I’m the Main Villain but the Heroines Are Obsessed With Me chapter 53

53 - 24. Unqualified Person (4)

53 – 24. Unqualified Person (4)

When the attack of the barbarians began, Reina headed towards the Volkanov territory with Ariel.

She wasn’t just following along.

Even if Ariel didn’t go to the territory, Reina would have returned with Dias.

The reason was simple.

“If it’s the Sisyphus mountain range, our village should be fine. But we still don’t know if there will be any casualties.”

She and Dias were both from the Volkanov region.

Although her family lived in a village on the outskirts of Ashallan, which was not within the affected radius. But who knows what might happen?

If it were nobles who possessed soldiers or individuals with enough power to defend themselves, it would be different.

Her parents, who were natural farmers, would suffer greatly if the barbarians swarmed together.

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That was why Reyna had no choice but to take Dias and return to Volkanov.

“Still, I’m glad Ariel told me to go to the territory first. I almost didn’t make it on time.”

From the Institute, the northern region was quite a distance away. Just renting a carriage to reach the destination of the surrounded and rugged Volkanov required a lot of money.

As someone who had to save every bit of the scholarship money she received each month for living expenses, it was a difficult situation for her.

Fortunately, Ariel also expressed her intention to return to her family, so they were able to save money and head to the territory.

After that, everything went smoothly.

While Ian Volkanov broke into enemy lines and wreaked havoc, she drove out the enemy’s remnants with Ariel.

The royal family also quickly dispatched reinforcements. Thanks to them, the barbarians who caused a great uproar were swiftly dealt with.

It was a definite success.

“Normally, I would rent a nearby store and always raise a toast at times like this.”

But this time, it wasn’t possible.

Reyna recalled Ariel’s expression.

It was when she heard that the barbarians had been wiped out.

“…I wonder if staying passive really helps… Is it right to live only by listening to my brother’s words like a doll?”

Her friend, who seemed lifeless as if the spirit had been drained out of her.

Was it because of the shock of making a mistake in the war game? She didn’t know what had happened, but recently, she couldn’t pull herself together.

At first, she thought it was because of the shock from making a mistake, but upon further reflection, it seemed unlikely.

But even saying that, Ariel was far from being perfect.

“She tends to be a bit rough and has a tendency to take matters into her own hands. That has caused problems before.”

Hadn’t there been several occasions where her impulsive nature caused problems?

However, every time that happened, Ariel would steadfastly rise and accomplish great things once again.

Reyna took her as a role model. That’s why they were close.

“But Ariel used to be like that.”

Why is she now in such a lifeless state?

It would be nice if she could say something. However, no matter how much she asked, she only received unsatisfactory answers.

“She was in the same state when Celia-nee asked her.”

She couldn’t ignore Celia, who had been with her since childhood, even though she was just a close friend.

In the end, Reyna had no choice but to choose a new way.

The means of comfort she chose was food.

“Ariel… She liked winter strawberry smoothies, right?”

Ariel would easily eat them if a smoothie was made using the winter strawberries her mother had sent.

Reyna thought that if she made it, she could find a smile again.

That’s why she headed towards the house on the outskirts of Asharan…

“Huh? I’m sure. Our house is supposed to be here.”

The village she had visited after a long time had changed too much.

The vanished house. Reyna’s body trembled as she looked around.

“What’s going on?”

She hadn’t taken the wrong road. It was the place she had lived her whole life, and she wasn’t so bad at directions that she would forget in a short while.

Moreover, there were houses on the land, as if telling her that there used to be a house.

This was definitely the place where the house used to be. There was no doubt about it.

“But why is it gone?”

Where did the perfectly fine house disappear to?

There were no problems until a few days ago when she contacted her parents.

At that moment, a thought brushed through her mind.

The sight of the villagers saying they must leave this place without hope, as Volkanov had said.

“Of course, my father remained silent on such opinions.”

Her father was the representative figure of the farmers in this village.

If the villagers had heard about the Volkanov family being disregarded by the stewards?

“No way. If my father received punishment?”

Insulting nobles as a commoner was no trivial matter.

It was unthinkable to insult the great blue blood.

Furthermore, the Volkanovs were not an ordinary family.

“If they insulted the protectors of the Empire, it wouldn’t end with just punishment.”

That crime could only be washed away by offering one’s life.

“No! No!”

She ran like a madwoman.

The children who begged her to play with them and opened their eyes wide at her, like the village elders, stood in her way, but nothing entered Reyna’s eyes. She felt like she would go crazy immediately if she didn’t directly confirm what had happened to her family.

After searching the village frantically, Reyna’s rolling feet finally stopped in front of a robust house. It was the first time she had ever seen the place, and though it wasn’t as grand as a mansion, the building was exquisitely made. Even Reyna, who had no sense of architecture, could tell that the place was not where commoners could live. Someone important must reside there as an overseer, or something…

Do they know what happened to our house? Reyna thought to herself as she cautiously knocked on the door.

Creak! After a moment, the door opened, and one person stepped out. Reyna’s eyes widened as she recognized the woman.

“Reyna? When did you arrive? You could have told me beforehand that you were coming…”

“Mother?” Reyna gasped.

The person who came out of the house was her mother. Reyna was shocked; why was her mother here?

But it didn’t end there.

“What? Our daughter is here? Is that true?” The father revealed himself, and Reyna’s eyes widened even more.

“Why are you here, Father? Where’s our home? Please tell me!” Reyna demanded.

“I’ve been saying this the whole time. This is our home,” her father replied.

“What? Are you serious?” Even after returning home, Reyna couldn’t shake off her doubts. The situation was unbelievable.

Did my farmer father really get such a house? Of course, he held a position responsible for the village’s farming, but he was not wealthy enough to live in such a nice house.

‘Just looking at the exterior, it’s vibrant. The interior is extraordinary as well.’

The cozy house had facilities to block the harsh wind and warm carpets. The interior was also wonderfully decorated.

There were also decorations that one would find in a noble’s house.

Is this really our home? Even if I work my whole life, I wouldn’t be able to obtain a house like this.

Perhaps Reyna’s father noticed her questioning expression as he smirked and spoke.

“There have been many events while you were in Arc.”

“What kind of events?”

“Well, you must have heard about it. Recently, the potatoes in our region became famous.”

“I do know about that. But what does that have to do with you, father?”

“What does it have to do? I am the person in charge of the potato farming.”


Being in charge? How could a commoner like her father become responsible for a major business in the territory?

“That doesn’t make any sense. Oliver Viscount is in charge of the territory’s farming. Although the viscount is famous for not discriminating against commoners, it’s hard to believe he would appoint someone like us as the person in charge…”

“I also thought that at first. But it turns out the person in charge of farming should be an expert in that field. That’s why Volkhanov assigned it to me. Oliver Viscount was preoccupied with sales-related work, so he agreed.”

“Then this house…”

Looking around in disbelief, Reyna’s father had a proud expression.

“That’s right. Duke Ian recognized my contributions and built this house for me. But it’s not just our house. He renovated the entire village.”

“The entire village?”

Reyna was taken aback.

Nothing made sense anymore.

Her father, who used to be a farmer, became responsible, and a duke renovated this village?

Volkhanov, who always treated farmers well, did something like this. It didn’t make any sense.

But the astonishment didn’t end there.

“Father! But why would you address him with such respect, Duke Ian? He’s a bad person!”

“A bad person? What kind of manner is that towards Duke Ian? Is that how I raised you?”

“Father, what are you saying? Have you forgotten? When I was young, during the famine, didn’t Earl come to our village? Do you remember what Ian Volkhanov, who was standing next to Earl, said to you?”

Ian Volkhanov.

Reyna didn’t have a good opinion of him.

Apart from being in a competitive relationship with her childhood friend Ariel, the main reason was that he had caused deep wounds in her family.

During the famine when the crops failed, Ian, who stood beside Lord Kilian, said the following:

“They said the crops failed because we didn’t put our hearts into them! But it’s because we didn’t put in enough effort that our farming failed! Have you forgotten those misguided words?”

The words of my father, spoken when he came home as if relieved, still lingered in my mind.

“What happened? Honey?”

“Because of the famine this time… Lord Kilian came. He had nothing to say.”

“Why? What did he say?”

“It’s not Lord Kilian’s fault. Occasionally, Lord Ian or Miss said various things next to him. Those words won’t leave my mind.”

“What did they say that affected you so much?”

“I don’t remember exactly. They said the farming failed because I wasn’t sincere.”

“What on earth…”

What kind of hurtful words are those, saying that it wasn’t out of sincerity?

It was Ian Volkano who criticized my father’s efforts in farming, someone who had been dedicated to farming all his life. Now that Raina was here, seeing her address him as Lord, she couldn’t bear it.

“Has Father forgotten those words? How difficult it was for me to hear those words…”

She stayed awake all night, shedding tears. Even though she wasn’t the one directly involved, she felt a surge of anger. How could one forget such words?

She confronted her father, who seemed proud, as if playing down her anger.

“I haven’t forgotten those words. I still get angry when I think about them.”

“But why do you address Ian as Lord?”

“What on earth are you saying? Ian wasn’t the one who made those hurtful words. It was Miss Ariel who said that it failed because I wasn’t sincere. Honestly, someone who doesn’t have the qualifications shouldn’t be the lady.”

Raina’s pupils began to tremble at her father’s words.

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  1. That’s a Big Middle Finger 🖕

  2. Capid Capid says:

    Yet another hit to Ariel’s case.

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