Regression Is Too Much chapter 30

30 - Too Good at Nogada (1)

30 – Too Good at Nogada (1) (Modified)

“… “

When I closed my eyes, the setting sun was a beautiful empty field.

When I opened my eyes, the warm sunlight greeted me.

It was the same space, but… I felt somehow unfamiliar.

“Whoa… “

She let out a sigh and turned her head to find Choi Ji-won.

“… “

Choi Ji-won glared at me with a cold face, then turned his head away.

It is a familiar expressionless expression that contrasts with the warm smile of the girl I just saw.

My heart hurts. My stomach is spinning, and my head is dizzy.

This is… Is it a sense of loss?

Did you like Choi Ji-won? I don’t know.

But she had the awareness that she and her friends had become friends.

In exchange for saving people’s lives, I lost one of her friends.

“… “

If I had left people to die of starvation and returned, I would have regretted it.

But why do you regret this choice?

What is the reason Choi Ji-Won’s smile keeps coming to mind?

If you choose one side, the other side must give up. Can’t have everything

“I have to live like this from now on… “

Until now, I have never had a deep relationship in this tower.

At best, she only talked about this and that with Baek Da-hye, a girl with bobbed hair, but she doesn’t think there was anyone close enough to call her a real friend.

That’s why I didn’t know it would be so painful.

I didn’t know that it would be so painful to have someone I feel close to look at me as if he didn’t know me completely.

I remember. It hurt my heart that I was the only one who remembered.

“Just… Let’s not give affection to people from now on.”

As long as I am a regressor, my relationships will always be like this.

When you get close to someone, you should be afraid of regression.

Someday, there will come a moment when I have to weigh the benefits I will get from returning and the relationship I have built with this person.

What if fate wins?

What if that doesn’t make me strong enough and not reap the potential rewards I could have?

What if these minor blunders pile up over and over again, and eventually you end up frustrated with lack of strength on the 66th floor?

At that time, it was already too late to regret it. I only return to the moment I first entered each floor, not always to the 0th floor.

That’s why you throw away the relationship and just return? Then it takes a huge blow to my mentality.

The gap that comes from the gap between memory and reality cuts out the mind.

Even now, whenever I see Choi Ji-won, my heart aches.

For me and to conquer the tower.

It is right not to give affection to others. It is best to travel alone if possible.

“Ha ha ha… “

Then, I suddenly remembered the infinite regressors I saw in webtoons or web novels.

They don’t go around with other people, they are insensitive to murder, and they despise life.

In essence, it is a lunatic who does not see people as people.

But where were they mad from the start?

At first, they must have been ordinary people too.

It’s just that my heart is worn out in the sandstorm called time.

And perhaps the beginning of that wear and tear began with her decision to travel alone like me.

Then will I become like them someday?

Frustrated. In despair At the end of my heart being trampled on so carefully that I couldn’t get up again.

Will I become such a lunatic without blood or tears?

“… I hate that.”


I think it would be most accurate to call him Ogi.

The predestined destruction is so clearly visible that I never want to give in to it.

Everyone else has gone crazy? I’m not going crazy Will I stay sane? Am i going to be a hero?

It may sound childish, but this is my sincerity.

I will not be like them.

It’s okay to go out with other people.

The important thing is not to lose your humanity. Maintaining the personality of a person named ‘Kim Jun-ho’.

Not making a choice that my future self will regret forever.

And always remember this resolution.


After organizing my thoughts, I feel like my head is much clearer.

‘Don’t give up. I’m sure you’ll find an answer that satisfies you.’

This is what Choi Ji-won said just before returning.

What is the answer I am satisfied with here?

In this brutal tutorial, I have to achieve a certain level so that my future self won’t regret it.

“… It’s simple.”


I will get all the attributes I can get.

It’s a reward, and I’ll devour everything prepared.

I will try to save everyone summoned to this clearing.

As long as you have the trait of recursion, you will have no regrets if you do that much.

“… Do you think I can do this?”

Ignoring other people’s weapons or whatever they do, I focus on making a plan to save everyone.

As a result of reviewing it three times, it was concluded that the possibility of success is quite high.

Therefore, what needs to be done has been decided.

All that remains is to execute.

I clenched my fist tightly and slashed the left chest where the heart is.


[Return to the moment you first entered the 0th floor.]


Actually, to be honest, saving most people is not that difficult.

As long as I don’t intervene excessively, it’s just a matter of repeating the past episodes.

I’ve already defeated the Minotaur without any damage.

By simply repeating the same process, you can kill the Minotaur.

As long as you subdue the goblin shaman in advance… Braided.

The hidden boss dies and the portal opens.

It is possible to rescue most of the people by simply passing through the portal in an orderly way afterward.

However, if the condition changes to saving ‘all’, it is a bit difficult.

This is because the plan to push the Minotaur into a swamp is close to impossible.

The problem starts with getting everyone together.

Well, let’s say I somehow managed to control it by force.

Feeding so many people, leveling those who can see sprouts, making them take strength stats, and then pushing the Minotaur?

At first glance, it looks very, very difficult.

Then there will be a difference in urgency.

The people in the previous episode are people who have experienced the ‘Tower’.

Killing a goblin, witnessing the death of her comrades, starving and being hit and runnin’.

Besides, golden marbles are getting rarer day by day…

Since the situation was so bad, he must have agreed with my plan to push the Minotaur into the swamp.

But what if I’m in control?

Raise the level as instructed, and take the stats as instructed.

If I deliver food to you so that you can level up hard…

Will he be able to show off his strength beyond the limit like he showed in the previous episode?

I don’t think so. It seems more likely that they will say something to me saying, ‘Why aren’t you wearing shoes?’.

So, if you want to save everyone, you have to use another method.


Defeating him head-to-head is the only way to save everyone.

Would that be possible? I’m not stupid either. I have a plan in mind to defeat him.

In addition, the message I saw in the previous episode had this content.

-[Amazing Achievement Reminder!]

-You have succeeded in defeating the hidden boss, the ‘Demon of the Labyrinth Minotaur’!

– No casualties! Achievement XP bonuses are awarded!

– A special reward will be given to [Choi Ji-won] Who made the biggest contribution!

What is noteworthy is that a special reward was given to Choi Ji-won, who made the greatest contribution.

I couldn’t ask what the reward was because my mentality went out earlier, but I caught the hidden boss, but I guess he didn’t give it to me as a reward.

From noble mtl dot com

There must have been some great reward.

Yes, I want to take down the Minotaur and get the ‘Most Contribution’ bonus.

Of course, I can’t win no matter what I do right now.

Before fighting, I have to call my own weight class.

There are three things you need to do right now.

First. See if you can get traits from the same person over and over again.

We’ve already seen that getting duplicates of traits with overlapping directions increases their rank instead of creating two similar traits.

Then, after I regress, is it possible to get another trait from the same person?

For example, the anchovies that I first got the ‘Awe’ attribute should be somewhere in this clearing right now.

If I can make him stand in awe of me this time around… Can I level up the Awe trait?

Or what if anchovies made you feel different? If anchovies strongly feel ‘cool’, will I be able to acquire characteristics? It’s a matter of doing.

And second. See if you can get achievement experience when you catch the minotaur again after returning.

After defeating the Minotaur, my achievement level rose significantly.

Likewise, you should check whether you can get duplicate achievement experience points.

If this is possible, very rapid growth will be possible.

But now that I think about it, I caught a Minotaur, but I didn’t get a normal level.

After all, it’s an EX-class trait. Amazing, amazing

And finally, sword practice.

I have already memorized all of Choi Ji-won’s swordsmanship.

You can use this to practice swordsmanship hard by yourself, or you can reveal regression and get lessons from Choi Ji-won.

Now, how about the order of execution?

First of all, let’s start…

“Hello? Anchovy?”

“Yes hello… What did you say?”

You are the beginning. Anchovy.

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  1. Xexy says:

    He can still have relationship because he can progress through the floor and only regress to the beginning of each instead from the floor 0

  2. milky violet says:

    Hmm that’s a destructive mentality… “I’m not gonna get close to anyone to avoid hurting myself” but no doubt you will have a great redemption arc.

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