I’m the Main Villain but the Heroines Are Obsessed With Me chapter 30

30 - 14. Ariel's Suffering (1)

30 – 14. Ariel’s Suffering (1)

Ian gazed at the mana in his hand.

“Am I dreaming?”

Mana imbued with the attributes of darkness, a dark purple color.

If you only looked at this, you might wonder why it was making such a fuss. It was the same as the mana he usually used.

However, there was clearly a difference.

Ian extended his index finger and poked the mana in his left hand.

In the past, it would have felt like a thick liquid. But this time, it was different.

Thump! Thump!

“It has hardened on the surface.”

It hadn’t completely solidified, but there was definitely a barrier on the surface.

This was the reason why Ian was surprised.

Only those who had reached the level of a master could turn mana into a solid form.

Those below could only use mana in liquid form, no matter how hard they tried.

His previous self was the same.

Even when he fought against Release, he manipulated mana in the form of sticky liquid.

But now, it was different.

“It’s thin, but there’s definitely a barrier.”

The inside was still soft, but the surface had started to harden. In other words, it meant that Ian’s rank had increased.



Let’s translate the novel excerpt into English:

“Control the mana.” A sizzling sound emerged, turning into smoke and dissipating.

“I guess this puts me at an expert upper-tier level.”

From an expert intermediate-tier, he had risen to the upper-tier.

Ian couldn’t hide his excitement at this fact.

An increased amount of usable mana was undoubtedly an advantage.

“It’s a good thing to experience this kind of growth in a situation where we have to fight demons.”

He thought confidently while facing Lillith. In the future, the demons would show their claws without hesitation.

Once a high-ranking demon had vanished in his hands, they would no longer hide in the abyss but prepare for a full-fledged attack.

“Asmodeus, the closest one to me, will do the same. And the Demon Kings who realize that Lillith has vanished will show interest as well.”

Those who suspected some interaction between himself and the lazy Demon Kings would try to find out in any way they could.

Choosing the threat as their method was clear.

“They will try to kill me one way or another.”

Fortunately, this time, it could be easily overcome due to Lillith’s carelessness, but others would never make such a mistake.

This incident would serve as a lesson, and he had to prepare more firmly.

“In that case, I must put in as much effort as he does.”

Ian never forgot his goal.

To uncover the hidden secret and reach a true happy ending.

To achieve that, he needed to kill Mashion and survive until the end.

Because that wasn’t the end.

Ian looked at Neltalion sleeping beside him.

“Hmm… To properly use Neltalion’s power, I had to grow my mana anyway.”

Using Neltalion’s skills, suitable for a deity’s name, required a considerable amount of mana consumption.

Of course, since obtaining Aether, the situation had improved somewhat, but there were still issues remaining.

“Neltalion’s advantage is not just being a weapon.”

Recent instances of rapid regeneration were a testament to that.

The skill to instantly heal the body’s wounds without any issues. What was even more astonishing was that it could be used on others as well.

Neltalion probably had many such abilities.

If he continued to grow, the next abilities would also take on the form of skills that he could use.

“But not being able to use them properly due to a lack of mana? Just thinking about it is terrifying.”

Is it not a way to solve that?

From Noble mtl dot com

That was the reason Ian couldn’t help but be satisfied.

Ian laughed softly and lifted the corners of his mouth while looking at the sunlight coming in through the window.

“Ha… It’s been a long time since my heart felt at ease.”

It had been so long since he had rested so comfortably without a single thought.

Since he had obtained this rare rest, it would be best to relax and relieve his fatigue.

Ian picked up the beef soup placed beside him and cautiously brought it to his mouth.


Ian smiled as he felt a warm sensation spreading throughout his body.

The taste of the soup was quite good. To the point where one would wonder who made it. Honestly speaking, it was not an exaggeration to say that it was the most delicious food he had ever eaten.

With his mind at ease, Ian began to eat the soup continuously.

– hehehehe.

Neltalion, who had secretly been watching him pretending to sleep, smiled with satisfaction.


As a result of the sudden intrusion of Liris, Arc had to go through unexpected chaos.

Even though he had carried out training using illusions for the safety of the students.

On the contrary, the illusions became a prison that confined the students. If things went wrong, the students could have lost their lives to the demons.

The bigger problem was that all of those scenes became visible to the nobles of the Empire.

After the training ended, the nobles constantly made remarks doubting the safety of Arc’s training.

In such circumstances, proceeding with the planned mid-term tactical training was madness.

That was the reason.

“Hey, stop pushing! Ah! Who the hell are you!”

“If you’ve seen enough, move aside! Have no consideration for the people at the back?”

People crowded around the bulletin board in front of the main building.

Realizing that the illusions were not safe, Arc cancelled the scheduled mid-term exams.

Instead, he decided to divide the grades based on the performance in war games and the grades of the subjects they had taken regularly.

The grades of liberal arts and major courses, which were not usually considered important, now had a decisive influence.

It was inevitable that the students would eagerly look at the ranking chart hung on the bulletin board.

Of course, even if they did, their grades would not change. But in a crowded place, one had to let off steam to avoid feeling like their stomach was about to burst.

The people surrounding the bulletin board gradually began to step back after Ariet appeared.

As Ariel and her party members approached with stern expressions, the students scattered, avoiding them with uneasy glances.

They didn’t wield significant power at the academy.

“Oh… Look at that expression. Intimidating.”

“Yeah! What if they hear us? They already look in a bad mood.”

Scratching their nerves could lead to trouble, as they had fallen from grace. They watched from a distance, too scared to approach.

Glancing at those who bowed before her, Reyna cautiously approached. “Ariel? Don’t worry too much… You can do better next time…”

Was it an attempt to ease the mood? Reyna forced a laugh and said, but it didn’t help Ariel regain her composure.

“Thanks, Reyna.”


After exchanging formal thanks, Ariel immediately turned her eyes towards the rank list.

Her name, which had always been at the top, was now stuck at the bottom.

[Arc 1st Year War Game Overall Rankings]

54th – Ariel Volkanov.


Ariel’s lips let out a bitter laugh as she looked at her rank.

54th. With only about 60 students in the entire 1st year, it was a grade that could be considered at the bottom.

Of course, considering the prowess she demonstrated in the War Games, it was a ranking that made no sense.

Ariel didn’t bother to argue.

“It’s my mistake.”

What did it matter if she showed her strength? She had annihilated her party members with a pathetic strategy.

She should be grateful even for receiving a rank as low as 54th.

Standing still, checking her grade, Ariel looked around.

The gathered students all looked at her.

The emotions mixed in those gazes were keenly felt on her skin.

Sympathy… Anger… Mockery.

Ariel, who felt those things, lowered her head and let out a little laugh.

“Why did it turn out like this…?”

Since she was young, she had always been someone who caught everyone’s attention.

Her parents and relatives looked at her with affectionate eyes.

People like Celia did not hesitate to use any means necessary to become friends as soon as they saw her.

She was always loved by everyone. Even the prideful geniuses at Ark, when she reached out her hand, would rush to her like a dog meeting its owner.

The instructors and officers also treated her sincerely.

And now, she was receiving sympathetic and mocking gazes.


Even she couldn’t believe it, so she let out a hollow laugh.

Ariel raised her gaze again and looked at the rank chart. Beside the paper with her grades written on it, there was a paper with the grades of the second years.

[Ark 2nd Year War Game Overall Rankings]

1st place, Ian Volkano.

2nd place, Alan Kegan.

3rd place, Eri Eberhardt.

4th place, Igor Pendia.

Her older brother, who was at the top. And the members of the 3rd squad.

Looking at them, her heart felt like it would burst.

“Why am I…”

It had always been like this.

While she received love from everyone, it was Ian Volkano who received recognition.

Even at parties, where she was the hero, her party members followed Ian’s orders. They called her a secret weapon and only allowed her to shine in the final moments.

Of course, she didn’t know if it was because they genuinely valued her… but Ariel didn’t like it.

“I can shine too.”

She was a hero. The one who shoulders the noble duty of leading the vanguard and defeating the demons. That was the utopia she had envisioned. It didn’t suit her temperament to only wield her sword when it was important.

Therefore, she had made up her mind.

To prove that she could do it herself, that she could achieve results even without Ian.

Thus, by gaining recognition, she planned to create a party centered around herself to overthrow Mason.

However, that plan was never realized.

Once again, she failed, and Ian succeeded.

“Why can Ian do it, but I can’t?”

Her 1st Battalion, led by her, lay on the ground, while Ian’s 3rd Battalion dominated the top ranks.

What’s even more surprising is that Ian, who didn’t even wield his original weapon, the sword, was surpassing her.

“Is he truly more talented? Is Ian really better than me?”

Ariel glanced at Excalibur, strapped to her waist. It had been over ten years since she was chosen as a hero alongside Excalibur, yet Ariel had never once spoken with the sword.

She could lend her power, but the fact that she couldn’t converse with the Ego Weapon Excalibur was akin to disgrace for her.

“Why won’t you speak to me?”

According to ancient texts, heroes honed their skills by communicating with the spirits of their sacred swords.

So why wouldn’t it speak to her?

If there was something lacking, at least speaking could help, but the sacred sword remained silent.


Looking at the obstinate sacred sword, she redirected her gaze forward.

She wanted to return to the dorm and rest, but that was not an option.

“I have to attend the liberal arts class…”

Despite the urgent need for a break, it was impossible to forfeit attendance points after the disastrous performance in the war games.

“Let’s go.”

“Oh, Ariel? Let’s go together!”

With heavy steps, Ariel made her way to the classroom.


The next day, having taken a well-deserved rest, Ian headed straight to the Arc.

In truth, due to the recent incident, he could have easily requested sick leave for this week, but Ian chose not to.

“After today, it’s the weekend anyway.”

Moreover, with only one class today, Ian had no aversion to attending.

“And staying in the Azure Hall won’t put my mind at ease either.”

Despite it being akin to exile, the Azure Hall did have minimal personnel for basic security.

It was much better to go to school and endure their gaze.

Ian, who was walking while feeling the cool breeze, took out his device and checked today’s scheduled classes.

“Come to think of it, was today’s lecture on political analysis and debate?”

Political analysis and debate… It wasn’t a lecture that received good reviews.

The teaching method itself was for the students themselves to select a topic, conduct their own research based on it, and then have a discussion.

Just taking major courses was exhausting enough. And on top of that, they had to do research for discussions? There was a reason why students disliked it.

“So political analysis and debate is a lecture for those who failed to enroll. But not for me.”

On the contrary, Ian was the first to enroll in this class.

“As long as I know the flow of the original, it’s not that difficult.”

As long as he knew how the future would unfold, doing research for materials for discussions was not that difficult, and he could easily receive good grades.

There was no reason to pass up on such a sweet lecture.


He opened the door to the classroom and entered. The gazes of other people turned towards him.

At the beginning of the semester, most of the gazes were filled with jealousy. But now, it was different.

“It’s awkward…”

Their gazes were mixed with favor and awe as they looked at him.

It was at that moment when he calmly felt the mixture of gazes filled with favor, which he had never felt before.

There was a person in one corner of the classroom who was sending a intense gaze towards him.


Ariel Volkanov, she was looking at Ian with an expression of unparalleled sadness.

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  1. Blue Bro Blue Bro says:

    – Can we expect a sword spirit in the harem?

    – Is Ariel going to obsess over MC and enter the harem?

    1. GoDofNovel says:

      Bro Ariel is literally his sister dafq, bro brain has been consumed by poison

      1. amogustimestwo says:


      2. AmicableKraken says:

        Forgot the poison tester,we need doctor now

  2. But if he was cursed how did Igor not hate him? How can others change their perceptions?

    1. Somerandomguy says:

      I would assume it was because of the possession. Since his soul is technically not Ian’s anymore, he shouldn’t be under the curse.

      1. Capid says:

        Makes sense, a couple of characters quickly changed their mind about him once mc properly took charge.
        If the original Ian did something to summon mc at the cost of his soul, his martyr complex had no limits.

    2. 13A0 says:

      Well the curse affects Ian soul right (base on its name) ? And he is not real Ian, so I guess the curse doesn’t affect him.

    3. 1. may be igor was not close to him?
      2. difference between him playing yuri and passive activity of lan vs both director(player) and executioner(NPC) being the same? plus light flash could not carry him so permanent measures (junior of truck kun) was dispatched?

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