Miss Holmes, the Professor Is Not a Villain chapter 84

Miss Holmes, the Professor Is Not a Villain 84

84 – Zuyin is bad, just tempting me

‘It’s a stupid dream again.’

Moriarty thought.

At some point, she seemed to have fallen asleep without realizing it. She hadn’t opened her eyes yet, but she could instinctively sense that she was dreaming.

She could instinctively feel that this was similar to the terrible nightmare she had had not long ago.

James Moriarty really hated this guy called dreams. The meaningless illusions created by his own protein brain were literally nothing more than inefficient activities with no meaning.

In this era, ruled by the old widow Victoria, where she lives, science was not yet sufficiently developed. Naturally, the exploration of the human mind was in its infancy, and there was often strong superstitious belief in dreams of one kind or another.

However, Moriarty himself was not sure of everything yet. According to his memories of his past life, dreams were clearly nothing more than brain activity without any meaning, but in this place where magic exists and fantasy and reality are a little mixed, it might have been a little different.

Of course, there were only slight differences. Even if magic existed, it didn’t change much.

In the first place, according to the history of this era he had learned, magic was the exclusive property of fairies, and in the case of humans, it was nothing more than something that only a few people could imitate.

And now that those fairies have completely disappeared from interacting with humans, only a few people who have revealed fairy lineage, like his favorite disciple Holmes, are able to imitate them.

Of course, there were cases of witches like Watson, but since they were not fairies, an irrational price was needed.

Is there really a regularity in the price that is determined when an ordinary human being is born a wizard or witch?

One day, just to kill time, I had a conversation about this topic with Porok, who could be found around him and whose skills even Moriarty trusted.

Of course, I did not expect any knowledge from Porok. The world was boring, and most of the people who lived there were boring people because they were trying to survive with poor brains.

Porok was also a trustworthy tool, but he was a bit lacking in intelligence, so he did not know the information Moriarty wanted.

However, it was helpful to know that mastery is literally something one is born with, that one instinctively learns magic after using it, and that if one fails to perform the mastery, quite interesting results can occur.

But soon, Moriarty could not help but feel unbearable boredom again. She tried to think of other things, but she was still in a dream and was bored.

This is why Moriarty did not like dreams.

It was literally irrational and unreasonable. Perhaps because he lived as a mathematician, he believed in rules and reason.

However, just as there are many mathematicians who go crazy while studying, mathematicians may be the ones who are closer to such irrationality and madness than anyone else.

Although he knew that he was dreaming, he tried not to make a sound or open his closed eyes. Because I could instinctively feel that this foolish dream would finally begin.

But it seemed like this foolish dream would not allow Moriarty’s meaningless resistance. At that moment, he felt something warm and wet licking his cheek.

At the same time, he could feel that something quite heavy was sitting on top of his stomach. He was not a saint.

Fortunately, it was far from the vague sensation I felt in that terrible nightmare. It felt like a big puppy was licking me.

His face became more and more wet, as if he was fussing, and it became unpleasant, and eventually Moriarty had to open his eyes and face the dream scene happening before his eyes.

“Ah, Papa is awake!”

“… “What’s going on?”

As soon as I opened my eyes, what I encountered was literally a ball of blonde hair. The little kid was licking his cheek.

When someone next to him opened his mouth, the kid stopped licking his cheek like a puppy and Moriarty was able to make eye contact with the boy.

Even the voice coming from next to me was that of a child.

The first thing that caught my eye was the small wolf’s ears. It was a wolf boy who resembled a peony. A child who is about five years old at most.

‘What a stupid dream.’

Has the dream forcibly implanted false memories? Or is it because I heard Porok’s stupid words just a few days ago that stayed in my brain?

Moriarty thought that if he could wash his brain periodically, he should do it. Or, you can order him to throw away all his foolish thoughts every time he meets him.

It was clear that stupid thoughts were contagious just by breathing the same air as stupid people.

I guess the setting in this dream was that he and Moran were married. Moriarty instinctively knew that the kid sitting on his stomach and licking his cheek was his and Moran’s child in his dream.

Of course, the girl sitting next to me was the same.

He seemed to be about the same age, and except for the fact that he had black hair, the wolf ears and tail were quite impressive.

Both children were reminded of the peonies they had just brought home when they were children.

Of course, unlike Moran, who was wandering the streets, both children were well-dressed and looked like children from rich families.

While Moriarty was discreetly wiping his damp cheeks with his palm, the girl next to him answered his question.

“James… I knocked Papa out again and woke him up. “She always emphasized that Mama and Papa are weak.”

“… Okay.”

As she was lying on the sofa, Moriarty raised her body and answered calmly. It was just a dream anyway, so he didn’t want to pay much attention to it.

Of course, he didn’t forget to put the wolf boy who was on his stomach aside before getting up. He was quite heavy for a child.

Contrary to children’s illusions, Moriarty himself would never be weak.

Fortunately, the children seemed to have no problem with his attitude. Because I was sitting next to Moriarty, silently waiting for him to wake up from this stupid dream, his tail wagging.

Because there was nothing he could do, Moriarty patted the two kids’ heads in silence. Although it was only a dream, it was definitely a little fun because I remembered what happened before.

Because it reminded me of when I was a child.

‘Now that I think about it, they both inherited their ears and tail.’

The attitude of wanting to explore as a professor was even displayed in my dreams. But it was definitely an interesting point.

As far as he knew, people like Moran who were born without becoming full werewolves were very rare. Since they were already rare among werewolves, there was no way to find any records of their offspring.

Even in the case of the peony, if Moriarty had not collected it, there was a high possibility that it would have died on the street before it grew up, so it was not a strange thing.

‘Could it be dominant?’

Of course, it was a meaningless assumption since it was a dream.

As I looked at the children who had started howling like wolves, as if they felt good about my touch, I couldn’t help but think that they were closer to wolf cubs than children.

But the peaceful time did not last long. A voice that sounded stupid came from behind me.

“Professor, you said you fainted? “My wife, who doesn’t have a baby, is very worried. I hope you have a hard time today as well.”

“… “Porock.”

When I turned around, I saw Porok standing there, wearing a really funny outfit. Although he was dressed like a wealthy butler, his hair and mustache had clear plucking marks on his hair.

However, this was also an unavoidable problem. Porok was holding two little boys, about two or three years old, who had wolf ears and tails like their brothers and sisters.

And they were holding Porok’s torn mustache and hair in their hands, shaking them excitedly, as if they were toys.

“Don’t laugh at me, professor. This is all because of the professor! “I already warned you, you don’t harvest fur-bearing babies, right?”

“Stop talking nonsense and take the kids outside and play, Porok.”

And then someone appeared behind him with another familiar voice.

From noble mtl dot com

It was Sebastian Moran.

However, no matter how much it was a dream, Peony was also dressed strangely. In fact, it was accurate to say that he had no clothes on.

Because I was only wearing underwear. Of course, anyone could objectively say that Moran’s body itself was attractive, but Moriarty couldn’t help but feel fear for a moment.

It was a strange thing. Although it was only a dream, he instinctively knew that a nightmare was about to begin.

But unfortunately, the dream continued regardless of his will.

“Yes, yes, furry madam. I have to follow, cancer, yes! Come on, master, young lady, let’s go outside and play with me for a while. “It looks like you’re going to have a younger sibling.”

Porok sighed and motioned to his children, who followed him and disappeared from his sight.

And when I suddenly came to my senses, I realized that Moran had approached me at some point and forced me to lie down on the sofa again and got on my stomach.

I felt a fragrant smell. I could hear Moran’s breathing becoming heavier as if she was not hiding her excitement, and I could feel her skin as she was wearing only her underwear.

Above all, I felt that his underwear was a little damp.

Before considering its identity, the peony pressed its body close to itself, as if lying on top of it. I could feel the excited wolf’s pulse through the feel of his large, soft chest.

Amidst his fear, Moriarty opened his mouth calmly.

“Don’t do this, Moran.”

“I am no longer a peony, master. It’s Moriarty. By the way, I heard you passed out while playing with the kids again? The master is a weakling. “Let’s be quiet and make the kids younger siblings.”

“This…” “Let go of this.”

“If you really don’t like it, use your strength, master. “Now this is called a light ental, Visil?”

He twisted his body, but he couldn’t escape from the peony that attacked his lips and ravaged his tongue as if it was going to eat him. Resistance was futile.

– Chueup… Tsk… Breathe….

It was only when Moran, who was suffocatingly coveting him, gave him a moment to relax, that Moriarty was able to breathe heavily.

However, as if playing a prank, Peony played with his chest, began to undo his clothes, and opened her mouth.

“Master, it was wrong from the beginning, always tempting me and playing with my heart. So, you can’t run away anymore, Mr. Zuyin.”

“Teacher, are you smiling?”

“Leave it alone, it looks like the master is having a happy dream.”

And at that moment, another voice was heard.

Only then did Moriarty, who opened her eyes gasping for breath, wake up from her dream and was able to make eye contact with Moran and Holmes, who were organizing data in the study.

“You showed disgrace. By the way, how about we all have dinner together later? Holmes, is the time okay?”

The reason I calmly encouraged Holmes to have a meal with me was not because I was afraid of being alone with Moran that day.

Moriarty thought he should reconsider Porok’s advice and decided to hold the Suicide Club again soon.

She felt like she had to focus on work so she wouldn’t have stupid dreams.

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  1. I was thinking, what if Moriarty is actually a wizard who can see the future? In other words, suppose his dreams and his knowledge of what the world will be like in a few hundred years (what was originally assumed to be reincarnation), as well as other knowledge related to reincarnation, have the same mechanism. If all of this has the same nature, then it can be assumed that it is witchcraft that he has mastered and successfully uses. Well, how successfully. His dreams never made him understand anything. The “ghost of his old self” could also be a kind of manifestation of his witchcraft, but all of this is just my random thought.

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