Raised the Villainous Daughter and Ran Away chapter 58

58. Kneel. This is the eye level between you and me..

58. Kneel. This is the eye level between you and me..

The end of the first day of the royal party. On that day, the night sky was dark. Beneath the darkness, Karthus cried out plaintively as he placed his hand on her chest.

「Somire! Please, just listen to me!”

「I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.」

「Why? I gave up everything for you… !”

Somire covered her mouth with her hand and turned her head away, furrowing her eyebrows. Her face as if she saw something she couldn’t see.

「That’s right, you. Are you gay?”

A cold tone in your ears. A thump, a giant weight fell in Karthus’ heart and caused an earthquake. His eyes widened and his lips parted slightly, exhaling heat.

「That’s a false rumor! Somire, please… !”

「It’s a little bit like a guy who’s going to talk about that even if it’s a rumor…….」

Poof. Somire turned her back. She then glanced behind her and continued her words.

「I hope you find the man of your destiny.」

After saying these words, Somire left. From the beginning, she took a step without hesitation, as if she didn’t even care. Fast. Karthus’ teeth began to grind. Everything is because of her.

She wouldn’t be like this if she wasn’t the only woman.

「… Frances Descartes.”

Karthus’ eyes lost focus. Originally, I had a plan to get revenge on France at this party, but that wasn’t enough. If there is a chance, I will make you pay for this sin.

* * *

An unusual current flows in the party hall. The flesh directly touches the skin to the point of numbness. I’m like this, what about the others?

When she turned her head, Frances hand was shaking slightly. Is this an aura clash between sword masters?

“You… ….”

Karthus watched my face closely and smiled. I could feel her fishy confidence.

“The Prince of Ruin, Jean Barenberg. The escort driver who is always by her side.”

I was shocked when my name was mentioned at a party where only silence flowed.

“Gee, Jean Warenberg?”

“Are you talking about the continent’s first sword!”

“Such a dangerous person in a place like this… !”

The astonishment turned into fear in an instant. Karthus didn’t care about this and continued.

“Are you protecting your master because you are a slave?”

“I just move as I am commanded.”

“You dare, you don’t even know the subject.”

Jerbug. That buck Karthus slowly approached with aura-filled steps.

“You know what? I killed your sister.”

Flinch. In an instant, her eyes widened, and her inner self shook as if an earthquake had occurred. Karthus’ words made Jean Barenberg’s personality shake.

“… ….”

I feel like punching that face right now, but these feelings aren’t helping me right now. You must remain calm.


I took a deep breath and calmed down my shaking emotions. No matter how mixed Jin’s personality is, my personality is stronger now. Enough to win

“I have no words. Were you shocked?”

“… ….”

“Your sister’s limbs were cut off.”

“… ….”

“He let out a good scream every time he cut one part.”

“… ….”

Kook. Unknowingly, my fists were clenched tightly. I want to sink that arrogant face right now.

“There is no response even after this. Are the feelings dead? Is it the effect of slave imprinting? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it having this effect.”

I decided not to answer. Don’t get caught up in the conversation. That bastard intends to provoke my wrath and cause trouble for Frances.

At that time. In case things get worse, the people around them started to dissuade Karthus. It started with the emperor.

“Duke of Persia! No more than this! What are you doing at the imperial party!”

The second was the Duke of Persia.

“Karthus! What kind of insolence are you doing in front of His Majesty! Are you really going to let the Persian duchy go down the abyss!”

Aside from that, there were many aristocrats who tried to dissuade them. However, Karthus only approached me intent on killing himself, as if he did not listen to their words.

‘The goal is France.’

Is he saying he doesn’t care what happens to him? No, he wouldn’t have his own problems, would he?

‘The Battle of the Territories could happen.’

Is Somire’s shock so great?

“If you come closer than that, it will be difficult.”

“You mean you want to fight me?”

“If it is to protect my master, then I will.”

“That’s funny. Yes, I wanted to hang out with you once.”

Karthus took off his gloves and clenched his fists.

“It’s a pity that I didn’t have a chance to compete with you because of the transcendence mage, but I never thought an opportunity like this would come.”

I’m serious about fighting here. Leaving my judgment clouded, the taste was gone.

I turned my head slightly and spoke to Frances.

“Princess, please stay away from me.”

“Are you okay? Now this situation… !”

“I can’t help it. He can’t see anything right now.”

Jerbug. That buck They come closer and closer, and the distance narrows. I gulped. It wasn’t just that he was nervous because he was afraid of fighting.

‘Is it possible for me to subdue him without killing him?’

Even now, inside of me, Gong-ryak Kim and Jin’s personality are fighting. This leads to the battle with Karthus, and when emotions become excessive, Jin’s personality will explode.

‘This is a serious problem.’

Whoops… !

I made my aura bigger. A size on a different level from Karthus’ pure white aura. I was going to lose my fighting spirit, but…….

“Do you think that raising your aura will make a difference?”

Karthus did not stop.

“With Aura, density is important, not size.”

Um. I’m thick and filthy big.

“Isn’t that the reason of a sword master? You never know until you try.”

Karthus’ sharpened blade. A white aura wrapped around her hand, completing the aura blade.

It wasn’t for nothing that he was an A-class sword master to use an aura blade so easily that even thick plate armor could be split like tofu.

“You must be very angry?”

As I asked with a smile, Karthus’s life grew thicker. To the extent that the hairs on his body rise stiffly.

“Yes, I can’t forgive that woman behind you. If only she wasn’t that woman.”

Karthus, whose arms and legs were wriggling with anger, continued his words with his eyes wide open.

“Because of the rumors that woman spread, Somire sent me… !”

The life that has continued to thicken is on the verge of exploding. It seems that Somire has been blacked out by the rumors we spread. Because homos*xuality in this era is above the level of a felony.

“I will kill you as painfully as possible.”

Karthus was ready to jump right in. If only kinetic energy is input here, the battle will begin immediately. If that happens, there’s really no turning back.

“Stop now, Duke of Persia.”

Fortunately, the imperial family’s guardian knights arrived just in time. Eden and the Duke of Descartes also had their auras activated, and the nobles around them didn’t even peep when they left.

The emperor said. I couldn’t find a look as flustered as before.

“Duke of Persia. I tried to be as considerate as possible considering your family, but I crossed the line. I never thought I would activate even the Aura Blade at the imperial party.”

Chuck. Chuck. The imperial guard knights clad in golden plate armor besieged Karthus.

“Activating the aura blade in the presence of the imperial family, suspicion of homos*xuality, and even insulting other ducal families. This is not going to come off easily.”

Despite the Emperor’s words, Karthus did not reap the Aura Blade. He just opened his eyes and looked around.

‘Looks like he intends to fight the Imperial Knights too.’

Originally, I knew he had sociopathic traits, but I never thought he would be such an idiot. No, is it the problem that I got blacked out by Somire?

“Karthus! Come and collect the blade right now!”

“No, I must kill her.”

“Calm down! I mean, look at the situation now!”

Unable to see the situation, the emperor shook his head.

“I command the Imperial Family Guard Knights! Capture Cassus Persia!”

Chuck. The Imperial Guard Knights, who moved like swords, began to draw their swords. Sreung! A shrill sound filled the party hall.

It was the Duke of Persia who stepped out at this time.

“Your Majesty. Please allow me to rectify this atrocity.”

“Duke of Persia, I’m really sorry, but things have gotten too big. Even if you beg, I can’t help it.”

The Duke of Persia closed his eyes tightly. He knows that too

It wasn’t enough that the emperor and empress were directly involved in this uproar, and activating the aura blade that could kill people was tantamount to treason.

“… ….”

Karthus surveyed his surroundings with his eyes shallowly open. He seemed to grasp the estimate of the Imperial Family Guardian Knights.

Eden and the Duke did not let go of their guard, not knowing when they would come this way.

The Imperial Guard Knights didn’t ignore Karthus, so they didn’t blindly attack. A situation in which each other checks each other’s gaps. The battle doesn’t come easily.

‘But if I use this situation well, I can raise France’s status.’

I’m a little worried about the possibility of Jin’s personality exploding, but if it’s over in the blink of an eye, there won’t be any big problems. I whispered to Frances.



“I have a plan.”

“… Huh?”

I explained my plan to Frances. For a moment, the eyes widened, Frances asked.

“Are you going to do something dangerous like that?”

“Yes. A crisis turns into an opportunity.”

“… Okay. To be honest, I don’t feel like it, but I’ll try.”

At this party where only life and silence flowed, France’s voice rang out.

“Your Majesty! May I dare step out for a little entertainment?”

The emperor frowned and looked at Frances. I felt annoyed. Duke Descartes and Eden also stared this way with wide eyes.

“Entertainment in the current situation? What are you talking about?”

France continued with a grin.

“As a person involved in this case, I would like to personally wrap it up. Could you please allow me?”

The emperor narrowed his eyebrows and glared at Frances as if he didn’t understand.

“You want to finish it yourself? How are you?”

“You must have known who my escort was by this time, right?”

“That’s right. Aren’t you the first prince of Warenberg?”

“He will take care of it himself.”

The emperor, wide-eyed for a moment, stroked his mane-like beard.

“… The author himself?”


The Emperor frowned and maintained his silence. And after a while When his thoughts were over, he shook his head.

“Good. The knights will be safe that way.”

“Thank you for accepting my request.”

Accepting the offer, the emperor immediately shouted.

“Listen to the Imperial Family Guardian Knights! First Prince of Warenberg, Jean Warenberg, will capture him! Everyone back down!”

At the emperor’s words, the Imperial Guard Knights who surrounded Karthus withdrew. However, the boundary was not delayed. The sword was still held, poised to engage in battle at any moment.

“Can we see Jean Barenberg’s skills?”

“The Greatest Sword in the Continent… ….”

“It’s a fight between sword masters, is it safe?”

Worries and expectations of nobles coexist. Alright, it’s working as intended. I just need to control the rest.

But, apparently not liking the situation at all, exclaimed the Persian duke.

“Your Majesty! What the hell is this… !”

“Keep the Duke still.”

The emperor looked at the duke with a complicated expression as if he was sorry.

“Now that things have turned out this way, don’t expect any lenience. Give up the Duke of Persia and seek another successor.”

Realizing that the situation could not be rectified now, the Persian duke tightly closed his eyes.

Seeing such a duke, the emperor shook his head and shouted again.

“Jean Warenberg fulfills his master’s bidding!”

Jerbug. That buck I stepped forward with the most solemn expression on my face. In times like these, you have to show off a bit.

“At the command of the master, I will punish Cassis Persia for acting like treason.”

Blue flames shimmered and a long aura blade was put on his right hand.


The aura vibrated and gave off an ominous energy that seemed to be torn apart. As if it were a chainsaw.

“Um, is that an auror blade?”

“How ominous… !”

“This isn’t the first time I’ve seen Sword Master…….”

“It deserves to be called the continent’s greatest sword… ….”

Um. The corner of my mouth twitched when I heard the compliment. Well, now is not the time to worry about this, so let’s move on.

I relied on my senses and took a roughly plausible stance. I don’t know if it’s properly captured, but the body remembers the strength trained over a long period of time.

Karthus spoke in a heavy voice.

“I will kill you, and I will kill your master.”

“Aren’t you thinking about the future?”

“That is my business.”

“You must be out of your mind.”

I smiled and continued.

“Is it because you are close to the saintess? Do you see nothing in her eyes?”

Karthus’ arms and eyebrows twitched as if Dill had been properly embedded in my sarcastic tone. Trash talk is essential before a fight. If you watch something like the UFC, the show starts like this, right?

“… I’ll amputate you like your sister.”

Hooung! The aura became stronger. Since we’re facing each other like this, it feels like a martial arts fight.

“Then I will tell you the subject so that you never make fun of that mouth again.”

The thighs and calves were pulled up. My muscles expand and the air around me settles. Thud! As he continued to exert his strength, the floor of the party hall dug in. The conclusion is built at once.


As he stepped forward and ran forward, his body shot out like an arrow. Formidable speed.

“… !”

As if he hadn’t expected this kind of speed, Karthus instantly widened his eyes. He hurriedly raises his right hand to block it, but…….


The right arm of Karthus, covered with an aura, was simply cut off.

f*ckin’ with the final boss, you cheeky bastard.

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  1. Storm_shadow says:

    Pleeeeeeeeeeeess the next chapter

  2. Pikussa says:

    I hope noble constantly uptade this novel.

  3. shelwyn shelwyn says:

    Wow a cliff hanger xD. Thanks for the chapter.

  4. It was a nice read, can wait for new update

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