My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant chapter 62

My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant 62

Great War Heist Incident (1)

Things went smoothly.

“How are the preparations going? Do you have enough energy to move right now?”

“Do not worry. Since you have prepared a bit in advance, you have enough spare power. After all, this time, only the most elite personnel were going to be dispatched.”

The energy was detected at the western end of the continent.

Since the distance is a distance, there was a limit to the number of people that could be sent as quickly as possible.

If the denomination gave a hint that it had smelled it, they did not know when and where it would flee again, so it was impossible to summon the Immortal King subjugation squad in the Kingdom of Thalia as before.

Anyway, power below a certain level won’t be of much help, so in the Temple of Thalia, only the Holy Knights and High Priests or higher would be supported.

“There are only four paladins participating in the operation, and three archbishops including myself. The Inquisitor side will also participate.”

An operation to summon all the strong people who can move right away to one place.

Three of the paladins and two archbishops resident in the Great Hall of Roselia will participate, and one paladin and one archbishop dispatched to the West will also join the site.

In addition, the top talents selected from each of the Holy Knights and Combat Priests were scheduled to be dispatched together.

“And… Cardinal Piray announced that he would join us in the Great Temple of Jeron of the Empire.”

Even the Cardinal, who is in charge of the Great War, which is rare on the continent, declared his participation in the war.

“Well… well, he was exceptionally warlike. He is also from a paladin. I heard that you were very sorry that you were not able to participate in the first subjugation.”

“It looks like the time has come. There are situations where a small group of people are needed, so it worked out well.”

There were two cardinals in the Great Hall of Roselia, but they were concentrating on running the Great Hall and the entire denomination, leaving all matters related to the Immortal King to the saint.

“Hmmm… Now that this has happened, I too…”

“The saint is not.”

Archbishop Latius cuts it off before she even finishes her words.

“Now that the Pope is sick with old age, it is the symbol of the denomination given to the saint. In times like these, you need to keep your seat.”

“But, there are also cardinals…”

“Anyway, the power of the Great Shrine is going out of the way, so please, please, protect this place. No matter how secretive the operation is, there is an emergency.”

“hahaha, I see.”

And the aftermath of that conversation returned to Heinrich as well.

“Hmm… Sir Heinrich Landgard, it would be better to keep the Great Hall with the saint this time.”

“Me too?”

Naturally, as much as he had been deeply involved in this matter so far, Heinrich, who knew he would also be involved, widened his eyes.

Archbishop Latius took him to a quiet place and spoke with a serious face.

“It seems that the saint is very heartbroken, so I would like to be by your side and comfort you by being a companion. and···.”

The archbishop paused for a moment, then sighed.

“This is going to be a very dangerous operation. As long as the cardinal goes with him, he won’t be able to run away as easily as he did last time. There will probably be a fierce battle.”

As there was a record of missing Hans even after hitting the barrier last time, this time the cardinals will also join in to prepare more thoroughly.

“In the meantime, many people will die or get injured. There’s no way I shouldn’t be like that either.”

And Heinrich was a talent not worth being sacrificed on such a battlefield.

It was a skill that was not lacking enough to participate in the operation right away, but it was at a level similar to that of the paladins selected this time.

The Archbishop judged that his true worth was only after he had fully grown up.

The seed of a hero who has a steep growth and is even interested in the gods and saints.

It was necessary to prepare for any contingency.

“You should consider the possibility that the operation will fail. The possibility that we will all be annihilated.”

We are already preparing for an excessive amount of power, but no one knows what will happen in the future.

And if that time comes, Saints and Heinrich can be the hope of the denomination.

“···All right. I will obey the will of the Archbishop.”

“Thank you, for understanding. You must have made up your mind by now.”

At the sight of Archbishop Latius making a determined expression, Heinrich had no choice but to make an awkward expression.

‘Well, it’s good to see him… so enthusiastic.’

The transmission through the gate was sequentially mobilized by priests who were not directly involved in the operation, including saints.

Although it is said that only a selected few are dispatched, as the number of people increased to several dozen, it had to take an extra day for all of them to be sent to the Temple of Thalia.

“You can’t get there in a day or two anyway, so there’s no need to rush. I’m not going to move to another place so quickly from where I’ve been hiding.”

Archbishop Latius led the dispatched personnel of the Great War of Roselia and carried out the work step by step.

woo woo-

While the last transfer personnel were waiting, the gate started vibrating again.

And the Archbishop, who was included in the group, turned his head and looked at the people who came out to see them off.

He looked intently at Saints and the party, including Heinrich, and nodded with a confident expression, then turned and headed for the gate.

There was an atmosphere of ‘I’ll ask for your back in case of an emergency’ in that wretched look.

‘···Come comfortably and get some fresh air outside.’

Heinrich watched him disappear through the gate with a subtle smile.

woo woo-

The blue vortex of the vibrating gate.

So all the personnel finished moving to the Temple of Talia in the western part of the continent.


[Hmm… How long will it take for those gathered in the Temple of Thalia to arrive here? Since they are all elite, it won’t take long.]

From the capital of Talia Kingdom to the depths of the Monster Forest.

In general, no matter how quickly they arrive, it will take more than a month, but it is too early to judge because we do not know what other blessings they will have.

Didn’t Heinrich have “Blessing: Leap” right now?

On the other side, you will want to reduce the time it takes to travel as much as possible.

As soon as we join in the Temple of Thalia, we’ll probably leave immediately by all means possible.

[Now let’s get ready.]

Hans slowly left the cave.


With every step he took, the flames of hell lit up and melted everything left in the cave.

From the waste generated during the experiment, to the traces of all barriers remaining inside.

[There is no need to provide any other information. 

As a result, the barriers collapsed, but his body was already covered in layers of cover that could hide the existence of fragments.

‘Then when is the best time to start working?’

This was the time when the defense of the Great Battle of Roselia was the weakest.

Because that was the place where the most power was drawn to capture Hans.

‘Besides, the priests are in a state of exhaustion from forcibly operating the gate.’

Read at

Judging from the level of the seal spread around the fragments, it seemed difficult to break it.

It will probably take quite a while to get your hands on the shards.

In preparation for that time, it was necessary to draw out the power of the Great War as much as possible outside.

The high elf’s search had just begun, so the timing was right.

He could have intentionally revealed his momentum to entice him, but if he did, the denomination would find it suspicious.

So, I did nothing so that I could be discovered naturally with only preparations.

‘The cooldown of the next generation is set in advance.’

Now he could go to work at any time, but Hans stood there and waited until nightfall.

Even if the personnel dispatched to catch him receive a belated call, there is nothing they can do about it.

[Kuh-huh… it’s just the beginning.]

Midnight when the moon rose high.

Everything cast shadows in the moonlight shining in the forest…

Hans’ shadow was no longer there.


《Transfer to the Auterica dimension has been completed.》

The first thing I saw was light.

The overwhelming amount of light emitted from all directions as if it was going to make you blind.

[Kuh, I expected it, but it’s better than I thought.]

The concealed field wrapped around his body burned into the light in an instant, and the black magic that was circling around him began to fight against the divine power.

‘This is not very good.’

The whole place was hostile to Hans.

If it continued in this state, the fragments could not be completely recovered.

I tried to leave after finishing my work as peacefully as possible, but this was unavoidable.

Hans raised his wand upwards.

[Khahaha! Break them all!]

The black magic emanating from him was concentrated in one place…

The black flame rising from the tip of the skeleton staff grew in size in an instant.

In the meantime, the divine power continued to gnaw away the black magic, but now Hans was not capable of being shaken by such interference.

Hurry up— Kwagwagwang!

The enlarging hell flames split into several branches in an instant, and then exploded towards the walls with golden crests shining on all sides.


The text on the wall fell off and melted, and the energy that suppressed the black magic weakened.

‘It’s gotten better.’

It was originally a seal made to suppress the unclean energy inside.

There is no choice but to be less prepared for a direct impact.

‘Once more!’

Wow— Pappapat!

The ground around Hans was dyed black and spread out in all directions, and the blades of shadows protruding from there began to mow everywhere.

The light of the damaged crest gradually dimmed, and the divine power that had weighed on his body weakened.

[Kuyuk, I feel a little cooler now.]

Of course, it only reduced the power to attack directly, but he was never in the same condition as usual.

‘I don’t know how many holy barriers overlapped and activated.’

At the same time as Hans invaded, all kinds of barriers installed throughout the Great Hall were activated at the same time.

‘I must hurry. Still, it’s good that it takes time for the church to get to this place as the access road is complicated.’

With a satisfied smile, he headed towards the central altar.

‘But in the meantime, here he’s fine.’

Even though Hans’s black magic turned the whole thing upside down, there was not a single wound on the altar and the pillar that sealed it.

Read at


As his hand touched the chain of shards, a spark of white sparked and covered his arm.

[Hmm, yes. It can’t be that easy.]

Hans muttered quietly as he generated black magic and brushed off the flames that had stuck to his hands.

[Now it’s a race against time.]

We need to break the seal and recover the fragments before any outside interference comes in.

He reached out for the fragment again.


The incident happened in the middle of the night.


The patterns that were engraved throughout the Great Hall, which were considered decorations, shined all at once…


“What is this all of a sudden!”

The paladins who stood guard exploded in amazement.

Regardless of the floor, wall, or ceiling, a sentence with divine power came to mind.

The kind of divine barriers that cut off space, suppress the evil energy inside, and boost the power of those with divine power.

At this moment, the Great Battle of Roselia was nothing more than a fortress.

‘After allowing the intrusion already.’

The paladin, who stood guard with him, showed a sign of embarrassment, but Heinrich looked around and expressed his peaceful feelings inside.

He was now standing on the night guard in the passage leading to the seal.

Since I was able to protect the Great War, I naturally returned to the work of the Holy Knights, the Guardian of the Brightness.

As he couldn’t participate in the subjugation squad, he said he wanted to be helpful in other ways, so he applied for the guard of this passage.

There may have been some who have been absent from work in the meantime, and under the pretext of making up for it, I volunteered for the night security that everyone is reluctant to and I am standing here now.

‘If you stay here, you can get a rough idea of what’s going on. While Hans unlocks the seal…’

That moment.


Inside the Great Hall, a divine power resonating in my head exploded.

[Emergency! All troops are ready for battle! As soon as you are ready, gather at your own location!]

[The Holy Knights move according to the commander’s command!]

A voice resounding in my head.

It was the voice of a cardinal that I had never seen before.

Things were going fast.


At that time, a group of about twenty men in black outfits from one side ran toward this side.

Leading them at the forefront was the Chief Inquisitor I had seen before.

‘I’ve never seen your face in person.’

He was covering his face like everyone else, but he knew it through the badge that symbolized the director.

And it was like a pass for this area.

When Heinrich and his fellow Paladins, who were guarding the passage, hurriedly left their seats, they disappeared inside like the wind.

“…it doesn’t seem like this is normal.”

The paladin sitting next to him quietly shook his head with a firm voice.

As he said.

The first allowed insider intrusion in the history of the Great War of Roselia had only just begun.

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  1. D says:

    He shouldve drawn them out by fighting and acting weakened while exhausting their forces far away, enticing them to call for reinforcements, then he shouldve warped to each of the church gates on the path back and destroyed them before arriving at the main temple.

    1. Kont0llond0n says:

      childish plot

    2. Zhen Wu says:

      There is also no time since he wants the strength to complete his revenge. Also, not only would the church arrive, those witches and vampires would also come.

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