Regression Is Too Much chapter 12

12 - Regressors are quite strong (3)

12 – Regressors are quite strong (3)

“… “

Admit it. I was complacent.

She’s such a sensitive woman.

She’s kind enough to share food with strangers.

It would have been reasonable to bear in mind the possibility of running out of the clearing upon hearing a scream.

If I had known it would be like this, I would have jumped out right away and tried to take some time.

I get some good feelings from Choi Ji-won, and I get some information from the fallen woman.

I missed the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

“… It’s okay, it’s okay.”

But it’s okay.

Why are you okay?

I’m a regressor, so it’s okay. Why

If you just put up with the annoyance of 3 days… It is possible to reproduce the same situation again.

I was already getting annoyed at the thought of cutting the grass again, but who could I blame?

It’s a regression from my mistake.

Ah, come to think of it, there was something I decided to do when I returned.

“Status window.”

[Name: Junho Kim] [LV:3]


– Regression [EX]

“What is it?”

Immediately after returning, he is at level 3. This also proved that my hypothesis that the level is maintained even after regression is correct…

“Why 3?”

I couldn’t understand why it was 3 instead of 2.

The last time I checked my level, it was 2. And after that, I didn’t even catch a few goblins.

But why did you level up? No reason to go up

The experience chest was barely full at the end of level 2, and it might have been completely filled up just by killing a few goblins, but…

For some reason, I intuitively thought that was not the case. I guess there must be another reason.

“… “

What should I do if I am curious?

I have to work again.


In the past, the sage Siddhartha gained a realization after a long period of asceticism that caused all sorts of pain in the body.

The realization that ‘Ah, physically causing pain is meaningless’.

Yes. At the end of his penance, he realized that penance itself was nothing more than abuse without meaning.

“… f*ck.”

Ah, Sakyamuni.

Please cut the grass for me.

You’ve been through a lot of penance, though, so you shouldn’t be used to it. I mean I can’t do this.

Originally, I hated repetitive work, so the act of cutting the grass itself was so boring that it drove me crazy.

At first, I also thought, ‘Won’t it get used to and become more comfortable after doing it?’ But…

In the end, I came to the same conclusion as Shakyamuni.

This is nothing but meaningless abuse. I feel my mental strength being cut in real time.

“… Was today the third day?”

Since I slept twice, the third day would be right.

I remember hearing a scream after cutting all the grass around the afternoon of the 3rd day…

I think I just need to cut for about 3 more hours. I can see the end though

I’m sorry.

“… Huh?”

The taste is bland. Should I say it’s a bit shallow?

Awesome! Awesome!

Feeling strange, I swung the sword a few more times, and for the first time in a while, I was able to step on the intact dirt floor.

It’s not the end in sight, it’s over. He finally escaped the forest.


The speed is faster than the last episode.

Is this the power of leveling up? Although there is no visible difference… It seems that various aspects such as strength and endurance have definitely improved.

Yes, no matter how much it is, does it make sense to throw away only one regression ability and overcome it?

At this point, even if I become a master of swordsmanship, I cannot defeat Choi Ji-won. In the first place, the difference between strength and agility is dozens of times.

Wouldn’t it be possible to beat Choi Ji-won after finishing the level nogada someday?

“… Status window.”

[Name: Junho Kim] [LV:3]


– Regression [EX]

“It sucks.”

Unfortunately, the level did not go up. I still don’t know what to do.

The status window must be very unkind.

Well, the grass has escaped…

Now when you hear the screams, go there…


Come to think of it, there’s no way I can hear the screams. It’s because the time has been pushed back by about 3 hours.

At this point, there’s a high probability that he’ll be playing around instead of screaming.

“… “

Is this the privilege of a regressor?

My heart trembles for no reason.

Now is the time to change the future.

I heard a woman’s scream in the previous episode and reached the place I arrived again.

I searched the surroundings very carefully, being conscious of the goblins ambushing me with a bamboo spear, but I didn’t see any goblins.

Apparently, the goblins aren’t here at this point.

Did I come too early? Getting the timing right isn’t easy.

I laid down roughly nearby and waited for something to happen.

“… I am sleepy.”

Fluffy grass.

A warm wind blows coolly.

I forcibly endured the fact that my eyes would close on their own.

If you go to sleep like this, Choi Ji-won will come and knock his head off. He didn’t want to do the weeding again.

Like that, I pinched her thighs and resisted Suma for a long time.

“… Do you want me to just watch?”

“Brother. We agreed.”

“You don’t believe me? I just want to see.”

I heard a voice nearby, so I caught her up.

Walking from the other side was a group of four men and one woman.

I didn’t know the faces of the men because they were all covered in blood, but I remembered the woman’s face.

That woman who was almost beaten by goblins is right.

“Ah really… Bro, let’s not do this. I want to trust you too.”

“I can’t trust you anymore? How can you believe you didn’t steal it?”

As I watched, it seemed that a dyed blonde bully and a man wearing glasses were confronting each other.

“Brother! We decided to collect 5 marbles and then eat them all at once. I’ve got two now, so I just need to get three more. Have a little patience, okay?”

Listening to what the man with glasses said, it seems that they made an agreement to swallow 5 marbles at once.

Actually, that was the most reasonable option.

If you swallow marbles as you find them, the combat power of the group will weaken in real time. In the end, the last person left will have to save the beads alone.

However, if everyone escapes after collecting the number of marbles to escape, you can conserve your power until the end and deal with the next level of threat.

As soon as you swallow the orb with your stupid words, dozens of goblins could attack you.

“… Just, I’ll just make sure you’re okay. Huh? I will only see with my own eyes.”

A blonde bully who says he will look at marbles without even making excuses, as if he has nothing to refute.

He says he will only look at it, but anyone will be able to figure out his intentions.

That bastard just wants to eat and bounce.

“… Brother. You can use your telekinesis.”

“… Why?”

“… You know.”

A bully who stomps the dirt floor with his feet. He thought about something, then spread his palm to the man with glasses.

“Yes. I guess I was a bit sensitive. I’m sorry I didn’t trust you.”

From noble mtl dot com

“… Thank you for your understanding.”

“Me and Junwoo will smoke a cigarette and cool off his head. Let’s rest for a while and start again.”

Yangachi Nam put his arm around the shoulder of the skinny anchovy standing next to him, and then walked towards me.

“… “

Lucky for me, the bully and the anchovy light a cigarette as if they didn’t see me.

Since I am a non-smoker, I had to work hard to hold back my cough. Ooh, the smell.

“… Junwoo.”

A bully who smokes and whispers in a low voice.

“Yes, bro.”

“Should I embrace those bastards with no special characteristics?”

“… Ignoring the other kids, didn’t Minji decide to go with you?”

A bully glances at a man with glasses waiting in the back.

But the anchovies don’t look good.

“Hey, I only ate two marbles after f*cking like crazy for three days. He almost died many times. No food, many mouths. I’ve been saving cigarettes, but this is the mast. How long do you think you can last at this pace?”


“There are many women in the world. Do you think you would die without Minji? No. You have to live once. Huh?”

A bully man who persuades anchovies. Judging from the contents of the conversation, ‘Minji’ seemed to refer to the woman who was almost killed by the goblins.

“Let’s clean up right now. Did you see that guy with glasses doubting me? There may not be a chance in the future.”

“… ”

“If they secretly hide a bead at night, then is it really getting their nose pierced? This is your last chance, man.”

These guys. I was planning on killing it.

Only two marbles.

Five people.

Unless you are a munchkin like Choi Ji-won, it is an unstable situation to supply and demand food.

From the point of view of ordinary people, betrayal may be inevitable.

“Go quickly and come. I’ll take my time.”

“… Your brother.”

Anchovies heading somewhere, and bullies returning to the group with a smile.

“… Where is Junwoo going?”

“They said it was sh*t. Hey, more than that… “

A bully who deftly turns his words around.

I was able to get a rough estimate of what happened, but… There is one question that remains unanswered.

Where the hell did goblins come from?

No matter how much I searched, there were no goblins nearby.

But in the last episode, those three almost met their end by the goblins.

I literally did nothing to say that my intervention changed the future. I just watched.

This isn’t Schrödinger’s cat, and there’s no way the results will change just by looking at it.

Something… There must be more…

While thinking over and over again, I heard the footsteps of an anchovy man.

When I carefully turned my head, I saw an anchovy man walking slowly with a look of nervousness.

“…What the f*ck.”

If there was a problem, it was that dozens of goblins were sneaking up behind him with spears on their backs.

A strange sight, like seeing an officer and a soldier following him.

Of course it’s nonsense, but…

“… Is it the ability to control monsters?”

I forgot about it for a while.

In the yard where regression is possible, there is nothing that doesn’t make sense in the tower.

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  1. milky violet says:

    BRUHH NO WAY!! Alright this changes the options available. You technically have an near limitless amount of options but now we have 4 options. The 3 I commented before and now this one.

    Option 4: MURDER, RIP AND TEAR!! Surely something good will happen if you reach a certain level, it’s like that one anime called something like “I killed slimes for 300 years and became god”- yeah do that but for goblins.

    1. Idont Know Idont Know says:

      Yeah like basically exterminate the whole of goblins

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