he pulled out a skewer from the space and started eating.

Ignoring Rocky’s nonsense, Elysia continued grading the other students.

While she knew the abilities of the special class students who fought every morning, this was the first time she properly observed the skills of the other first-year students.

“They’re quite lacking.”

Compared to the special class students, the other first-year students were lacking.

Indeed, creating a special class with a few students who pleased her was still a good choice in hindsight.


And among those special class students, Rocky, who was most pleasing to her, leisurely tore at the skewer while glancing around the situation room.

[Jasmine’s disqualification announcement.]

Rocky approached the professor who informed the entire forest about the students’ disqualifications.

“If I speak through this microphone, will it spread throughout the entire forest?”


“Oh! That’s amazing. Can I try using it too?”

“Of course not.”

The screen showing the entire forest was something that Rocky couldn’t stop because the professors were going to see it anyway.

But speaking by operating the microphone was a different issue.

“Is that so? Well, then there’s nothing I can do.”

The professors looked at Rocky in surprise as he easily accepted and stepped back.

Yes, he was a good student who could get through with words, after all.

The professors genuinely thought so.

At least until they saw what Rocky was about to do next.


Rocky produced something from the void.

In Rocky’s hand was a small doll resembling him.

After wandering around the forest earlier, Rocky had scattered magic devices throughout the entire forest.

The identity of the magic devices scattered by Rocky was that when he spoke into the doll, the sound would spread through that magic device, like a Bluetooth speaker.

Rocky recalled his voice and used his illusion.

[Rocky disqualified]

The words Rocky created spread throughout the entire forest.

What on earth did that crazy guy just say?

The professors, who had been watching Rocky, stared at him blankly with widened eyes.

Professors who were doing something else all turned in surprise at the sound of Loki’s disqualification.

Why is he perfectly fine here?

“Even though I collapse here, I firmly believe that other students will protect this world!!”

What nonsense is this again?


Naturally, just because Loki said he was disqualified, it didn’t mean he actually was.

From Noble mtl dot com

But the problem is that with this, other students would now think Loki has been disqualified.

The voice that just declared Loki’s disqualification perfectly matched the voice of the professor who had been announcing the disqualifications of other students until now, so no one doubted it.

A professor who usually values dignity inadvertently muttered to himself upon seeing Loki.

“Crazy bastard.”

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  1. Shu Chou Shu Chou says:

    crazy bastard indeed haha

  2. Shadow says:

    My Cause of Death: Excessive Loki

  3. I'mm old says:

    I haven’t laugh this hard in a while

  4. Hu Tao Hu Tao says:

    I love him so much hahaha

  5. Yeah best Mc in a while

  6. Bro is so crazy and I love him.

  7. Eshya says:

    i love him. Ha ha ha ha

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