Madman in a Fantasy World chapter 7

7. golden goblin

7. golden goblin

[ Level Up! Check your status! ]

[ Level Up! Check your status! ]

[ Level Up! Check your status! ]

“Uhahahahaha!! This is the Noda district!!”

It’s a complete experience.

All 3 points gained from leveling up were invested in strength.

‘Level 3 for robbing a goblin lair!?’

It was understandable because there were not a few goblins.

“Still, it’s too sweet!?”

I honestly thought it wouldn’t work.

If you do the same thing one more time, you will shout ‘Yes!’ without hesitation.

Unfortunately, however, this world is not a game, and there is no concept of regen.

Although monsters are born, they are not regen, nor are they born in the same place.

By the time the caltrops had stopped hunting, the goblin’s cries had stopped.

“Kkeouk. Eat well and go.”

Now all I have to do is cut off the goblin ears and go back.

– growl.

“······I’m hungry.”

Make sure to read from noble mtl . com

My body cried out for food.

Come to think of it, I haven’t eaten anything since I possessed it.

He didn’t eat anything until after lunch, went back and forth to the forest, and moved his body while hunting, so he must be hungry.

– growl.

But even when I was hungry, I was very hungry.

I’m cutting goblin ears one by one and putting them in my inventory.

“Can I eat this?”

What is in front of you is also lean meat, but wouldn’t it be delicious if you grill it?

I don’t eat goblin meat in the story, but the meat of some monsters is so delicious that it has become a specialty.

“But what if I get a stomach ache after eating?”

To be honest, I don’t like the visuals, and there seem to be a lot of hygienic problems.

Is there anyone who can try and test it for me?

I’m thinking like that.

-key… key aek…


I heard a cry at the far end of the corpse road, so I looked up and saw one goblin that was barely alive.

The goblin was squirming and struggling to get up when it caught my eye.

‘That’s it!’

I got up from my seat and walked towards the goblin.

-Key, Kieaek!!

As I approached the goblin, I noticed that the startled goblin gasped and tried to pull it back.

‘Come on?’

Judging from the fact that the goblins were frightened, I must have looked quite frightened.

But to my surprise, I didn’t wield a sword this time, so there’s no blood on my clothes, and I don’t know why I’m scared.

‘Anyway, that’s not what’s important right now.’

I grabbed the goblin’s head and put the goblin ears in front of my mouth.

“Hey, try it.”

It’s not a person, but there’s no reason to refuse it when there’s such a good test subject right in front of you.


Then, the goblin shook his whole body and screamed.

“Uh huh. Look at this bastard’s manners at the dining table.”

Since ancient times, it has been said that hawks are medicine for children who do not listen, and they have prepared and prescribed them right away.

– Bahak!

– Kiek!

The goblin calmed down when he hit him on the head with his fist.

It looks like it will die soon, but it’s okay because it’s not dead yet.

“Here. Grab one. Chu-rai Chu-rai.”

“This is a health food that is good for the body. It’s all prepared for you.”

What parents always say.

quoted for a while.

Even after saying that, the goblin didn’t want to eat it even if it died, so I just stuffed it into my mouth.

– Wow!

Then, a goblin who put it in his mouth and vomited it out shortly thereafter.

“Uh shh.”

I guess it didn’t taste very good.

This proves that goblin ears are not edible.

“Isn’t it hard? Be patient. I’ll send you to a friend.”

Even though I drew the sword in front of my eyes, he did not resist.

I cut off the goblin’s head with a single sword.

“Whoa~ It was hard.”

All I did was walk back and forth and dance with caltrops scattered around, but don’t people say it’s hard just to play?

It’s the same thing.

As I picked up the caltrops, I opened my inventory and counted the number of goblin ears I put in.


I only caught 10 goblins.

Each animal has two ears, so there are 20 of them, but I fed one of them, so there are 19 of them.

Since I said two fairy tales for one goblin, you can see it as one fairy tale for one ear.

“At least 19 fairy tales will last until tomorrow.”

I don’t know the market price, so I can’t confirm this.

“I don’t know. If it’s not enough, I’ll just eat and sleep.”

Or you can sneak into the academy and sleep in the dorm bed.

I would level up and earn money.

After cleaning up, I tried to go back to the Adventurer’s Guild in a good mood.

By the way······.

“Where is the road?”

Is there even a barrier in this guy’s forest?

Incoming footsteps get lost!

Huh… It’s fortunate that I’m an intellectual, but if I had anger management disorder, I would have burned down the entire forest.

“Ehh. It’ll be dinner when we arrive.”

Let’s go for a walk during this time.

Think so and let’s move forward one more step.


A scream rang out from somewhere in the woods.


What are the people in this forest talking about?

But when you think about it, it’s not that strange.

Even if it’s only me right now, I came to the forest to hunt goblins and got lost.

I went back and forth a few times today, but getting lost may be strange, but how can I not get lost in a place where there is no map and no road in the first place?

Everywhere I look, they all look the same.

If it was Earth, a map app would have been all it took.

That’s why human screams are welcome!

“I’ll go and ask for directions.”

I don’t know who was the adventurer or just a villager or whoever shouted, but he knows the way better than I do, so I’ll have to ask him for directions.



A man standing near the carriage yawned profusely.

“Hey. Stay alert.”

“There’s no one around anyway, so what?”

“Don’t you know that we’re the ones who get fucked if we get caught?”

“The employer said this road is not traveled by people, so you don’t have to worry about that. And if you get caught, it’s the employer’s fault for giving you false information. Is this our fault?”

A person who can turn his employer into an enemy at any time if the numbers are wrong.

That’s what a mercenary hired with money is.

Unlike adventurers, they do not cover work as long as money is given.

There is no such thing as a separate mercenary guild.

Literally, when you recruit people to help you, mercenaries gather based on the request fee.

That’s why people who will betray and turn their backs on their employers at any time if they think it will be a loss.

“Kuh-kuh. That’s right.”

The two mercenary men’s request this time is to escort a wagon.

To be precise, it was an escort of a wagon with iron bars on the back.

It had already been running since morning, so while the horse was taking a break, it stopped in a quiet forest where there were no people.

The reason why the two men stand guard despite the secluded forest.

It is because this wagon is a wagon that carries slaves.

Make sure to read from noble mtl . com

Monster? The only monsters that appear at the entrance of the forest are goblins.

Unless the goblins in the lair came out in groups, two men’s skills were sufficient.

What they fear is people.

Since there is a ban on slavery in the empire, if you are caught in the same situation as now, not only your employer but also the mercenaries themselves will receive a bounty.

That’s why the employer hired mercenaries, not adventurers.

“More than that, there are not only prisoners, but also people. Employers are really bad people, aren’t they?”

“We are accomplices in helping it.”

The employer was a noble of a fairly high rank.

That’s why they were able to secretly bring in slaves.

“What if it’s anything, we’re good as long as we have money.”

“Well then, shall we also receive an additional amount of remuneration?”

A man approached the barricade.

“Ow. Are you going to do it now?”

“If not now, when? It will arrive soon.”

“Keuhehehe. Then, choose a pretty guy so I can taste it too.”

The man opened the iron window, and in front of him were beautiful female slaves, dressed in pretty clothes, running away from the man into a corner.

“Still, since it’s a product, you shouldn’t touch a virgin. Hey, you there, come here.”

When the man pointed at the woman in the far corner, the woman trembled and dug further into the corner.

“If this bitch comes, it will come. It bothers me.”

The man grabbed a handful of the woman’s hair.


“I thought I was escorting people, but have I escorted dolphins yet?”

The woman who was dragged by the man wanted to run away, but the handcuffs on her hands and feet prevented her from running or even walking properly.

“Sah, save me!!!”

“No matter how much you scream. If someone was coming to help you screaming here, your employer wouldn’t send you here.”



At that moment, someone pushed the man from behind.

The man who had accidentally kissed the floor hurriedly stood up and looked back with a sigh.

“Ha- someone said, if you want to eat that much, I’ll feed you first.”

He threw the woman who was holding her hair back into the cage and grabbed the woman who had just pushed her by the head.


What is unusual is that the woman has pricked ears on her head, and a navy blue tail grows behind her buttocks.

“I was curious about what Suin tasted like, but now I need to satisfy my curiosity.”

“Bastard. I’ll kill you.”

“Even if I say it with such a pretty face, I’m not scared at all.”

The man put his hand on the woman’s ass.

“Oh, is that good?”


“You, what are you!”

Just as he was about to have some fun, the man turned his head annoyed at the commotion coming from behind.

Then, a black-haired, red-eyed man came into the man’s eyes.

“Do you know where the road to the Empire is?”

“I don’t know where it came from, but since you’ve seen it, you’d better not think about returning safely.”

“No, do you know where the road is?”

“Look for it!!!”

Behind him, another man had already entered a battle posture.

The man who was watching the scene thought he would take care of it and turned his gaze back to the beast woman.


The moaning from behind was a voice he knew.

I quickly turned around to see what was going on.

In front of her eyes stood the man she had seen earlier.

“Do you know where the road to the Empire is?”

Behind her, her partner’s decapitated body lay on the floor.


what are you guys doing

I didn’t know the way, so I asked, so I took out a knife without hesitation.

Isn’t that what real anger dysregulation refers to?

I killed one by mistake, but I didn’t feel guilty for the first murder.

‘If I don’t kill myself, I’ll die. What’s the guilt?’

Everyone puts themselves first.

If I had just attacked with a fist, I would have crushed half of my face, but when I attacked with a sword, I had no choice but to kill myself.

Therefore, this is justification.

Anyway, I killed one, but there’s one more left in front of me, so it’s okay.

I walked over to the remaining man and stopped right in front of him.

“Do you know where the road to the Empire is?”

I ask so politely, how hard it is to tell you a few words.

It seems that the man in front of me is already trying to do the same thing as the corpse in the back because his hand is already going to the knife.

The look left a deep impression on me.

“Anyway, these bastards are not kind. Kindness! People are lost! Huh? Then it’s only natural to help!”

“What, what bullshit!!”

With a swish, the blade moved from right to left.

“Are you twins? How are the patterns the same?”

They look different, but I thought they were identical twins to the man they just killed.

Of course, I quickly dodged it.

I was just going to kill him cleanly.

“The more I think about it, the more I get sick.”


Make sure to read from noble mtl . com

My fist hit the man’s face.

The man with his butt on the floor looked up at me.

“I’m dying of annoyance at how many times I’ve gotten lost in this dog-like forest. It’s so annoying that even the people I meet are unkind.”

“Sah, save me! I’ll give you all the money you have!”

“Give me all the money?”


Oh… Now that I see it, I thought it was a rogue.

You were a golden goblin!?

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  1. Ninja says:


  2. Minh Quan Minh Quan says:

    Mc does remind me of pyro from TF2, the kind of ppl that see everything rainbowish but everyone is scared of him

  3. - - - - says:

    This man is bloody genius.

  4. Bob Marley Bob Marley says:

    He lives in a happy world but all those around him see is pure horror, mf politely decapitated someone after not answering where the road was

  5. Finally a novel that fit it’s title

  6. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Reminds me of a certain character from a certain spider girl novel. Just, this one isn’t lucky enough to get revenge.

  7. Arcus 101 Arcus 101 says:

    Well, the title sure don’t lie. That madman of an MC just forced a goblin eat another goblin’s ear. That poor, poor goblin…

  8. Doublesubwalfas says:

    A true Idiot MC indeed.

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