It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains chapter 147

147. Practical exam (4)

147. Practical exam (4)

The road down to the driveway was a low slope that continued down the mountain.

As they made their way downstairs, there was an awkward silence between Seras and Faynol.

After all, they barely know each other. You might think it’s a common void among such people.

both knew

That the ‘air current’ flowing between them right now isn’t that soft.

“…Shall I be honest?”

Seras was the first to bring luck.

It was a casually spoken word.

“You belong to the Heretic Interrogation, right?”

“You’re from Seonghwang-guk.”

As soon as he uttered the sentence, Seras held his forehead and sighed at the response that returned as if he had waited.

As for the Heretic Inquisitorial Center and Seonghwangguk, the former seems to be an organization affiliated with the latter, but it is not at all.

On the contrary, they are anxious because they can’t eat each other.

In terms of their attitude toward demons, the attitudes of the two groups are extremely divergent.

The Heretic Inquisition defines demons as the main enemies of mankind and tries to reject them somehow, and the latter insists that it is better to use demons ‘usefully’.

In particular, it is an open secret among the hegemonic powers that the Emperor is investing astronomical amounts of money every year in devil-related research.

“…I recognized it as soon as I managed to see it.”

“I’ve heard rumors. The Grand Assassin who assists you near the Emperor.”

So, if you are a member of such an organization.

“I heard that they are very good at creating innocent corpses.”


It means that it is quite natural to spit out sentences at the level of being stabbed with a knife as soon as you know your affiliation in this way.

Seras’ eyebrows twitched.

It’s a pretty classy insult.

Even if the emperor, as he intended, uses her as a limb and kills people, that is killing her.

It was ironic that the very cause she was loyal to was completely meaningless.

“…I’ve barely heard of it.”

Seras responded in a sharp voice.

“There’s a devil’s vessel kept as a pet in the Heretic Inquisition.”


“They say I’m from humble origins.”

Faynole quietly closed her eyes.

It didn’t look like she was particularly taken aback by her words.


Perhaps, Seras took a step further from there.

Certainly, there must have been a part of it because I had a lot of trouble watching it.

“He said he stabbed his teacher in the back of the mage’s tower where he would never have set foot in it before.”

Seras was about to say that, but immediately pulled out his dagger.

It’s because I sensed that the life in Faynol’s body soared with a terrifying aura even before the sentence was finished.


What’s absurd.

Even Fynol, who had let out such a murderous act, looked very flustered.

“…I felt it.”

Then Fynol muttered in a bewildered voice.

“I feel it, I lost. I felt anger. This is, what, nonsense-”



Did you even go crazy?

Seras looked at Fynol, who kept muttering those words like a madman, with a puzzled look.

“…It must be because of that man. It was really, really nice to meet you.”

Even when you say those words.

Rather, it is a look that even feels a sign of relief.

Seeing Faynol with her hands on her chest with a slightly reddened face, Seras added a word in a dumbfounded voice.

“…Aren’t all the guys at the Heretic Interrogation Center this insane?”


Faynole shrugged and replied.

“If there’s one misunderstanding, I don’t have that much of a sense of belonging to the Heretic Inquisition, Grand Assassin. If you hated it, you hated it.”


Then why are you fighting this war of nerves with yourself in the first place?

When Seras glared at her with such thoughts in mind, Faynole continued with a soft smile on her face.

“I just see it from you.”

“What are you talking about-”

“It’s clear to me that you’re one of those people who will squirm about him, you.”


Seras looked at Faynol with a dumbfounded expression.

Before you get angry and say something, it’s right to say that this is absurd first.

Talking like you’re flirting with that man, what the hell is that?

“What nonsense again-”

I tried to bounce it off like that.

From nob le mt l dot com

My heart throbs first, which doesn’t match those words.



Be still, you ignorant bastard.

As she thought so with a slight blush on her face, Fynol across the street was smiling knowingly.

It was an expression that made Seras’ uncomfortable heart twist twice as much.

“You can understand it as checking the competition in advance. You, you are destined to fall for him in the end.”

“… nonsense.”

“You may think so now.”

Faynole replied in an even tone.

“Because it will be interesting to see how it will fall in the near future.”

At least, not a single bowl has been able to escape such a fate so far.



yourself someday.

Fainall was laughing lightly as she recalled that thought.

“…it feels like we had a useless conversation, really.”

Seras grumbled and shook his head.

“Anyway, let’s go and block it or do it right. Anyway, if you’ve come this far, don’t bother each other-“

Seras, who was about to say that, cut off his sentence.

I could hear the regular thud, thump, and thud of the ground from nearby.



Faynol and Seras raised their heads at the same time.

“…What are you talking about?”

“There’s no way something like a large monster would suddenly pop out…”

Such a conversation was colorless, and the source of the sound was quickly found.

The access road to the test site takes the form of a canyon that gets narrower as it goes up. It can be seen as a minimal advantage given to a defensive team with a small number of players.

And, like.

There was a human who jumped and passed over their heads as if they were ‘skimming’ such a terrain all at once, as if they were flying.

The source of the thumping sound is the sound of the ground being smashed every time that human strikes the ground.



Seras and Faynol were silent at the same time.

No, of course, it wouldn’t be that difficult to block ordinary students at their level.

what else does that mean

“…Should I have stopped that?”



It was clear that even the two demon vessels were not monsters enough to stop such a thing.

[So, what are you going to do?]


No, how do you sleep?

I looked at Elnor and the chancellor on the podium in the distance with a puzzled expression.

Is this person having an accident like this in a place where the national VIP is being served?

[…No, I couldn’t have known.]

Caliban threw those words with a wry smile.


I agree a hundred times too.

Sullivan’s personality shown in the game is that of a typical tactician who has dozens of pit bulls inside. It is said that there is no way he is unaware of such an unfunny disguise.

in other words.

The fact that this is going to do something like this means that I also ‘acquiesced’ to it.

“Then let’s go.”

with those words.

[ A crisis situation is detected. ]

[ It is judged as a level that poses a direct threat to life. ]

[Skill: Applies Desperation to EX grade. ]

Naturally, even in desperate need, he immediately shuts himself down to the EX level.

No, this guy doesn’t really intend to kill me.

The difference in specs between the two is just ridiculous.

No matter how much I have improved my physical ability by exercising a little recently, this person is one of the people who will rise to the top in terms of physical ability in this world!


As I sighed, I tilted my head back, and Elnor’s lightly punched me past him.

Of course, words are light, but it is a human fist that changes the scenery with a single sword strike.

“If I get hit by this, I could die, Elnor?!”

“…Don’t worry. Especially because I adjusted it to the level where I ended up losing my mind.”

Elnor, who had shot him like that with a pouty expression, soon answered with a pouting lips.

“…And, didn’t you say it wasn’t Elnor?”

Are you still holding on to that concept?

Why would you do something like this…!

[What is it? Since you’ve been plastering the surroundings with women lately, you’re feeling a sense of crisis and trying to nail a fait accompli.]


[Why don’t you just give me a hot squeeze? If you’re a man, wouldn’t you hate it too?]

I’m talking about other people’s work, really.

As I said before, my goal is to live with all 6 demons who will eventually approach me.

I can’t even imagine where that plan would go wrong if I did that with Elnor.

I can’t squeeze you gently…!

[…Still, you don’t say you hate it until the end, you.]

No, I honestly don’t hate it. I am also a healthy man.

Honestly, is Elnor pretty? Originally, a person like me would never have even held hands, let alone consider such a thing.



[…I don’t hate you no matter how stupid you act like this. Because I’m honest.]

‘It’s noisy.’


That’s why, you can’t just be defeated meekly now.

Aside from such a simple plan, Chancellor Sullivan did not know what to do if his test scores were low. You don’t have to buy it and scratch it.

Evade it by mobilizing all the abilities of Elnor’s offensive, which is ruthlessly driven.

[‘Skill: Concentration of the Swordsman’ is activated! ]

[ Reaction speed and precision increase! ]

Fortunately, with this added to the desperate situation, it feels like the response itself is somehow possible.

Even while the surrounding scenery is constantly changing due to being swept away by Elnor’s attack, it is possible to somehow keep myself healthy.

I have a track record of running away while dribbling before, even when Yuria sincerely tried to tear me apart. Although it failed and was split at the last minute, the senses acquired at that time are still valid.

The problem is that there is no viable means of attack…

[You, but didn’t you fight and win against an ancient god-level beast the other day? If you use the magic you brought back then-]

‘I can’t win even if I use that!’

Of course, the power of martial arts combined with magic is at a formidable level, but that’s a story that can only be said when the opponent hits.

The waiting time to collect and cycle magic is also a wait time, but I have to rely purely on my combat sense to keep up with someone who moves so fast.

And my competence in that field is not even the average level, even in empty words.

in other words.

There is no way for me to win the ‘confrontation’ with the other side.

[Then what are you going to do?]

There is only one way.

It overturns the plate.

‘…The answer lies in what you just said.’

After all, the reason Elnor is doing this right now is because he’s impatient with me around so many other women.

In order to solve this situation, you have to approach it in relation to it.


Look around.

Because of the chancellor, there are many ‘eyes to see’ in this test.

Judging from the reaction the other time I kissed Elnor.

Elnor, with a high probability, cares a lot about this.

[…Are you plotting something like a swallow again?]


Let’s refine the wording, please.

[I do not deny it.]


[I like you because you are honest?]

shut up.


I don’t know what high-ranking people think.

This is especially true in the case of Chancellor Sullivan now.

Conrad looked at her with an expression of incomprehension.

The good smile of the person he always wore was still hanging on his face.

Even after seeing the student council president of Elfante play a prank like that with a lot of selfishness, he still has that look on his face.

‘…No, I understand something.’

This kind of joke between seniors and juniors is a case that has happened a few times before.

However, the only problem is that a person in power comparable to the emperor is present at this place hiding the fact that he has come.

“…Sorry, sir. The test is a little messy.”

“No, thanks. It looks lively and nice.”


It’s not a problem because it looks too lively.

Conrad smiled awkwardly, watching Elnorr sweeping around like an almost humanoid hurricane.

No, I thought I was a guy who could see sprouts from before. Now that’s just a walking bioweapon.

Among the knights on the front line, if it wasn’t the Marquess of Kendride or the swordsman in the imperial palace, wouldn’t he be at a level that he couldn’t even handle, let alone face.

That Daud is also a no-nonsense guy for a student, so he’s holding on well, but it’s clear from here that he barely escapes death by a single piece of paper.

In fact, there was one guy who was happy to see him like that.

“ha ha ha-!”

The male student, who had been watching Daud Campbell running around in a defensive position, let out a laugh filled with joy.

It’s a sign that the man gets into trouble, and it’s so much fun.

“It’s like a crocodile or a bora that runs away! Still a man, you stupid bastard!”

Seeing the man say that, the chancellor tilted his head and asked Conrad a question.

“Sir Conrad. Who is that man?”

“Obviously… this is Briggs Chester. He is the eldest son of the Earl of Chester. You are the leader of this assault team.”

“Oh, that Cornwall? I forgot that there was a eldest son because he is not the most senior among the counts.”


okay. If this person is as good as the Earl of Chester, it’s a level where you can just forget the existence itself.

I don’t know why such a person pays so much attention to one of the baron’s children.

“well. The atmosphere is a bit… frivolous. I’ll have to tell the Earl of Chester later.”

Sullivan’s golden eyes, as he said that, were momentarily chilled.


Conrad looked at it without saying a word.

Of course, that guy’s behavior right now isn’t good to look at objectively.

I’ve been feeling it since before.

Doesn’t it feel like you’re blatantly siding with this woman, Doud Campbell, for coming to ‘verify’?

What are you here for?

Thinking that way, Dowd Campbell in front of me was getting more and more on the defensive.

The fact that they barely ran away near the flag is also gradually running away, and in the meantime, Briggs is approaching the vicinity to snatch it.

If that guy, the leader of the raid, captures the flag, the test is over. There will be a severe level of deduction for the defensive team.

“Yeah, that’s it! Rinse him completely! It’s useful, freshman! When he suddenly came and asked to be included in the attack team, I thought he was just a crazy guy!”


While Briggs, who had reached that point, said so.


The body just fell out.

It must have been because Dawood, who had come close to him, turned his chin.

“Don’t talk like that. If you don’t want to die.”


Conrad, who was watching the scene, let out a laugh that he could not stand.

Now, that guy.

Isn’t it the feeling of ‘waiting’ until something like that comes out?

If I was going to do something like that, I think I could have done it a long time ago.

To think that Conrad was sighing inwardly.

“If you talk like that to my woman, then I will kill you. okay?”

Those words continued.

Conrad, who knows roughly how that guy usually behaves, would have laughed at the poor acting.

Upon hearing that, the student council president’s onslaught stood still stiffly.



“My woman, everything, in front of other people, what is-”

Seeing that conversation continue, Conrad sighed inwardly.

‘…was that what he was aiming for?’

Did you leave Briggs alone until now to arrange the best stage to grind your teeth well?

He is like a water-filled swallow. How did you keep preparing for something like that in that situation?

He giggled to himself, thinking about it.


“…Sir Conrad.”

A voice that made my spine stand on end came from the side.

The smile that still hung gently on Sullivan’s face.

All at once, it looked like it was completely gone.

“What do you mean by being my woman?”

A low voice escaped from between her lips.


And, as soon as he heard that, Conrad had a hunch.


This, something twisted very tightly.

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  1. Xjaksoxa Xjaksoxa says:

    Nevermind I don’t think this is the seer

  2. F for Dowd Campbell, now the Chancellor join the harem war

  3. Byul Yi Byul Yi says:

    I don’t know man, I don’t really care guessing. All I’m sure is there’s a flag, albeit a little transparent

  4. Ag Sen Ag Sen says:

    Maybe, just maybe…..
    Sulivan met the corpse state Doud before he was 7 yo and vowed to care for him

  5. SenatorArmstrong says:


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