Is It Permissible To Abandon a Childhood Friend Who Has Become a School Idol and Be Happy chapter 55

Ditch childhood friend school idol 55



“Yeah, girlfriends! What you’d call lovers. Man, it’s got a nice ring to it.”

Unaware that I was repeating the four syllables of “girlfriend” over and over in the back of my throat, Totsuka said this with a delighted expression.

“Now that we’re high school students, we should definitely have a girlfriend or two, right? If we had girlfriends, I don’t think even our sisters would try to butt in. Or if they did, I’d be so mad! But it’d be a good excuse to mess with them.”

It was a good chance for us to distance ourselves from our sisters and brothers, killing two birds with one stone. As Totsuka happily told me this, I wondered what I should say.

“That may be true, but…”

“Right!? I think it’s a great idea too. That’s why we should work together, Tsujimura. I’m way behind in the starting dash, so I don’t really know the girls in our class. Let’s share information and get through This together! Plus, there are a lot of cute girls in our class. I definitely think it’s an easy class.”

“Easy, huh?”

His sudden statement left me speechless.

“Look, that group over there, they’re all cute, right? And Matsush*ta-san, and Mihara-san are good too. And Akaneishi-san. She’s plain, but if you look closely, I think she’s pretty good. Yeah , my class is definitely high level.”

Saying this, Totsuka looked around the room.

I wonder if it’s right to judge people by their looks.

Well, it’s true that there are a lot of cute girls, but I think it’s a bit vulgar.

“Well, Tsujimura, don’t you think so?”


I had been thinking about that, but when he suddenly asked me, I hesitated for a moment.

“Look, since we’re going to find girlfriends together, we need to know each other’s preferences, right? It’s a good opportunity, so I wanted to ask. I think Class E is the highest level, but who do you like best in Our class, Tsujimura?”


I’ve been asked that out of the blue…

“What, you can tell me. We’re guys, so it’s not like it’s anything to hide.”

Totsuka looked at me in disbelief as I hesitated.

It was the opposite of before.

(Well, I guess that’s true…)

From Noble mtl dot com

It’s certainly not something to hide. It’s not like it would be a big deal if he told everyone.

Even in middle school, I often saw my classmates getting excited about this kind of topic.

I just wasn’t part of that group. It was simply that I couldn’t keep up with this kind of topic.

My lack of interpersonal experience was clearly reflected in the fact that I couldn’t get into this kind of mood.

(But I don’t even want to have a girlfriend…)

Totsuka was getting excited on his own, but I’m not in a position to date anyone right now.

Until the matter with Mio is resolved, I don’t have the leeway to think about such things.

However, I don’t think he’d be convinced if I explained that, and he might even look at me strangely.

I couldn’t find the right words to refuse.

“Oh, should I say mine first? Well, I’ll say it, but I…”

“Oh? You’re talking about something interesting.”

That voice came just as I was struggling to answer.

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  1. Mc: ” It’s vulgar to judge people by their looks!”
    Also the Mc: “I like Mio because she’s beautiful but no one knows about it, only me, that’s why flashy people should stay away from her and not corrupt her!”

    1. David says:

      The mc said that, but it can be understood during the story that what he likes about Miori is not mainly her appearance, but rather her calm personality, etc

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