Regression Is Too Much chapter 34

34 - Regressors are conditionally strong (3)

34 – Regressors are conditionally strong (3)

“… “

The Minotaur’s head rolled around and met my eyes.

Yeah, you must be dumbfounded too. How did he know that a guy this strong would die with a single shot in the tutorial?

However, life is a series of surprises. I didn’t know that I would be dragged to the tower too.

Come to think of it, there is no admiration.

I brushed off the blood from the knife and turned to look at the people.

“… “

People who react very lukewarmly.

No, I think it’s more accurate to say that I can’t feel it.

I woke up out of nowhere in an empty lot, and a fairy appeared and was talking blah blah blah.

Immediately after that, a man shouts to believe in himself and dances with swords, then leads a group of people and walks away.

I followed without thinking, and a large cow-headed monster roared and screamed, and at once decapitated and died.

From the point of view of these people, it would be literally absurd. I just walked as I was told, because something was happening.

“… Achievement level? What is this?”

A man fiddling with something in front of his eyes.

The voice is very familiar… Ah. It was the man who shouted ‘status window’ at first. This time, we didn’t have time to shout out the status window together, but it seemed like he secretly said it alone.

As expected, the speed of adaptation is extraordinary.

By the way… I’ll have to tell you what to tell you

“Everyone, can you say status window?”

As I kindly guided them, people one by one chanted that it was a status window… Before long, he began to focus on the message window that popped up in front of his eyes.

Of course, you don’t have any levels yet, so you probably only have achievement levels like me. I’ve never killed a goblin before.

“… Are you okay?”

When I pushed the Minotaur into the swamp in the past, I saw that my achievement level went up, so it seemed that my achievement level went up even if I didn’t contribute directly.

Since you caught the hidden boss, your achievement level must have risen significantly.

I’m in a situation where I’m somehow covering the lack of a level with an achievement level, so there might not be a big difference in direct combat power.

In addition, if they go up to the general level later, wouldn’t these people be much stronger than in the past?

Or you just have to go through the portal and catch a monster or two in the next step.

The problem is that I’m not familiar with combat because I don’t have any real combat experience…

There will inevitably be casualties in combat. Goblins have to betray too.

You can’t let people die just to give you practical experience.

While thinking about it, a goblin shaman settled down next to me.


“… Keruk.”

From noble mtl dot com

A goblin shaman standing next to me looking down at the head of a minotaur.

He tapped my head with his foot and looked up at me.

“Human. Now that you’ve got what you want, will you betray? Keruk. I heard that humans become stronger by killing their own people.”

“No. And maybe even the achievement level will suffice.”

“… Keruk.”

The goblin shaman who had been touching the head of a large cow slowly disappeared, and a real goblin shaman trudged along from the direction of the swamp.

Hey, you bastard. I think of people until the end.

“… Keruk. Good work, human.”

As he waved his hand, the gathered goblins began to scatter somewhere.

“… Okay. You did a good job too. Shall I send it all at once?”

“Kerreuk. It is a monumental day when humans and their own people died and did not kill each other. Are you trying to get blood on a day like this, human?”

He rummaged through the skull over his head and gulped down something from it.

“Human. The human return… It resembles the same people who repeatedly die in the tower.”

“… It’s similar.”

The goblins who come back to life even after dying, and me who returns when I get hurt. If they are similar, they can be considered similar.

“But human… Humans retain memories. Keruk.”

“… So?”

“Sometimes… It may hurt more to remember. One day it may feel like a curse. Keruk.”

“… “

“Good job, human. I will also work hard to kill humans here.”

After he said that, he grinned and collapsed on the spot.

“… “

It seems that what she swallowed earlier was something poisonous.

So, maybe regression can feel like a curse?

I know very well. I’m doing my best to make sure that doesn’t happen.

At the end, it’s a mess after saying something unlucky.

And how do I get the special reward for killing contributions? Why don’t you guide me?

While mumbling alone like that.


-[Achievement Alert!]

– Defeated the boss.

– A portal is created where the boss died.

The portal finally revealed itself.


I’ve been thinking about it for a while… Rather than returning here, I decided to go inside.

There is no other way to save ‘all’ people anyway.

And at some point I had to try the next step.

“Let’s go in one by one. Maybe it’s safe…”

No. Come to think of it, it could be a big day.

What if a monster pops out of nowhere?

There is an achievement level, but those people have no normal level and no combat experience.

I think it would be appropriate for me to go in first and return if the atmosphere is strange.

“… Come in, wait a bit, then come in. About five minutes.”

I threw myself into the portal.

[Go to the next step.]


A man in a suit bows politely.

“Nice to meet you, humans. Did you enjoy your experience?”

Somehow, this space has a neat yet cool atmosphere. There were more parts covered in darkness as if the lights weren’t all on…

Judging by the exposed parts, the design is like a court in the human world.

The peculiarity is that there are no seats for lawyers or prosecutors, only seats for judges.

And in the center of the courtroom, a large scale was placed.

“I thought I barely survived… Are you embarrassed?”

After greeting, the man in a suit naturally sat down in the judge’s seat.

“First, let me ask you a question. What are you guys going to do here?”

This tower was built to judge humans.

At the same time, it is a tower built to test humans. This is humanity’s last chance to escape the wrath of the gods.

Maybe that’s why, God didn’t allow anyone to enter this pagoda.

Only faithful lambs who followed their rules were allowed to enter.

But since the world has become so turbid, I also know very well that there are few people like that.

A generous god decided to be generous. I will give everyone a chance to enter the tower, if they pay a price.

“From now on, you humans will stand at the judgment seat. You will go through a screening to enter this tower.”


At the place the man pointed with his hand, there was a large spring scale-like object lying there.

“This scale… It measures the ‘weight of your sins’.”

A man rubbing his hands in white gloves.

“What sins did you commit to survive? Stabbed a colleague in the back? Did you strangle the sleeping benefactor? Or, did you take care of the goblin shaman who was dying so that only I could live?”

A man banging on the plate of the scale.

“All the sins you have done… This scale will accurately calculate. And, you will have to pay the price.”

Unreasonable. It’s not fair.

He dies, creates a situation where he has no choice but to die, and forces him to pay the price for his crime.

This is nothing more than a simple tyranny.

But… God has always been like that.

If a creature’s behavior is not to your liking, it is God who gets angry at will.

It is God who makes the rules as he likes and punishes those who break them.

It is God who erased a kingdom for daring to challenge himself.

It is God who compelled his father to sacrifice his two sons.

God is arbitrary. God is cruel. God imposes his rules on humans.

And humans always accept.

It’s the same this time.

“Come on. Please step on this scale one by one. And you pay the price.”

Humans… Just accept

Humans have always been like that.

“Freedom is the way to pay the price. You can pay for life, or you can pay for stats in the status window… If not, you may offer a part of your body. You just have to pay the price.”

A man with a grin.

No, it’s the fifth-class angel, Jejiel.

He enjoyed this moment the most.

When a human who failed to accept his own sins cries. When he frantically rolls his head to get the price. After realizing that even his life could not pay the price, when he pleaded with himself.

The greatest masterpiece was a man who asked if he could pay the price with someone else’s life.

Humans become infinitely selfish the moment their lives are at stake.

It may be natural if it is natural, but… God says he doesn’t like it. Angels just do it.

“Now then, come up one by one.”

If the angels sat in the seats of the judges, the humans sat in the audience.


As he snapped his fingers, a light came on above the darkened auditorium.

And the humans who finally show up.

“… Uh?”

Angel Jejiel involuntarily inhaled.

A lot.

Too many people.

A total of 201 people entered the 0th floor. Why 201 and not 200?

Because God loves the number 3, he summons people in multiples of 3.

Therefore, the number of prepared audience seats is also 201 seats.

Of course, it is normal for the placenta to be empty.

Because it is designed to kill and kill each other on the 0th floor. It’s because it’s made so that it’s hard to survive if you don’t sin.

But… All the seats were now fully occupied.

Jejiel glanced over quickly, but there were no empty seats.

“… “

An unprecedented situation. All humans survive on the 0th floor.

Angel Jejiel had to admit.

Something… It’s going back weird.

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  1. Fan says:

    Read the Qur’an if want to know the true and the only God
    He is the only God
    He is one and only true God

    1. says:

      he does not exist…

  2. milky violet says:

    Pffff stupid gods and whatnot

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