Regression Is Too Much chapter 33

33 - Regressors are conditionally strong (2)

33 – Regressors are conditionally strong (2)

“Goblin Shaman. I need help.”

“… Keruk?”

What is this bastard? A goblin shaman looking at me with a wanting expression.

He frowned and twitched his nose, then picked it up and smiled.

“Keruk… human. I am a dying goblin. I think I misjudged whom to ask for help, human.”

Then the goblin shaman coughed and coughed.

It seems you still don’t understand what I’m talking about.

“… Shaman.”

“Kellogg… Kerorok… “

“I am a regressor. This isn’t the first time we’ve met.”

“… ?”

“You told me everything. Ancient Dungeon. Human adventurer. Voice of god. The reason I came to this tower.”

“… Keruk. Human. They make strange noises.”

It was a goblin shaman casting a morgue and turning his head, but I could clearly see his cloudy white eyes flicker.

“Is it real? This is the third time we meet. Do you know how much trouble I suffered because you dived into the swamp with the golden orb?”

I slowly told the story of this tower that I had been through.

The first moment I came to my senses. The moment when I got the regressive trait and was delighted. And until the moment I heard the voice left by the goblin shaman on the stone after being shot in the head.

I thought I worked hard to solve the story…

“… So what do you mean? Human.”

A goblin shaman scratching the back of his head.

“Tell me the main point. Keruk. I can unseal the monster right away.”

He thrust his cane menacingly.

“… Calm down.”

As he said, if the shaman breaks the Minotaur’s seal here, I will have to return.

But he didn’t. It means that he is also somewhat interested in my story.

“What do I want? Simple.”

I remember a goblin shaman killing all the other goblins, leaving no room for food.

“The goblins on this island. Bring them all here.”

“… Keruk. And what?”

“My characteristic is that when I fight while protecting someone, my strength becomes stronger. If you’re protecting all the goblins, you’ll be able to blow that monster away with one shot.”

“… Kelkel.”

A goblin shaman who bursts into laughter as if he is dumbfounded.

“…Human. Are humans stupid?”

He waved his non-holding hand.

“I hate humans. I’m maintaining this seal with the thought that it would be nice to hurt humans. Human.”

“… Know.”

“Did I look stupid then? Human? Why should I help humans?”

“… “

He is right.

There is no reason why a goblin shaman should help us.

Rather, he saw us suffering and he liked it if he liked it, but there is no reason to help.

But I didn’t answer and put my hand to his nose in silence.

“… Human. What are you doing? Keruk.”

“Smell it.”

“… It just smells like human hands. I don’t know what to take care of. Keruk.”

“That was what I wanted to say.”

“… Keruk?”

Sniff sniff. Sniff sniff.

A goblin shaman sniffing my hand again.

“… Keruk.”

He seems to have understood what I was trying to say.

“The smell of blood. Don’t you?”

In this round, I didn’t even kill the weakling goblins that swarmed the bush.

I just finished it on the line of stunning everyone.

From noble mtl dot com

I remember that in the past, a goblin shaman told me that I could smell the blood of my own people.

Come on. You don’t smell blood this time. Help me.

“… Keruk.”

A goblin shaman with his head down.

“It means nothing, human. Humans simply did not kill their own people in this ’round’.”

“… That’s right.”

“And even if humans defeat the monster and move on to the next stage… With my memory lost, I will wait for the other humans to come. Keruk. It will drive those people into despair.”

“That’s right too.”

“Then humans. There is no reason why I should help humans now. Even humans will kill me after defeating the monster. I am not an idiot.”

“Why is there no reason?”

I shrugged my shoulders as if I was dumbfounded.

“You. They say that after we pass, we lose our memories and are reborn? You’re going to die anyway, doesn’t it matter if you die a little earlier?”

“… Humans must be crazy.”

A goblin shaman bursting with laughter. But I know that he has no great regrets in life anyway.

“And… Wouldn’t it be nice to have a round where humans and goblins don’t hurt each other at least once?”

“… “

The goblin shaman heard me and stopped moving.

This tower forces them to kill each other.

Humans to live, Goblins not to die.

And I asked to stop it just once.

For everyone.

“… Keruk.”

A goblin shaman slowly closing his eyes.

“Keruk. Humans are stupid He proudly asks me to die. It’s just nonsense that doesn’t make any sense.”

A goblin shaman opening his closed eyes and looking in my direction.

“And… I am an idiot too.”

The guy smiled and snapped his hand.

“I’ll do whatever you want, human. I think it’s okay that no one dies at least once.”

[The effect of the hero trait is activated!]

[The effect of the hero trait is activated!]

[The effect of the hero trait is activated!]

[The effect of the hero trait is activated!]

[The effect of the hero trait is activated!]

[The effect of the hero trait is activated!]

[The effect of the hero trait is activated!]

“I will break the seal, human.”

“Wait a minute.”

My whole body is hot. My head is a little dizzy, but it doesn’t feel bad. It feels like you drank a lot of alcohol.

“Everyone, please wait a moment. I need to focus.”

Two hundred people standing behind my back. Similar to the previous episode, he succeeded in persuading the people in the clearing and bringing them to this place.

How did Choi Ji-won object? Because I insisted that there was a solution, they somehow allowed it. Instead, he threatened to slash him if he seemed to be fooling around.

“… Is this okay?”

“Because he said it was okay… “

People who are trembling while watching for some reason.

The reason was simple.

Hundreds, no, thousands of goblins were standing behind them.

The reason why I came up with the idea that hero traits would activate on goblins is simple.

If I protect a sub-species such as an elf or dwarf, will the heroic trait be activated?

It will probably activate. Because they were a single intelligence.

Then what about goblins? The goblin shaman actively communicated with me. No one would deny that he is an intelligent being.

There is no reason not to activate the attribute on goblins.

Of course, there was a possibility that Goblin Shaman was a special case…

“Keruk, Kerruk… “

“Kel-kel, Keruk? Curry.”

A group of goblins chattering loudly in their own language.

Normal goblins were brutal, man-eating, hideous-looking monsters…

– Hero [C]

-In moments of crisis, people think of you. You become stronger when you fight to protect someone.

They were also a ‘someone’. In other words, my characteristics work.

[The effect of the hero trait is activated!]

[The effect of the hero trait is activated!]

[The effect of the hero trait is activated!]

“I think it’s done now.”

Looks like I’ve gotten used to the overflowing power, so I sent a signal to the goblin shaman.

“Keruk. Then I will break the seal, human.”

The purple rope that connected the guy’s staff broke.

“Guuu… “

The Minotaur rises slowly from its seat.

He opened and closed his hands in disbelief, then picked up the axe.


“Ooh, whoaaagh!”

A deafening roar.

His two big eyes are clearly glaring at me.

The wriggling muscles are raising their strength to crush me.

If it was like before, I might have run away in fear of the overwhelming force, but…

I could tell instinctively now.

That is not the war cry of an excited warrior, but the cry of a frightened beast.

“You can feel it too?”

Jeopardy. That buck

Step by step, spinning the sword in his wrist. I started walking towards the Minotaur.

Kung. Thud.

“That, that, that, that!”

And every time I approached, the Minotaur backed away little by little.

Even a child could tell. That the guy is scared.

“… hahahaha.”

It’s not a monster made to break. It is just a device that exists to set a time limit on the 0th floor and to cause people’s conflict.

It is the Minotaur that even Choi Ji-won, a monster beyond understanding, said that he could not guarantee victory.

Such a ridiculous monster saw me and ran away in fear.

That fact made me smile because I felt so good.

I suddenly turned my head back to find Choi Ji-won.

“… “

Choi Ji-won, with a stiff face, sweeps over my body.

The day is coming when that woman looks at me and is wary. I said I’d catch up someday, but I’m really catching up, so it’s a new feeling.

Of course, it’s just temporary doping, but… Still, winning is not winning.

It is worthwhile to work hard. I felt proud.


Thump, thump, thump, thump thump.

The Minotaur seemed to think that my turning back was an opportunity.

I gently turned around in my seat and faced him.


Perhaps because of my concentration, time seems to slow down little by little.

Give strength to both hands holding the sword.

Recall the teachings of Choi Ji-won.

Where are you aiming for… neck.

It’s a neck full of muscles, but with me now, it’s possible.

No, it will be possible leisurely.

Now, this moment.

Because I was a hero.

Lightly spur up from your seat.

Swings the sword naturally.

And when his feet softly touched the ground.

-[Amazing Achievement Reminder!]

-You have succeeded in defeating the hidden boss, the ‘Demon of the Labyrinth Minotaur’!

– No casualties! Achievement XP bonuses are awarded!

– A special reward will be given to [Junho Kim] Who made the biggest contribution!

The Minotaur’s neck rolled on the floor.

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  1. Less gooooo!!!! Damn this round was perfect

  2. Feng says:

    Woooooooooooooo. Hands down best regression novel ever

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