My Wife the Empress is Becoming Frightening chapter 28

28. Impressions no one has heard

28. Impressions no one has heard

Episode 28

After Isaac said, “I’ll be back then,” and 10 minutes had passed, but Marianne was still sitting at her desk in the office.

I was able to finish work early today, so I could now go back to the bedroom. After washing and changing my clothes, I could just wait and read a book until Isaac comes back.

“… … .”

But Marianne didn’t move. The only thing that seemed to represent her thoughts was her fingers tapping and tapping on the desk.

To put it bluntly, she didn’t like the current situation very much.

“it’s annoying.”

Her true feelings came out inadvertently, but she was the only one here right now. Even if anyone heard it, it was clear that the present Marianne would not particularly care.

“I’m sure it was me who told Isaac to get along with Guard Harris… .”

Unlike when he first brought him to the Empire, it was good that Isaac now had his own influence.

He knew he was self-indulgent, but right now, some level of standing and influence was indispensable in order to protect himself and Isaac.

Even if the rotten parts were cut out and new seeds were planted, there was no guarantee that what would germinate there would not rot again.

“It’s not just that, but ‘that’ is still for later.”

Of course, with Isaac’s power, he could just press down a few things, but that was the last resort.

Simply pressing it with force will cause a strong backlash. The psychological resistance that Marianne herself did not want to become like the previous emperor who had cut her throat was quite large.

She wouldn’t hesitate if it was absolutely unavoidable, but it was her wish that if possible, she wanted to put off fear by force for last.

“But I never thought that that picky old man, Guard Harris, would like Isaac this much.”

As I said beforehand, Marianne did not hate Guard Marshal Harris. Aside from Isaac’s work, I was even grateful to him for maintaining his neutrality.

“If I go to his dinner party… … … .”

In the process of reorganizing the power structure after the success of the rebellion, Marianne kept her promise to those who followed her.

This was both a matter of Marianne’s own beliefs and a matter of safety. It was also for the Empire.

The power structure of the current empire itself was not much different from before. The history of power struggles in the empire was a fight between high-ranking officials from the common people and nobles who were born in the upper class.

It is a story that the previous emperor and all those who followed him were killed and the place was taken by those who succeeded in rebellion.

The Imperial Treasury Department and the Imperial Chancellor’s Office led by the Clergy and the Aristocratic faction led by the Duke of Jericho’s family.

The military department and the Imperial Intelligence Service are in a state of drawing a line, and those who were originally Marianne’s vassals were evenly distributed among the above two factions.

“It was dangerous when Kay Price tried to step down, but the composition I made is still valid.”

Although not perfect, at the time of the reorganization of power, Marianne made the power of the two factions as similar as possible while distributing her retainers in the sense that she would not take sides with either side.

Thanks to that, nothing big happened between the two factions until now. But everyone knew that this wouldn’t last forever.

“As much as the power is similar, if there is an opportunity, the situation will change immediately. Either a bloody fight starts or the balance of power collapses at once.”

Even if it’s not for you and Isaac, that time will surely come. When that time comes, the empire, which was trying to bloom a new flower, will again rot and rot with blood.

Rather than that.

“I will eat them all.”

Having made a decision, Marianne immediately called the ladies-in-waiting and said:

“Bring my dress.”

As the most splendid and most beautiful.

To make your beloved husband stand out.

That’s how it was instructed.

“What is it, Marianne? You said it would be difficult to come?”

Looking at the back of Isaac, who couldn’t hide his pleasure and ran to the empress, Haria bit her lip.

He was angry at Isaac for leaving him behind to go to the Empress, but what was even more shocking was the fact that the Empress had come to this place itself.

‘Crazy b*tch. Crazy b*tch, crazy b*tch!’

Cursing at the empress inwardly, Haria looked around. Partly because I didn’t want to see Isaac smile at the empress, and partly because I had to see how others reacted.

Everyone was bewildered. Some exchanged glances with serious faces, while others were lost in thought.

It wasn’t even a crowd. Because from this day onwards, an enormous wave will hit the empire’s power structure.

‘You mean you’re going to destroy what you created with your own hands?’

It didn’t matter that Guard Harris approached Isaac first.

Only the fact that the Empress, who had never appeared at any private event until now, appeared with her husband at a dinner party hosted by a marshal of the Imperial Army.

This will be interpreted as the fact that the military, which had maintained neutrality, entered under the Empress.

After today, even if Guard Harris denied it, no one would believe it. Even if you make a hundred concessions and believe the words, it cannot be denied that the empress is trying to attract the military to her side.

This meant that the empress had started fighting in earnest. In other words, her appearance meant the declaration of war itself.

But Haria knew.

For example, even if such calculations were made before the empress came here, the most important factor to consider when making a decision was not power.

‘Damn it b*tch! come now At first, I was going to write it as a throwaway card, but now I’m shameless!’

Most important was Isaac. The empress decided to first break the balance that would collapse someday for her husband, who was sure to be swayed by nobles and high-ranking officials.

‘Are you showing off? That he would be willing to risk even the position of emperor for the sake of the one he loves? You love him that much?’

In fact, the power structure of the empire was a good thing for Haria. Because she only needed to have Isaac.

Therefore, it was not the Empire, the Empress, or Isaac that made Haria so angry now. She was furious at the sense of defeat she was feeling.

It wasn’t a matter of right or wrong. It was lost from determination. That fact made Haria unbearable.

“Um, Haria? This, blood from the lips… … .”


Bianca, who didn’t know when it came, held out a handkerchief to herself. Only then did Haria realize that blood was flowing from the lips she had bitten.

“Thank you, Bianca.”

“Yes. It’s okay if you don’t return it, so clean it properly. I don’t know what’s going on, power… … Hike?!”

It was a time when Haria’s heart was about to soften slightly at the clumsy but sincere encouragement of Bianca. I followed her gaze as she suddenly swallowed her breath.

“I didn’t expect to meet you in a place like this, Haria.”

The Empress had walked to where she was. Accompanying Isaac. Arms crossed. She pressed her breasts into his arms and clung to them.

“… … your majesty.”

“Lungs, Your Majesty!”

Haria and Bianca hurriedly bowed their heads and bowed. The empress smiled at Bianca, who was really surprised, and at Haria, who lowered her head to hide her expression.

“Since it’s a dinner party, you don’t have to bow your head that far. I heard the story from my husband and he knows the situation. So, are you the daughter of Duke Jericho?”

Obvious showoff. Haria swallowed the bunru and raised her head, but Bianca, perhaps because she was too nervous, didn’t listen to the empress, so she didn’t raise her head and answered.

“Yes, four! B, this is Bianca Jericho!”

“That’s a good name for a cute face resembling a duke and his wife. Come find your luggage at the imperial palace later. I will serve the tea myself.”

Unlike Haria, who didn’t even raise her head, but in her heart she cursed at what she thought was a cute face, Bianca seemed overjoyed.

“Wealth, glory beyond measure… !”

“Then enjoy the dinner, both of you.”

As she left with Isaac, the Empress glanced at Haria. The two of them met eyes for only a brief moment, but Haria saw it clearly.

Beneath the coldly sunken eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly rose, a smile mixed with ridicule towards himself.

Haria was grateful for that smile. Thanks to the emotions that I couldn’t control a little while ago, I started to cool down quickly and calm down.

Haria looked at the back of the Empress, feeling her hot head and heart rapidly getting colder.

‘You think you won? no. It’s just the beginning.’

In the past, the empress had reversely killed her family members who attempted to assassinate her and subdued and captured Haria.

At first, it was to get information, but after talking a little, the Empress sympathized with Haria, who was similar to her, and took her away.

Haria had sworn to kill the empress after she got rid of Sika for the sake of her dead family. However, as time passed, I learned about the Empress and developed a real loyalty.

Not too long ago, maybe just a little while ago, loyalty might still have remained.

not anymore

From noble mtl dot com

‘I am the one who will stand by his side when the end comes.’

Haria turned around without regret and left the dinner hall without anyone noticing.

“ha… … Like crazy b*tches.”

After returning from the dinner party, Fabian let out a long sigh and sat down on the sofa in the study. I felt like I was going to die of exhaustion.

“As a result, it seems that I have done something I am sorry for Mr. Harris… … .”

It wasn’t that he could have imagined that the empress would appear there, but even Fabian was a person with feelings.

He was the one who cared for me since childhood, which I don’t even remember. Fabian, who had never seen guard Harris so flustered in his life, couldn’t help feeling sorry.

“And those two.”

Empress and Haria. The moment the two faced each other was only for a moment, but the bloody atmosphere that seemed like a knife fight would happen at any moment was a nightmare.

Moreover, it was his daughter who was nestled like an ignorant fawn between two lionesses glaring at each other.

Fabian realized for the first time today that he had fatherly feelings for him.

If Isadora hadn’t stopped him by grabbing his arm as it was about to jump out quickly, he would have intervened. If so, of course the story would have been longer, and as a result, the risk would have increased.

Today’s dinner party, which seemed like walking on thin ice, somehow went through, but the important thing was from tomorrow. There was a mountain of things to do and think about, including the Noble Council.

Fabian, who was resting his hand on his head, which was pounding from the stress, suddenly heard a knock in his ear.

“Who are you?”

“It’s me, honey… .”

When I told her to come in, Isadora, carrying a tray, cautiously entered the study. A teacup was placed on the tray.


“It’s lavender tea… … . Hey, you seem a little tired today… … .”

Fabian looked at Isadora hesitantly for a moment. It was easy to see that as soon as he got back, he ran to the kitchen and made tea for himself.

Like him, she was the same way she was dressed when she went out.

“Well, lavender has a calming effect and helps to sleep well… … ”

“… … .”

“… … sorry. clean up right now… … ”

“Leave it and go.”

“… ! yes!”

Isadora smiled broadly at Fabian’s words, put down the teacup, and left the room. To be honest, Fabian was drinking more than tea right now, but if he drank at this time, it would interfere with work tomorrow.

“It’s too cumbersome to take it out, so there’s nothing I can do about it.”

Fabian muttered an excuse he didn’t know who he was talking to, and brought the teacup to his mouth. And the moment he took a sip, he opened his eyes wide and looked down at the teacup he had removed from his mouth.

“… … Why is it delicious?”

The common herbal tea was surprisingly delicious. It’s no exaggeration to say that it’s the most delicious tea I’ve ever had in my life.

Wondering if it was because his body was asking for it, Fabian leaned back and leaned against the sofa. As Isadora said, it definitely felt calming.


As Fabian sipped his tea, he could see that his complicated mind was clearing up somewhat. Even though the headache will start again tomorrow, so I thought it would be okay to leave it empty for a while.

Fabian, who was idly sipping tea like that, remembered the image of his wife, Isadora. Thinking of his wife who smiled brightly as he brought tea, he muttered quietly.

“As expected, women are best when they are quiet and discreet.”

It was Fabian’s impression of his wife that no one had ever heard of, for the first time in his life.

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  1. Gladiator, Isadora just happily ran off to make another cup of tea and her husband just complimented her for probably the first time ever. IDK if there can be a bigger sign that she is NOT a heroine. Besides MC doesn’t go for married women, only Coils does.

  2. Am i overthinking or is Isadora a heroine candidate? Loveless marriage, cold husband and a slightly old Mc… Seems possible to me

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