My Disciples Know That I Am Strong chapter 187

My Disciples Know That I Am Strong 187

Episode 25. Liberation of Slaves (3)

You can see the future.

In a way, it’s not wrong. Until now, based on the information from the game, I have predicted the future and acted.

But strictly speaking, I don’t have the ability to see the future.

If I had the ability to see the future, I wouldn’t have freed the slaves through trial and error.

I know the future better than anyone else, but that is the future in games.

The game has a set procedure, so no matter how I act, the future won’t change.

But what about reality?

The future can be changed with just one action of mine and one action of the people around me. In other words, the information I knew could become obsolete at any time.

So it was right that I should deny her question.

But for some reason, somewhat different words came out of my mouth.

“So what?”

“What…… ?”

Not only Leones who asked the question, but also the warriors looked at me with their eyes wide open.

“If I really could see the future, and I used you to see the future I want, what would you do?”

“Are you serious?”

“I wish I could answer your question.”

“…… Eh, if it’s really like that, it’s shocking…….”

Leones scratched her head in embarrassment. Her ponytail swayed in a ponytail. I waited patiently for her to open her mouth again.

“But if it’s really, really… …. Cooperation… I think I should.”


It was an unexpected answer, but I deliberately reacted indifferently. Leones nodded her head with her troubled face.

“I know very well that Prause is friendly to our people and elves, having watched him for several months. He has no idea how many of his people have been saved because of his generous support. Besides, Prause was always right and gave us hope for the future.”

“I see.”

“I will not doubt you now. No, I can’t doubt it.”

I don’t doubt it.

That’s what I really wanted to hear.

This meant that I would trust and follow the Resistance no matter how it moved.

In other words, it was blind faith.

In this way, even if other races become independent, if the ruler of the resistance is Leones, there is a possibility that they can take advantage of it.

“And the story of the liberation of the slaves that happened just a moment ago… …. Did you make it that way? Are you sure you were busy moving behind the scenes to free us? Just like when making a law to strengthen the right to live.”


“Awesome… ….”

Leones was genuinely impressed.

“If I had been alone, it would not have been possible. It is all thanks to our disciples.”

Looking at the warriors pacing around me as usual, I said. With this momentum, I want you to catch the demon king well?

At her compliment of mine, Tina smiled triumphantly and put her hand on her waist, Iris shyly blushed and waggled her tail, and Maria snorted her snort. He cocked her nose arrogantly.

f*ck again, those kids. Aren’t you saying you’ll be fifteen soon?

“Still, wasn’t it Prause who led the liberation of the slaves?”


If it had been entrusted to the warriors, it would have been a mess and smashing everything.

For me, knowing that the empire must be intact in order to successfully repel the man-man war, it was important to keep the strength of the warriors from heading towards the empire.

Of course, in the process of negotiating with the emperor, he used the hero to threaten the empire.

Nevertheless, I think it is a good exchange that only the White Gwanggae and the Black Gwanggae were sacrificed to obtain permission to free the slaves.

Although the safety of the empire may be somewhat shaken by the absence of three S-class members, there were quite a few elements to replace them.

From noble mtl dot com

The biggest factor among them was that it could keep the Resistance intact.

Minimizing the sacrifices to be made in the course of the War of Succession and Rebellion was a very important part of the future Human-Ma War.

Moreover, after the crown prince became emperor, he didn’t have to do the Soro and Terr sibling raids, so it could be said that it was a good deal.

“…… Prause.”

“What is it?”

“Would you like to go home with us?”


Leones, who was silent for a moment, made an unexpected proposal. Iris and Maria made the same stupid noises as me.

“If we need a being to lead until we find stability, I think it should be Prause.”

“At most, I was liberated, but I won’t be able to make people follow me again.”

“No. If they knew that Prause was the one who made the freeing of the slaves happen without any sacrifice, everyone would want to follow them.”

Leones reaches out to me.

“Come with me.”

I looked at her hand. This was an opportunity to completely attract other races to my side. If you hold this hand, you can be guaranteed cooperation with other races.

But I couldn’t hold her hand.

I made an appointment with the emperor. To defend the empire.

If the emperor kept his promise to free the slaves, it was his duty to keep them as well.

In addition, the reason why I saved other races was to use other races to protect the empire and increase the odds of victory in the Human War.

But what does it mean if I leave the empire? As long as I had earned Leones’ trust in the first place, this story did more harm than good to me.

Right before I spat out her words of rejection to Leones, I remembered her words I had heard from her sometime.

「Humans do not do favors without benefit.」

I listened to her words and affirmed inwardly. And it was still the same today.

“…… I don’t go.”


“The work is not done yet.”

“What to do?”

“This empire is still unstable.”

The emperor dies soon, so even so, the crown prince remains.

Everything will be stable only when the crown prince proves he is not incompetent or steps down from the throne.

“…… Are you going to become an emperor?”

“The emperor won’t do it. I don’t like dominating anyone.”

Leones licked his lips at my answer.

“Yes. Okay. Then it can’t be helped.”

Leones, who gave up faster than he thought, licked his lips and withdrew his hand. Then he puts out his hand again. As I looked at his hands in puzzlement, Leones said.

“Let’s not be our enemies.”

“Of course.”

Shaking hands before a cooperative relationship isn’t bad.

I smiled and grabbed her hand, which was covered in calluses and scars. At that moment, Leones pulls and holds it close to him.


I couldn’t even react to the sudden action.

When she came to her senses, she looked ahead and saw Leones kissing her. The breath she exhales tickles the tip of her nose.

“Ahh! Teacher!”


“I was raped!”

I didn’t get hit!

I quickly fell for Leones. He quickly wiped the saliva from his lips with the back of his hand.

“What, what are you doing?”

“This is a token of thanks for liberating us. If you want more, let’s go to my hideout. If you go instead, you should definitely marry me.”

Closes his mouth and giggles. In the meantime, Leones’ laughter stopped suddenly. I slowly looked back at the heinous murder that even I, a commoner, could feel.

The warriors are holding weapons and trying to swing them at Leones. Maria realized her magic and created a huge fireball.

“Teacher, don’t stop me.”

“May I kill you, Master?”

“The damn female…… !”

Everyone, calm down.

“Stop it.”

“Master! A b*tch who doesn’t even know the subject needs to be taught the subject through pain.”

“I told you not to.”

“Ha, but!”

Maria flinches as I speak with a slight strain on her eyes. She pursed her lips, reluctantly canceling her spell. Tina and Iris also put their swords in, looking at me.

“I will go now.”

I got up from my seat and said. Leones also wakes up.

“Wait a minute. You haven’t answered about seeing the future yet.”

“Oh, that. I can’t see.”


“I can’t see the future.”

“What?! Then why did you ask that question?”

“I was just curious about how people would react if they knew how to see the future.”

Leones narrows his eyes and looks at me. It was a look of suspicion.

“Then how do you know that demons are coming?”

“I know because I have already fought several times. The demons must have been quite heated. It’s because I’ve grabbed and defeated all the people who come.”

“Yes. I see I’ll let it be like that. Then I go first before I die to your disciples?”

Leones smiled and shook his hand. The warriors who glared at her increasingly distant figure grumbled with her pouting face.


“What is it?”

“Since I put up with it, can I do the same thing I did with that person?”

What…… ? Maybe a kiss?

“How long do we have to watch?”

Thanks to Tina, they even argue with Maria. Iris didn’t say anything, but she seemed to agree with them.

He seemed angry because he openly engaged in affection with another woman.

But I didn’t even go into my intentions? Am i a bit embarrassed?

“…… If you still have a crush on me after you turn 20, please do so.”

No matter how unreasonable it was, I couldn’t do it against the kids. However, if he refused, the warriors could build up their anger at Leones.

So I had no choice but to postpone it. Until they become adults.

The expressions of the warriors were still displeased, but they seemed to be convinced.

“It’s been five years. It’s a very long time. You will pay a lot of interest. Even if I don’t like it later, I’ll do it…….”

“I will not refuse then.”

“You promised?”

As if she had waited, Iris approached and put her possession faster than anyone else.

“If I don’t comply, even Master will forcefully do it?”

The situation is settled only after the other warriors have staked their possessions. I feel like I’m somehow caught. When he sees Leones again, he beats him up.

“Let’s go back, we too.”

“Ah, Master. Can I ask you one question?”

Iris grabbed my arm right before Maria could teleport.

“What is it?”

“Didn’t Master say you could see the future?”

“… Would you have said no?”

“You lie too much even to us.”

It’s not a lie, it’s true…….

However, when I asked how they knew they would awaken as heroes, I couldn’t say no as I couldn’t answer.

“Why are you asking that?”

“If you could see the future……. Hey, maybe…… !”

Iris, who speaks with somewhat rough breathing, swallows her saliva.

“Who will Master marry in the future?”

…… What?

It was a very unexpected question. As they were engrossed, curiosity crossed the faces of Tina and Maria.

“Oh! That’s right! If you know the future, you can see it too!”

The warriors look at me with a lot of expectations.

I’m going crazy. Really.

This game is not a dating game…… !

As expected, the biggest variable in this world seemed to be ‘love’.

* * *

Less than a day left until the liberation of slaves.

I was alone on the terrace of the Duke of Aus. The warriors were asleep without knowing the world. It got caught on the way out of the room, but I walked out saying I was going to the bathroom.

“Yo, Prause.”

“Urca…… ?”

When I heard the call, I turned to see Urca sitting on a window sill one floor higher, waving her hand at me.

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  1. Faith says:

    My Man has signed his own Death Warrant, tho not like he had much of a choice tbh in the matter.
    He’s going to need to build up his Stamina for the next 5 years if he wants to live to see another day after they turn 20.

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