My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant chapter 118

My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant 118

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“female-! Harley!”

When Harley came out of the dormitory after washing herself, there were people approaching her excitedly calling his name.

It was a trio of southern warriors with fur, bulk, and cuts.

“Hey— I thought it was great before, but now you look more like a monster, don’t you?”

“Even the mercenaries from Tarak were scared of it. There must not have been one or two people who talked behind their backs without knowing it.”

“Thanks to you, how refreshing it was that those who looked down on the engravings of Calcos could not say anything.”

After all, the Harley is the pride of the South, and it is a model for true warriors, etc….

As soon as he finished his greetings, hearing the words of the three men surrounding him and pouring praises on him made me feel embarrassed for nothing.

“ha ha ha! Thanks friends! But I don’t think I’ve been here until recently, where have you been?”

In the end, Harley cut off their conversation and gently changed the topic.

Considering that he had been in the Northern Mountains for quite some time on a rescue mission, it didn’t make sense that they had just arrived at the Iron Citadel.

“Ah, I was mobilized to build a deterrence line behind the citadel. This time, the lord himself came here, so we followed along.”

“Even if this place is a key point, we can’t stop all of them. Because there are bound to be some leaking out.”

Due to the nature of the terrain, the fortress of steel at the forefront protrudes forward, intensively receiving attacks from monsters…

There was no way that one castle could stop them all coming from that wide mountain range.

There was no need for a large number of troops in this situation.

Even so, the Tulk Kingdom, which had only the counties of Aonia on the border with the mountain range, was this much, and the Azerion Empire, where the entire central part of the northern mountain range was in contact with the realm, was enough to respond with all-out efforts by the state.

Harley chatted with colleagues she had not seen in a long time, promised to meet again later, and headed to the center of the command center.

‘I’m not really tired right now, so I’ll just go see the lord right now.’

It was good to finish the task as soon as I remembered it.

Even if I told you to come when it’s convenient, wouldn’t they like it more?

But when he was almost at his destination, he ran into another spherical opponent.

“It’s been a while, Harley. I heard you did a great job today. Well, if it’s Harley, it’s a natural thing.”

It was Ranger Charlton, who was sent on a rescue mission together, and now takes charge of the security around this area.

Unlike other mercenaries, he belonged to the military, so it was the first time we met after we broke up…

We were able to greet each other lightly and share our recent status.

“Hans is still being treated in the military infirmary. There was a potion, but he said that it would take quite a while to recover because he was seriously injured and moved too much.”

However, even Ranger Hans said that it is likely that he will be able to return without any major aftereffects.

As someone who inherits the name of ‘Hans’, it would be natural to overcome that level.

“And Bordeaux…. A joint funeral was held by the troops with the belongings brought. While we were in the mountains, it seems that the damage to the troops was considerable.”

And when the situation calms down to some extent, he plans to send the remains to his hometown.

Bordeaux had little relationship with Harley, but it is also true that he was concerned as much as he died on the journey they were together.

But all he could do was nod heavily and express his condolences.

“Ah, I must have been holding on to a busy person for a long time. Commander can go over there. So, I wish you all the best in the future.”

Charlton saluted him, pointing to the building inside, then disappeared to look around.

‘Well, it seems like there are a lot of people I haven’t seen in a long time these days. Maybe there won’t be another one?’

He narrowed his eyes, looked around, and moved closer to the building.

However, if I had to say that he was an acquaintance he could meet at the Fortress of Steel, there were only the mercenaries who headed into the mountain range together.

And he was already saying hello every time he met them.

“You came early. Let me guide you inside.”

But that judgment was too hasty.

‘Oh, I forgot this gentleman.’

It was Robin, the knight who had been carrying out the quest with him, who greeted him.

Seeing that he was completely armed with clean metal equipment rather than the leather armor he had when he left for a hike, I thought he was definitely a knight.

“Knight Nari, how have you been? It seems that the divine water has become clearer while I haven’t seen it.”

“It is an illusion. You can wash well here though, so that’s what it looks like. Due to the situation, there is no time to relax. I’ve been through such hardships, but I’m going to go to work right away…”

As they struggled together and became close, there was no seriousness in their conversation.

However, the conversation did not last long, as this was not a comfortable place to exchange updates.

“I’ve told the lord many times about your personality, but I think you should pay more attention to things like attitude.”

“yes? Is there something wrong with my attitude?”

Harley rolled her eyes shamelessly and tilted her head.

Of course, it only looked bizarre because of his personality.

“…that, as politely as possible, please.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that! If you are polite, isn’t it this body? I have a body that I’ve never cut before!”

Of course, it is very often that they unintentionally give way to the person in front of them, but it was irrelevant because it was their voluntary consideration.

“Without using violence recklessly!”

In the early days, there were quite a few people who would gossip and gossip whenever Harley passed by in the city.

But it was impossible to visit them one by one and hold them down.

The plan he proposed to him was to embrace them warmly.

Whenever Harley’s excellent five senses catch on behind the scenes, she just makes eye contact with her and gives her a soft smile that reveals her wit.

There was never any violent reaction.

The effect was amazing.

Whether his sincerity worked or not, the number of such cases decreased sharply after that.

‘Of course, the number of people who argue rather than make eye contact has increased, but such a case is unavoidable.’

Isn’t it the kind of thing Harley would do to avoid getting caught up in an argument?

However, since he did not wield violence in the first place, it could be said that this was the embodiment of manners.

“···okay. Still, if you have the ball you set up, it’ll be fine. …because I have skills.”

Overwhelmed by the imposing argument, Robin nodded and led him to the drawing room.

And before long, Harley was finally able to face it.

“Five! You’re Halle, come over here and sit down.”

The ruler of this area, Count Tarmin Aonia.

“I heard your compliments from Zhaonic and Robin hurt my ears, but seeing it in person is definitely different.”

The lord, who is now in his late thirties, wiggled his eyebrows for a while when he saw Harley’s unique outfit, but he did not express any expression and gave him a public death sentence.

“Ha ha! I really don’t know where to put this! In fact, it was just a move for a price. Uh-huh—!”

Seeing him bursting into laughter, the lord’s forehead twitched again.

Robin, who was standing behind the lord, tightly closed his eyes, but Harley didn’t care.

It was because it was enough effort for him just to write respectful words.

‘Oh, this is Harley-style courtesy. Still, seeing Robin’s face, I made the best possible concessions!’

Whether or not he knew Harley’s heart, Youngju slowly took a sip of tea and opened his mouth again.

“Hmmm, anyway. As for the request, you are doing a great job this time too, so I called to see your face, even at least once. I want to give you some extra reward.”

At the same time, the compensation that he suggested as if he was a favoritism was not desirable at all.

‘It’s a knighthood, of course, considering Harley’s power, it’s natural to want to recruit him…’

Isn’t that what he was willing to give as a reward?

At least, that’s how it was for him, who has proven himself over and over again.

And Harley, a free and wild wild berserk, was very determined in this matter.

“Oh, I don’t like that. Rather than that, why don’t you just give it in kind?”

“That… something like that? cash?”

“That, why? I think it would be great to have a big, strong two-handed axe. The guy I’m writing now is so weak!”


As he spoke, the level of his tone dropped slightly, but the shaky lord seemed to have no time to judge it.

Robin stood behind him, just staring at the ceiling with a liberated expression on his face.

“Yeah… you boy! How dare you refuse the Lord’s offer! What rudeness over there!”

However, the other knights of the lord didn’t seem to want to pass on it.

The knights, who had been glaring at him since he entered the drawing room, showed hostility and took their hand to the handle of the weapon.

Of course, Harley just looked at them with a fat expression.

‘It’s been over a year and a half since I came to Auterica.’

Now that he was cold enough to fill his free time, there was no way he didn’t know about the physiology of this place.

It was common knowledge that one should not act recklessly in front of a powerful class called aristocrats…

“done. Everyone get away.”

“Ha, but lord…!”

“Didn’t I tell you to step back!”

The knights fell backwards with their heads bowed with a gloomy expression at the lord’s actions.

‘In this difficult time, only strength is everything. And Harley has proven it profusely.’

He was a strong man who helped a lot in preventing the monsters from overflowing in the northern mountains now.

One rejection is only a very minor issue.

Originally, in order to acquire good talents, it was a law that had to be considered as a basic principle.

“Yeah, did I say axe? I’ll make a custom one for you through Zhaonic. You will be satisfied.”

Like a young lord who is trying to smile right now.

“Uh-huh! Thank you, Lord. As a person who rules a large territory, you have a very large barrel!”

“Yeah, I’m not stingy when it comes to giving to subordinates. ha ha ha!”

Yes, where do you go to eat raw?

The only way to get talented people was to give them some convenience, give them a little gift, and pour their attention and affection over and over again.

‘Of course, even then, there is no guarantee that you can get it unconditionally.’

Where in the world is nothing perfect, that’s all.

As such, Harley was receiving great hospitality in the Northwest and was growing in influence and fame.


“Lord, all investigations are complete. The information handed over from the side of the pledge of inversion has also completed cross-validation.”

“okay? Is there anything wrong with the information?”

“yes! Currently, it has been confirmed that the two Jinhyeols have moved to defend the monster forest due to the madness. Now, the only true blood left in the capital, Talaria, is at most two, the former Lord and the current Lord of Brokoslac.”

“Hmmm…. It’s too bold to be the judgment of that cautious mule. Is it the intention of a new rod?”

The person who was listening to Suha’s report touched his lips for a moment and burst into laughter.

In fact, it wasn’t really an issue at all.

‘I’m confident that I can win even if we bump into each other, but even the two Jinhyeol left their seats…’. Wouldn’t this be too easy?’

The power difference is overwhelming.

I don’t know the level of the current Lord who swallowed Brokoslock, but it’s definitely not the Holy Blood.

“Well, okay. Still, it’s better to make sure you do the job. Gather the other factions, and prepare the combat troops.”

Bisque Yupersch, a man with white hair and white eyes, looked at Joarin Suha in front of him and muttered lowly.

“. . . we go to Talaria.”

The strongest vampire group on the continent in name and reality, the Upersh Clan began to move.

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  1. LuxX says:

    Great, finally on to Heinz’s stage. Personally, I like Heinz quite a lot due to the very attractive vampire nature.

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