Please Do Not Abandon the Adopted Heroine chapter 69

Please Do Not Abandon the Adopted Heroine 69

Chapter 69 – Please take care of Freya…

Today is the day I return to class after a long hiatus.

I was unconscious for 15 days due to lack of magical power, and even after waking up, I was busy going through suspicious procedures from one prosecutor to another under the guidance of Professor Aegis for about five days.

The inspection machine, which was said to have been developed by combining otherworldly technology and magical power, boasted an appearance more astral than the torture machines that seemed like something from a long time ago, so I spent a hectic day whining like a cow being dragged to the slaughterhouse. .

The thin drink that Professor Aegis gave me, saying I needed it for the test, was extremely bitter and had a fishy taste. When I drank it, I would fall asleep for about an hour without knowing anything about the world, but after waking up, I was always suspicious of the fact that my clothes were so disheveled. Professor Aegis’ testimony that my sleeping habits were very bad would not be enough to explain the top clothes that got caught in my pants.

Anyway, after all the tests were completed and Professor Aegis said, “Please refrain from using magic for the next couple of months~♪” And said that it would be okay for me to return, I was only able to join the church. I should prepare at least a suitable gift for Fernandez, who worked hard for an extra week. What would you like?

Meanwhile, the Chairman seemed to have headed straight to the imperial palace after the monster incident was over. Without saying much, he only left a short telegram saying ‘Thank you’. From what I heard, it seemed like he was busy with the 6th Holy Sword, but it seemed like he was caught up in some troublesome business like summoning a hero from another world by Hwangmyeong.

Anyway, what happened to the princess who wanted the six-star sword…? ? I don’t think I’ve heard any news since then.

After thinking for a moment, I quickly shook my head and shook off her thoughts about the princess.

My nose is now three feet wide. Even if it was a new disciple, I was taught not to worry about high-ranking people because they were members of the royal family.

Already ten minutes before class starts.

In the hallway, students taking my class began to appear one by one.

Normally, I would have waved my hand lightly in response to the greetings the students were giving me, but now I found myself feeling intimidated as I tried to pay attention to the subtle currents flowing among the students.

At that time, a student approached me.

“Ah, Professor! Hello.”

“Oh, okay. How are you?”

“Yes. I… that… he… cheer up!”

“……… ….”

This is a student who usually sits in the front seat without saying a word and concentrates on class. She was a shyer and less talkative student than Cecilia, so I used to be careful with her… As if something had happened today, he looked at me with pity and immediately began offering me deep consolation.

If it were just that, it would have been okay.

The most serious problem is that this reaction did not come only from this quiet student.

Rather, this was just the beginning.

As I walked down the hallway and headed to the classroom, not only the students, but also the faculty and staff, and even the pigeon that happened to come inside gave me sympathetic looks.

“Cheer up, Professor.”

“Professor Neferna! “Life is worth living!”

“Professor Neferna! Just don’t give up that much… !”

“They say you shouldn’t climb a tree that you can’t climb in the first place. “Professor Freya has already fallen in love with Moonlight Chaser!”

For example,

“I can’t believe you crossed Professor Freya… “I knew it would happen someday.”

“Ugh… Should I notify the charity? No, the executives must be aware of the situation by now.”

“I really can’t do it anymore. Assassinate kill. Strangulation? Kill me? Poisoned? Murder? Shot to death? Reply? Smashed?”

There was even an extremely eerie sound called


Three minutes left until class starts.

Standing in front of the blackboard, I quietly closed my eyes and chose a word.

Students take their seats one by one.

The guys who were noisy before class, whether I was there or not, are now silent as if they were trying to piece together something.

Tick, tick, tick.


The hour hand rotates once, and the large and small cogs interlock and the hour and minute hands move together. At the same time, a transparent bell signaling the start of class rang lightly in the classroom.

When I opened my eyes, the classroom was filled with students looking at me with pity.

“There is one thing I want to make clear before class.”


“There were rumors.”

I calmly lowered my voice and rested my chin on the table.

“I don’t know where I heard this, but… No, I really wonder where you picked up that nonsense, but first, let me tell you the truth.”

I took a deep breath and immediately poured out the words I had been storing in my head.

“I have never confessed to Freya. Of course, I have never confessed to it, so I have never had a broken heart. Am I attempting suicide due to a broken heart? I’m putting my tattered honor on the line here. Everything you know is fake news! Fake news! “Can the gems of the empire recklessly believe in such distorted and provocative rumors? Will it be okay or not?”

I guess you understand by now, right?

I guess it was complacent to think that way.

“Of course, Professor.”

“We know everything. Cheer up!”

“Hwiyu! You’re the best, Professor Neferna! The best!”

After the final whistle, the students began to encourage me.

From Noble mtl dot com

Alas, these people have no intention of listening to me.

Cecilia and Undine also tried to correct it, but it seemed like they finally knew why they failed in the end.

At that moment, Undine, who was sitting in her seat, seemed at a loss, and Cecily was glaring at the students with her cold, sunken eyes.

“It looks like you’re in trouble.”

At that very moment, a presence that magically silenced the commotion swept over the classroom along with the sound of shoes.

Then, with a squeak, the door opened.

“It’s been a while, Master.”

“You… ….”

“Hello, how are you?”

Gently, and with firm steps.

She folded the hem of her rather fancy dress and gently entered her classroom.

She was the princess of the empire.

“Everyone. My name is Anastasia, the princess I am studying with this time. I apologize in advance for appearing so suddenly and being rude. But I think we need to clear up the misunderstanding first. Professor Neferna, who had been my tutor for the past fortnight, is away. “Everything you know is not true.”

The princess entered the classroom, folding her neat dress.

The students began to panic at the sudden appearance of the princess.

“Is it true? There is no way the princess would lie…… “

“It’s not true?! So the rumor that Professor Neferna got kicked by Professor Freya and hung her, but when she failed, she cut her wrists with her knife, then got scared and went on a suicidal rampage on her rooftop, wasn’t true?!”

…… Crazy. What kind of rumor was going around??

“Wait a minute! “Then why has Professor Freya’s condition become strange lately?!”

“What? Why Freya? “What’s wrong?”

“Professor Neferna’s complexion turns pale just by hearing the word ‘yes’. “Is that why you can’t even answer properly in class?”

“…… Ah… Ah… Well, that is.”

I finally understand how the rumor spread.

The students probably misunderstood Freya, who was upset after the ‘I don’t remember~’ incident the other day.

I desperately racked my brain. I already knew that even a hastily made lie needs to be mixed with some amount of truth to make it believable.

… If it’s something that would make Freyja angry…

Umm… therefore…

“My, I…” ! I lied and borrowed money from Freya, gambled with it, and lost it all! “Maybe that’s why.”

But starting with the reactions of Undine, who was astonished, and Cecilia, whose fox ears were pricked up, I was able to realize that the atmosphere had seriously deteriorated.

The moment the word ‘gambling’ came out of their mouths, the students’ faces immediately distorted.

“Wow… trash.”

“What then, good old Freya… “No, you’re saying I borrowed money from Professor Freya and gambled?!”

“Black! Poor Professor Freya! When that shameless professor threatened to lend you money, you must have been too weak to refuse. Instead of paying it back, you gamble it away!”

“Love group… I have to tell the charity….”

Rather, the atmosphere began to become uncontrollably serious.

As I was frozen and seriously thinking about how to take care of this division, Undine, who had been uncomfortable from the moment the princess appeared, opened her mouth coldly.

“Hmm, starting with the princess, new misunderstandings have increased. “If you’re done talking, why don’t you sit down now?”

“I guess Undine doesn’t like me.”

“Me? Oh my gosh, that can’t be possible. How would I dare to offend the ‘Princess’ of the ‘Empire’?”


“Don’t get too close, even if it’s not possible. “It doesn’t look good if you touch someone precious to you for no reason.”

“I guess you haven’t heard yet. “Cecilia is also my friend.”

“… Joy!”

Undine, who would wake up from her sleep if she was an imperial citizen, especially if she was of royal blood, shot a sharp look with an expression she had never seen before.

“… You two, stop fighting…. “I think it will only lead to more strange misunderstandings, so I’ll clear it up again.”

I put an end to the classroom atmosphere.

“Anyway, Freya and I have no relationship. Just friends. I wanted to tell you that. As for gambling… I was careless. That’s a bit of an exaggeration. It is true that I gambled at Eunwolje, and it is true that I lost money, but most of that money came from my own pocket… “It will be.”

“Are you really saying that you and Professor Freya are just friends?”

“Yes! I have never confessed and have no intention of confessing. Love?? Under! I’ve been watching Freya for quite some time. In the meantime, the only emotions you can imagine are! Never! Never! I never had it, and I never will! I can say with confidence that there won’t be any. This means that only friendship made of 100% pure friendship exists in this heart! Say it out loud. A woman like Freya is not my ideal type. Romantic feelings? “She can’t have anything like that.”

Then the princess, who was heading to her empty seat, twitched her shoulder.

She spoke cautiously, turning her head from ear to ear with an expression of extreme embarrassment that was uncharacteristic of her.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Master. I should have told you in advance….”

“Uh, what?”

“… Coming this far… “I didn’t know where the classroom was, so I got directions.”


“That…… To Professor Freya. So… “

I blinked and followed where the princess extended her hand.

Then, there, in the secretly revealed shadow, was someone breathing heavily.

“… Sorry. I didn’t mean to hide and listen. Because I’m not in the mood to go out……… ….”

Entrance to the classroom.

The first thing to happen is the platinum hair flowing down.

Maybe it was because he was standing behind the door, so he couldn’t be seen because of the blind spot.

Freya, who appeared late with an awkward posture, was there.

A somewhat cautious voice. A tone that seems to have lost strength.

It would have been impossible for him to have run with the princess, but her face was flushed as if she had run at full speed, her eyes were tightly closed and her breathing was unsteady.

…… Where does it hurt? It was just when I was about to call her out for her paler complexion than that of her patients.

“Go to class. Hurry. Sorry to disturb you. Don’t mind. I stop… I’ll go. Later. Huh. Okay. See you later. hahahaha……….hahahaha…. Under….”

Freyja pressed her closed fist to her chest and gasped in pain, swallowing a dry, dry laugh.

“I… I don’t. I’m a little sick… Let’s talk later, later…”

Ride and run… !

I started running to the end of the hallway without even looking back.

Because her face was obscured at an angle, I could not see her expression.

I looked at the hallway where she disappeared from a distance and then tilted her head.

“…… Why is he like that again?”

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  1. milky violet says:

    These misunderstandings are starting to get annoying, but I’m getting a yandere tingle so I’ll put up with it for now

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