Life in Another World With Narration chapter 1

Life in Another World With Narration 1

1 – Beginning of the Otherworld Life with Narration

The streets of the otherworld were fascinating.

A world of swords and magic, adventure and romance.

Everything was as I imagined and expected.

Except for one thing.

『Overwhelmed by the scenery of the otherworld’s streets, Yunoha was oblivious to his own state.

Blinded by the mere fact of being in another world, he lacked any sense of crisis, foolishly so.』

Yes, this voice.

This unpleasant narration that seems to describe me from an observer’s point of view, what is it all about?

It sounded like an electronic voice I’ve heard somewhere before.

Though devoid of emotion, it kept brutally hitting me with facts.

I had just arrived in this otherworld.

Just a little adaptation, and soon this hero’s successful otherworld life would begin…

『Blind to reality, he believed that everything would work out just by being in another world.

But such thoughts only hastened his future of dying alone in a strange world, unmarked and decaying.』

Wow, that’s really unpleasant.

“I haven’t even started yet, so stop saying such unlucky things!”

I shouted back at the narration.

“What? That person… talking and shouting to himself.”

“Shh, shh, don’t look. He must be crazy.”

“Looks like a beggar and mentally pitiful too…”

Passersby murmured as they looked at me.

Damn, this is driving me crazy.

* * *

Before someone reported me as a madman, I hurried into a secluded alley.

There was a puddle of rainwater inside.

“What do I look like that they react that way?” I wondered and looked into the water puddle.


My face was intact – eyes, nose, and mouth.

It was my familiar face.

Or maybe, I felt slightly more handsome since coming to this world.

『He looked at his reflection in the puddle, deluding himself of being handsomer without any basis.

But his appearance hadn’t changed at all from the original.』

Just shut up.

This damned narration doesn’t respond to me at all.

Quiet when it wants to be, speaking when it feels like it.

I can hear it even when I cover my ears, as the voice is in my head.

Is this also a power given to those reincarnated?

If so, why such an annoying and unpleasant ability?

Anyway, I was in a terrible state.

In games, you usually start with basic equipment.

At least a wooden sword and cloth armor.

But my ‘basic equipment’ was just one thing.


I was wearing rags that looked like they had been dragged through a garbage dump for 10 years.

Panties? Shoes? None of that.

Barefoot, with a long top fortunately covering my lower half.

One side of the chest area was torn, making the left nipple comfortably exposed to the air.

I wish they had sent me in my modern clothes.

According to the narration, I was sent to this world by a ‘mistake of the goddess’.

But really, is it right to just drop someone in the middle of the street wearing nothing but rags with a hole over one nipple?

Once I grasped the situation, I realized the real danger.

Whether the voice in my head was God’s or whatever, it wasn’t wrong.

In this state, it’s hard to wander the streets.

Obviously, I had no money, nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep.

This is dangerous, isn’t it?

『Having belatedly grasped the situation, he couldn’t do anything.

To make matters worse, from the end of the alley, ‘homeless hunters,’ notorious thugs, were approaching.』

Homeless hunters?

What’s that now…

Then, really, two men looking like villains, with spiked clubs and serrated daggers, approached from the end of the alley.


As the narration said, if those guys were really ‘homeless hunters,’ I was clearly their prey.

Sweat dripped as I thought desperately to hide.

Luckily, they hadn’t noticed me yet.

Next to me was a large trash can full of food waste like fruit peels.

“Damn it…”

I had no choice but to hide inside the garbage can.

The stench made me want to vomit, but I endured it until they passed.

『Having lost big at the gambling house the night before, the two were scouring the alleys to vent their anger on a homeless person to beat up.

Yunoha threw himself into the disgusting and dirty pile of garbage to avoid them.

His state was indeed worthy of being called human trash.』

Isn’t that too harsh…

I have to survive first.

Anyway, thanks to hiding in the damp food waste, the thugs hunting for prey left.

After ensuring no one was around, I cautiously emerged again.

“Ugh… the smell…”

Rotten apple peels and sticky food waste remnants clung to


Already looking like a beggar, now I even smelled bad.

The excitement of being in another world had completely vanished.

Now, I just wanted to cry.

* * *

No money, nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep.

I knew no one, nor how this world worked.

So, where should I go?

A place that offers a helping hand to the pitiful without expecting anything in return.

Only one place came to mind.

The church.

A church spreading the word of God might help me a little.

Oh, God, please pity this poor one and provide daily bread and a place to sleep.

I never had a religion, but if it helps me escape this beggar state, I’ll do anything.

『Driven to desperation, he prayed to a God he didn’t believe in, shamelessly seeking help.

But there was no foolish god to be deceived by his false faith.』

Unnecessarily sharp.

I’m too tired to be annoyed anymore.

Anyway, I wandered the streets looking for the church, my only hope.

Ignoring people glancing at me and a furry beastman holding his nose passing by.

Nothing to lose, no fear, no shame.

Proudly exposing my left nipple through the torn rags, I searched for the church.

How long had I wandered the streets like this?

Far away, I spotted a large building that seemed to overflow with holiness.

『Wandering the streets in his dirty and smelly state, Yunoha arrived at the church of the goddess Freya.』

Did they really have to add ‘dirty and smelly’ in front of that?

But thanks to that, I was certain this was the church.

Please, someone help me.

As I tried to step into the church, a gatekeeper blocked me at the entrance.

From Noble mtl dot com

“Stop right there. Who are you?”

It’s a church, but they’re pretty strict.

Or is it that churches in this world are off-limits to ordinary people?

“I came here to pray to the goddess. Can ordinary people not enter?”

“That’s not the case, but… at least clean yourself up first.”

I couldn’t just back down now.

I had to get inside and plead with a priest or a bishop for help.

I put on the most pitiful face I could muster and even faked a limp as I spoke.

“But I haven’t eaten anything for days, and my body aches so much. I have nowhere to wash and no one else to turn to but the goddess. Please, let me pray to the goddess just this once. I beg you…”

Even I thought it was a performance of a lifetime.

As miserable and embarrassing as it was, I had nothing to lose.

“Right now, the saint is offering her prayers inside. I cannot allow someone in such a filthy state to enter.”

The gatekeeper frowned deeply, probably due to the stench coming from my body.

As if I wanted to be like this.

Even if I wanted to clean myself, I had nowhere to do so.

I had hoped that coming to the church and asking for help would work.

Being turned away at the entrance without even getting inside, I couldn’t feel more desperate.

『Yunoha, playing the role of a pitiful beggar, begged the gatekeeper to let him into the church to no avail.

Ironically, there was no need to act; his appearance already fit that of a pitiful beggar.

Meanwhile, Saint Sistina, having just finished her prayers, was unaware of this scene as she calmly stepped out.』

As always, the narration was unsettling.

But listening closely, it seemed to provide useful information.

Just like in the alley earlier.

If the voice hadn’t warned me about the ‘homeless hunters,’ I might have already been dead.

A saint.

If what the voice said was true, then Saint Sistina must be finishing her prayers and coming towards the entrance where I was.

That meant if I waited a little longer, I could meet the saint.

She’s a saint, after all; she wouldn’t ignore someone seeking help, right?

I decided to wait.

“You! You stink! Why don’t you leave already?”

As I lingered at the entrance, the gatekeeper yelled at me.

Just then, the church doors opened, and the saint appeared.

Both the gatekeeper’s and my gaze turned towards her.

According to the narration, her name was Sistina.

Dressed in priestly robes with long cherry-blossom colored hair, she was indeed a beauty befitting a saint.

“Wow… she’s beautiful…”

I couldn’t help but admire her when the gatekeeper shouted at me.

“You! How dare you look at the saint with such disrespectful eyes! Leave now!”

“Wait, it’s fine.”

Saint Sistina stopped the gatekeeper, who was about to push me away, with a single calm word.

Then she approached me gracefully and said,

“The goddess always says to have mercy on the poor and the sick. It would sadden her if her church, meant to embody her will, scorned and turned away such people because of me.”

“But, Saint, still…”

“It’s okay. Look into his eyes. Despite being dirty and smelly, he is yearning for life. Perhaps it is the goddess’s will that he came here and met me.”

I was thankful, but hearing even the saint call me a dirty, smelly beggar was a bit…

But I couldn’t miss this opportunity.

I knelt before the saint and clasped my hands together.

“Saint, please help me just this once. At this rate, I’ll die on the streets. At least some clothes and food…”

Before I could finish, the gatekeeper sharply interjected.

“You! How dare you!”

“It’s fine, I said.”

“Oh! My apologies.”

But Saint Sistina stopped the gatekeeper and then turned to me with a warm smile.

Oh, this must be the dignity of a saint.

Her radiance was so bright, she seemed more like the goddess herself.

But then, the voice in my head spoke again.

『Yunoha was mesmerized by the holy and beautiful appearance of the saint.

However, he was completely unaware of the fact that she was not wearing any underwear



* * *

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  1. Shadow says:

    Lmao the last part made be crack up, but some parts from before that made remember some haunting words “Why…. aren’t you sad, that you didn’t save the world?” Before that guy slaughtered a third of humanity.

  2. Bro Giga Chad Narrator 🗿

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