My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant chapter 239

My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant 239

Zefia Republic (2)

It is a difficult time for everyone due to the global tribulation.

In the midst of that, the cracks that occurred inside the Republic of Zefia, a powerful nation, were more serious than what appeared on the surface.

The Obaipo Clan tries to control the entire country through the high-ranking officials it has acquired.

Several sub-groups began to move with patriotism to protect the country from their demons, or to seize new power with this opportunity.

Even the minor camps, including the dark organization that secretly rises for an opportunity in the midst of chaos.

It was such a dangerous situation that if we delayed this longer, we might be irreversible.

‘As expected, this is the best way.’

As a result, the republican vice president, Kayla McClair, was forced to make a decision.

This is the only way to calm the situation and restore the country before the current conflict erupts in earnest.

‘…Could it really have been this?’

However, it was inevitable that she felt a sense of skepticism as if she was constantly on top of that decision.

With her help, the hybrid vampires of the Kingdom of Thalia infiltrated the Republic.

No matter how many excuses he made, he couldn’t solve his country’s problems on his own, so he attracted foreign powers, and even vampires, a kind of monster!

If only I had asked the church for help…

‘No, then it would have made things worse. Besides, even if it wasn’t there, you wouldn’t be able to afford it either. It would be better to make the monsters be at peace with each other like now…’

After trying so hard to think of excuses, she stopped thinking and sighed.

After all, she was just a lame excuse, even if she thought about it.

However, it was certainly true that she made this decision after considering many things for her country.

However, a little bit of personal selfishness was involved in the decision-making process.


Kayla bit her lip at the thought of her only son, whom she had lost over twenty years ago.

What Hybrid offered her in exchange for her cooperation was the truth of the incident involving her son, and her revenge.

The hierarchy of vampires is a thorough pyramidal ruling system.

No lie could be told about the orders of subordinate superiors.

Forcibly reviving the memories in my head that have become blurry over time is also not that difficult if I use a little extreme blood magic, and the slight side effects that come from the process aren’t too much of a problem for strong vampires.

In other words, if they got their hands on the Obipo, it meant that they would be able to directly listen to the truth about the day and punish them without any discussion.

After all, no matter how you think about it, this was the best way to find out the truth about what happened twenty years ago.

‘It would be nice if you were still alive somewhere, but even if it wasn’t…’

As a parent, shouldn’t you know when, where, and how your child died?

At least the location where the body was buried.


Frustrated, Kayla let out a deep sigh and slowly moved her steps toward the window of her house.

She then looked up at the night sky beyond and prayed that her own choice was not wrong.

The full moon scattering bright light, as if not caring about her complex state of mind.

The light emitted from it just caressed the ground softly and subtly as always.

Not to mention the inside of this shabby safe house where she is hiding now.

In the vicinity of the capital of the Republic, where the war over the supremacy of hybrids, overbipo, and vampire societies began…

Even to the place where Heinz II, the High Road, went directly.

‘… It’s clear without a single cloud.’

It was a beautiful night—matching the moment when a new history was born.


Shia-! Kwadeuk!

A stream of blood that flew like a snake in the dark aimed at the nape of the target and turned its direction.

“Kuh, where!”

However, as if the opponent had predicted it in advance, he bizarrely twisted his body and held out one forearm instead, minimizing the damage and immediately rushing at the enemy.

Dark bloody blood magic rose from the bodies of both those who took the first attack and those who counterattacked.

“How dare these pigs, who have been turned into livestock, go here!”

“Idiots who can’t see reality properly. It’s been a long time since the new bloody order has arrived, but you’re still covering your eyes and ears! He is the King who will lead us to prosperity!”

A fight between vampires that are taboo in human society.

Surprisingly, this was happening not in a remote and deserted place, but in Ulletor City, the capital of the eastern republic of Zefia, a powerful country.

It’s not just one or two places, but on an enormous scale that happens all over the city.

“Emergency! Emergency! They’re targeting you!”

“Stop! We must not let intruders come further inside!”

And, as it should be, not all fights of that magnitude could go on covertly as initially intended.

In addition, this is the home ground of the Obaipo Clan, where they decided and built their nest for a long time.

Preparations for an attack from the outside had already ended a long time ago, and they used that to sneak back and put the human troops who became puppets at the forefront instead.

If the Hybrids formed a raiding force with elites drawn from all over the continent, Obaipo compensated for its inferiority by parasitizing the Republic of Zefia.

‘Of course, I expected that to be enough.’

Of course, all the hybrid vampires brought here were selected with that in mind.

No matter how thorough their preparations are, it will be difficult to respond with only the troops stationed in each area.

‘It won’t evolve easily. And I’m in this gap…’

Leaving behind the turmoil felt everywhere.

Heinz II moved slowly, leisurely looking around the city that was waking up little by little from the unexpected uproar.

“Stop! No more forward… Kuk!”

“What, what? It wasn’t even detected…”

Fish- Pooh!

I deliberately hid my momentum to a normal level, and some of them unknowingly rushed at me like moths, but he just kept moving forward, not paying attention to the heaps of blood before he even got close.

The destination was able to figure out thanks to the ghost spy squad led by the talented Olivia.

To the hideout where the number of enemies, Holy Blood Obipo is hiding.

“Kuu—what a monster…!”

“Back off! We can’t even approach—!”

Fuhuaak! Pretty-!

I just lightly glanced at the crowds around me, but the blood fountain that rose with every step turned the road I passed red.

Of course, that’s only for a short while.

The blood that soaked the floor crawled across the floor as if it were alive and was sucked up through Heinz’s feet in an instant.

The streets where what was once a sea of ​​blood turned clean in the blink of an eye as if it were an illusion.

It was then that a few lines of system messages popped up before his eyes as he moved his feet indifferently.

《I gained enlightenment under the influence of the special skill 「Mixed Blood Evolution」. Acquire the skill「Convergence」》

《The special skill 「Mixed Blood Evolution」 absorbs the sub-ability 「Convergence」 and becomes stronger.

He looked at the activation notification of a skill he hadn’t seen in a very long time, with his eyes wide open.

‘「Convergence」. Auterica’s vampires didn’t have any clear bloodline abilities, so I thought they didn’t have the ability to steal them. Wasn’t it like that?’

[Mixed-Blood Evolution], which continuously evolves itself by collecting various vampiric factors, and robs even the possibility contained in it with an additional rare probability.

I’ve already collected enough vampires from the earth to collect enough bloodsuckers in each dimension, and as much as my rank has risen so much, I’ve forgotten about it for a while because the probability of extortion is too low with downgraded blood.

It seemed that he managed to break through that low probability and succeed in bringing the skill.

‘…No, that skill disappeared as a material as soon as it was created, so it doesn’t mean much, though.’

And also to [Mixed-Blood Evolution], the main agent who discovered that skill.

Shouldn’t this be self-sufficient?

Well, it was true that one skill developed by merging several skills was much more useful than having several vaguely similar skills.

Like his other skills.

<Object information>

-Entity Name: Heinz II

-Type: Vampire (Holy Blood)

-Common Attributes: 「Mind Hub」, 「Persona」, 「Enlightenment Index」, 「Strength」, 「Xenoglossy」

– Individual Attributes: 「Blood Clan (Holy Blood)」, 「Mixed-Blood Evolution」, 「Blood Mystery」, 「Refined Blood」, 「Non-Existence」, 「Rapid Acceleration」, 「Super Regeneration」, 「Insight」

-Special note: He climbed up the Holy Blood, the root of vampires, and transcended the limits of the species. As the founder of the ‘hybrid’ bloodline, it exercises absolute dominance over blood relatives. Under the influence of 「Rapid Acceleration」, she can move more quickly, and under the influence of 「Insight」, she can see the cause and effect more clearly.

Heinz’s initial skills [Acceleration] and [Nervousness] were combined to become [Rapid Acceleration], and the stolen skills [Perception] and [Awareness] were combined to become [Insight].

Not to mention the level of performance.

Thanks to that, wasn’t a pure-blooded vampire turning into a handful of blood just by looking at him?

I don’t know, but it should be quite useful not only against lower-level opponents, but also against opponents of the same level or higher.

Now it was time to check it out in practice.

‘Hmm, is this here?’

It also served as a warm-up, so I deliberately showed up and walked for a while.

From noble mtl dot com

Finally he was able to reach his goal.

The residence of a senator who has maintained its position for a very long time in the Republic of Zefia.

This was the outpost of Obaipo…, In other words, it was in a position similar to that of the Duke of Bright in the Kingdom of Thalia.

‘Well, it’s common sense to make sure you get your hands on some of the powerful before devouring the country.’

Heinz gently closed his eyes and focused more on her transcendent feeling.

As expected of the enemy’s stronghold, he was covered with an unusual barrier, but with his ability, he could at least indirectly sense the strong enemy inside.

‘He’s definitely in here.’

It was felt.

He becomes a skein of cause and effect that wriggles as he collides with the senses he has stretched out.

‘Anyway, he doesn’t intend to come out after all.’

To see the opponent’s response, there was also a case where he purposely attacked head-on, but there was no reaction like this.

There’s no way I couldn’t feel the presence of this side, but it certainly seemed like something was prepared.

“Hmm. I have the confidence to crush whatever comes out of it head-on.”

With his mansion in front of him, Heinz slowly stroked his chin.

It is clearly the enemy’s stronghold, the target seems to have no intention of coming out, and the mansion is surrounded by all sorts of barriers, making it difficult to do anything from the outside.

Actually, even if you go inside, if there is a really dangerous trap, you can get out by canceling the summon, so it doesn’t really matter…

‘Something is in a bad mood.’

As I thought so, my stomach began to twist.

Isn’t it the landlord’s duty to come out and greet guests when they come?

However, how disappointed the guests would be if they locked themselves in the house and said, ‘You can open the door and come in or not.’

This was a rudeness that could never be overlooked as a healthy young man in the country of courtesy in the East.

‘I can’t help it. I have no choice but to roll up my arms and leave.’

Suddenly, a phrase I had heard somewhere flashed through my mind.

If not, let it be.

No matter which sage said it, it was also a very good word.


Inside the mansion.

Obaipo, who had the appearance of an old man, sat leisurely and waved a tea cup.

“It’s a little earlier than I thought… But it’s not too bad… The preparations are all over anyway, so if you come in person, it will only save you a lot of trouble…”

He himself will be the king of all vampires.

The prospective subject himself asked for an audience, but he had no intention of treating him harshly.

Of course, he seems a little sassy now, so he needs some training.

Reaching this far is also a procedure for that.

He put a lot of effort into it, so by the time he gets to this point, he should be in an attitude where he can have a conversation.

As I was thinking that, I sensed something entering the barrier.

It was strange to feel that he was killing his own presence, but the presence and magic that he felt there were definitely those of Heinz.

“I wonder what it will be like… Yes, please show him an appearance worthy of calling himself the Vampire King…”

The moment he raised his glass with a hazy smile on his face at the expected situation.


Obaipo’s gestures holding up the teacup stopped at the subtle vibration.

Then his face slightly frowned and his head tilted slightly.

‘Hmm, are you going wild because you can’t accept the test? But since he’s already been there, it’s no use trying to run me inside. If I can’t take the test properly…’

Quarreung- Quaang-! Cooong!

Contrary to his cynicism, however, the space he was in began to shake violently with the sound of something collapsing.

“···What? The ‘world behind superimposed phase inversion’ didn’t even come to this place where the nucleus was located… And was shaking it from the inside…?”

It’s not like they’re attacking it from the outside.

This hidden world, which has been overturned by overlapping phases, has a strong resistance both inside and outside, and even if it intervenes and destroys the space, it is impossible to completely neutralize it by overlaying the phase on the other side that is intact and restoring it in an instant.

To put it bluntly, it’s not that there isn’t a breach law, but that’s close to theoretical compulsion…


Before he even finished his thoughts.

A violent explosion that seemed to shake the world shook the space.

And right after that loud binge ended.

“Yes, I finally get to see your face.”

I heard a familiar voice, but it was the first time I had encountered it in person.

Ophi Ipo slowly turned his head in the direction he came from at the sound.

“I apologize for being overly aggressive. Maybe the owner of the house was deaf and didn’t even think about coming out.”

That’s why I inadvertently broke the door.

Heinz threw the words of apology with a face that didn’t feel sorry at all.

Still, with a shameless expression, she asked if her ventilation would not go well thanks to her.

In response, Oba Ipo struggled to hold back the words that were about to escape his mouth.

Because the king had to remain calm in any situation.

Even if that is—.

‘…It’s not at the level of a door…!’

From near the front door to past the drawing room where he was.

Even if there was a huge hole roughly the length of a third of the mansion.

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  1. Moonlight Walker says:

    Door is Door 🚪

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