My Childhood Friends Who I Thought Abandoned Me Are Obsessed With Me chapter 11

11. Form an alliance

11. Form an alliance

Chapter 11. Make an alliance

The day dawned and Tails got out of bed with a long yawn.

He woke up earlier than usual and stretched out.

“aaa! I’m tired!”

There was only one reason why I woke up early, unlike usual when I woke up late in the afternoon.

‘Today is the day I go downtown.’

Once a month.

Tail regularly went out into town to buy items Noha asked for, and that day was today.

After easily unwinding his body, Tails changed his clothes and suddenly remembered what happened last night.

‘Yesterday, Chloe-sama seemed in a bad mood.’

Why were you so angry?

I couldn’t get a feel for it at all.

When I got ready and went outside, I saw people gathered under the bright sunlight.

And since there was a person who stood out the most among people.

It was Chloe.

Splendid, bright blonde hair, deep, shining blue eyes like a lake.

She had a beautiful smile that was as warm as the sun.

The moment Chloe unconsciously turned her head and met Tail’s gaze.


Chloe’s smile cracked during the maritime service.

Seeing her like that, Tail hardened her face and walked towards Chloe with her strides.

Chloe was startled by the swiftly approaching tail and took a step backwards.

In the meantime, Tail reached right in front of Chloe.

The distance where her lips would touch if you moved forward slightly from here.

A hot breath brushed the tip of her nose.

In Tail’s clear eyes, she seemed to be reflecting herself.

Embarrassed, Chloe slipped away from Tail’s eyes and opened her mouth.

“Te, tail. Yesterday….”

Then, Tails got down on one knee.


Chloe called out, but Tail didn’t answer.

Just quietly stretched out her hand-.

“Huh? For a moment!”

I grabbed Chloe’s shoe laces as she screamed in bewilderment.

And with a graceful gesture, she tied her shoelaces.

“If you fall while doing this, you will be in trouble.”

Chloe’s face turned red at Tail’s words.

Such a simple act made my heart pound and break out in a cold sweat.

I couldn’t figure out what to do with my heart fluttering emotions.

I wanted to attach a reason to this behavior, and I thought that the end of the reason would be herself.

Tayl, who got up after tying his shoelaces, asked with the same expression as usual.

From noble mtl dot com.

“What did you say earlier? You talked about it last night….”

However, Chloe, whose mood from yesterday was already relieved, replied with her cheeks flushed.

“No. Thank you.”

Chloe smiled awkwardly.

* * *

“Buy some bread! Delicious bread!”

“Potion! Medicinal herbs! There is nothing missing!”

“Your pretty sister, don’t you need a hair tie?”

The town was lively even during the war.

The merchants called customers with loud voices, and the people on the street stopped walking at the dazzling items.

‘It’s probably possible because it’s an outskirts untouched by war.’

After choosing all the items Noha asked for, Tail stopped and checked the time.

1 P.M.

It was still quite early.

‘I still have plenty of time, so shall I come back?’

After thinking for a while, Tail began to move to one side as if she had made up her mind.

After a while.

Tail entered an alley and stopped in one place.

And a shabby signboard hung crookedly in front of him.

[King Wangjjang BAR]

Tayl saw that and laughed.

“I still haven’t changed this cheesy name.”

I told you to change it like that.

Tayl clicked his tongue once and then opened the door and went down to the basement.

Going down, there was a large space.

It was a neat and atmospheric monotone space.

‘It’s still early, so there aren’t any customers.’

I came down completely and looked around, but the bartender who was preparing drinks at one side of the bar noticed Tail and his eyes widened.

“… Uh? Mr. Tale?”

“Uh. Long time no see.”

Looking at Tails, the bartender’s eyes melted with good feelings.

“It’s been a while. How have you been?”

The bartender rubbed his hands together and laughed. Tails didn’t respond to his words, but remained expressionless.

“Who is the master?”

The bartender smiled and hunched over without a hint of displeasure.

“Oops. You caught a busy person. The Master is inside as usual.”

At the bartender’s words, Tails nodded and went inside.

As he walked down the long aisle inside, he encountered various people.

If it’s the same thing, is it that everyone bowed their heads in surprise when they saw him?

As if he was accustomed to being treated like that, Tail shook his hand and gave a rough answer before passing by.

The further inside, the lighting gradually changed and the atmosphere became dusky.

And then, without realizing it, Tail arrived at the innermost, most secret room.

Overall, this space with a light yellow light floating created a dangerous yet mysterious atmosphere.

In the middle of such a room, there was a round bar drawn down, and I could feel that there was a person inside.

“It’s been a while. Tale.”

It was a heavy male voice.

But Tails was well aware that this voice was altered.

Of course, this is no ordinary bar.

‘The information guild, [Blackwing]’S hideout.’

And now, the person who hid everything in front of him is the master of black wings, ‘Khan’.

To find out the relationship between the two, we had to go back several months.


At that time, after admitting that he possessed himself, he committed himself to a monastery.

He knew that his life as a commoner and nothing was light as a feather, and that if he did something wrong, he would be crushed at once.

So he thought he should raise money.

Why should I save money?

The reason was simple.

‘Because there’s nothing that money can’t do.’

With money, it would be possible to run away or buy a title if you do well.

So Tail thought about how to raise money.

Should I do business?

Or, an investment?

But in order to do all that, you had to have a minimum amount of money.

That’s why we decided.

‘To become an astrologer.’

The only singularity that you have that is different from others is possession.

It means knowing information about this world.

He decided to use those memories and information a hundred times.

But there was a problem with this.

An astrologer gives fortunes to a guest when he visits.

However, since Tail knew only the contents of the novel, he could not know the information about the characters who did not appear in the novel or the extras.

If you do this, you will be pointed out as a scammer instead of sweeping the money.

So Tail decided to change his methods.

Not an astrologer who gives fortunes to guests.

‘As an astrologer who personally selects customers and gives fortunes through letters.’

It’s like an oracle.

The nobles who prefer to be mysterious and special probably cheer more.

In that case, more and more people will want to receive points, and the cost will be higher.

‘I can’t do it alone.’

Considering that he did not fully know the contents of the novel and that it could change, Tail went to a guild.

That place was the Information Guild, Black Wing.

At that time, just like now, Tail was running errands in the city once a month at Noha’s request.

And Tail used that opportunity to join the Blackwing Guild without anyone noticing.

At that time, Tail hesitated at the building that looked like it was about to collapse.

It was a fledgling guild that lacked financial power now, but five years later when Rofan content started in earnest, it became a powerful enough guild to rule the world.

‘It was to the extent that even Chloe was looking for this black wing guild.’

With that thought, Tail went in without hesitation. There he met Khan.

Tale spoke to Khan, the guild leader of the Blackwing Guild, who was on the brink of bankruptcy due to financial difficulties.

“Do you want to do business with me?”

Tale said boldly.

“I’ll give you information you’ll never have and money to solve your financial problems. Instead, you bring me the information I need.”

Of course Khan snorted.

It is said that a commoner, an orphan of Cheon-ae, who is still unknown, suddenly came to trade with him.

That’s information you can never have.

It didn’t make sense.

But Tail did not give up.

“You don’t seem to believe it, so let me unpack some information.”

Tale spoke about the war situation at the time.

“The Belenus Empire and the Tierne Empire are still at war.”

There were a total of two empires on this continent.

The Belenus Empire.

Tiern Empire.

However, on this continent there was a large kingdom with strong power and financial power, although it was not two empires.

“Sooner or later, the kingdom of Panne will be attached to us.”

It was the Kingdom of Panne.

Khan did not respond to Tail’s words.

Currently, the kingdom of Panne has declared neutrality without adhering to anything.

But you suddenly join the Belenus Empire?

To the Belenus Empire, which is also being pushed back?

In addition, the Crown Prince of the Tierne Empire and the Princess of the Panne Kingdom were bound by marriage.

No matter what, there was no reason for the Panne Kingdom to side with the Belenus Empire.

“Please tell me why?”

Tayl pondered for a moment at Khan’s words, then replied as if he were patronizing.

“Princess Lien in the Tierne Empire dies suddenly.”

The princess who went to marry the prince of Tierne in the kingdom of Panne was Princess Lien.

Since she was a princess raised with great value in the kingdom, the fact that she suddenly died made the kingdom of Panne panic.

However, the kingdom of Panne, enraged by the Tierne Empire for not even revealing the reason, attaches itself to the Belenus Empire.

Tale laughed like a bad boy.

“How are you? If I’m right, you’re trading with me.”

Feeling interested in Tail’s words, Khan nodded his head.

And then a month passed.

The Kingdom of Panne was attached to the Empire of Belenus, and a letter came to Tail.

The letter was written very simply.

[Form an alliance]

In this way, Tail became the VIP of Blackwing, which will become the largest information guild in the future.

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  1. To be fair, I don’t think we technically went to war. That area was so far from Washington and GB that no one really knew until one side had already won.

    And then once news reached, both sides went “wtf” and then Britain decided to give it up because it’s too much of a hassle.

  2. Bakakun says:

    Don’t forget that one of the pretext of Trojan war was NTR

  3. asthal says:

    @dagonsuznyx it’s just a REASON to justify why kingdom of panne decide to side with Bellenus Empire,

    you seems to forgot that human could had a war cuz of stupid reason like,

    the Pig War A war that started between America and Britain in 1859 because an American pig wandered into British territory and got killed,

    see stupid isn’t it

  4. 7171 says:

    I agree “senatorsArmstrong”, opinion that is quite interesting 👍👍

  5. SenatorArmstrong says:

    F*ck the storyline. I have had enough with MCs wanting to stick to the storyline. Theres nothing good in doing that because by being isekai’d in the story, you already f*cked up the original timeline. You might as well muddy the waters and play hidden villain.

  6. natsu says:

    @Dagonsuznyz this is a fantasy story with magic. plus you are lying if you really know that no single instance of this things happen in history. the princess dying is the only reason?, it can be a propaganda or justification to join other side with a lot more political background on it.

  7. Dagonsuznyx says:

    No state would ever wage war because of a death princess that they already wed to some other country. It would never ever happen. Impossible. There is not even a single instance of it occurring in history.

  8. Ozaki Ozaki says:

    Yeah lol, especially since he’s kinda messing with the main characters right now hahahah

  9. Bruh… Money is okay but this kind of thing would affect the storyline too much. Well normally it’s a bad end anyway

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