I’m the Main Villain but the Heroines Are Obsessed With Me chapter 8

8 - 4. This is the Foot (2)

8 – 4. This is the Foot (2)

It had been four hours since the training began.

Before he knew it, Igor’s steps had regained stability, and he was able to extend his jabs and straights.

– Woah… it’s impressive.

“Yes, the results of the training are good…”

Compared to the previous Igor, his growth was truly admirable.

However, he couldn’t be satisfied here. He had only just begun reaching out with his fists.

Ian looked at Igor again.

“While remembering what I said, one,”



Igor’s jab struck Ian’s reinforced hand quickly.

Ian’s expression quickly darkened.

“Igor, why are you pushing your fist when extending it? Didn’t I tell you to use your lower body if you want to hit strongly?”

“I got it! Let me try again!”

“Again. One,”

Igor repositioned his stance and extended his fist again.

His legs were moving well, and he didn’t push his fist.



A feeble jab with no power. No matter how much it was called a jab, it couldn’t do anything.

“I told you to relax your shoulder. Did I tell you to relax the strength in your whole body? Even a little kid wouldn’t get hit by such a weak punch.”


Unable to bear the fierce criticism, Igor let out a groan!

Rough words escaped his trembling lips.

“…Damn it.”

He was on the verge of going mad.

Usually, when exercising, all worries would disappear, and the mood would improve.

Now, instead of feeling better, anger piled up every time.

“I’m getting so annoyed.”

Igor struck the uncooperative floor in frustration.

Ian, who rambled on in a roundabout way, irritated him, but what made him angrier was his own body.

“Why can’t I do this properly? I know it, but my body won’t cooperate…”

Igor had dedicated his entire life to combat, believing that not even the empire could surpass his physical coordination.

But… what on earth was this embarrassment?

Wasting precious time because he couldn’t take a single step properly?

Though Igor was dying to explode with frustration, Ian only pushed him further.

“Even if it’s hard, endure it and get up. You can die trying.”

“Damn it.”

His teeth ground together. The thought that this wasn’t the right way nagged at his mind.

“I need a sharper edge.”

With little time left, it was crucial to have a strong foundation.

For that, he needed a clear explanation.

That’s why he said it.

“Ian, I have a suggestion.”

“A suggestion? If you’re going to suggest that we stop, it’s better to give up.”

“It’s not about giving up! I mean… I’m asking you to explain it in detail, not half-heartedly.”

He had decided to scratch Ian’s pride.

Thinking that Ian would provide a tailor-made explanation if he kept annoying him like this.

“Explain it properly? Have I been explaining it half-heartedly all this time?”

Ian was about to explode, his eyes wide open. But Igor spoke loudly, as if he had been waiting for this moment.

“If I can’t grasp the essence, tell me clearly! If I have a problem, tell me directly! Or explain it properly! I’ll follow faithfully, no matter what!”

“Well, it seems I haven’t been explaining it at your level.”

“That’s right! What I want is exactly that. Tailored education! If possible, I’d like to teach the basics step by step, as if I were teaching a child just starting combat.”

The intent behind the expression was clear, and Ian suppressed a laugh inside.

“He won’t get away with cheating people somewhere else.”

He had always thought that Igor was terrible at hiding his expressions.

If you’re going to say such things, you should at least do it with a sad expression or show some anger.

If you say those things while smiling, anyone would see that there is a different intention behind it.

“Well… if it’s about intention, it’s a way to scratch my temperament and evoke passion.”

I thought he would explain it diligently, thinking that he would scratch my pride by saying that I couldn’t teach properly.

It’s annoying, but Ian decided to overlook Igor’s mischief.

“A passionate appearance…”

How can I torment him well to spread rumors? When I was thinking about that, Nathalion poked Ian’s chest.

– Ian… what are you going to do?

“Do I look worried?”

– Yeah… Ian… you look like you’re in trouble… I’m worried.

“It’s okay, no problem. It’s not a big deal.”

– Then, is there a way?

A way… didn’t he say it himself? He asked him to treat him like a beginner.

He should do it as he pleases.

Approaching Igor, Ian lowered his posture.

He extended his index finger and pointed at his foot, then started explaining.

“So, let me explain. This is called a foot. Now, what did I say this was?”

“What the hell are you trying to do…”

“What am I going to do? Can’t you see? I’m explaining. I won’t explain twice, so listen carefully and follow along. This is called a foot. What did I say?”

“This… this bastard… this crazy bastard…”

He wanted to immediately vent his anger at Ian, who seemed to be mocking him, but he knew that he would be hit if he did. So, with tears held back, Igor replied.

“Foot… damn it.”

“What did you say?”



From Noble mtl dot com

Celia Wignoran.

She, the youngest daughter of the prestigious martial arts family Wignoran, always caught people’s attention.

Whenever rumors about her appearing in society spread, even the heavy-bottomed nobles participated in parties.

They would lean in just to have a conversation with her.

The beautiful noble-born Yeongae, with outstanding skills that are no less impressive than hers.

She never lacked anything and was always a woman who attracted people wherever she went.

Except for her childhood, she had never been alone.

She usually spent time with her cute junior, Ariel, and when she worked for her family, there were knights who took care of her.

Being lonely was not a suitable word for Celia, and she believed that she would not live a lonely life.

That was why.

Celia, wandering the corridor like a deflated balloon, looked pitiful.


Celia sighed in frustration as she thought of herself.

After having a meal with Ariel, she walked around the training ground and complained.

“I made up my mind…”

Originally, she didn’t plan on training today.

After all, on the first day of school, it was customary to enjoy a small party with valuable friends while thinking about the future.

Therefore, Celia decided to rent a restaurant in Hwangdo with all her determination.

To eat the food prepared by the chef, you had to make a reservation at least two months in advance.

Even she, the Duchess of Wignoran, had to pay a considerable amount, but… she didn’t feel regretful at all.

Just spending time eating delicious food and laughing with Ariel was enough.

However, Ariel Volkanov didn’t understand Celia’s desires at all.

“She even invited other people to join.”

Upon hearing her words of renting the entire restaurant, Ariel laughed and gathered her friends.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a party with everyone.

“Really… Ariel, isn’t this too much? I went to such lengths… Is she really so clueless…”

In the end, after finishing the meal, Celia immediately headed to the training ground.

Ariel tried to stop her, but if she didn’t relieve this frustration right now, she felt like she would go crazy.

“But if I do this, Ariel will understand my feelings.”

Even though she was clueless, if she went this far, she would realize how big of a mistake she had made.

As a punishment, after finishing the training and returning to the dormitory, she would give Ariel a tight hug.

While thinking that, Celia was walking down the street.

“Oh? Ian.”

“Celia Wignoran?”

Her pupils trembled at the sight of Ian before her.


Why on earth did she react like that?

Did she lose her mind for a moment?

In that brief moment, Celia Wignoran blamed herself endlessly.

She had the urge to hit her past self who reflexively spoke to Ian.

“Why did I react to Ian? I could have just ignored him… No, why is he here at this hour?”

At the same time, thoughts of what to do overwhelmed her mind.

What should she say?

She closed her mouth tightly and endured. Ian asked if she came to practice.

“Are you here to train?”

“W-well, yeah! Training! I came to train! So that I wouldn’t be defeated like everyone else and not get in Ariel’s way!”

Celia’s sharp provocation was directed at Ian.

“Yeah, do your best.”

Yet, Ian seemed unfazed and simply turned back to the training room.

That irritated her temperament.

“Hey! Ian.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Have you… nothing to say to me?”

“Not really.”

“Think about it again! Don’t you have an apology for me?”

Staring at his expressionless face, Celia clenched her fists.

Honestly, she hated Ian.

The kindness he showed her in her childhood turned out to be a facade, which was disappointing.

“I always acted sincerely.”

Had he not hidden his true self from her?

She disliked his despicable true nature, but she also despised the kindness he showed only to her.

It felt as if he had purposely approached her to play with her.

“It’s not just me, is it? How could he treat his own younger sister like that?”

She thought about Ariel, who had come back crying after failing her strategy.

Due to Arielle becoming a hero, she had to temporarily keep her distance. However, she continued to communicate through letters.

Ian seemed different. Arielle’s letter mentioned that she could see a change in him and that she liked it.

At that time, Celia thought she might be able to reconcile with Ian.

If he showed a sincere change, she could have forgiven him for mocking her.

But Ian completely shattered her expectations.

The image of Arielle being expelled from the party and crying in his arms still lingered in her memory.

Celia intended to bring closure to this opportunity.

She wanted to end the ill-fated relationship with Ian.

“Apology? What am I supposed to apologize for?”

Of course, Ian couldn’t understand her feelings.

Or rather, he didn’t want to understand.

Looking at him with a truly perplexed expression, Celia’s hands trembled.

“If I’ve done something wrong, then I’ll apologize. But… I’ve been thinking about it, and it seems like I haven’t done anything wrong to you.”

“Yes… You really are that kind of person… Without even realizing it… Like a fool…”

With her emotions suppressed, Celia glared at Ian.

There was a liveliness in her eyes that hadn’t been there before.

“I regret liking you… it drives me crazy.”

With red eyes, Celia turned her back and headed towards the dormitory.

Ian could only watch her in that state.


“What does Celia Wignorin mean to Ian?”

He had thought about it countless times since she left.

What Celia meant to him.

She was a good friend when they were young. She treated him with some decency.

The vivid image of her happily saying, “Let’s go play,” while laughing wide was still in his memory.

Just by watching that image, he thought there was a reason to keep living.

“So I tried my best to take care of her.”

He lived as if sacrificing everything for her.

He endured her curse and treated her wounds overnight if she ever fell ill.

Ian’s first friend was a very precious existence to him.

“But since meeting Ariel, we have had no relationship.”

To be precise, since abandoning himself and going to Ariel. Now, he didn’t feel anything even when he saw her.

He didn’t even think about stopping her as she left, without any anger.

“It must have faded.”

Maybe it’s for the best.

Ian looked at his status window reflected in his own eyes and smiled bitterly.

“You have completed the first encounter with the heroine!”

“The quest ‘Threatened’ has been activated.”

“Celia Wignorun will do everything in her power to crush Ian Volkano. Survive her wrath.”

“Reward upon success: ???/Weakening Curse.”

“Failure: Eternal Death.”

“Will you accept?”

If there had been even a faint emotion left, he might have shown mercy to her.

“If the time comes when Celia threatens me… it must be referring to the training that will take place in a few days.”

Tactical training in which the entire second year participates. It’s about showing the gap.

“Well, I was planning to work hard anyway… but if they offer a reward.”

There’s nothing he can’t do.

Ian muttered softly.

“I accept.”

Having accepted the quest, Ian headed back to the training room.

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  1. Error_Irrelevant says:

    Wow, the author is good at making such hate-able characters, may not be good at making realistic or mature characters but sure is good at making hate-able, annoying and detestable characters

  2. birch hero slayer says:

    da birch didnt have a mirror to reflect

  3. Amunmu says:

    Las heroinas no están invitadas aquí, el harem del mc solo acepta hobres 🥵👌

  4. Zzz says:

    Wow these heroines should commit seppuku after drowning in regret
    Some next level sht
    But ye i have suspicions he has some weird curse that makes him unlikable
    Also his true nature? What thefk is it just talking about sending ariel off? When she has abondoned him like used goods way before

    1. Kyuubi1996 says:

      Nah it is his mother who is so hateful towards Ian that the reason he is so disliked. Despite Ian doing everything in his power to help Celia with her curse she is so ungrateful. The mother poisoned words towards Ariel and she likely spread such hateful behavior to everyone in the kingdom even though Ian is better. The fact that his father is a neglectful piece of sh*t is just the icing on the cake. He is better off without the heroines.

  5. Well, with how the yuri characters act in this novel i just hope MC didn’t start a romance route with them. No matter what redemption arc/flashback author pulled it won’t convince me to like this kind of characters.

  6. Blue Bro Blue Bro says:

    Oh please, I just hope those yuri girls die a gruesome death.

  7. Who am I? says:

    Ahhhh it’s good
    I hate Lesbian and this give me more convinced reason

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