My Friend’s Harem Is Obsessed With Me chapter 56

57. the ending was seen

57. the ending was seen


Ares, who was trembling, felt a strange sense of déjà vu.

At the academy, there were always a lot of students by my side, so I thought it would be a little lonely during vacation.

Even when I was alone, I didn’t feel any different from back then.

I don’t know if I should accept this as a good thing or a bad thing, but Ares, who returned to his hometown, didn’t even come to the house, grabbed his sword and headed into the forest.

training camp still remaining.

It was the place where he, Daniel, and Rin were wielding a crude wooden sword together.

‘I’ve always beat him here.’

I had no choice but to admit that I was weak now.

Not only did she lose to Daniel, but she even experienced a disgraceful defeat to Elise in the practical test.

The strange emotion seen on Elise’s expression at that time was something she had felt for the first time.


Ares swung his sword wildly, and the worn-out training table could not withstand his strength and broke as it was.

The power of Helios radiates from the back of the hand.

I couldn’t use it during Dalian, but if I use it, I can become stronger.

With that certainty, Ares tried to start the effort again.


“Come! Really nice to meet you!”

“Wow, you look a lot more handsome.”

If the academy has the academy’s fishery, then the hometown has the fishery of the hometown.

Most of the village girls are commoners, but they have their first love for Ares, who doesn’t look like a commoner.

As Ares went to the academy, the feelings that had been diluted little by little became more dignified and caught fire again when he saw Ares returning.

Looking at the sword he was holding for a moment, Ares smiled and naturally let go of the sword and approached them.

“It’s been a while, everyone.”

this is life

I feel like I am being rewarded for my humiliation at the academy.

18-year-old Ares went back to the village, hiding among the girls, hiding her insidious inner feelings.

I honestly don’t really like it compared to the girls in the academy, but it’s a lot better anyway.

One of Ares’ personal sayings was that the more flowers and women the better.

When we laughed like that and talked about various things.

A woman with a bayonet on her back as she enters the village.

Like Ares, he was wearing a school uniform, but the color was a little different, but Ares was the first school uniform he had ever seen.

Because the 5th graders are all out for field training now.

I knew I was going to be back when the vacation was over, but why did I come back to the village as soon as the vacation started?

“Hey, it’s been a while, little ones?”

“Uh, sister…”

“Are you here already?”


The country girls quietly backed away while paying attention to the schoolgirl, and in the end, Ares was the only one left.

“Hey, how are you?”


Anyone, everyone has something called trauma.

A past that humans do not want to remember.

To Ares, she was the very trauma.

When he beat Daniel because he had an excessive fever during a sparring with Daniel when he was young, or that he had to kill a dog that had a previous disease.

In the end, she always came and tidied things up at the end.

Dyna MacLean.

The older sister of Daniel, who is two years older, and a senior in the 5th grade of Aios Academy.

“But where is our Daniel?”

Ares felt it as she saw her get off her horse.

This vacation won’t be easy.



I yawn and get off the carriage.

It’s already been a week since the vacation started, but all I’ve done so far has been sleeping in the wagon or beating myself up.

At least when the horses had a break, I got off and learned swordsmanship from Ha-yun, but it was not enough for me, who usually exercised.

“It was good until the first day.”


Rin and Ha-yoon also grumble while loosening up, as if they had suffered quite a bit.

I expected that crossing the border would be quite a headache, but when I showed my AOS Academy student ID, it wasn’t as complicated as I thought.

We paid more, but thanked the coachman for taking us to the front of the forest of elves, which could be called the entrance to Yggdrasil, and after a quick meal, we went inside.

‘It’s a disgusting forest.’

Compared to the forest of the Demon Realm, this was literally a clean area.

In fact, the elves put so much importance on forest management that the word “nature” literally stuck in their heads.

“Wow, that’s great.”

“But can I just come in here like this?”

Rin looked around with her mouth open, and Hayun spoke as if she was a little nervous, but I was confident.

“We have letters of recommendation, and I was invited by Eris. I have nothing to be afraid of.”

Actually, Rin and I had a strange reaction, but originally, Hayun’s reaction was normal.

Since he was an elf that was very hostile to other races, normal humans know that the perception of elves is that they shoot arrows when they enter the forest.


“You crazy.”

After hitting the arrow that really flew, I stared at the male elf standing in the distance with an absurd expression.

Rin and Hayoon don’t seem to be seeing each other, but I made eye contact with him.

“Wait a minute, I found the guide.”

Also know how to get beaten pretty badly.

The elf who met my eyes was initially taken aback, then quickly turned and ran away, and I followed after him.

It is said that chasing elves in the forest is practically the same as chasing clouds.

It feels like I am running uphill and the other person is running downhill.

Although they say they can never catch up if they set their mind to it.

“There is a flying guy on top of the original jumping guy.”

I am the Sherpa who used to walk in and out of the forest of the underworld as if it were my own home.

Using the topography of the forest and going forward through the shortest route drawn in my head, I could see the elf’s back right away.

The guy seemed to be flustered, but his landing was uneasy and his body was staggering.

Read at

Just one mistake like that made the distance go down exponentially.

In the end, the moment when I snatched the scruff of the guy’s neck.

Life spewing out here and there.

Numerous elves aiming arrows.

It didn’t feel very great, but it felt a bit like an apprentice?

Anyway, I laughed at them, who expressed their will to shoot arrows at any moment, and thrust the knife into the neck of the elf who snatched it from the back.

“I knew it was conservative, but I didn’t expect it to be this severe.”

“Stranger, why did you break into our forest?”

At the profound male voice, I took out a leaf that had been magically treated from my bosom and had a unique scent and shook it around.

“It’s a guest, you bastards.”

Eris, the watchman of Yggdrasil, gave you proof.

I thought I’d retract the bowstring now, since I said I’d be able to enter Yggdrasil without any problems with this.

“I’m sorry!”

The elves came down from the trees and got down on one knee.


I was taken aback by the overreaction than I thought, but I thought that the tangled situation was resolved easily.


“So you said you almost got hit by an arrow?”


Entering Yggdrasil, despite the stinging gazes of the elves, we were able to act confidently because of Eris who was with us.

Even with a puzzled look on her face, she glared at the burly vigilante who was right behind us.

“You teach vigilantes that way these days? Just shoot arrows when someone enters the forest?”

“No, it’s not like that. I think the newcomers made a mistake out of excitement…”

“Are you wrong? I shot an arrow with the intention of killing, is that a mistake? What if Daniel didn’t react and got hit? What if, in the middle of the forest, bleeding ends and the worst happens without treatment? Are you going to dismiss that by mistake?”

“…there is no face.”

“Of course not. Make sure, Commander of the Vigilante. Your member didn’t just almost kill a human right now. You harmed my guest, the watchman of Yggdrasil.”


“Whether that member will continue to work as a vigilante is a matter to be considered and discussed later, and first of all, I have you come down on your knees and apologize. Just go.”

At Eris’ response that she didn’t want to see her, the pointy ears of the vigilante who was twice as tall as her shrunk and ran away.

Originally, I wondered if she was overflowing with charisma, but given her position, it must be like this.

“I’m really sorry, it was my mistake.”

“Eris-san, what’s wrong? That rookie was wrong.”

“I really need an apology.”

Rin and Hayun said firmly.

No matter how nice the two of them were, they weren’t gentle enough to go over to the idiot who shot the arrow.

“Then I’d like to introduce you to Yggdrasil… but shall we eat first?”

Everyone went out because they had been walking in the forest for quite some time, so we nodded and went to the restaurant together.

Eris ushered us into a unique outdoor dining area with benches outside and the kitchen being a huge tree hollow inside, where the cooking takes place.

Although elves do eat meat, I didn’t want to, knowing that they were basically vegetarian and not well seasoned.

‘From now on.’

There was only one reason I came, so I immediately took out the ingredients from the bag.

“I want to serve you, sir, let’s borrow the kitchen for a moment.”


“All right, Daniel?”


The women’s team looked at me in bewilderment, but as soon as they entered the elves’ forest, they gave up their shame.

I seduce her with all my might!

The chef glared at me as if to judge me, then gestured silently as if asking me to try it.

It seemed that he had touched his pride as an elf cook.

“Is Daniel good at cooking?”

“Basically, I cook well by myself, but I’ve never seen anyone treat anyone in particular.”

“I’m anxious.”

I could feel that the three of them were glancing at me while they were talking, but I continued to cook carefully.

“Now, try it.”

What I handed over was a meat dish.

From the outside, it didn’t look like anything special, but it was a dish.

The three people smiled awkwardly while looking at the contents, but I held out the plate with confidence.

Rin and Ha-yun first dipped a fork in the bread and tasted it, then made a mysterious expression.


“Doesn’t it seem a bit simple?”

The two of them were glaring at me slightly with tears in their tongues, but our elves were different.

“Oh, it’s delicious!”

Unknowingly, a smile spreads across Eris’s lips.

“You are so delicious! What is this? Daniel is a cook by any chance? It’s the best dish I’ve ever had!”


He smiled, wiping his nose with his finger.

‘I’ve never been very interested in food.’

‘Yes? Did you try making one for me? Um, I’ll eat it first.’

‘Shh, Sherpa? What is this? it’s delicious! So delicious! Please use this menu from tomorrow onwards!’

‘Is that Sherpa? I’m going to buy some meat from outside, so can you give me some of that?’

The exact reaction to the first time I did this in the Demon Realm Forest.

Afterwards, she remembers being embarrassed and trying to do this at mealtimes whenever she has time.

‘First, it captures the taste.’

My plan was just the beginning.

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  1. amogustimestwo says:

    trying to capture the stomach first.

  2. Dissidius says:

    Shokugeki no Daniel

  3. Ozaki Ozaki says:


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