My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me chapter 26

27. evidence

27. evidence

“Be quiet. First of all, your disposal will be discussed again this evening.”

He let out a sigh of relief as he saw the knight slamming the door and leaving. If we had been arrested right away, we would have lost even the opportunity to prove our innocence.

Surprisingly, the reason we were able to remain like this was thanks to the dean’s help.

The woman with a strong impression wearing glasses is Heini Rosales, an inspector belonging to the royal family.

We tried to arrest her on the charge that we tried to steal the king’s treasure, but the dean stepped in and stopped her.

The reason was that there was no proof that we had stolen it yet, and that we couldn’t arrest students just because they were there.

After several workshops, Heini Rosales said that she was searching the academy to check it out for the day.

‘No, you’re going to arrest us without a proper search?’

It was absurd, but I guess it was because of the testimony that we were arrested at the scene.

Since there are 4 of us, we spent the day together in the large drawing room, but I cleared my throat and focused the attention of the kids.

“Come over here, let’s discuss yesterday.”

We definitely caught the culprit.

I remember subduing the culprit who was using Cockatrick’s magic by injuring himself.

“Who the hell was the culprit?”

Strangely, his head was fogged up, so he had no memory of the culprit.

It wasn’t just me.

Rin, Ares, and Hayun also remembered the same situation as me, but they couldn’t remember anything about the culprit.

I can’t remember even though I sorted out the situation one by one.

“It seems like this happened because of the magic…”

“Yes, I guess.”

He nodded his head in agreement with Rin.

I caught my breath and spread my index and middle fingers.

“There are two odd things about this situation.”

[The events of last night are distorted in everyone’s memory at the academy.]

[We have the same memory of the incident, but only the memory of the perpetrator is gone.]

“Come to think of it, only the memory of the culprit has disappeared from us, and we remember the situation clearly.”

“Right, seeing that some of the professors saw us stealing changed the memory itself.”

At Hayoon’s words, Rin nodded and added. Ares was looking at me, frowning at something uncomfortable.

‘Why are you like that?’

It looked uncomfortable, but I ignored it and proceeded.

“In fact, there are many inconsistencies in the situation, which can be easily proven. For example, he saw us stealing yesterday and he didn’t arrest us right away and put us to sleep in the dormitory.”

“Right. If they saw us stealing, they should have arrested us right away.”

Hayoon’s expression brightened a little.

“The important thing is why we kept our memories…”

I couldn’t get a feel for this part, so when I was moaning, Rin raised her hand.

“It’s probably because of my magic.”


“Last night, I put a spell on you to sleep well. In fact, it slightly touches the memory and the mind to help with sleep.”

I thought it was more scary magic than I thought, but Rin waved her hand in embarrassment.

“Ha, but I never failed! Like I said back then, I used it often.”

“Okay, so keep talking.”

“Hmm, that’s why yesterday’s magic that manipulated people’s memories and mine got tangled, so it seems like the magic has been canceled out for us.”

“But isn’t that strange too? The memory of the criminal has been lost, but the distortion of the incident has not been made?”

When I ask, Rin shakes her head.

“That’s right…”

Then, the dean opens the door and enters.

With a desperate expression on her face, she ran straight to us and said:

“No one remembers or records the missing student you mentioned.”


Not only did we erase the memory of the criminal from us, but we also erased the memories and records of the criminal that had been planted in students throughout the academy.

In the end, if this happened, we would end up pointing fingers at a non-existent person as the culprit.

Then Rin added a word from the side.

“That’s it. Perhaps the wizard cast the spell twice. Distorted memories of people the first time that night. This was offset by my magic, but the magic to erase the next culprit was correct.”

If that happened, the phenomenon itself would be understandable, but that didn’t mean the answer would come out.

In the first place, there were few wizards who could use magic throughout the academy.

Moving on to the story of the wizard, the dean quietly tapped me on the side and asked.

“You really didn’t steal it, did you?”

“Hey, you’re welcome. How do you remember yesterday?”

The dean started looking back at his memories first with an uneasy expression.

“The magic alarm went off. Our academy’s basement is actually hiding in the building next to the big tree where you were. But when you came out, the guards said they had arrested you…”

“And you put us to sleep in the dormitory? We arrested what we were stealing, but where is the stolen treasure?”


After examining the situation one by one, the dean had a strange expression on his face, and we felt confident again.

“I wondered what to do if our memory is wrong, but I’m glad. I think we’re right. There are too many contradictions in that memory.”

That doesn’t mean that there is a way right away.

Since all the records had disappeared, there was no way to pinpoint the culprit.

A heated discussion about the magic that touched the memory is held between the dean and Rin, and Ha-yoon looks at the two in a daze, only wiggling her fingers.

Subtly, Ares called me to a corner of the drawing room.

“What’s up?”

Seeing that it was because of his expression that hadn’t been good since before, I didn’t think it was a very good story.

‘Coming to think of it, it seems like we’ve been talking for a long time.’

“I heard from earlier, why didn’t you save Rin right away yesterday?”


His eyes were burning with fighting spirit and a sense of justice, like a paladin annihilating evil.

“Listening to what you said, even if Rin didn’t go through that kind of pain, you could have been saved.”


After admitting it as if it was nothing, Ares raised his voice even more.

“then! Why did Rin have to go through such pain!”


The female gaze is also directed towards us.

It seemed like they were confused why they were fighting all of a sudden, but I was rolling my head and thinking of a good excuse.

In a previous life, Rin became the master of the army that slaughtered all the people on the continent, but if death was near, it would be like an awakening and it would not be possible to say that I checked to see if it would change.

‘How did you say it?’

But maybe I could hear the sound of my head rolling, Ares immediately grabbed the collar and growled.

“Speak straight, Daniel McClain. If you make a mistake here, I’ll kill you before I get caught by the knights.”

Ares with the teeth to live openly.

At first, I had to figure out how to make an excuse to a kid who didn’t know anything, but when I got to this point and touched my emotions, it was hard for me to stay still.

As I held his hand and gave him strength, Ares gradually frowned and let go of his collar.

“If you don’t know anything, please shut up.”


Almost all of the human population on the continent died.

When I stopped by a nearby village to confirm the truth of the rumor that even I, who lived only in the forest, had heard.

There was already a massacre by the military.

The mother died while holding the child.

But the dead mother came back to life and killed the child by pulling out its tongue.

And the child comes back to life and this time starts going around to pluck out his friends.

The death knights laughed and hunted for those who ran away, saying that they would try to survive somehow.

Their spears had human faces skewered like apples.

“Why did you just watch me die? Why did you do that? Because it was necessary.”

Rin was also my precious childhood friend and worn-out first love.

I didn’t know it at the time, but to protect me from being expelled, I wrote a letter to my sister and cleared up misunderstandings with my friends.

In my previous life, I killed Eris and I, and it still remains as a trauma to me, but I couldn’t hold Rin responsible for that crime.

But apart from that, I don’t know.

What kind of scene that beautiful and kind girl will create in the future.

The end of the continent is at stake in my choice.

So I experimented and checked with Lin.

This wasn’t just for me, it was also for Lynn.

If Rin finds out more clearly why she is the master of the army and saves her, not only can she prevent the massacre on the continent, but she can also lead a normal life.

If not.

Of course, I had to kill her.

This was a matter that could not be judged by my own feelings and should not be judged.

So I was actually a little afraid.

It’s because the atmosphere of that time was showing little by little in her appearance, which she often shows lately.

‘If the reason Rin has changed so much is because of an internal problem and not because of something else outside.’

At first, I thought it was highly likely that Lin was caused by something external.

For example, curses, brainwashing, infection, etc.

Because the Rin at the time was very different from the Rin I knew, and the moment he killed me, I was shedding tears.

But when it attacked me last night, I felt a similar energy from Rin.

What if that is the true nature of a girl named Rin?

Unfortunately, I had no choice but to kill her even then.

After all, if that’s the nature of it, it will explode someday.

I can’t stay by her side for the rest of my life and protect her from blackening.

Of course, this was simply a matter of possibility.

Even if she had such an instinct, she could not turn black.

Whatever the probability, if there is a possibility of annihilating the entire continent’s population, it was my position that it should be eliminated.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Ares looked at me who wanted to say a lot but couldn’t say it, but Rin and Hayun intervened and separated us.

“Stop it! Daniel must have had a reason.”

“Okay, I’m fine.”


My heart ached as I watched Rin dry me while laughing hard. I’m sorry that my heart still hurts, but I turned my eyes away.

“Yeah, fighting is good, but that’s not the case right now.”

When even the dean intervened, Ares nodded in agreement, and I, too, searched for a way to solve the current situation without saying anything.

“At the end of the day, we just need to find out the existence of the student we don’t remember and it will be resolved.”

All you have to do is find out that it suddenly disappeared. If so, the knights and inspectors will admit that something magical happened.

“By the way, are you a student?”

Hayun tilted her head and asked, but I couldn’t answer. In fact, I wondered if the culprit was a student.

Then Lin answered.

“Students are right. I have a feeling that you were close to me.”

“Yeah, I mean I was close to you…”

I was close with Lynn.

Rin… were you close?

“Wait a minute……”

Something flashed into my mind and I immediately looked at the dean, but before she could say anything, the answer had already come out of me.


Remembering that I kicked the clue to the solution in the past.

At that time when the bitter feelings made the inside of her tongue tingle, Rin opened her eyes wide and nodded her head broadly as she approached me.

“I have! Still there!”


What is he talking about all of a sudden? The moment I thought I might have realized something, Lynn looked around and whispered in my ear.

“I told the dean not to scrap it.”


I looked at Rin in surprise, wondering how she knew that, but she just smiled and gave no other answer.

Anyway, set that aside.

I immediately approached the dean and said quietly.

“The video recording of Rin’s surveillance, the culprit is stamped on it.”

If I had been close to Rin, I would have gone out with Rin.

Video footage of Rin’s actions within the academy over the past few days has remained with us.

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  1. Supernoob789 says:

    Ahhhh…. a for the greater good dumbledore wnnabee… i hate them….besides in this case the MC is just making excuses for his behaviour…

    1. Dootdeeterson says:

      The dude was killed by her and has ptsd from it that his own combat abilities plumet.

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