My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant chapter 67

My Alter Ego Is Becoming a Giant 67

Customization (3)

“Ho-oh, really, it’s a very good quality pepper, as rumored. The processing is also neat.”

“The reviews from people who have used it are very good. Even high-ranking people said they were satisfied.”

“If you sell it well enough, it will be enough not only to increase your margins but also to strengthen your personal network.”

Hubert’s business was running smoothly.

The peppers that were packed in the Aspace Magic Tool were sold out in an instant, even though they set a fairly high price.

In the early days of pepper sales, sending a sample to a nearby large top and establishing a connection was a good thing.

‘Of course, in the meantime, I used the Harley service to prevent the opponent from coming out.’

The thanks, which was officially delivered to the mercenary guild through the denomination, played a big role in raising Harley’s fame.

As it became famous, the frequency of quarrels increased more than before, but it was only a new marketing.

‘If they were to fight Harley with that vicious appearance, they would have been famous in their own way. I folded them with my bare hands…’

Harley, who became a celebrity in the Tarak mercenary world.

Hubert’s company, with such a person as a business partner, also received its own attention.

‘There are good products, reasonable prices, and marketing using limited quantities. Also, the reliability of using the name of a celebrity. It’s strange that this fails.’

External intervention was also blocked thanks to Harley.

Large powers such as large groups had no choice but to be connected with the denomination.

They learned that Harley was really getting the attention of the upper classes through their personal network, and naturally stopped thinking about touching Hubert’s company.

From their point of view, it was more detrimental to show hatred to the denomination by gushing out a small business.

And the idiots who don’t have that kind of information…

“Uh-huh… yo, forgive me…”

dark alley.

Dirty men were scattered like trash everywhere.

“Harley, are you asking for forgiveness?”

A distracted, large-sized man with a tattoo on his face grabbed a Parrak by the collar, swept it away, and spoke to the side.

“Forgiveness? How can these bastards have looked down on us for so long, can you forgive us now?”

“You have to step on the roots from the beginning so that they don’t climb again, right? I’ll show you an example.”

It was the two hunks with tattoos all over their bodies who reacted before Harley to his words.

Southern warriors who once had a quarrel with him, but now become close like brothers.

There were three people: King Lu, the largest, Dao with a cut around his eyes, and Turaba with a full face.

They were now stepping on the Paraks who were trying to help Harley fix the Huberts.

‘Of course, it’s not like I’m being pampered without pay. I make a lot of money, but I don’t need to save on this.’

It is beneficial to have a manpower who can be trusted to some extent and can handle it at will.

It would have been perfect if they could lead to active cooperation with a few pennies.

“Well, come to think of it, doesn’t it seem that Harley’s impression has changed a bit?”

“So do you? I feel something closer than before.”

“Isn’t that just because we’ve been friends for a while?”

“is it?”

It was a pointless topic of conversation that came up on the way to get a drink after work, but Harley couldn’t help but be pissed off.

‘I was changing it little by little without noticing it…’

It was because his face shape was changing to such an extent that it was subtly different from the first.

I met three southern locals, so it was an opportunity to naturally absorb the characteristics.

Harley’s subtle face was being modified little by little every day to suit the race of the Southerners.

“Ahahahaha! Doesn’t that mean we’re all that close! Now you really feel like brothers!”

Harley laughed softly and passed the topic as if nothing was wrong.

And inside the bar they entered, they chatted and talked about various things.

The topic was mostly about the southern region, and it was very informative, mainly based on the vivid experiences of the locals.

“. Most shamans wouldn’t want to get out of there.”

“Sometimes we meet in other places, and when you prove your qualifications and pay the price, you can make a new engraving.”

Among them, there was also the content of ‘engraving’, which they often talked about.

“Sometimes stupid things try to engrave a engraving that doesn’t fit even a fraction, but in some cases the shaman will take care of kicking them out…”

“I mean, sometimes. There are things that need to be done according to your will in order to release your intuition.”

There were cases in which imprints were forcibly engraved on the body by intimidation, conciliation, bribery, or deceit.

“It’s not that I don’t need credentials for nothing.”

The engraving was not just a tattoo.

It was a branch of the mystery that weaved the life force and mana flowing through the body and the karma the person had built up.

‘Is it some kind of biological magic circle that strengthens the body?’

It is said that an engraving that does not fit into the fountain will not only eat away at life, but also cause all kinds of side effects, including muscle loss, loss of energy, aging and hair loss.

“That’s why in the South, if you don’t have an engraving, you won’t even be recognized as a warrior. It means that even the most basic qualifications of ‘Warrior’s Imprint’ have not been met.”

That’s why they quarreled with Harley, the self-proclaimed ‘warrior of the South’.

There were only playful graffiti on her naked body, and there were no engravings anywhere.

‘There’s nothing you can do that you can’t get right now. I wish I could do it before I go to the South.’

Like a manly man, he drank the alcohol from the large glass and drank his appetite.

While Hubert and Harley had a fulfilling day like that, Harris, a new member of Tarak, continued to fight alone for several days.

“No, I feel something…”

The elf avatar Harris, who stays in the stronghold saved by Hubert and tries to communicate with the spirits through meditation every day.

I knew and expected that I could become a high elf, but not much has changed since the announcement that the world tree was looking forward to it.

‘I think this is a natural force, how do you make a spirit contract? Am I still lacking in affinity?’

Mana and natural power that were filtered once through natural objects such as trees and purified were essential energy sources when making a spirit contract.

As well as the initial stats, the affinity of the “Child of the World Tree” and the bracelet wouldn’t be lacking, but I couldn’t figure out how to become a spirit warrior.

“Should I go to the forest with more natural power and try it…?”

In the meantime, I had been hiding here to hide the fact that I was an elf, but it seemed like I had to go outside now.

‘I can roughly cover my ears by pressing on the hood. Before I signed a contract with the spirit, I tried to save myself as much as possible…’

Elves, a rare race on the continent of Ion, were inevitably involved in various problems.

Cecily, a high elf candidate, was also sold into slavery for that reason.

‘Yeah, like Cecily… huh? wait···.’

High Elf Lafori, Candidate Cecily, and even the nearly twenty Elf Missions.

They were still staying in the Great Temple of Roselia.

The heretical inquisitors of the Talia Kingdom found the residence where the Immortal King stayed in the Monster Forest, and also revealed that he was there until just before he invaded the Great Temple.

I still couldn’t figure out how he noticed the moment when the defense of the Great War was at its weakest…

‘Because the church didn’t even suspect the elves from the beginning.’

It was just that an investigation team was dispatched to grasp the truth of the matter, and the Church maintained a respectful attitude toward the elves as it was the first time.

‘After hearing about it, they said that they’re getting ready to go back to work now that they’re done…’

Wouldn’t it be better to get help from the same elf than to study on your own?

It would be great if they could get some advice before they go back.

‘great. I hope that’s it.’

Harris hurriedly got up from his seat and put on his robe.

And proudly headed to the temple of Tarak.

When he reached his destination, a giant giant was approaching from the alley next to him.

In contrast to the slender Harris, he had a large and stout body.

The man who approached with a daunting pace, Harley, naturally joined him and moved to the temple.

After having a drink with the Southern warriors, he found time to help Harris and got out.

And the two walked side by side and soon reached the temple.

“yes? Are you not Harley? What happened so far… Do you have any business?”

With such a unique appearance, the Crusader, who was guarding the entrance to the temple, recognized Halle, the identity of the identity itself, and spoke to him.

“hahahaha—! There’s something I’d like some help with this time. I wish I could tell you a story inside!”

The story that came out of the place prepared in that way was simple.

<During my mercenary activities, I made a close elf friend.

But this friend also wandered alone for many years, so he knew nothing about the other elves and their abilities.

I have been indebted to him in many ways, and I want to do something for him, but there are elves I know, so I want to introduce him to him.

So please contact them, if possible, let them use the gate as well.>

And as a token, he proudly said that he gave him a bracelet that was difficult to use as a gift.

His request for help had already been agreed upon above, so Harley’s story was delivered directly to the elves of the Great Hall of Roselia.


woo woo-

As he passed the gate he had already used several times, he was greeted by a familiar space.

“Welcome, Harris. Welcome to the Great Hall of Roselia.”

The high priest in charge of the gate, who only knew this face unilaterally, welcomed him.

And Harris was led outside following the other priests.

‘It’s kind of awkward to come to a place you’re used to with a completely different identity as soon as you get used to it.’

As soon as it was talked about getting the help of the elves, he arrived at the Great Hall of Roselia by moving the gate for several days with the help of the church.

As an invited guest, I was guided to the dormitory where people from the Elven Kingdom were staying.

Several elves had already gathered there and were having a conversation.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Lapori Granwood, a high elf from the Elven Kingdom.”

As Harris entered, Lafori greeted them warmly.

“Oh, my name is Harris. Thank you for taking the time to do this.”

“hahahaha, no. It’s Harley-sama’s request, and it’s a work of the same compatriot. This is nothing.”

After answering that, Lafori looked at the bracelet on Harris’ wrist and nodded.

“You seem to be close friends with Harley-sama. I knew he was a good person, but I was quite surprised to find out that the first request he made was to help his friend.”

“Ah… it’s a pretty close relationship. Maybe it’s closer than family…?”

It was never a lie.

“And I heard that this bracelet was originally used by Lafori. I received it because I thought it was necessary, but I apologize if you were offended.”

“no. It’s what I gave to Harley as a token of my gratitude, and how he uses it is no longer a matter of my concern.”

He shook his head as if it didn’t really matter.

“I feel grateful once again for using it for the sake of my compatriots.”

He smiled quietly as he looked at Harris with his eyes twinkling like the stars in the night sky.

It was kind of a burdensome look.

“So you’re saying that what Harris wants is how to deal with natural forces and how to make contracts with spirits, right?”

“Oh, yes. That’s right. I’ve been living alone since I was little, so there was no one to tell me about it. I came here to see if I could get some advice.”


Lapori patted her chin and looked at him again, then nodded to herself.

‘Somehow, I think you’re a little overly intimate? Did you notice something?’

Even though he was a compatriot from a foreign land who came to him with the introduction of a benefactor, there was a strange feeling that could not be explained to that extent.

In the midst of such thoughts, Lapori opened her mouth quietly with a meaningful smile.

“Maybe. If it’s okay with Harris, don’t you want to go to the Elven Kingdom on the Enamel Continent with us?”

“Yes? To the Enamel Continent?”

“Yes, I think we will be back soon. Wouldn’t that be better than just brief advice?”

And he secretly tempted me that if we went together, we would be able to receive a more detailed education in spirit art and archery.

‘Elves… a different race… a different continent… a new adventure!’

There was no reason to refuse such a great opportunity.

Read at

Just as he was ready to accept it, Lapori added a soft word.

“More than anything else, the World Tree seems to be paying attention to Harris. I’m not yet qualified to be a high elf, but it seems like I’m born with an aptitude.”

I could understand his subtle attitude at those words.

Apparently, the World Tree was very interested in Harris.

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  1. Zhen Wu says:

    He hoped he could get dragon blood or some scales to make an avatar

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