Regression Is Too Much chapter 193

193 - The Returner Eats Raw (1)

193 – The Returner Eats Raw (1)

“… “

“Junho, why are you looking like that?”

“Uh, uh… no.”

As I was reading the report sent by the envoy, Choi Ji-won tilted his head and placed an elaborately carved rabbit-shaped apple down in front of me.

“What are you worried about?”

“Um… It’s not that I’m worried. Just. What. “You know?”

“If you don’t want to say it, don’t say it.”

Choi Ji-won is drinking coffee with his lips pouting. Even if she shows signs of being upset… This is an awkward thing to talk about.

“There is no change…” “

I previously informed the messenger of the identity of the two criminals. The envoy threatened them, saying, ‘Don’t commit evil again.’ He then continued to observe from afar.

Four months have passed since the observation began. According to the messenger, the two people were leading their daily lives steadily.

Because he is a player, he spends a lot of time in the tower, so it is impossible to observe him completely, but at least he is living calmly while he is out in the real world.

“… “

Is it okay to leave them alone just because they were innocent for four months? However, if 4 months is not enough, how much observation can be considered ‘sufficient’? 1 Year? 2 Years? Or for life? This too is just as ambiguous.

“First of all… Hold.”

I tried to send a text message to the messenger saying, ‘Continue observation.’ But I thought it would return anyway, so I didn’t send it. It will be something that has never happened before, so why bother talking about it?

“Are you finished with what you were doing?”

“Uh. “I think we can go back now.”

Choi Ji-won, who was drinking coffee and watching webtoons, stands up and stretches. Contrary to her feminine personality, she used to enjoy reading romance webtoons. She said that these days she looks for classic masterpieces because she knows everything about the future in webtoons being serialized these days.

“Shall we go?”

“Let’s go.”

She lightly cut the tip of her finger with her knife.

Now it’s time to move on again.

[You have suffered damage.]

[Return to the moment you first entered the 16th floor.]


As soon as I returned to the 16th floor, the first thing I did was spar with Choi Ji-won…., But it was embarrassing to even call it a couplet.

“Okay, that’s the end.”

“It’s the end? “You didn’t do anything?”

“Uh. “It was helpful.”

I just stood still and glared at her while raising her mana. There was a bit of exploration going back and forth as we looked at each other’s posture… Is this enough?

“That’s enough. Junho, I saw where you were unconsciously aiming. “What if we fight for no reason and then return?”

“… Okay?”

Choi Ji-won said it was enough, so I decided to just skip it. Isn’t it strange that you say that you are enough, but then I try to argue with that? In the first place, this layer is related to one’s unconsciousness.

“Now, if you do it like this… “

“Thank you!!”

I was also able to easily clear the 16th floor after activating the Awe trait by teaching others. I feel good that everything is going according to plan.

“… “I’m sure you didn’t miss anything, right?”

I always feel anxious every time I head to the next floor, but this is also something I have to deal with.

After quickly getting ready, we headed straight to the 17th floor.

Without knowing what awaits.

-Enter on the 17th floor.


Nothing is visible. There is no smell. Nothing is touched.

In this empty space, a man whose face could not be seen for some reason asked.

“How much do you know about yourself?”

The man asks.

“Humans usually fall into the illusion that ‘the person who knows me best is myself.’ Usually it is just an illusion. Again, how much do you know about yourself?”

The man asks.

“The house you live in. How much do you know? You probably have some idea about your living space. But under the bed. Between wall and wall. Or under the floor. Do you even know those parts that are hard to see?”

The man asks.

“Not a handful of people have a complete understanding of themselves. Are you included in that handful?”

The man asks.

“Prove it.”


As soon as those words ended, my vision became brighter and I began to see my surroundings again.

“… What?”

It felt like I was sitting in a movie theater and the lights turned on. I know I’ve returned to reality, but I feel somewhat dazed and fuzzy.

What was that just now? It felt like someone had put an entire video into my brain. Why isn’t there an expression that says you hear with your head, not your ears? This was exactly that case.

“Quite… “It’s awkward.”

Suddenly, I felt dizzy and dizzy. I try to gather my wits and look around.

The first thing you see are old thatched houses. This time too, with a mountain somewhere in the background, thatched houses that could easily be called a ‘village’ were gathered together. Is it oriental this time too? There probably weren’t thatched houses in the West. Is not it? Was there?

“Ugh… “

“Uwaeeek… “

What caught my mind as I was about to fall into the differences in living conditions between the Eastern and Western commoners during the Middle Ages was the groaning I heard around me. The sturdy young men sprawled on the floor said, ‘Woo…’ ‘ ‘Ah… He was making an ugly sound like ‘ and was leaking secretions on the floor.

“… “

Without realizing it, I take a step back from them and then focus on getting more information. First… Choi Ji-won is not there. I can’t feel her magical power, her unique tingling sensation.

As I walked toward the center of the village along the bumpy dirt road, I saw a large rock similar to the 16th floor. I saw other players meditating with their eyes closed. The reason I assumed it was a player was because it had an item on its body. It’s unlikely that the tower’s inhabitants are wearing any items.

The number of players meditating roughly exceeds 50. Unlike the relatively quiet 16th floor, the 17th floor has a bustling atmosphere. In contrast to the large number of people, the atmosphere is very quiet.

“Whoa… Ugh.”

Is this all the information that can be obtained right now? I released the magic from my eyes and barely held back the nausea that was rising. I feel dizzy. My sense of balance is strange. It’s been a while since I’ve felt this way since I got stronger. It feels like the magical energy inside my body is shaking and pounding my uvula.

“Magic power… You’re not listening… “

I managed to stabilize my body by using the large rock located in the center of the village as support. I think I understand why some players were squirming like slugs on the floor. Inside… I feel strange.

“Whoo, whoo…” “

Since there was no water, I was quickly swallowing my saliva to catch my breath, when I felt someone next to me. I don’t think he’s a player. This feeling is angelic.


“Welcome to the 17th floor.”

An unfamiliar angel who slowly descends from the air, touches the ground, and bows politely. If Anael is an angel who feels like a lively girl, this is an angel who feels like a proud angel who can do anything well.

“My memories are confused, my physical condition is strange, and I feel tingly all over my body. It’s okay. These are all normal reactions. “There is no need to panic.”

“… ?”

An angel who speaks quietly, like a doctor explaining a disease to a patient. The problem is that I just feel dizzy and don’t have any of those symptoms.

“The 17th floor is the floor that brings out the potential of climbers. This is a floor filled with the Archangel’s favor. You don’t need to worry too much. By the time you clear this floor, you will be grateful for the Archangel’s grace.”

“That… excuse me… “

“From now on, there is only one power that you must feel. Energy. mana. Mana. Chakra. Although the names vary depending on the culture, the essence is the same. It is a naturally occurring force that has been processed so that humans can handle it. “The moment you are given a status window, this power is dormant within your body.”

“So… “

“The goal of this floor is to awaken that power. Of course it won’t be easy. This is because it takes a long time and effort to feel magical power. This is also why many climbers stay on the 17th floor.”

“… “

“Your dizziness is a reaction that has forcibly shaken the magic power in your body. Remember that dizzy feeling right now. That’s later… “

“Over there.”

“… Climber. I know you have a lot of questions, but would you like to listen to my explanation to the end first? “I don’t like it when someone interrupts me.”

“No, that’s not it… “

I said, poking the air with my finger.

“17Th floor… It said clear… “

“… Yes?”

In fact, the text ‘-17th floor cleared.’ Was floating in front of me.

Before the explanation of the task on the 17th floor was even finished, it said ‘clear’. I’m embarrassed because this is my first time experiencing something like this.

“Well, that can’t be…” “

It must have been the same for the haughty angel, as he carefully pushed my body leaning against the rock to the side with trembling hands. I also watched quietly, wondering what this angel was doing, and now I saw that the rock had changed color to blue in the shape of my palm.

“Uh, uh… “

The angel opened his mouth blankly and manipulated something with his right hand, and a blue portal appeared next to me.

“Really… clear… You did it… “

“… “

“… “

“Congratulations… give… “

“Ah, yes. Thank you.”

This is the first time this has happened.

I cleared it as soon as I entered the 17th floor…

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  1. Nicolas7737 says:

    double instant clear! I want to hear the rumors about the 2 of them insta clearing 2 floors in a row

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