Madman in a Fantasy World chapter 48

48. nomination request

48. nomination request

[ Information ]

Name: Luke

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Make sure to read from noble mtl . com

Mana: 0 / 0

Level: 68

[ skill ]

Inventory (F)

Super Strength (B)

All attribute resistance (A)

[ Abilities ]

Strength: 59 (+29)

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 0

Stamina: 10

Stat Points: 9

I felt pretty good when I opened the status window right after the hunt.

Aside from being trivial and weak, there was a lot of experience anyway.

It would be extremely rare to see a world where you could level up 9 by catching a slime.

Naturally, the stats went all-in on strength.

Right now, my strength stat is 102, which is 68 plus 34, which is a stat raised through supernatural strength.

I don’t think the maximum is 99, but I’ll have to test it later to see how much my strength is now.

“Luke-sama! Are you okay!”

As I was standing at a distance and checking the status window, Luna came running in a hurry.

With Yui on her back.

“Uh. It’s okay.”

I had a one-sided deal, but of course it’s okay.

“You hunted in a really outrageous way…”

“People are just so stupid.”

What’s absurd is absurd, it’s just that I’m smart and creative.

Is it better to catch it with all the trouble while wielding a hammer stupidly, or is it better to catch it as easily as before?

Surely the answer is not the latter?

And you guys are fussing too much at the slime.

“But don’t be too heartbroken, Luna. The opponent is me.”

Humans are creatures of jealousy.

Always compare yourself to others, feel inferior and beat yourself up.

However, if the target you are comparing to is at a level too high that you cannot reach, you will let go of everything on the contrary.

I can’t be like that anyway, thinking like this.

We have to go together from now on, but it would be bitter if I gave up while comparing my genius brain to his own peanut-sized brain.

If so, growth is hindered.

“I didn’t even do anything heartbreaking.”

“But why is the kid on your back like that?”

“Ah, this is magical exhaustion.”

“Magic exhaustion?”

“Yes. It will be incapacitated for a while by using up all the mana.”

Was there anything like that?

It’s like a red demon somewhere.

When I told him to stop using all his mana, he must have really used up all of it.

If I knew there was such a thing, I should have judged myself and left at least 1.

“But didn’t you guys level up and get some mana?”

“… Yes? Level up?”

“Hey, Yui. Wake up.”

“Yes…? I don’t have any strength in my body right now…?”

“They said something didn’t work without even trying. Get up first.”

They say you can’t do anything these days. without even trying

lack of effort

Do you know how much effort I put into this novel?

2 years.

I invested two years without stepping out of the corner of the room.

At least if you want to say no, you have to do it after showing my level of sincerity.

Luna was suspicious, but she had no choice but to bend down and let Yui get off.

Yui said that she had no strength in her body, and as if she somehow managed to move, she slowly descended and landed properly on the ground.

“Huh…? Eh…?”

“So it is.”

“Uh, how is this…”

Not knowing what the situation was, Yui seemed quite perplexed.

The principle is nothing special, just the two who assisted in my hunting leveled up by gaining experience points like me.

In the process, the mana was slightly filled up.

As long as you have 1 or 2, you won’t be able to move.

Clap clap, I clapped my hands and gathered the eyes of Luna and Yui who were amazed.

“Okay, now let’s get the evidence. Let’s go back quickly.”

Evidence of slime hunting.

Collect slime body parts.

Even if it evaporated, there were bodies that protruded during the process of evaporation, and there were traces of explosions that failed during division and exploded here and there.

It didn’t move because the main body was dead, but it was still bubbling with acidity.

So, in preparation for gathering, I received the glass tube for gathering that Adela gave me this morning.

I took it out and carefully scooped it out so it wouldn’t touch my hand.

A translucent liquid visible through a glass tube.

They all look similar to me, but how do I tell them apart from normal slime?

I’m curious, but that’s not my jurisdiction, so I’ll take care of it.

But it’s acid…



“Mr. Luke? Why is that?”

“Ah. I was thinking about whether I should use this instead of selling it.”



A high-concentration acidic liquid like this would be filthy and hard to find in another world.

If it’s enough to melt rocks easily, isn’t it clear that it will work for quite a few B-class monsters?

As a bonus, it’s not just about monsters, there are a lot of things that people get into fights these days, so wouldn’t it be easier to open a conversation if you pour a cup of this into your mouth?

After all, there is no point in using only the acid liquid.

And even if it were for sale, who would buy something like this? Since this is a scientifically advanced Earth, there is no value in acidic liquid.

‘great. I will write.’

I put only enough to submit in a glass tube, and put the rest in an empty glass flask that I personally carry.

Slime, which was of no help anywhere else, was of great help in hunting.

“Then, I think it’s over, so let’s go back.”

We also collected as much acidic liquid as we needed as evidence.

I put all the acidic liquid I’ll use in plastic and put it in my inventory, so I just need to go back and it’s done.

The problem is that the way back is a long way.

It took half a day to travel by wagon, and of course, there was no way that they could reach the empire by walking the distance traveled by half a day by wagon.

‘I knew this and brought a tent in advance, so I can go camping.’

However, camping is not always comfortable, so the answer is to start early and arrive early.

“Can we just go back the way we came?”

Since we came in a straight line anyway, no matter how vast the forest, it wouldn’t be too difficult to go back as long as we could find a direction.

Just like that, the moment I step out in the direction we came from to go back.

“Luke-sama, that’s the opposite direction we came from…”



The Empire, who returned from camping overnight in the forest, was not so happy.

To be honest, even if I combined all the things I had been possessed with and catching the king slime, it couldn’t have been more difficult than camping.

Camping was not at all uncomfortable.

First of all, the mouth has become too sophisticated.

After eating only restaurant food every day, I lost my appetite when I tried to eat roughly grilled meat.

The bed was also the worst.

The floor is hard, and I have to stand up all night, so I sleep halfway through, so I feel at the lowest level.

And the thing that annoys me most when I wake up is when nothing happens.

It would have been better if there had been an attack by monsters.

I wouldn’t have killed him, but slowly harassed him and played with him until the sun came up.

As a result of waking up and moving like that, we were able to return to the Empire in time for the sun to rise.

“Haa… Camping is not something to do many times.”

“Is that so…? I think that’s pretty luxurious.”

“You’re the only one. Look at Yui.”

I pointed at Yui, who trudged behind us.

It was originally an anchovy, but it was downgraded to an anchovy with only bones left, perhaps because the child didn’t sleep well.

“Hey, hey. Yui. Wake up.”

“Yes, yes? I’m not sleeping!”



Well, the hikikomori in the corner of the room who slept on the soft bed every day worked so hard that she suffered from magical exhaustion, but even went to bed.

how hard would that be

If it was Yui, the industrious vampire queen, I don’t know if it was Yui, the hot girl in the corner of our room.

“From now on, I’ll have to beat the coachman and hold the wagon.”

“Wouldn’t it be blacklisted if I did that…”

So, should I buy a bed… no, buy a house and put it in my inventory and take it out whenever I need it?

“Will the house be expensive?”


I can’t, I’ll take a day off unconditionally today.

Make sure to read from noble mtl . com

My body is still sore Fatigue didn’t work out either.

Before that, we had to stop by the Adventurer’s Guild, so we headed straight to the Adventurer’s Guild.

Even if you take a break, you have to get paid.

“I’m glad you’re okay.”

Make sure to read from noble mtl . com

Maybe it’s because we came early in the morning, but there weren’t many people in the adventurer’s guild yet.

Seeing us enter, Adela recited her signature lines.

“I’m not very well.”

“Yes? Where did you get hurt…?”

“I feel hurt.”

I was in a bad mood while camping.


Suddenly, Luna apologized.

“…it’s still weird.”

Uh huh am i in a bad mood right now?

What could I do if you keep treating me like that?

“The fact that you came here today means that the King Slime hunt was completed safely.”

“No, it’s because you’re not safe?”

I feel sick!

Make sure to read from noble mtl . com

Mmm! Do it for me!

“If you keep doing that, I’ll cut your pay.”

I immediately nailed Granzel.


Adela, barely seeing through her upturned vision, was sighing in disgust.

No, no matter how much it is, the reward is cut.

As much as the slime that used to suck your ass like that, the reward will come.

“So, have you been collecting evidence?”

“Heh heh. Of course.”

I took out three glass tubes from my inventory.

“I’ll try juggling as an apology~”

“Ha, don’t do it…!!”

“Ah, it’s okay. Even if I look like this, I’m juggling a bit.”

In my previous life, the surplus was my time, so I used to sit in a chair and juggle with a pen blankly.

If you’re bored in your life, don’t you try juggling with a pen once in a while?

I’m right in my rebuttal.

Whoosh, swish, the three glass tubes rotated in a circular trajectory.

Adela chased the glass coffin with fearful eyes at the scene.

“Where are you looking? It’s an afterimage of a glass tube.”

Then my hand accidentally slipped and dropped one to the floor.

– Clink!



The acid in the glass tube leaked out and melted the wooden floor.



“Heh heh. As people live, they can make mistakes——”

“I will deduct the cost of repairing the floor from the reward.”

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


I broke a glass tube I was going to submit as evidence, so I had no choice but to submit a flask I had been saving for personal use instead.

Even the reward money was taken, and I submitted one of the hunting tools I was going to use, so it literally made matters worse.

“Ah…why are the tears…”

“…everything is self-employed.”

After receiving the evidence, Adela handed us three iron adventurer badges.

It must have been made in advance, knowing that it would be successful this time too.

“Then how much is the remuneration?”

“25 silver coins per person, 75 silver coins in total. One silver coin was cut off for the repair fee, so it is 74 silver coins.”

Oh… but there are still many?

Is everyone risking their lives to be an adventurer with this level of income coming in at C rank?

Considering that the inn we stay in costs 10 silver coins a week, it’s quite a lot.

Of course, it’s less than the Iron Golem, but it was an emergency request back then, so there was no choice but to have a lot of money.

“It doesn’t cost much to repair the floor.”

“How much would you spend if wooden floors were expensive?”

Well, it would be funny to pay a lot of money for replacing a few boards.

If you take a few tens of silver dollars to change the board, you will have to replace the brain of the person who came to repair it.

“Oh right!”

At that time, Adela, who had clapped her hands, spoke to me as if she had remembered it belatedly.

“Mr. Luke. There is a nomination request from Mr. Luke.”



I just became a C-class, what kind of a nomination request is that?

Anyway, the popularity of this guy.

“But I refuse.”

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  1. Ayato says:

    There is Jojo reference, konosuba , slime tensei this MC is the real otaku

  2. Athanatos says:

    Daga Kotowaru!

  3. Hu Tao Hu Tao says:

    iS tHaT a JoJo rEfErEnCe!?!?

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