My Disciples Know That I Am Strong chapter 56

My Disciples Know That I Am Strong 56

Episode 6. To not be lonely (2)

“Here you are.”

He said as he stood next to Parocco who had left the house.

“…… They are lively kids.”

He looked up at the moon and said. I nodded and agreed with Parocco.

It was very lively.

As expected, it was best to feed the child something delicious and put it to sleep in a warm place.

In just two months, I could feel that the children’s vigilance had broken down a lot.


“Can’t you just stop using that other person’s tone of voice? I can’t get used to it.”

I can’t either.

I’d rather have the crown prince stand in front of me. What are you going to do with this uncomfortable atmosphere?

“…… When are you leaving?”

I changed the subject.

If I were to point out the way I spoke, I couldn’t help it because there were no limits.

“Are you still uncomfortable?”

“No, that’s not it… ….”

“It’s too late to go right away today, so I’m thinking of going back tomorrow morning in the marquis’ wagon that I parked in the village. I can’t be away for a long time either.”

After he finished speaking, he let out a long sigh.

It looked like he was lamenting at the god in the sky.

“Prause, can I ask you one question?”

“What is it?”

“Is it because of ‘loneliness’ that you brought those children?”

“I don’t think anyone would bring a child for that reason. I don’t know if it’s a woman.”

I shook my head resolutely.

I swore to myself from the time I brought him. I will never touch the warriors.

I didn’t bring it with that intention in the first place.

A small acquaintance with them was enough for me.

“There are women too. Did you say Ariel?”

“As I already explained about that part, I have no feelings. And besides, he already has an occupant.”

That nobleman is the Spirit King.

If a normal person like me touches it, it will be sliced lightly.

Besides, no matter how hungry a woman is, I won’t touch anyone who owns it.

Even if her phasma disappeared, I wouldn’t lay my hand on her.

“…… Right.”

Paroco agrees with the words that he is a person with an owner.

“Apart from Ariel’s wife, the way she treats her children is different. Seeing her petting her and serving her food, she must have liked it?”

“The stigma of slavery was Haeju. The children are no longer slaves. And…… In a few years or so, you will know why I took care of them.”

“Can’t you tell your father right now?”

I shook my head.

I don’t think Parocco’s mouth is light, but the fewer people who know that they are warriors, the better.

“Yes. Still, I’m glad you don’t seem to be struggling as much as I thought.”

“…… Is it.”

That’s irresponsible.

I almost said that without thinking.

As soon as she heard that from him, her heart suddenly started pounding, and an unknown emotion is about to rise, just like when she was in the kitchen.

“Then, to what extent have you forgiven what happened then?”

At that time.

I know what he’s talking about.

“No, I shouldn’t ask… ….”

Paroco was self-help.

“I don’t think my father’s choice was wrong, but I don’t want to admit that it was the right one.”

In Prause’s memory, Paroko was a man he did not want to acknowledge as his father.

That’s also true, because Parocco saved the Marquis of Medith when he could have saved either the Marquis of Medith or Prause’s mother.

“Because I know her father had no intention of letting her mother die.”

“So… ….”

If you think about it, the people around you must have been very suspicious.

How did Parocco, who had no connections with aristocrats, get a job with a marquess?

How did a commoner living in the village become a butler instead of a servant of a marquis family?

Nothing was known externally, and the story ended with just being noticed by chance, but in reality, that was not the case.

“I still regret the choice I made then. There is nothing more precious than family…….”

I was moved to tears by his words.

She didn’t know why she was lamenting her life now, and she couldn’t understand why she was getting annoyed at what he said.

“There is no point in lamenting now.”

Yes. It doesn’t make any sense.

Because the dead don’t come back.

“Prause… ….”

“…… She told her mother that she loved her father until she died. I don’t think she was the father.”

“I’m sorry.”

He spoke in a whisper, still staring at the moon.

Don’t apologize to me…….

I couldn’t bear to spit it out. She followed him and raised his head to look at the moon.

It was half a month.

That day must have been a half moon night like today.

Several years ago, Parocco, who headed to the capital to save Praus’ mother from illness, desperately searched for a potion shop.

Parroco was lucky enough to buy the potion, but bad luck came immediately.

A servant of the Marquis of Medith came to the potion shop.

The potion shop owner informed the servant that he had no time to produce because he sent the potion to supply to the border the day before, and the servant was frustrated.

But at that moment, the servant saw the potion in Phasma’s hand, who hadn’t left the store yet, and desperately grabbed him and said that he had to save his marquis.

In the end, Parroco had no choice but to choose between choosing the Marquis of Medith or choosing his mother.

In the end, Paroco said he would get the medicine from another city, and he handed over the potion to the Marquis of Medith.

And over several days, Paroco has been collecting potions, but Prause’s mother eventually ended her life.

That was the cause of the father-son conflict.

Clearly, Prause thought that his mother could die because he couldn’t find the potion, and he thought that his father would understand.

He said he couldn’t help it and he tried to rationalize it.

However, after Prause heard the full story of the incident from Hu’s employee, he screamed at his father for the first time.

No matter how strict the status system is, and no matter how fearful of repercussions, I argued that family should come first.

The heart he was trying to understand, the heart he had desperately suppressed, burst out.

In this way, the Prause father and son became distant, and Parocco soon got a job with a marquis family.

From noble mtl dot com

The fact that Praus lived in this house was largely because Parocco got a job as a marquis.

Because it seems that he originally intended to leave.

“Whoa… ….”

For me, thanks to Parocco’s choice, I was able to get capital to save the warriors as a result, so I couldn’t say it was bad.

But if I were the real Prause and it was my mother who died, I would still resent Parocco.

Maybe I cursed him all my life.

“Go in.”

I nodded and pointed at the house, suppressing my emotions. Only then did Parocco’s head come down.

The gaze looking at me was somehow vague.

“…… Prause, please let me know if you need any help. Whatever you do, I will support you.”

I didn’t answer him. Silently, he moved his feet toward the house.

As soon as I set foot around the house, the harsh winter wind disappeared like a lie. It was thanks to Maria who installed and tuned the wind magic.

Just as he grabbed the doorknob, Faroko opened his mouth.

“I am a little more…… I will look at the moon and enter. Go in first and go to sleep.”

I nodded instead of answering.

Open the door and enter. The first thing I saw upon entering was Ariel standing against the wall.

“Did you overhear?”

I closed the door and asked.

She looked at me with her lips bitten for a moment, then shook her head.

“…… Huh. Sorry.”

“All right. The Spirit King didn’t need sleep anyway. If you were awake, you might want to hear it.”

I said lightly.

I felt a bit bad, but I decided to dismiss it as not my feelings.

It was because I didn’t want to be unnecessarily swayed by Prause’s emotions.

Because I am definitely a third person and a stranger.


“…… I’m going to bed. Do not interrupt.”

I walked into the room.

“I’m sorry. The look of weakness……. I’m sorry to say it doesn’t suit you.”

I also heard an apology from the spirit king, who is famous for being aloof.

At that, I calmly shook my shoulders.

“No, you are right. I don’t like being weak.”

“That, it’s not like that. Then…… Just… ….”

Ariel bit her lower lip.

“Because I lost it too… …. I know how hard, painful, and lonely that feeling is.”

Her thin shoulders tremble. She grabs her right arm and looks down at her.

She looked like she was about to cry.

“Never mind. It’s none of your business.”

“Again… Say so. How many people have I seen If nothing else, there is not a single human being who did not feel sad when someone he held dear died.”

The remote area is also wide.

…… No, is Ariel special?

Because the person who becomes the spirit king loves humans and has been sad all along.

Since the birth and death of living beings is a natural process of nature, there is no spirit whose emotions are buried, even if it is possible to feel sorry for the death of a contractor.

But Ariel was different.

Ariel was the only spirit king who could not accept that providence.

“There is no need to hide it.”

It’s not something I want to hide.

There are times when emotions are not revealed due to the facial expression management skill, but I was not Prause.

I wasn’t someone who needed to be comforted, nor did I want comfort.

“…… I’ll be fine.”

“Yes. Good night.”

I went into my room and shut the door.

Tina and Maria were sleeping soundly on the bed, and only Iris was sitting on the coverlet that had been laid out beforehand.

“Welcome, Master.”

“Why are you awake?”

“… It got a little nerve-wracking.”

“It’s late, sleep. I am not tall.”

I didn’t want to say anything more. He slipped into the blanket and covered his head.


“I told you to sleep.”

“Could you listen to me for just one word?”

“…… What.”

I said with my eyes closed under the blanket.

“I’m on Prause’s side no matter what. No matter what.”

“I have no idea what you want to say.”

“Just…… I want you to know that.”

She let out a small laugh.

Then a rustle was heard. Iris had gotten into the futon.

Just like that, the day was coming to an end today.

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  1. Arcus101 says:

    So that’s why…well rationally what he did might be the best possible option, if the noble’s family resents them for not giving the potion to them and make them lose their husband/father. They might get punished severely, all three of them.

    But honestly, if my father did that, to say I would feel utterly betrayed would be putting it lightly. I doubt I’ll find it in myself to forgive him if he did that.

    1. Arcus101 says:

      It’s tragic how this thing could’ve been prevented by Parocco buying that potion just a few minutes, or even a few seconds early that he would’ve been gone before the servant arrived.

  2. Forgotten one says:


  3. Squid Dokja says:

    Damn cutting onions today

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