My Wife the Empress is Becoming Frightening chapter 13

13. plus minus zero

13. plus minus zero

Episode 13

My legal wife, Marianne King Blatta, has a younger sister. That is Selemin Blata, who is walking by my side right now.

When I read about Selemin in the Hound directory, I was really looking for something at first. I wondered if this was the sister treatment of the human nation, which I had only heard about.

It’s also true that my sister is the emperor of the strongest empire in the human nation, but it doesn’t make sense that my sister wipes the dust of the nobles and the imperial government.

That’s why I wondered if he had left behind a blood relative who could be a threat to power, but after secretly digging, I found out that it was quite far from such an ordinary situation.

Just looking at it now.



“Because it’s hard to walk.”

I subtly pushed Selemine, who was cradling my arm, with a little force.

Selemin, who had been appealing with a very sad volume, completely different from her sister, opened her mouth slightly in dissatisfaction.

It goes without saying, but she, who had no contact with me, never fell for me or did anything. In the first place, there are too many signs of acting.

It’s a guess, but my sister-in-law had a serious inferiority complex to her sister.

In the case of my legal wife, I have been gifted with an incredible amount of talent and ability, even from my own records.

He possesses not only military power and knowledge, but also charisma to lead people, so it would be fair to say that he has the qualities of a king.

On the other hand, in the case of Selemin, there was no record.

Except for the lack of volume, it’s not like there’s anything particularly ugly about all of her talents, but it must have been hard for her to see the light because she’s so excellent.

That alone is enough reason to dislike him, but the bigger problem is that Marianne loves Selemine terribly.

Even if you look at the time of preparing the rebellion to bring down the previous emperor, or the records of the time of the rebellion and the time after that, Selemin’s name was not found.

This is also speculation, but Marianne probably didn’t want her only precious blood relative to be in danger.

So, even in the process of revenge, they must have kept them as far apart as possible, but it seemed to have exploded the inferiority complex that Selemin had built up since childhood.

Well, it’s all just what I imagined by myself after looking at the records, but if I’m right, Selemin’s current way of thinking is probably not normal.

Inferred from words and actions, roughly.

“Brother-in-law, isn’t it a bit hot today? Where shall we go and rest?”

“We are going to the site now. Don’t be crazy.”

‘Let’s prove that we are superior by stealing the superior sister’s husband!’ must be thinking of some crazy idea.

The reason I’ve been quiet up until now is probably because I was observing myself and looking for an opportunity.

“And if you call brother-in-law one more time, headquarters will wait for you.”


You openly wrinkle your face and click your tongue. In fact, don’t you think you’re going to act?

Incidentally, I have no objection to hugging my wife’s younger sister. Naturally, such a situation is not common in human nations. It’s just because I’m trash.

I just don’t like going to bed simply to f*ck someone. I don’t like being used.

After arguing with Selemin, who did not give up and appealed, I came to the site before I knew it.

“Wear a mask. Even if we have independent operational rights, we have to hide the identity of the Hound.”

As I said before, it’s a different matter between being known so that people who know you secretly know about it and knowing it openly for everyone to know.

So, while we were still at a certain distance, I and Selemin, who secretly hid themselves, put on a hunting dog mask and killed the people and approached the scene.

I didn’t know about it recently, but this hound mask was a pretty convenient item. It wasn’t just covering his face, he had magic that modulated his voice, and above all, his defense was quite high.

I didn’t like the fact that I had to wear a mask or something like a helmet, but I really liked it when I put it on.

“stop! What are you guys!”

They killed people and approached, but even if they were ordinary people, there would be no way they would not notice that the Jedo Guards were clearly approaching.

The moment anyone saw us suspiciously, the garrison in charge of guarding the field drew their weapons and aimed at us, but we had something ready for this.

“Get out of the way.”

He pulled out a black plaque from his chest and showed it to the guards, and when he spoke, they recognized the Emperor’s seal on the plaque and retreated in fright.

“I’m sorry!”

“Excuse me!”

I like that the soldiers of the Empire are naive. If it was a soldier of the Kingdom of Mayer, even if the seal of the royal family was stamped on it, he would come out with a sword, saying to prove it with his skills.

Of course, the seal on this plaque is authentic. Just like the golden card we use when playing, we got it because we didn’t want to waste our time on useless things wherever we went.

I said one more thing to the garrison members who quickly retreated after seeing the seal.

“All of them must leave their seats at the site.”

“There is a mage from the Magic Society, but if you need any help… … .”

“I said everyone.”

I’m grateful, but I came because the members of the Magic Society couldn’t do it.

Confirming once again that the frightened guards and wizards of the Society had gone far enough away from my words, I went into the house of the murdered wizard with Selemin and ordered an investigation.

Thanks to the system guards, not the security guards, the site was left intact.

In fact, as expected, it should be said that the culprit has excellent skills.

“Still, the body must have been removed. Shouldn’t I have asked if he took it to the garrison or to the conference?”

“are you okay. I don’t have any problem.”

Responding in a confident tone, Selemin took a quick look around the scene and opened the small bag she had brought from her room.

What he took out was a small, transparent bottle. At first glance, what was inside looked like powder. Is the color purple? It was an unusually colored powder that looked like ground amethyst.

“What are you trying to do?”

“What are you doing? We have to track down the culprit.”

It’s still the first scene, so can it be tracked right away? As if to answer my question, Selmin opened the bottle containing the purple powder.


I forgot that I was wearing a mask because of the stench that was hard to explain and reflexively pretended to press my nose.

Living in a battlefield almost made even me flinch, accustomed to all sorts of stench, from the smell of rotting corpses. I hope that…

“… Tears of the Dead?”

“Oh, did you notice it just by smelling it? How does someone who didn’t even know about the miracle of blue-green know this?”

Yes, because I am also a person who does reflection.

When I was in Diarose, I realized that I was conceited because I had a lot of experience with poison and curses, and after that, whenever I had a chance, I studied to correct the gap between the knowledge I knew and the knowledge of the world.

Not only did I learn it with knowledge, but I also bought it myself or went to the store to taste it.

Most of them had slightly different names and uses, just like in Diamond Rose, but there were some that I didn’t know, so studying was quite helpful.

“To correct it, it wasn’t that I didn’t know about Miracle of Blue Green, only the name was different from the one I knew. Rather, is that a prohibited item in the empire?”

Not only the Empire, but among the human nations, the only country that doesn’t have a problem with that is probably the Kingdom of Mayer. Even the kingdom of Mayer just doesn’t know its existence, so if you find out, you’ll be banned right away.

Naturally, that was Necromancy, in other words, an item used when using necromantic magic.

“Where did you get that from? Aside from that, do you know that even attempting necromantic magic is a felony?”

“I know.”

Although magic itself is originally like that, in the case of necromantic magic, if it is abused, it can become out of control compared to normal magic.

That is why magic that summons the dead or moves corpses is forbidden in all countries.

However, my goal-beating sister-in-law said she knew, but she was still preparing magic as naturally as flowing water without hesitation.

Apparently, this wasn’t the first time he’d done something like this. I think that maybe there was a reason for not letting them get close to the danger.

For the first time I sympathize with Marianne.

“hmm. It’s all done.”

Selemin, who was drawing something by scattering the powder with her magical power, announced that the preparations were over. Upon closer inspection, there were patterns and letters that looked very complicated and were drawn on the spot with a certain pattern.

“… … How great?”


When I took out the tears of the dead, I wondered if it was just something more happening, but it seemed like I didn’t have to worry about that.

“… … … What specifically is great?”


I honestly admired it and wanted to start now, but when I turned around, Selemine was looking at me.

What is this feeling, as if I know that something is staring at me even though I am wearing a mask?

“You just said you were amazing?”

“Ah, I was just admiring the mana control.”

I was a little taken aback by the feeling that was different from when I was walking, but after answering, I realized.

Are you hungry for praise? Well, if you have an older sister like that, it might be rare to receive compliments.

If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be possible to relieve Selemin’s inferiority complex by fulfilling the desired desire?

It came to my mind out of nowhere, but it didn’t seem like a bad idea, so I opened my mouth again.

“I am ignorant of magic, but a subordinate once said that magic is similar to an aura. Only the nature of the power is different.”

It was also said that it was similar to a person with good manual dexterity being able to do more detailed work.

Anyone can do ordinary things, but doing something above a certain level requires effort and talent.

From noble mtl dot com

“When a warrior fights, the outcome is completely different depending on not only the amount of body and aura, but also the level of control. For the same reason, I thought it was a great control because I made such a complex thing with only magic power.”

There was an intention of praise, but the sentiment itself was sincere without lies. Among the wizards of the Kingdom of Mayer, there was no one who showed this level of control.

There must be a reason why there is no such thing as a chance to show something like this on the battlefield.

More than that.

“Huh, heh. Yes? Awesome, right? “I’m cool, right?”

It was embarrassing because the praise seemed to have gone too far. Even with a mask on, you can tell that he is pleasantly proud.

How hungry he must have been to love him that much for just one compliment. The brother-in-law is worried that his sister-in-law will fall for a bad man.

For a guy like me, for example.

“tongue… , No, the captain also has a good eye. All of my colleagues who have seen this so far have only said they feel bad.”

“I feel bad. It looks like the bloody room has been painted over with purple paint.”

“… … … .”

In addition, Selemin’s expression changed by the words that came out unintentionally was also recognizable even though he was wearing a mask.

As a result, plus or minus zero.

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  1. Wikka says:

    Oops, that’s blunt

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