I’m the Main Villain but the Heroines Are Obsessed With Me chapter 58

58 - 27. A Reliable Person (1)

58 – 27. A Reliable Person (1)

Meeting her comrades in such a perilous place was a joyous occasion.

But she couldn’t just smile and be content.

“Why on earth is that person with Ariel?”

Having someone almost equivalent to the source of evil by their side.

How they met, what happened for them to become so familiar, remains unknown.

However, they needed to get rid of them.

“Ariel, step aside. The rest of you, come quickly!”

Bianca, hiding Ariel behind her, began to concentrate mana into her staff.

Ariel looked puzzled by the sudden combat stance.

“Why are you acting like this, sis? Don’t you know enemies will swarm in if we use skills here?”

“What you don’t know is not my problem but yours. Do you even know who that woman is and why she’s accompanying us?”

“Who is she… She’s our sister’s family.”

“That’s true, but that woman is the culprit behind the recent incident!”

As Ariel, there wouldn’t be a slightest trace of suspicion towards Vanessa, who had a gentle smile.

Even the faintest doubt would vanish the moment she mentioned her comrade’s family.

But Bianca couldn’t just stand idly by and watch.

“Culprit, you say… Isn’t it too harsh to say that to your sister, Bianca?”

“Shut up! Did you think I wouldn’t know what my sister has done? I heard everything when she came here!”

Bianca pushed Vanessa with force, but she remained calm and composed.

“Believing one side of the story and jumping to conclusions, aren’t you? Well, I guess you’ve never been good at making rational judgments since you were young. It’s nothing out of the ordinary.”

“Releasing the zombies to destroy the empire. That’s your thinking, isn’t it, sis? Did you think I wouldn’t know about it?”

“I don’t know where you heard what, but that’s not true. The resistance unleashed the zombies, and I was gathering information to stop them. You should know that this territory is precious to our family.”

“You’re talking nonsense…”

Bianca had stopped talking.

The best thing to do is deal with Vanessa here.

There is a possibility that zombies might swarm if they cause a commotion.

She was a talented dark magician from the beginning, and it wouldn’t be easy to deal with her in a simple way.

“It’s a shame that I can’t kill her right away.”

First of all, it was more important to thwart her plans.

It was when Bianca was about to take her comrades to where Viscount Velos was.

“Bianca, why don’t you believe the family’s words?”

“Ariel? What are you talking about?” she asked, looking at Ariel who was holding her arm.

Although Bianca was at a loss for words, Ariel continued to speak.

“I don’t know exactly what was said on the way here. But should we not believe what Ms. Vanessa says?”

“No, Ariel! I met a man who used to work as a researcher under Lord Velos, and I heard everything through him! That woman is the mastermind of everything!”

“The mastermind of this incident is Viscount Velos, who created the zombies. You believe the words of the researchers who worked under him. I don’t understand. They could have blamed the weak to cover up their own mistakes.”

“What are you talking about!”

Was Pheps a bad person? If he really was such a person, would she not have saved someone who was on the verge of being devoured by zombies in the first place?

Could she doubt him for moving to save one person in a desperate state before dying?

Looking at Ariel in despair, she seemed to have no intention of backing down.

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At that moment… Bianca was convinced.

‘You… are seeing this incident as an opportunity.’

The inferiority complex about Ian was eating away at Ariel.

It was jealousy of her brother, who always succeeded in everything he touched.

She could be certain because it was she who comforted and thought of her while she struggled with the gap that occurred in competition with Ian.

‘Did you think it was not right? Because it would be hopeless if Ian regains his strength?’

If Ian, who had been deprived of the strongest weapon, the sword, regains his strength. The competition would become meaningless, so she must have been trying to prevent it.

Insisting on taking Vanessa was probably because of that.

‘As a hero who resolved the disaster-ridden city and rescued the citizens… She must want such a title.’

At first, she might have chosen for herself, but that kind of thing was not a concern for her now.

Just as if confirming Bianca’s expectations, Ariel pronounced the final judgment.

“Sister… something seems odd right now.”

With those words as the catalyst, Bianca felt tired of Ariel.

She thought they had a relationship beyond friendship. Was it only about ignoring her own words and being solely focused on success, paying attention only to what others said?

“What an idiot… so annoying.”

Overwhelmed by disgust and annoyance, she left, shutting her eyes and ears.

But behind her, she could hear Ariel calling her name.

That was it. Ariel didn’t follow her.

How far had she run… Bianca found herself in the room where she had lived during her childhood.


A place where memories still lingered, a space where she felt calm whether she was happy or sad.

However, what was there? It wasn’t the end for her.



Countless zombie eyes stared at her from the hallway.

Bloody, engorged eyes and oozing bodily fluids.

Unbelievably terrifying monsters… staggering and stumbling around.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Felps.”

She had promised to stop this. She had resolved to protect.

Was this really the end here?

If she had known it would be like this… perhaps sticking close to Ariel, even if she disliked it, would have been the right choice.


It was heartbreaking. The family had crumbled, and she thought she had found true peace. And now, even that person had left her. There was no one left to rely on…

She felt like she was all alone in this world.

Was it too much to wish for someone she could lean on, someone who could provide the warmth of a family?

Thinking that, she watched the approaching zombies.

– Why are you crying, sis? Should I hug you?

A little girl with black hair and red eyes appeared in front of her.

The girl, who looked about six years old, gazed at her with a worried expression.

In that moment, Bianca regained her composure.

“Who are you…? It’s not the right time, it’s dangerous!”

– Huh? What’s wrong?

“What are you doing? This is not the time for this! Come behind me, unnie! Those guys are dangerous!”

How on earth is this child here in a place infested with zombies?

Is it a ghost? Is she hallucinating? In any case, there was one important thing. They couldn’t let this child die.

It was the moment when she was determined and focused her mana.

– No way!

“Little one? You said you promised to help me fight those guys because it’s dangerous?”

– That’s right! This time, I’m the one breaking these zombies, can’t make an exception even for unnie! Watch this!

The little girl who had rushed forward stood in front of the monster and stretched out her hand.

It might seem like an action that would be incomprehensible to anyone who only saw it… But the result was different.

Thud! Crack!



Along with the girl’s hand, a massive hand was created and began to wrestle the zombies.

The captured zombies formed a lump and fell to the ground, turning into a pool of blood.

Despite committing such an extraordinary act, the girl seemed so pleased and locked back, giggling.

– How was that? I’m amazing! I can also beat up zombies!

“That’s impressive. But giving praise for reckless behavior…”

A mysterious emotion washed over her. Judging rationally, it would be right to scold the child for making a dangerous choice, but…

“Come here, I’ll hug you, little one.”

– hehehe, okay!

How can you scold this small and precious child?

Just seeing her smile and hugging her seemed like enough to heal her heart, even though she didn’t want to give her a despondent expression.

Hugging the child and gently stroking her head, Bianca carefully opened her mouth.

“But how on earth did you get here? Where are your mom and dad?”

– Mom? Dad? They died a long time ago.

“Ah… I’m, I’m sorry… So, is there no one taking care of you now?”

– There is! She’s really nice and handsome! That person often talked about unnie!

“My story?”

– Yeah! A woman with purple hair asked to help if you’re in danger! That’s why I came here!

She asked for help. Who on earth could she be?

Of course, the child said that the woman had violet hair. Honestly, isn’t this hair color uncommon?

The Marteif family was characterized by ash-colored hair, but they disliked the tag of fallen nobility, so they dyed their hair in an uncommon color that was hard to find even in the Empire.

“But there can’t be someone like that in this territory….”

Since the hair color was even uncommon in the Empire, in Brookus territory, the chances of finding it even in an estate were slim. So what this child was saying was probably true.

“Who could that be….”

Someone who talks a lot about me and asks to be protected if in danger.

That was the moment I thought that.

“Hey! Ian! Over here!”

“Ian? What did you say?”

An unexpected person’s name popped out of the child’s mouth.

Startled, I turned my head along with the child and saw a man slowly approaching from the end of the hallway.

Thump. Thump.

Tears welled up in my eyes with an inexplicable sense of relief. Ian said nonchalantly.

“Don’t cry. Zombies are coming.”

That was the moment when I found someone to rely on in this hell.

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  1. Am says:

    Ariel demostrando cada vez más su valor como onahole. 🤩

  2. “Bianca, why don’t you believe family’s words?”

    Said the one who didn’t trust/hate her own brother.

    1. Shiin says:

      Ahhh, yesss.. woman *coffe*

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